Planet MATE

March 31, 2024

Efstathios Iosifidis

Τι είναι το Fedora; Όλα όσα πρέπει να γνωρίζετε...

Fedora Logo
Μαζί με το openSUSE, το Arch και το Debian, το Fedora είναι μία από τις «τέσσερεις μεγάλες» διανομές Linux. Ανάγεται η καταγωγή του στο Red Hat Linux, την αρχική διανομή που βασίζεται σε RPM.

Το Fedora είναι γνωστό για τις τεχνολογίες αιχμής, το πιο πρόσφατο λογισμικό και τις συχνές ενημερώσεις. Είναι επίσης μια από τις λίγες μεγάλες διανομές που αγκαλιάζουν το GNOME vanilla. Τον τελευταίο καιρό, η διανομή έχει γίνει πιο φιλική προς το χρήστη, με οθόνη καλωσορίσματος, υποστήριξη Flatpak και δυνατότητα ενεργοποίησης αποθετηρίων τρίτων κατά τη ρύθμιση.

Ιστορία του Fedora

Η ιστορία του Fedora είναι παράλληλη από την ιστορία του Red Hat. Η διανομή ήταν αρχικά γνωστή ως "Fedora Linux", στη συνέχεια "Fedora Core", πριν τελικά καταλήξει στο Fedora.

Το Fedora Linux ήταν ένα αποθετήριο τρίτου κατασκευαστή για το αρχικό Red Hat Linux, ενώ το Fedora Core ήταν μια δωρεάν έκδοση του Red Hat Enterprise Linux που διατηρείται από την κοινότητα. Σήμερα, το Fedora είναι upstream για το Red Hat Enterprise Linux και χρησιμεύει ως μια καλή προεπισκόπηση του τι πρόκειται να γίνει στην "πληρωμένη" έκδοση Workstation.

Ενώ είναι κοινοτικό έργο, το Fedora προφανώς χρηματοδοτείται από τη Red Hat, η οποία ανήκει πλέον στην IBM.

Αξιοσημείωτα χαρακτηριστικά του Fedora

Με μια τόσο μακρά ιστορία, τα επιτεύγματα του Fedora είναι αμέτρητα. Ευτυχώς, αυτή η διανομή έχει πολλά πράγματα αυτή τη στιγμή, επομένως δεν υπάρχει λόγος να επιστρέψουμε στην αρχαία ιστορία για τα κυριότερα σημεία.

1. Κυκλοφορεί με το αυθεντικό GNOME ως προεπιλογή

Ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα πλεονεκτήματα του Fedora είναι η κυκλοφορία του με το αυθεντικό GNOME.

Θα νομίζατε ότι επειδή το GNOME είναι ένα από τα "δύο μεγάλα" περιβάλλοντα επιφάνειας εργασίας Linux και είναι τόσες πολλές διανομές που το χρησιμοποιούν, ότι το GNOME θα ήταν κοινό για όλους, αλλά όχι. Σήμερα, οι περισσότερες διανομές που κυκλοφορούν με το GNOME περιλαμβάνουν πολλές τροποποιήσεις που προσπαθούν να κάνουν το GNOME να συμμορφώνεται με τις συμβάσεις GUI της δεκαετίας του '90.

Το Fedora δεν το κάνει αυτό. Αντίθετα, παρέχει ένα από τα πιο "καθαρά" και πιο ενημερωμένα παραδείγματα του GNOME.

2. Φιλικό προς το χρήστη

Ενώ πολλές διανομές ξεπερνούν τα όρια για να βοηθήσουν τους νέους χρήστες με προγράμματα εγκατάστασης γραφικών και οθόνες καλωσορίσματος, κανείς δεν περίμενε πραγματικά να κάνει κάτι αντίστοιχο το Fedora. Αλλά το έκανε. Το Fedora υποστηρίζει το Flatpak out-of-the-box εκτός από τα αρχεία RPM.

Επιπλέον, μπορείτε να ενεργοποιήσετε τα αποθετήρια τρίτων κατά τη διάρκεια της εγκατάστασης. Κατά την εγκατάσταση, σας υποδέχεται μια χρήσιμη, γραμμική οθόνη καλωσορίσματος που εξηγεί τα βασικά στοιχεία της διεπαφής χρήστη, τις χειρονομίες και τις συντομεύσεις.

3. Προσφέρει λογισμικό αιχμής

Το Fedora ενημερώνεται κάθε έξι μήνες, δεν έχει έκδοση LTS, ώστε να λαμβάνετε πάντα τις πιο πρόσφατες ενημερώσεις και η πιο πρόσφατη έκδοση είναι πάντα η κορυφαία έκδοση.

Πέρα από τις συχνές αναβαθμίσεις, το Fedora κερδίζει τους περισσότερους αντιπάλους του στη κυκλοφορία ως προεπιλεγμένο λογισμικό αιχμής, ανοιχτού κώδικα. Ήταν η πρώτη μεγάλη διανομή που άλλαξε από το X11 στο Wayland και από το PulseAudio στο PipeWire.

4. Το Fedora είναι αξιόπιστο

Δεν βλέπετε συχνά μια διανομή να είναι ταυτόχρονα αξιόπιστη με λογισμικό αιχμής.

Όταν το Fedora εισάγει θεμελιώδεις αλλαγές, όπως τα παραπάνω παραδείγματα, είναι καλό σημάδι ότι αυτές οι τεχνολογίες είναι επιτέλους ώριμες. Τότε βλέπετε άλλες διανομές που ακολουθούν αργά.

Αν θέλετε να ζείτε στα άκρα, υπάρχουν εκδόσεις ανάπτυξης του Fedora όπως το Rawhide.

Εκδόσεις Fedora

Το Fedora προσφέρει τρεις κανονικές εκδόσεις και τρεις επίσημες "αναδυόμενες εκδόσεις". Ωστόσο, μόνο δύο από αυτά τα έξι είναι για καθημερινή χρήση από έναν τελικό χρήστη. Θα παραλείψουμε τις "γεύσεις" που εστιάζονται σε διακομιστή και σε IoT.

1. Workstation

Fedora Workstation
Το Fedora Workstation είναι η κορυφαία έκδοση του έργου. Διαθέτει την τελευταία τρέχουσα σταθερή έκδοση GNOME και υποστήριξη Flatpak out-of-the-box.

Λήψη: Workstation Fedora (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

2. Silverblue

Η αναδυόμενη έκδοση Fedora Silverblue είναι μια "αμετάβλητη" παραλλαγή του Fedora Workstation. Η κύρια διαφορά είναι ότι οι χρήστες είναι πιθανό να αντιμετωπίσουν προβλήματα με την εγκατάσταση RPM, καθώς το Flatpak είναι η εγγενής μορφή πακέτου του Silverblue.

Λήψη: Fedora Silverblue (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

3. Kinoite

Το Kinoite είναι μια ανερχόμενη έκδοση του Fedora που δεν εμφανίζεται ακόμα στην αρχική σελίδα. Το Kinoite είναι απλώς μια εναλλακτική λύση με "γεύση" KDE Plasma εναλλακτικό του Silverblue.

Λήψη: Fedora Kinoite (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

4. Sericea

Ο δημοφιλής διαχειριστής παραθύρων πλακιδίων Sway προσφέρεται από τη Fedora Sericea με "αμετάβλητο" τρόπο. Κάνει το Sway προσιτό και ενδιαφέρον τόσο στους νέους όσο και στους έμπειρους χρήστες που προτιμούν να μην αλληλεπιδρούν με το περιβάλλον τους μέσω ποντικιού, επιφάνειας αφής ή άλλης συσκευής κατάδειξης. Το Fedora Sericea προσφέρει μια ολοκληρωμένη εμπειρία με μια απλή διεπαφή χρήστη και περιλαμβάνει ελαφριές εφαρμογές για περιήγηση στο web, σύνταξη κειμένου και αναπαραγωγή πολυμέσων.

Λήψη: Fedora Kinoite (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

Fedora Spins

Όπως πολλές διανομές, το Fedora προσφέρει μια ποικιλία εναλλακτικών λύσεων με μια ποικιλία περιβαλλόντων επιφάνειας εργασίας. Το Fedora ονομάζει αυτές τις παραλλαγές "Spins".

1. KDE Plasma Desktop

Fedora KDE Plasma
Το KDE Plasma Spin του Fedora αφήνει ανέπαφες τις περισσότερες προεπιλογές του KDE, αλλάζοντας μόνο την ταπετσαρία και το εικονίδιο εκκίνησης εφαρμογών και επιτρέποντας το διπλό κλικ για άνοιγμα/εκκίνηση.

Λήψη: Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop Spin (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

2. XFCE Desktop

Fedora XFCE
Το Fedora XFCE Spin χρησιμοποιεί την παραδοσιακή διάταξη διεπαφής τύπου BSD/Mac. Φαίνεται πολύ ωραίο για ένα ελαφρύ περιβάλλον επιφάνειας εργασίας.

Λήψη: Fedora XFCE Desktop Spin (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

3. Cinnamon Desktop

Fedora Cinnamon
Παραδόξως, το Fedora προσφέρει το Cinnamon, ένα προϊόν του Linux Mint.

Εδώ το Cinnamon διαθέτει την επωνυμία Fedora, μπλε χρώμα με έμφαση, λεπτή γραμμή εργασιών και λείπει κυρίως τα XApps του Mint. Παρά αυτές τις αλλαγές, είναι αναζωογονητικό να βλέπεις το Cinnamon να χρησιμοποιείται διαφορετικά από ό,τι στο Linux Mint.

Λήψη: Fedora Cinnamon Desktop Spin (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

4. MATE-Compiz Desktop

Fedora MATE-Compiz
Κολλημένοι στο χρόνο; Το Fedora MATE-Compiz Spin είναι τέλειο για όσους λαχταρούν τις μέρες δόξας του GNOME 2 Ubuntu και τα εντυπωσιακά εφέ επιφάνειας εργασίας.

Λήψη: Fedora MATE-Compiz Desktop Spin (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

5. i3 Tiling Window Manager

Fedora i3 Tiling Window Manager
Ναι, το Fedora έχει ακόμη και ένα tiling window manager spin, οπότε τώρα μπορείτε και εσείς να δημοσιεύετε στο r/unixporn. Πέρα από την πλάκα, το i3 είναι ένα από τα πιο δημοφιλή WM για πλακάκια και ένα τέλειο σημείο εκκίνησης για να μπείτε στον κόσμο των tiling WM που βασίζονται σε πληκτρολόγιο.

Αυτή η κατηγορία υπολογιστών προσφέρει ανώτερη απόδοση οθόνης, χαμηλότερο κόστος συστήματος και αυξημένη ταχύτητα αλληλεπίδρασης με τον χρήστη μέσω συντομεύσεων που βασίζονται στο πληκτρολόγιο.

Λήψη: Fedora i3 Tiling WM Spin (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

6. Sway Tiling Window Manager

Fedora Sway Tiling Window Manager
Το Fedora Sway Spin παρέχει τον δημοφιλές διαχειριστή παραθύρου πλακιδίων Sway. Κάνει το Sway προσβάσιμο και ελκυστικό τόσο για αρχάριους όσο και για προχωρημένους χρήστες που προτιμούν να μην χρησιμοποιούν το ποντίκι, την επιφάνεια αφής ή άλλη συσκευή κατάδειξης για να αλληλεπιδρούν με το περιβάλλον τους. Διαθέτει ελαφριές εφαρμογές για περιήγηση στον Ιστό, επεξεργασία κειμένου και αναπαραγωγή πολυμέσων, το Fedora Sway Spin προσφέρει μια ολοκληρωμένη εμπειρία με ένα μινιμαλιστικό περιβάλλον χρήστη.

Λήψη: Fedora Sway Tiling WM Spin (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

7. LXQt Desktop

Fedora LXQt Spin
Χωρίς να σταματά στα "μεγάλα τρία" περιβάλλοντα επιφάνειας εργασίας, το Fedora προσφέρει επίσης το LXQt. Αυτή η εναλλακτική λύση του LXDE που βασίζεται σε Qt παρέχει μια απλή εμπειρία που μοιάζει με τα Windows XP.

Λήψη: Fedora LXQt Desktop Spin (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

8. Budgie Desktop

Fedora Budgie
Το Fedora Budgie Spin παρουσιάζει το Budgie Desktop, μια πλούσια σε χαρακτηριστικά, μοντέρνα επιφάνεια εργασίας. Αυτό το Spin έχει σχεδιαστεί για να ευθυγραμμίζεται στενά με το upstream Budgie Desktop, παρέχοντας μια εμπειρία σχεδόν βανίλια με ένα επιλεγμένο σύνολο προεπιλεγμένων εφαρμογών που ταιριάζουν καλύτερα με το Budgie.

Λήψη: Fedora Budgie Desktop Spin (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

9. SOAS (Sugar on a Stick)

Fedora SOAS (Sugar on a Stick)
Αφού εξαντλήθηκαν όλα τα περιβάλλοντα επιφάνειας εργασίας που έχετε ακούσει, το Fedora συνεχίζει να εντυπωσιάζει με το Fedora spin SOAS. Ίσως το γνωρίζετε καλύτερα ως Sugar on a Stick, το οποίο όπως υποδηλώνει το όνομά του είναι Sugar on a bootable USB stick.

Το περιβάλλον επιτραπέζιου υπολογιστή πρώιμης εκμάθησης έγινε ευρέως γνωστό όταν επιλέχθηκε ως το λειτουργικό σύστημα για το έργο OLPC (Ένας φορητός υπολογιστής ανά παιδί). Λήψη: Fedora SOAS Spin (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

10. Phosh

Fedora Phosh
Το Phosh spin παρέχει μια φιλική διεπαφή προς κινητά, βασισμένη στην αφή της οθόνης. Είναι κατασκευασμένο για φορητές συσκευές όπως τηλέφωνα και tablet, αλλά και φορητούς υπολογιστές με οθόνες αφής.

Το Phosh σάς επιτρέπει να χρησιμοποιείτε μια συσκευή που βασίζεται στην αφή για γρήγορη εκκίνηση και εναλλαγή εφαρμογών, καθώς και εύχρηστες ρυθμίσεις όπως το επίπεδο της μπαταρίας και η ισχύς του σήματος χαμηλής τάσης.

Πίσω από αυτήν την επιφάνεια εργασίας βρίσκεται ολόκληρη η συλλογή πακέτων Fedora τα οποία μπορείτε να εγκαταστήσετε και να χρησιμοποιήσετε όπως σας ταιριάζει. Το Phosh είναι χτισμένο σε wayland και άλλες σύγχρονες τεχνολογίες επιτραπέζιων υπολογιστών gnome.

Λήψη: Fedora Phosh Spin (δωρεάν & ανοιχτού κώδικα)

Σε ποιον απευθύνεται το Fedora;

Το Fedora δεν είναι μόνο μια πρωτότυπη διανομή, αλλά έχει γίνει και αρκετά φιλικό προς τον χρήστη τα τελευταία χρόνια. Αυτός είναι ένας σπάνιος συνδυασμός, καθώς το Arch αναμφισβήτητα δεν είναι φιλικό προς το χρήστη και το Debian μόλις πρόσθεσε ένα πρόγραμμα εγκατάστασης γραφικών πριν από μερικά χρόνια.

Εάν είστε λάτρης του GNOME, το Fedora είναι η μόνη μεγάλη διανομή που στέλνει μια ενημερωμένη έκδοση του GNOME vanilla. Οι χρήστες Mac και οι νεότεροι που μεγάλωσαν με κινητές συσκευές μπορεί επίσης να εκτιμήσουν το GNOME. Και οι χρήστες φορητών υπολογιστών θα ερωτευτούν τις χειρονομίες της επιφάνειας αφής Wayland για έλεγχο του χώρου εργασίας.

by Efstathios Iosifidis ([email protected]) at March 31, 2024 09:37 AM

February 27, 2024


MATE 1.28 released

MATE 1.28 Released

It is release time once again. We worked hard to bring you the best desktop experience possible. A big thank you to all contributors who helped to make this happen.

MATE About dialog

What's new in MATE 1.28

We are thrilled to announce the release of MATE Desktop 1.28, which brings a wealth of updates aimed at modernizing the codebase while ensuring stability and robustness. This release focuses on enhancing Wayland support, updating various applications, and fixing numerous bugs.

MATE 1.28 has made significant strides in updating the codebase, including the removal of deprecated libraries and ensuring compatibility with the latest GTK versions. One of the most notable improvements is the enhanced support for Wayland, bringing us closer to a fully native MATE-Wayland experience. Several components have been updated to work seamlessly with Wayland, ensuring a more integrated and responsive desktop environment.

The headline changes in MATE Desktop 1.28 are:

  • Atril now uses libarchive for handling comics, supports webkitgtk 4.2.1, and has documented its EPUB support. Deprecated methods have been replaced with modern counterparts to improve performance and stability.
  • Caja can now manage desktop icons, render backgrounds, and change backgrounds in Wayland sessions. These improvements enhance the user experience and bring greater functionality to Wayland users.
  • Engrampa has introduced support for the Meson build system, switched to using unar for CPIO archives, and now supports unrar-free. These updates improve compatibility and performance.
  • The Eye of MATE image viewer now supports the Meson build system and includes fixes for several build warnings, contributing to a more stable and efficient application.
  • The window manager Marco has added a new setting to raise windows on the alt+tab popup and replaced various deprecated methods to ensure better performance and user experience.
  • Many panel applets now support Wayland, with improvements for in-process building and specific applet functionality under Wayland. Memory leaks have been fixed, and accessibility improvements have been made.
  • The control center now works in both Wayland and X11 sessions, supports the Meson build system, and includes several UI and memory leak fixes.
  • Pluma has a new Quickhighlight Plugin in the pluma-plugins package.
  • MATE Terminal now has Meson build system support. Copying a file from Caja into the terminal now works as expected (it inserts the file path). Additional enhancements include support for OSC 8 hyperlinks and improvements to tab management.
  • Translations are updated. Thank you to our team of translators!

The various components of MATE Desktop 1.28 are available for download here:

More details

Here are the gory details.


  • For comics, we now use the libarchive library to unpack documents.
  • Atril now supports the newest version 4.2.1 of webkitgtk.
  • Did you know that Atril can display epub documents? This feature is now documented.
  • Replaced various deprecated methods with their modern counterparts.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Caja can now manage icons on a Wayland desktop, render the background, and change the background (Wayland support is a build option). Launch in Wayland sessions with --force-desktop to show desktop icons.
  • Fixed some issues found by cppcheck.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Fixed some build warnings.
  • Fixed a memory leak.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Fixed a build warning.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Added the audio-video-properties plugin. This 2000+ lines of code change lets you view the exact properties of your media files directly in the file manager.
  • For the sendto extension, we now require gupnp version 1.6.
  • Some build and deprecation warning fixes.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Engrampa now supports the Meson build system.
  • Uses unar instead of cpio for CPIO archives.
  • We now support unrar-free.
  • Enhanced the codebase.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Eye of MATE now supports the Meson build system.
  • Fixed some build warnings.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Fixed some memory leaks.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • We added a setting to raise windows on the alt+tab popup.
  • Replaced various deprecated methods with their modern counterparts.
  • Some small fixes.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • A lot of Wayland specific commits:
  • Most of the panel applets will now function under Wayland if built in-process.
  • Building the applets in-process is now supported.
  • The exceptions are AccessX, which relies on X11 keyboard and mouse configuration code, and Geyes, which cannot see the pointer when it is outside the panel under Wayland due to how Wayland works.
  • Note that the battery applet can be used in Wayland, which is important because mate-power-manager uses a lot of X11 specific code and does not work under Wayland at this time.
  • Fixed some memory leaks.
  • Accessibility improvements.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Fixed build warnings.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Fixed a memory leak.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • As stable as always.

Complete changelog at


  • Now works in Wayland sessions as well as X11.
  • The MATE control center now supports the Meson build system.
  • Some memory leak fixes.
  • The UI received small improvements.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • A few changes were necessary to support background handling under Wayland.
  • A new 'mate_image_menu_item' function API was added to support image menu items with GTK3.
  • Added support for Meson.
  • Some dead code was removed.
  • Fixed some memory leaks.
  • Fixed a lot of analyzer warnings.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Mouse middle-click is now supported.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Now supports Wayland as a build-time option. Behavior is almost identical in X11 and Wayland.
  • Added Meson build system support.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Fixed some build warnings.
  • Added Meson build system support.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • Some maintenance updates.

Complete changelog at


  • Some improvements on Wayland.
  • Only exit on idle when explicitly requested.
  • Fixed some memory leaks.
  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • New for 1.28 is a working window list under Wayland, and the tray applet can now display indicators under wayland, notably network-manager-applet when it is launched with --indicator. Traditional tray icons not displayed as they use Xembed which is not supported in wayland.

Complete changelog at


  • Now with Meson support.
  • Prefer Ayatana AppIndicator when building.
  • Fixed a segfault on Wayland.

Complete changelog at


  • Now with Meson support.
  • Replaced some deprecated functions.
  • Some Wayland compatibility changes.

Complete changelog at


  • Fixed a lot of warnings.
  • Fixed some memory leaks.
  • Added a prompt-driven authentication helper.

Complete changelog at


  • The sensors applet can now be used in a Wayland session's panel as well as under X11 if built in-process (as needed for Wayland).

Complete changelog at


  • Fixed some memory leaks.
  • Fixed a crash (double-free).

Complete changelog at


  • Now uses GDBus instead of dbus-glib.
  • Fixed a memory leak.

Complete changelog at


  • Now with Meson support.
  • Enabled systemd by default.
  • Improved user interface.
  • Fixed some user settings not being saved.

Complete changelog at


  • New for 1.28 is a bugfix to allow launching X11 applications in a Wayland session via XWayland.
  • Now with Meson support.
  • Avoid unprocessed file URIs being pasted to the terminal (file path instead of file URI).
  • Tabs: only invoke naming dialog to double-click on tab header.
  • Support IDN in mailto scheme in hyperlink tooltips.
  • Add support for OSC 8 hyperlinks (HTML-like anchors).
  • Feature: Double-click tab to set title.
  • Fixed some small bugs.

Complete changelog at


  • Fixed some typos.

Complete changelog at


  • Translations update.

Complete changelog at


  • The dictionary panel applet can be used in a Wayland session's panel as well as under X11 if built with Wayland support.
  • Replaced deprecated methods.
  • Fixed some build warnings.
  • Some Wayland fixes.
  • Fixed some memory leaks.

Complete changelog at


  • An experimental Wayland session for MATE using Wayfire. First release version.

Complete changelog at


  • Some UI improvements.
  • Made the collection menu item removable.

Complete changelog at


  • Fixed some build warnings.
  • Fixed some memory leaks.
  • Fixed double activation of extensions.

Complete changelog at


  • New quickhighlight plugin.
  • Fixed some build warnings.


  • Some code improvements.

Complete changelog at

by Johannes Unruh at February 27, 2024 09:00 AM

August 10, 2021


MATE 1.26 released

This release might have taken a little longer than usual but now after 18 month of development we are very pleased to release MATE 1.26. A big thank you to all contributors who helped to make this happen.

MATE About dialog

What's new in MATE 1.26

The theme for this release has been adding new functionality to the MATE Desktop while maintaining the look and feel that we all know and love. While all the added features are surely quite exciting we also did not forget to do tons of bugfixing, modernising the code base and optimizing the performance.

The headline changes in MATE Desktop 1.26 are:

  • We added Wayland support for Atril, System Monitor, Pluma, Terminal and other components of the Desktop. Furthermore Calculator and Terminal can now be built with Meson.
  • Pluma was subject to massive improvements.
    • There is a new mini map which gives you instant overview over the content.
    • The new grid background pattern turns Pluma into a writing pad.
    • The sort plugin now supports undo actions.
    • We added a show/hide line-numbers shortcut, namely Ctrl + Y.
    • The preferences dialog needed a redesign to catch up with all the new features.
  • Together with the brand new Pluma Plugins our text editor can be turned into a feature-rich IDE with support for Bracket completion, Comment/Uncomment code, Built-in terminal and Word completion.
  • The Control Center features an improved Windows preferences dialog with more options. In the Display dialog we added an option for display scaling.
  • Notifications became even more useful as they gained support for hyperlinks. And we finally added a Do not Disturb applet.
  • Speaking of applets, the Window List applet has a new option to disable mouse scrolling. The optional window thumbnails are now crisp and clear as they are rendered as cairo surfaces.
  • The Netspeed applet shows more information by default and gained netlink support.
  • The Calculator was ported to the GNU MPFR/MPC library which means more precision, faster computation and additional functions (e.g. Riemann zeta function, Gauss error function).
    • We finally added a history to show recent computations.
    • Calculator is now resizeable when the history is activated.
    • Vastly improved integer factorization speed.
    • Much faster modular arithmetic evaluation (modular exponentiation ability).
  • In the file manager Caja you can select a new Bookmarks sidebar. Caja gained support for formatting drives from the context menu. The Caja Actions extension which allows you to add arbitrary programs to be launched through the context menu is now part of the Desktop.
  • Scrolling through large documents in Atril is a lot faster now since a slow linear search has been replaced by a binary tree search. The document viewer's memory footprint got even smaller as a EvWebView is now only created if needed.
  • The window manager Marco now restores minimized windows to its original position more reliable.
  • Engrampa got support for Electronic Publication (EPUB) and ARC archives. In addition it can now open encrypted RAR archives.
  • The Power Manager has a new option to enable keyboard dimming and has been ported to libsecret.
  • Most About dialogs have been updated with nicer descriptions. Because small things matter :-).
  • We fixed a lot of bugs, some memory leaks and modernised the codebase of almost all of the Desktop components.
  • There is a new Wiki which makes it easier for new contributors to join our project. We urgently need motivated people so do not hesitate to contact us or start contributing.
  • Translations are updated. Thank you to our team of translators!

The various components of MATE Desktop 1.26 are available for download here:

More details

Here are the gory details.


  • Completely rewritten Help (make sure to visit the new synctex section if you write a lot of TeX files)
  • ev-window.c: Only create a EvWebView if needed
  • ev-sidebar-links: Optimize reverse link lookup for a page (the very slow linear search for links in the sidebar has been replaced by a search in a specalized binary tree)
  • Add Wayland support
  • Make sure attachments window fills entire sidebar
  • Make synctex optional
  • Fix segfault on empty navMap
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • build: Add option to disable Native Language Support (NLS) (--disable-nls)
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • You can now add information of the creation time in the list columns
  • Add a setting to block lock icons position on the desktop
  • Improved filesystem check on Drag and Drop
  • You can now format drive in caja
  • fm-properties-window: Make the location of system folders portable
  • Middle-clicking the reload button duplicates tab
  • Create links by default on dnd from Web Browsers
  • Add a "Bookmarks" sidebar to Caja
  • Support an explicit --select command line option
  • Confirm before deleting during an undo operation
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix several memory leaks
  • build: Add option to disable Native Language Support (NLS) (--disable-nls)
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Makes its first appearance in this release
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • g10n: Update the translations


  • Add i18n support
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • gksu: do not run the command on a new thread
  • Require gtk+ 3.22 in glade files
  • sendto: Fix evolution command for sending an email
  • image-converter: rewrite caja-image-rotate.ui from scratch
  • Fix several memory leaks
  • build: Add option to disable Native Language Support (NLS) (--disable-nls)
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • rar 6.00: Fix listing archive content with encrypted file list
  • Add Electronic Publication (EPUB) support
  • Add ARC archive support
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix several memory leaks
  • build: Add option to disable Native Language Support (NLS) (--disable-nls)
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Upgrade ui files
  • Ensure scrollbar moves when dragged to move image
  • Add tab scrolling support for dialog windows
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • build: Add option to disable Native Language Support (NLS) (--disable-nls)
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Reduce the font size of the key names on keyboard layout display
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • alsa: Add udev support
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Drop Berlin Tegel
  • Add 2 brazil cities
  • Update cities in Thailand
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • window: Add support for _GNOME_WM_STRUT_AREA
  • screen: Add support for _GTK_WORKAREAS_Dn
  • window: Do not render shadows on left/right tiled windows
  • iconcache: Use GDesktopAppInfo to find correct application icons
  • window: Track window rectangle before corner tiling
  • window: Track window rectangle before tiling
  • Added VI keys (hjkl) for moving and resizing windows
  • window: Expand tile size cycling support
  • In the pop-up workspace switcher, show the selected workspace
  • Improve meson build script
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • netspeed: Allow to select an interface which is down
  • netspeed: Show all ipv6 addresses in device details dialog
  • netspeed: Show all IP addresses on tooltip if enabled
  • multiload: Use bit rate in netload graph
  • multiload: Increase refresh rate range setting
  • battstat: Rewrite preference dialog from scratch
  • multiload: Display the percentage used accurately on tooltip
  • netspeed: Use IEC units for transfer rates
  • netspeed: Add netlink support
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix several memory leaks
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • New 'Something slowly gets clear' elephants wallpaper
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Port to GNU MPFR/MPC Library
  • Add an optional history to show recent calculations
  • With keyboard shortcuts to navigate through history (Alt+Up)/(Alt+Down)
  • Make Calculator resizeable when history is activated
  • Show exponents in prime factorization
  • Vastly improve prime factorization speed
  • To factorize integers bigger than 2^64 the Miller-Rabin primality test and Pollard's rho algorithm are used
  • Much faster modular arithmetic evaluation (modular exponentiation ability)
  • Add riemann zeta function, gauss error function, factorial function for real numbers
  • Add meson build support
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix several memory leaks
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • windows-applet: New Show window border in Alt-Tab and Allow top tiling (Window-Snapping) option
  • windows-applet: New compositing manager tab
  • windows-applet: New titlebar layout option "left (with menu)" and "right" (without menu)
  • Windows with client site decorations now respect the titlebar layout
  • Fix preview in add wallpaper dialog
  • Add file chooser options in the appearance dialogs interface section (the file chooser is the window that opens when opening or saving a file)
  • Migrate some components from dbus-glib to GDBus
  • Support tab-scrolling for the window and appearance dialog
  • The Display applet gained an option for display scaling
  • build: Add option to disable Native Language Support (NLS) (--disable-nls)
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix several memory leaks
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • a11y-keyboard: Add capslock-beep-enable gsetting
  • Set range for thumbnail cache maximum-age
  • Remove GTimeVal deprecation warning for GLib 2.61.2+
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Remove the execution bit from some png files
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • applet-main: Replace GtkStock icon
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Replace mute/unmute checkmenuitem with imagemenuitem
  • panel-applet: Ensure speaker can be shown alongside or above mic
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Add collection menu item
  • build: Add option to disable Native Language Support (NLS) (--disable-nls)
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • mate-window: Replace GtkStock icons
  • mate-maximus-autostart.desktop: Remove the deprecated Encoding key
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Add Do Not Disturb Applet
  • Add initial Wayland backend
  • Add support for hyperlinks in the body of a notification
  • Rewrite mate-notification-properties.ui from scratch
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix several memory leaks
  • build: Add option to disable Native Language Support (NLS) (--disable-nls)
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • workspace-switcher: Support xmonad WM
  • Make Recent Documents list in Places menu of configurable length
  • Add window list disable mouse scrolling option
  • Add text label display support for notification area
  • window-list: Render thumbnails as cairo surfaces
  • Drop background compositing
  • Window list Wayland support
  • Redesign preferences dialog for window-list applet
  • Fix adding applications launchers to panel when using the Add to Panel dialog
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix several memory leaks
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • mate-power-preferences: Add option to enable keyboard dimming
  • Switch default from libgnome-keyring to libsecret
  • brightness applet: Prevent sliding from bogging down the UI
  • Port from EggDebug to the built-in GLib logging framework
  • Rewrite gpm-prefs.ui from scratch
  • Remove the CPU wakeups feature
  • Add some missing SVG files
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix several memory leaks
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Allow change of time and date formats on lock screen
  • Add Show/Hide password emblem in password entry
  • mate-screensaver-preferences: Show lock image preview on file chooser
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix several memory leaks
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Drop aticonfig plugin
  • sonypi-plugin.c: Make sonypi plugin portable to GNU/Hurd
  • libsensors-plugin: Port to GRegex
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Follow freedesktop guidelines to disable autorun using Hidden key
  • Support xscreensaver when mate-screensaver is not available
  • Add tab scrolling support for GTK3
  • Accept Desktop Entry Specification v1.1
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix a memory leak
  • build: Add option to disable Native Language Support (NLS) (--disable-nls)
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • xsettings: Improve Qt HiDPI environment settings
  • a11y-keyboard: Add support for togglekeys-backend setting
  • Add option --without-libatspi and assorted status line
  • a11y-keyboard: Add support for ringing the bell when CapsLock is active
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix two memory leaks
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Add Wayland support
  • Port to GtkApplication
  • pretty-table: Prefer GIO to get application icons
  • Added support for actions on multiple processes
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Fix desktop file validation warning
  • Add meson build system
  • Add tab scrolling support for GTK3
  • Add Wayland support
  • Fix searching in terminal window
  • Add icons to "open tab" and "close window/tab"
  • Prevent crash on bad term spawn due to redundant frees
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Remove the execution bit from some Italian figures
  • build: Add option to disable Native Language Support (NLS) (--disable-nls)
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Use MATE_COMPILE_WARNINGS from mate-common
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • mate-screenshot: Fix the order of the buttons at the bottom
  • mate-screenshot: Do not use stock icons in mate-screenshot.ui
  • logview: Rewrite logview-filter.ui from scratch
  • gsearchtool: Add copy path menu item to popup menu
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • build: Add option to disable Native Language Support (NLS) (--disable-nls)
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Rewrite mozo.ui from scratch
  • Fix a strange behavior when editing the collection directory
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Port sort plugin to the new GtkSourceView api.
  • Port plugins to use the window-construct property.
  • build: Port to gtksourceview-4
  • Introduce PlumaWindowActivatable, PlumaAppActivatable, PlumaViewActivatable
  • Add show/hide line-numbers shortcut (Ctrl+Y)
  • Redesign Pluma Preferences Dialog
  • Remove pluma-marshal.
  • Add optional grid background pattern
  • Remove changecase plugin. Functionality is provided by GtkSourceView.
  • Add overview map
  • Port to a new pluma-settings class
  • Add support for wayland
  • Add tab scrolling support for GTK3
  • pluma.c: Set PlumaWindow size-request (min-size) to 250x250
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Makes its first appearance in this release
  • The package contains the following additional plugins
    • bookmarks - Easy document navigation with bookmarks.
    • bracketcompletion - Automatically adds closing brackets.
    • codecomment - Comment and uncomment blocks of code.
    • smartspaces - Forget you’re not using tabulations.
    • synctex - SyncTeX synchronization of TeX files and PDF output.
    • terminal - Embed a terminal in the bottom pane.
    • wordcompletion - Word completion using the completion framework.
    • sourcecodebrowser - View and navigate functions, variables and namespaces.


  • Fix memory leak reported by scan-build
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at

by Johannes Unruh at August 10, 2021 09:00 AM

February 10, 2020


MATE 1.24 released

After about a year of development, the MATE Desktop team have finally released MATE 1.24. A big thank you to all contributors who helped to make this happen.

MATE About dialog

What's new in MATE 1.24

This release contains plenty of new features, bug-fixes, and general improvements. Some of the most important highlights include:

  • We did it again, the MATE desktop environment is easier to use than before, once the user starts the session. Do you want to hide applications startup? Now you can set which applications to show on startup.
  • Engrampa now has support for a handful of extra formats, as well as fixed support for passwords and unicode characters in some of them.
  • Eye of MATE now has support for Wayland and we've added support for embedded color profiles.
    • The thumbnail generation has been reworked and fixed in several places.
    • Added support for webp files.
  • Our window manager, marco, has gotten quite a few changes:
    • We've brought a bunch of window decorations from the past to feed your nostalgia.
    • Finally added invisible resize borders. No more struggling to find a border to grab with your mouse!
    • All window controls (you know, the min, max, close buttons) are now rendered in HiDPI.
    • The Alt+Tab and Workspace Switcher popups have been entirely reworked. Now they render in beautiful OSD style, are more configurable, and can respond to keyboard arrows.
    • Tiling windows with the keyboard now allows you to cycle through different window sizes. You no longer need to feel constrained by only half of your screen.
  • The System Monitor panel applet now has support for NVMe drives.
  • Calculator now supports using either "pi" or "π".
    • Scientific notation has been improved.
    • Some fixes for supporting pre-defined physical constants.
  • The Control Center now displays its icons correctly on HiDPI displays.
  • A brand new Time And Date Manager app has been added.
  • The Mouse app now supports acceleration profiles.
  • The Preferred Applications app has been improved for accessibility, as well as better support for integration with IM clients.
  • The Indicator Applet has slightly better interaction with oddly-sized icons.
  • Speaking of icons, the network manager applet icons in our own themes have been entirely redesigned and can now be enjoyed on HiDPI displays.
  • If you're the type of person that does not like to be disturbed when busy, or giving a presentation, or watching a movie, you'll be happy to know that the notification daemon now supports a Do-Not-Disturb mode.
  • The MATE Panel had several bugs that caused crashes in the past when changing layouts. Those are now fixed!
    • Support for Wayland compatibility has improved considerably.
    • Status icons (a.k.a. notification area, or system tray) have support for HiDPI displays.
    • Wanda the Fish got a make-over and now you can enjoy her in full HiDPI glory.
    • The window list applet now supports window thumbnails on hover.
    • Various accessibility improvements throughout the panel and its core applets.
  • If your system doesn't, uh, support systemd you might be interested in knowing that we've added support for elogind to both the MATE Screensaver and the MATE Session.
  • We've also added a brand new MATE Disk Image Mounter utility.
  • Mozo, the menu editor, now supports Undo and Redo actions.
  • Pluma plugins have now fully switched to Python 3.
  • Pluma no longer has to envy anything from other complex editors, since it can now show the formatting marks.
  • i18n: All applications have been migrated from intltools to gettext.

The various components of MATE Desktop 1.24 are available for download here:

More details

Here are more gory details.


  • Fix high memory consumption when zooming
  • Fix memory leak when making thumbnails and annotating texts
  • Drag and Drop: Reset the pressed_button action at the beginning of the drag-and-drop operation
  • Add more accelerators on the menu items
  • Remove the internal build of the 'synctex' library, use only the external version provided by software vendors
  • Fix the Greek User Guide which prevents from completing the build target
  • Tiff backend: Address the failure from TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented
  • Tiff backend: Fix a buffer overflow in tiff-document.c
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Migrate to Python 3 for testings
  • Require GLib 2.54.0 or newer
  • Require WebKitGTK-4.0 2.6.0 or newer
  • Require Cairo 1.14.0 or newer
  • Drop WebKitGTK-3.0 support
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Ready for using gcc 10
  • fm-properties: Remove the use of mate-desktop-thumbnail helper
  • Don't hyphenate the filenames
  • Add a new extension interface: CajaWidgetViewProvider API
  • Add a new object: FmWidgetView
  • Fix a grammar mistake reported by the translators
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix Caja crashes when moving files in Korean locale
  • Use the Show icons option in views tab
  • Add a configuration option for hiding the icons in the list view
  • Add the missing icons on several menu items
  • Show the thumbnails in list view
  • Render more icons as cairo_surfaces for better HIDPI support
  • Refactor custom CSS loading into a separate function
  • Add the support for checking the accessibility of the UI files using gla11y
  • Restore transparent background on icon view labels
  • Add scroll tabs with mouse wheel for File's properties and caja's preferences windows
  • desktop: Force no borders on desktop items by default
  • Change URL prefixes from http to https
  • caja-progress-info: Add tooltips to file transfer dialog
  • Add accessible names for buttons in file transfer operations dialog
  • eel: Remove date & time functions
  • caja-file: Fix incomplete file replacement dialog
  • caja-file-operations: Add comment with false positive warning
  • Fix several memory leaks all over the place
  • i18n: Allow the translation of more elements of the graphic interface
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Use CAJA_EXTENSION_DIR_SYS to save and show system caja extension dir
  • Show full path of caja-extension-dir

Complete changelog at


  • caja-wallpaper-extension: Fix memory leak
  • image-converter: Rewrite caja-image-resize.ui from scratch fixing deprecations
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Build either with gupnp version 1.0 or 1.2.
  • image-converter: Don't use non-existing icons in context menu
  • i18n image-converter: Allow the translation of select an angle drop-down list
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Ready for using gcc 10
  • fr-command-rpm: Use rpm2cpio binary shipped with rpm package
  • Add source rpm to supported mime-types
  • 7z: Don't set the work directory, i.e. use temporary directory
  • Fix localized pause UI logic
  • Zstandard: Update MIME type
  • Ar: Update MIME type and add magic numbers
  • LHA: Fix the Internet media type
  • dlg-package-installer: Show icons in error dialog buttons
  • unace 2.5: Don't show archive summary in file listing
  • java-utils: Remove blank spaces before reading package name
  • Add zcompress support
  • fr-command-unarchiver: Ask for the password if necessary
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix several memory leaks
  • Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
  • Support the .udeb package format
  • Show the application version on the command line
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Add eom-thumbnailer for webp files
  • thumbnail: Remove use of mate-desktop-thumbnail helper
  • Enable Wayland support
  • EomPrintPreview: Fix preview thumbnail on HiDPI displays
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Allow color correcting images with alpha channel
  • Require GLib 2.52 or newer
  • store: Add any image file in the current directory to the store
  • Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
  • Use persistent page setup
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Use gresources for UI files
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Locations: Add Lleida–Alguaire Airport weather station
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • locations: Change weather station for Rostov-on-Don, Russia
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • theme: Fix window control hidpi rendering for all themes.
  • tabpopup: Complete rework
  • window: Add optional tile size cycling
  • Add more window decoration themes: Add Atlanta, Esco, Gorilla, Motif, Raleigh
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix use of RBGA visual in frame.c when compositing is not in use
  • Fixed moving windows to edges to work with CSD clients.
  • Add the support for the meson build system
  • Make alt+tab max columns configurable and consider window label width
  • Add invisible-border
  • theme: Fix window state when tiling from maximized
  • constraints: fix mem leak in meta_window_constrain()
  • alt+tab popup: Rework
  • Allow use of up/down arrow keys in alt+tab popup
  • Fix several memleaks
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Ready for using gcc 10
  • Use ${datadir}/dbus-1/system.d as the default D-Bus config dir
  • Make the dbus directory configurable
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Make cpufreq builds independent from kernel header version.
  • geyes: Avoid memory leak
  • multiload: Support NVMe drives
  • Make command applet run commands asynchronously
  • Make translatable documenters in about dialog
  • Make translatable copyright info in about dialog
  • Ensure proper translation of the about dialog title
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update translations

Complete changelog at


  • Enable the support for the meson build system
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Fix scientific presentation of complex numbers
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • mp-equation: Update values from physical constants to match with tooltip values in math-buttons
  • Add unit tooltips to physical constants
  • Do not focus on click
  • mp-equation: Add pre-defined physical constants
  • Use gresources for UI files
  • mp: Fix calculate result ln(e^(i*π))
  • display small numbers in scientific notation
  • mate-calc: Fix memory leak
  • Add support for "pi" in addition to "π"
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Update MATE_CXX_WARNINGS macro
  • Set compiler debug flags in MATE_DEBUG_CHECK
  • Check if AX_APPEND_FLAG and AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG are available
  • Update mate-compiler-flags macro

Complete changelog at


  • Search system themes in system data dirs
  • display: Enable the help button
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • several icon fixes for HIDPI displays
  • font-viewer: Add font/collection to the supported mimetypes
  • font-viewer: Add font/ttf and font/otf mime types
  • Fix memory leaks im several applications
  • mouse: Add support for Acceleration Profiles
  • at-properties: Migrate from dbus-glib to gdbus
  • support lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings as login preferences program
  • Drop libXxf86 dependency
  • Use python3 for gla11y
  • Add scroll tabs with mouse wheel in several capplets
  • Add the support for checking the accessibility of the UI files using gla11y
  • Add new time-admin application
  • Add instant messenger keybinding into mate-keybinding-properties
  • default-applications: Add a widget for a default messenger application
  • capplets: Use gresources for UI files
  • Migrate from dbus-glib to GDBus
  • Use system data dirs to locate key bindings
  • default-applications: Improve UI accessibility
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Drop mate_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf()
  • Increase the size of thumbnails to 256
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Move remaining peripheral schemas to mate-settings-daemon
  • schema: Move mouse schemas to mate-settings-daemon
  • schemas: Define schema for a default messenger
  • Add test code for mate-languages.
  • Add the support for the meson build system
  • Fix some memory leaks
  • MateHSV implementation (GtkHSV fork)
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Add status icons for mobile network connections
  • Rework volume-status icons
  • Add vpn network status icons
  • Update network status icons
  • Add dropbox-status icons
  • Add mate/256x256/actions/mail-send.png
  • Fix mate/22x22/devices/printer.png
  • Upscale 22x22px icons to 24x24px adding 1px to the edges
  • Use radial gradient (Blur 13.9%, Opacity 73.4%) for MATE logo shadow
  • Add missing preferences-system-time icon
  • Display the volume status with a better contrast in panels
  • Generate png mimetypes icons from paper-sheets.svg - Mate theme
  • Generate preferences-system-time.png from from source
  • Generate png icons from source - Mate theme, apps, categories & devices
  • Update terminal icons for mate theme
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Resize indicator icons to fit panel
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • gvc applet: Add missing translations (i18n)
  • Scroll the volume in configurable steps same as media-keys
  • Add the scroll interface using the mouse wheel
  • Allow to dissable either statusicon or panelapplet
  • Enable a mute menuitem for the output
  • Add a new real panel-applet
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Use datadir and libdir variables when installing gir files
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Add an option to disable the bold face of the window title in applet
  • Make the 'show-home-title' feature work again
  • Change preference label for the window picker applet, and add a tooltip
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Use gresource for mate-notification-properties.ui
  • mate-notification-properties: Add do-not-disturb feature
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Avoid double a11y description on panel toplevels
  • clock applet: Add a call to ATK to provide the current displayed time
  • status-notifier: Improve HIDPI support
  • fish: Use a higher resolution image for Wanda the Fish
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • panel-toplevel: Fix applets placement on expanded vertical panel
  • [clock-applet] Add scroll interface tabs with mouse wheel
  • More improvements for Wayland support
  • Make system-tray X11-only
  • Make panel-struts X11-only
  • Make panel-multimonitor Wayland ready
  • Make panel-background Wayland ready
  • Make panel-background-monitor X11-only
  • Load and store what platforms applets support
  • panel-addto support disabling applets
  • Panel addto Wayland support
  • Fix reloading the default layout after panel reset
  • Fix random crashes on panel reset
  • window-list: Show window previews on hover
  • Fix panel applet keyboard focus trap
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Migrate from GSimpleAsyncResult to GTask
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • icons: Add higher resolution icons
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Require upower-0.99.8 or newer
  • Use up_client_get_devices2()
  • Use gresources for ui files
  • Add scroll interface tabs with mouse wheel
  • Add conf option to disable warnings for low mouse power
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Ensure lock on suspend and unlock on resume
  • Use gresources for ui files
  • Drop libXxf86 dependency
  • Add ELOGIND support
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix timeout with gnome-keyring 3.34
  • Fix mate-session-properties vertical scaling
  • test-inhibit: Migrate to gdbus
  • Add Show hidden checkbox and gsettings flag.
  • Hide NoDisplay Apps in Startup Applications
  • Fix several memory leaks
  • Add hardware-compatibility file
  • Fix unable to retrieve org.gnome.SessionManager.Renderer property
  • Add mate_session_check_accelerated helpers
  • Add ELOGIND support
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Require DBUS 1.10.0 or newer
  • Default DBUS_SYS_DIR to ${datadir}/dbus-1/system.d
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • xrandr: Add bigger icon sizes for tray-applet
  • Hide MATE Settings Daemon from Startup Applications capplet
  • Add remaining peripheral schemas from mate-desktop
  • mouse: Add the acceleration profiles
  • Change media-keys volume-step default from 6 to 5 in the gschema
  • plugins: Drop libXxf86 dependency
  • plugins housekeeping: Code optimization
  • media-keys: Execute default instant messaging application defined by schema
  • locate-pointer: Do not grab pointer button when trying to locate
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Require GLib 2.56.0 or newer
  • Improve the support for HiDPI
  • Add the disk I/O info on the usage and prefs section
  • Fix some memory leak
  • Add the disk IO on process info
  • Show the GPU info on the System tab
  • Support up to 32 CPUs
  • Show available disk space in ZFS
  • Show OpenIndiana release and kernel info in System tab
  • Show FreeBSD sysname, release, version in System tab
  • Fix openSUSE Tumbleweed rolling release info
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Ready for using gcc 10
  • Fix several memory leaks
  • terminal-screen: Fix warning when closing window
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Make "highlighting things under mouse pointer" configurable
  • Show confirmation dialog if there are multiple open tabs on closing
  • Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Update reporting-bugs section
  • Remove the custom-command-options section and address the syntax
  • Update preferred applications section
  • Replace the docbook links with xref and fix a linkend attribute (#30)
  • Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Fix HTTPD config notice
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Ready for using gcc 10
  • Use gresources for UI files
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Add the MATE Disk Image Mounter utility
  • logview: Use the preferred date&time representation for the current locale
  • Add scroll tabs with mouse wheel
  • Make inkscape and rsvg-convert optional
  • Fix some memory leaks
  • Regenerate png icons from svg files
  • Update the documenters in the about dialog
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Add Undo and Redo buttons
  • Fix item drag & drop creating copies, fix undo, redo and a crash when refreshing
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • Add the support for the meson build system
  • Fix creating new menus and items
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Add the ability to show the non-printable characters (spaces/tabs/newlines)
  • Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
  • window: Do not override GdkWindowState
  • Fix some memory leaks
  • Fix build with GtkSourceView 3.22
  • spell-checker plugin: Add missing translation (i18n)
  • Add the support for checking the accessibility of the UI files using gla11y
  • Add snippet to toggle comment/uncomment
  • pluma-print-preview: Fix warning: identical expressions
  • Switch to Python 3
  • Manual: Update how pluma can be opened from menu
  • Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at


  • Ready for using gcc 10
  • Drop the support for Python 2
  • Add the support to build using Python 3.9
  • i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
  • g10n: Update the translations

Complete changelog at

by Wolfgang Ulbrich at February 10, 2020 09:00 AM

September 24, 2019

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 19.10 Release Notes

Ubuntu MATE 19.10 is a significant improvement over Ubuntu MATE 18.04 and 19.04. The theme of this release is to address as many "paper-cut" issues as possible. Every new feature in Ubuntu MATE 19.10 has been added to address bugs or poor user experience. Many long standing paper-cuts are finally resolved. Make yourself a cup of tea ☕ and get a slice of cake 🍰 before reading on to find out what we've been working on for the last 25 weeks.

Ubuntu MATE 19.10
Ubuntu MATE 19.10 - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Ubuntu MATE 19.10 - paper 🧻 cut ️🔪 release

I have not been completely happy 😞 with the quality of recent Ubuntu MATE releases. All the important stuff works but there have been niggly issues that by themselves are not deal breakers, but in aggregate are frustrating 😠 and spoil the experience. I've been focused on resolving these issues during the 19.10 development cycle and you'll see that every new feature in Ubuntu MATE 19.10 addresses one of these paper-cuts. We've achieved this by expanding our QA team significantly and Ubuntu MATE 19.10 has been subject to weekly testing throughout this cycle. I can't thank our QA team enough for highlighting the issues that need attention.

Most of the paper-cut effort has been focused around the window manager, the panel and the indicators as these are the main touching points of the desktop environment that users interact with.

MATE Desktop 1.22.2

Upstream MATE Desktop recently released 1.22.2. All the updates are present in Ubuntu MATE 19.10 plus I've cherry 🍒 picked a good deal of fixes from MATE Desktop development snapshots. In total, 67 additional patches have been applied to the MATE Desktop packages in Ubuntu MATE 19.10 to finesse this release prior to launch day 🚀 Included in those patches are fixes for locking the screen on resume from suspend, adding a Media Information extension to the file manager, performance improvements for the window manager and cycling external displays using Super + p. All this work has also been submitted to Debian.

Since the final beta we worked on the following:

  • Added experimental ZFS 🗄 install option.
  • Fixed rendering window controls on HiDPI 🔍 displays.
  • Fixed irregular icon sizes 📏 in MATE Control Center and made them render nicely on HiDPI displays.
  • Fixed Caja 📂 extensions not loading.
  • Fixed mate-power-manager 🔌 so it uses upower-glib get_devices2().
  • Fixed Pluma 🗒 plugins not loading.
  • Fixed a crasher 💣 in MATE Dock Applet due to an Attribute error in adjust_minimise_pos().
  • Fixed a gnome-keyring timeout ⏱ in mate-session-manager.
  • Fixed Codec 🎞 updates in Software Boutique.
  • Updated Advanced MATE Menu ⚙ to use the start-here icon, so all menus are consistent.
  • Updated the Ubuntu MATE Guide ❓
  • Updated the Ubiquity Slideshow 🎭

Window Manager improvements

Marco is the Window Manager for MATE Desktop and in Ubuntu MATE 19.10 it brings a number of new features and fixes.

XPresent support is properly fixed which means that screen tearing is now a thing of the past and invisible window corners are finally here! Invisible window corners mean that windows can be easily resized 📏 without having to precisely grab the window corners. HiDPI rendering improvements fix a number of rendering problems that were present in various themes and components, most notably windows controls are now HIDPI aware.

Before 😢
Windows Controls Before
After 😀
Windows Controls After

Alt+Tab navigation makes it possible to traverse the application switcher via keyboard and mouse. We've also cleaned up the window controls by removing the menu button. The menu is still available either by right clicking the window title bar or pressing Alt + Space.

Compiz & Compton

The main reason we've been shipping shipping Compton and Compiz in Ubuntu MATE was to offer a solution to screen tearing or improve game performance. Compiz has invisible window borders and also has a great screen magnifier suitable for visually impaired users. However, now that...

  • Magnus (see below) provides screen magnification
  • Marco supports invisible windows borders
  • Marco has improved Alt+Tab behaviour
  • Marco is free from screen tearing
  • Marco frame performance when gaming is further improved
  • Using Compton and Compiz with MATE Desktop introduces other bugs and integration issues is time to remove Compiz and Compton from the default Ubuntu MATE install. The fundamental reasons for including them no longer exist.

If you love 😍 Compiz, it can be installed by opening a terminal and running the following command:

sudo apt install compiz compiz-core compiz-mate compiz-plugins compiz-plugins-default

Only having one window manager to target means we can promptly deliver new features and minimise development effort. Which brings us to...

New Key-bindings

The key-bindings for window tiling have only worked on full keyboards ⌨️ with a 10-key pad. Few laptops 💻 have a 10-key pad and not all keyboards have a 10-key either. There are some well known key-bindings from other platforms that were not recognised in Ubuntu MATE. So, we've had a think 🤔 and come up with this:

  • Maximise Window: Super + Up
  • Restore Window: Super + Down
  • Title Window right: Super + Right
  • Title Window left: Super + Left
  • Center Window: Alt + Super + c
  • Title Window to upper right corner: Alt + Super + Right
  • Title Window to upper left corner: Alt + Super + Left
  • Title Window to lower right corner: Shift + Alt + Super + Right
  • Title Window to lower left Corner: Shift + Alt + Super + Left
  • Shade Window: Control + Alt + s

I'm happy 😀 with these key-bindings as it is now possible to tile a window to all screen quadrants 📐 using any keyboard form factor.

We updated the application launcher key-bindings, some of these have existed in Ubuntu MATE for a while:

  • Cycle external displays: Super + p
  • Lock Screen: Super + L
  • Screenshot a rectangle: Shift + PrintScr
  • Open File Manager: Super + e
  • Open Terminal: Super + t
  • Open Control Center: Super + i
  • Open Search: Super + s
  • Open Task Manager: Control + Shift + Escape
  • Open System Information: Super + Pause

The key-bindings compliment existing well established alternatives. So if Ctrl + Alt + t (Terminal) and Ctrl + Alt + L (Lock Screen) are ingrained in your muscle 💪 memory 🧠 they are still available too. You can find all the keyboard shortcuts documented in the Getting Started section of Ubuntu MATE Welcome.

Panel & Indicator improvements

This is where a good deal of effort has been invested. Let's break it down.

Brisk Menu and MATE Dock Applet

Brisk Menu is under the Solus GitHub organisation, but it's been a couple of years since it had a new release. The Solus Project gave me administrative access 🔱 to the Brisk Menu repo and I've made a new release. Thanks to the efforts of a couple of Ubuntu MATE contributors several bug 🐞 fixes have landed too, which includes resolving frequent crashers in Brisk Menu, preventing a scrollbar always appearing in the category column of the menu and silencing sounds firing as you rollover menu entries.

The previous maintainer of MATE Dock Applet announced that he no longer had the time ⌛️ to develop the project. Ubuntu MATE has taken on ownership and we've already published a couple of new releases 🤘 which include fixes for frequent crashes.

MATE Panel

MATE Panel has had a long standing bug fixed that caused it to crash 💥 when the panel was reset or replaced. This was most noticeable when switching panel layouts via MATE Tweak and could result in the panel layout being left incomplete or entirely absent. This bug is now fixed! MATE Tweak has been updated to neatly integrate with with fixed MATE Panel behaviour so that layout switching is now 100% reliable.


A bug which resulted in oversized icons in indicators is finally resolved.

Before 💩

After 🤩

However, it turned out some of the bugs were due to the icons 🎨 themselves. Over 💯 icons have been refactored 🖌️️ to correct their resolutions or aspect ratio; as a result the panel and indicators both scale correctly.

A race condition that could result in two network status icons being displayed is fixed, and when connected via VPN, lock icons are now overlayed on the Network Indicator. The battery 🔋 indicator is improved and now has a larger charging symbol while charging.

We've added the Date/Time Indicator and integrated it with MATE Desktop and it now replaces the MATE clock applet which corrects the placement of the clock and session indicators.

We've finally addressed a long standing issue which has been around since Ubuntu MATE 14.10 🕸️ Some of the monochrome symbolic icons used in the indicators were also used in applications. The presented a couple of issues:

  • In some cases you couldn't easily see the icons against the window base colour.
  • The mix of monochrome and full colour icons in applications looked inconsistent.

This issue is now resolved, monochrome symbolic icons are only used for indicators and full colour icons are used in the Control Center, Sound Preferences, Bluetooth, OSD, etc.

MATE Window Applets

MATE Window Applets have received a number a bug fixes and new features from a community contributor. Window control icons now dynamically load from the currently selected theme, rather than requiring manual user configuration, and a number of bugs (including significant memory leaks) have also been resolved.

Notification Center

Ubuntu MATE 19.10 includes a new Indicator that provides a "notification center" 🔔 We worked with the upstream developer to add new features to indicator-notifications and integrate it with MATE Notifications Daemon.

Notification Settings

We now have a notification center which also offers a "do not disturb" 🛑 feature. When do not disturb is enabled, notifications will not be displayed but will be captured in the notification center for review. It's also possible to blacklist some notifications, so they are never stored by the notification center. I've created an icon theme for the notification center so it fits the look and feel of the default Ubuntu MATE theme. Notification hints are also fixed so any notifications supplying additional media, such as sounds or icons, now work.

Personally, I love ❤️ this feature! No more will I have awkward messages from my Mum flash up while I'm presenting 😜

Evolution replaces Thunderbird

The Ubuntu MATE development team discussed the pros and cons of switching the default mail ✉️ client in Ubuntu MATE to Evolution. Here is a summary of our assessment:

  • Thunderbird does not integrate as well with the desktop.
    • For example, theme integration, font integration, compatibility with HUD (which is increasingly difficult to support in Thunderbird), notifications with action buttons, locale and spell checking.
  • Thunderbird & Lightning occupies 171MB on the ISO image, while Evolution uses 46MB.
  • Evolution integrates well with MATE Desktop given that both use GTK3.
  • Evolution includes interoperability with LibreOffice, for which Ubuntu MATE is already shipping the required components.
  • Evolution has superior integration with Google Mail and Exchange, including calendar, contacts, tasks, and memos.

Indicator Date/Time also integrates with Evolution. It is fully functional, all the features of creating new events or opening upcoming events from the indicator work. Clicking on a day in the month displays the events for the selected day etc.

Indicator Date/Time

For the many people who use web-mail exclusively this change will have no impact, but for those who use desktop mail we feel these productivity 📈 improvements are significant.

For those of you who love 💕 Thunderbird and wish to continue using it: we will continue to offer Thunderbird in the Software Boutique for a one-click install. Likewise, Evolution is now in the Software Boutique so can be installed/removed with one-click too.

GNOME MPV replaces VLC

We have switched from VLC to GNOME MPV, soon be renamed to Celluloid, for the default media player 🎬 The reasons for switching to GNOME MPV are similar to swapping out Thunderbird for Evolution; better desktop integration.


We've changed GNOME MPV's default UI to better fit in with MATE Desktop by not using client side decorations (CSD). GNOME MPV has an MPRIS implementation that completely integrates with the Sound Indicator. GNOME MPV uses less space on the ISO image compared to VLC and we'll get on to why that is important later.

GNOME MPV doesn't offer the extensive array of preferences and options to users that VLC does, and instead ships sane defaults; only surfacing options where they make sense. GNOME MPV is a GTK3 application whereas VLC uses Qt5. GNOME MPV looks right at home in Ubuntu MATE which uses GTK3 throughout. While we've done our best to coerce VLC to take hints from the GTK theme, it has never been perfect. Most importantly, GNOME MPV is an excellent media player with the same broad media format support that VLC offers. Ubuntu MATE 20.04 will ship Celluloid 🎞️, the new name for GNOME MPV. VLC will remain in the Software Boutique as a single click install for anyone who wants it.


Most desktop environments are lacking a screen magnifier, which is an essential application for visually impaired 👓 computer users and also useful for accurate graphical design or detail work. One of the reasons we ship Compiz in Ubuntu MATE is because it has an excellent screen magnifier and was our solution for people who need magnification 🔍


I collaborated with my friend Stuart Langridge to create Magnus; a very simple desktop magnifier, showing the area around the mouse pointer in a separate window magnified two, three, four, or five times. Magnus is now shipped 🚢 by default in Ubuntu MATE 19.10, Ubuntu Budgie 19.10 and other distros are already picking up it too 💪

Ubuntu MATE Themes

Dozens of theme related bugs have been fixed and the Ubuntu MATE themes have been added to the gtk-common-themes used by snaps, so snapped applications are themed correctly for Ubuntu MATE users now. This change is already available all the way back to Ubuntu MATE 16.04.

The most noticeable theme issues that have been resolved are expanders in tree view are now a sensible size (they were so tiny) so you can easily click them, window controls are correctly proportioned on CSD windows and we've add a splash of Chelsea Cucumber 🥒 to the Ubuntu MATE logo on the menu. Everything the QA team highlighted has been fixed 🔨

MATE Tweak and Ubuntu MATE Welcome

MATE Tweak now preserves user preferences when switching between custom layouts thanks to a community contribution.

If you're familiar with MATE Tweak you'll know it can switch panel layouts to somewhat mimic other platforms and distros 🐧 We have now integrated a graphical layout switcher in Ubuntu MATE Welcome to better promote the feature and make it more accessible. We have actually had this feature since 18.04 but the bugs in MATE Panel I mentioned earlier meant it didn't work. With all the associated panel bugs fixed 🔧 we now have this:

Desktop Layout Switcher

NVIDIA drivers

If you've been following the news surrounding Ubuntu you'll know that Ubuntu will be shipping 🚢 the NVIDIA proprietary drivers on the ISO images. Anyone selecting the additional 3rd party hardware drivers during installation without an Internet connection will have the drivers available in offline scenarios.

This comes at the cost of increasing the ISO size by ~115MB, but I think this trade-off is worth it. The drivers are not active by default, just present in the apt repository provided on the ISO image to facilitate installation should they be requested. But, if your computer has an NVIDIA GPU, you can now have the drivers installed and operational immediately following install 🌟

Post-install, Ubuntu MATE users with computers that support hybrid graphics will see the MATE Optimus hybrid graphics applet displaying the NVIDIA logo.

MATE Optimus

Now the NVIDIA 435 drivers are in Ubuntu 19.10, I have given MATE Optimus an update. MATE Optimus adds support for NVIDIA On-Demand and will now prompt users to log out when switching the GPU's profile. MATE, XFCE, Budgie, Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE and LXQt are all supported. Wrappers, called offload-glx & offload-vulkan can be used to easily offload games/apps to the PRIME renderer. I'm also delighted to see Ubuntu Budgie 19.10 are shipping MATE Optimus too!

The NVIDIA drivers are now going to receive updates via the official Ubuntu software repository. So no need to add a PPA to get updates and more importantly, the NVIDIA drivers are signed (which is not supported for drivers distributed via PPA) so you can keep Secure Boot enabled.

ISO optimisations

In order to squeeze those ~115MB of NVIDIA drivers on the ISO while keeping the ISO at ~2.0GB required some optimisation. Certainly switching to Evolution helped a bit. We've also dropped Brasero from the default installed applications because optical media burning is not a widespread use case these days. Brasero is still in Software Boutique should you need it.

The main gains came from analysing the data we have about our user distribution across countries and changing what language packs we make available on the ISO. We get the data from snap metrics and the Ubuntu Report.

We dropped Chinese, Japanese and Indic language packs from the ISO and added Russian. This dropped the ISO size considerably and the savings gained were just about equivalent to what the NVIDIA drivers require.

We are currently shipping English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian and Russian language packs on the iso, with each language including all regional dialect variations. Anyone in other parts of the world will get the language packs providing they have an Internet connection during the install.

Other gains were made by:

  • Changing to format of the weather station database which saved 15MB 😱
  • Removing Qt4 components. Qt4 is being removed from Debian and Ubuntu.
  • Removing fcitx from the Live environment.
  • Removing obsolete software from the ship-live seed.
  • Removed usb-creator-gtk from the default install. GNOME Disks provides image writing capabilities.
  • Reducing the size of Ubuntu MATE Welcome and Software Boutique snaps.
  • Using image optimisation tools on every graphic asset in the default themes, icon themes and wallpaper back-catalog.

Had we not optimised the ISO image it would have been 2.5GB, but instead it remains just a hair over 2.0GB while now hosting the NVIDIA drivers and 7 language packs. So, while the Ubuntu MATE ISO image is larger than some, a good chunk of that size is hosting drivers and language packs that will probably never end up getting installed on your computer. The language packs and drivers are there to best service our diverse community of users from across the world 🗺️ running a variety of hardware 💻

ZFS on root

ZFS on Linux

Support for ZFS as the root filesystem is added as an experimental feature in 19.10. The ZFS file system and partitioning layout is handled automatically directly via the installer.

You can read more details on Didier Roche's blogs:

GPD MicroPC & other UMPCs

Alongside the generic image for 64-bit Intel PCs, we're also releasing a bespoke image for the GPD MicroPC which includes hardware specific tweaks to get this device working "out of the box" without any faffing about. See our UMPC page for more details.

Major Applications

Accompanying MATE Desktop 1.22.2 and Linux 5.3.0 are Firefox 69.0.1, GNOME MPV 0.16, LibreOffice and Evolution 3.34.0.

Major Applications

See the Ubuntu 19.10 Release Notes for details of all the changes and improvements in Ubuntu that Ubuntu MATE benefits from.

Download Ubuntu MATE 19.10

Our download page makes it easy to acquire the most suitable build for your hardware.


Upgrading from Ubuntu MATE 19.04

  • Open the "Software & Updates" from the Control Center.
  • Select the 3rd Tab called "Updates".
  • Set the "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version" dropdown menu to "For any new version".
  • Press Alt+F2 and type in update-manager -c into the command box.
  • Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '19.10' is available.
    • If not, you can use /usr/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/check-new-release-gtk
  • Click "Upgrade" and follow the on-screen instructions.

Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE

sudo chmod a+rx /var/lib/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/dropbox-lnx.x86_64-*/

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affects all flavours.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at September 24, 2019 12:00 AM

April 18, 2019

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 19.04 Final Release

Ubuntu MATE 19.04 is a modest upgrade over previous releases. If you want bug fixes and improved hardware support, particularly for NVIDIA GPU owners, then 19.04 is for you. Oh yeah, we've also made bespoke Ubuntu MATE 19.04 images for the GPD Pocket and GPD Pocket 2. Read on to learn more...

Ubuntu MATE 19.04
Ubuntu MATE 19.04 with the Mutiny layout

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 18.10 final release?

Those of you who follow the desktop Linux news will know that upstream MATE Desktop recently released version 1.22.

Let's rip that band-aid off and get this over quickly. Ubuntu MATE 19.04 is shipping with MATE Desktop 1.20. Albeit, the latest maintenance release of MATE Desktop 1.20 with some of the bug fixes and new features from MATE Desktop 1.22 included. In fact, the version of MATE Desktop being shipped in 19.04 is derived from the same MATE packages that will feature in the upcoming Debian 10 (Buster) release.

You may be wondering why we're not shipping MATE Desktop 1.22? The answer, stability. MATE Desktop 1.22 introduces some underlying API changes in core components and while all first party MATE Desktop applications are compatible with the changes and completely stable, some third party applications are not. Some third party applications are big crashers now and we've not been able to fix them in time.

So, we are playing it safe and sticking with MATE Desktop 1.20 and working with upstreams so we can land MATE Desktop 1.22 early in the Ubuntu MATE 19.10 development cycle.

NVIDIA Drivers

During the Ubuntu 18.10 development cycle the Linux kernel, firmware, Mesa and Vulkan were all updated to ensure we offered the best possible support for sipping AMD GPUs. During the 19.04 cycle AMD support has been uplifted again but we have also improved the "out of box" experience for NVIDIA GPU owners too.

If you have an NVIDIA GPU connected to your computer and select Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware during installation, the NVIDIA proprietary drivers will be installed.

Third party drivers

Post install, the proprietary NVIDIA drivers are installed and configured. To confirm this, open a terminal and run nvidia-smi. Ubuntu MATE users with laptops that support hybrid graphics will see the MATE Optimus hybrid graphics applet displaying the NVIDIA logo.

MATE Optimus - hybrid graphics switcher

MATE Dock Applet

MATE Dock Applet has been updated to 0.88 which introduces some new visual options, based on the look of the Unity desktop. As seen in the screenshot at the start of this post, this has been used in the Mutiny layout to further mimic Unity 7.

Remote Desktop Awareness

Our MATE Desktop 1.20 packages ship with patches to support Remote Desktop Awareness (RDA). RDA makes MATE Desktop more aware of its execution context so that it behaves differently when run inside a remote desktop session compared to when running on local hardware. Different remote technology solutions support different features and they can now be queried from within MATE components. The inclusion of RDA offers the option to suspend your remote connection; supports folder sharing in Caja; MIME type bindings for SSHFS shares and allows session suspension via the MATE screensaver.

GPD Pocket

Alongside the generic image for 64-bit Intel PCs, we're also releasing bespoke images for the GPD Pocket and GPD Pocket 2. These include hardware specific tweaks to get these devices working "out of the box" without any faffing about. See our GPD Pocket page for more details.

Major Applications

Accompanying MATE Desktop 1.20.4 and Linux 5.0.0 are Firefox 66.0.3, VLC 3.0.6, LibreOffice and Thunderbird 60.6.1.

Major Applications

See the Ubuntu 19.04 Release Notes for details of all the changes and improvements in Ubuntu that Ubuntu MATE benefits from.

Download Ubuntu MATE 19.04

Our download page makes it easy to acquire the most suitable build for your hardware.


Upgrading from Ubuntu MATE 18.10

  • Open the "Software & Updates" from the Control Center.
  • Select the 3rd Tab called "Updates".
  • Set the "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version" dropdown menu to "For any new version".
  • Press Alt+F2 and type in update-manager -c into the command box.
  • Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '19.04' is available.
    • If not, you can use /usr/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/check-new-release-gtk
  • Click "Upgrade" and follow the on-screen instructions.

Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE

  • Nothing significant.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affects all flavours.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at April 18, 2019 12:00 PM

April 08, 2019

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 18.04 and 19.04 for GPD Pocket & Pocket 2

Back in October 2018 the Ubuntu MATE team released bespoke images of Ubuntu MATE 18.10 for the GPD Pocket and GPD Pocket 2 that included hardware specific tweaks to get these devices working "out of the box" without any faffing about. Today we are releasing Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 and Ubuntu MATE 19.04 images for both devices. Read on to find out more...

Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 running on the GPD Pocket (left) and 19.04 on the GPD Pocket 2 (right)

What's new?

Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2

Thanks to the recent hardware enablement stack upgrade in Ubuntu it is now possible to create images based on Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 for the GPD Pocket and GPD Pocket 2. These images are final and available to download now!

Ubuntu MATE 19.04

The Ubuntu MATE 19.04 release is just days away, so we have also prepared Ubuntu MATE 19.04 Beta images for both devices. Also availble for download now and you can simply collect updates to get from the beta to final release on April 18th 2019.


Thanks to the feedback and contributions from the community, these are the improvement we've made since the Ubuntu MATE 18.10 images were created:

  • Frame buffer and Xorg display rotation now works with modesetting and xorg-video-intel display drivers.
  • Enabled TearFree rendering by default.
  • Updated touch screen rotation to support Xorg and Wayland.
  • Enabled an emulated mouse scroll wheel, activated by holding down the right track point button and moving the trackpoint up/down.
  • GRUB is now usable post-install for both devices!

More Details & Downloads

Find out more about Ubuntu MATE for the GPD Pocket and Pocket 2. Get the downloads!

Details & Downloads

by Martin Wimpress at April 08, 2019 09:45 PM

March 29, 2019

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 18.04 Beta 1 for Raspberry Pi

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) for the Raspberry Pi. With this Beta pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE running on the Raspberry Pi 3+

Ubuntu MATE 18.04 Beta 1 is available for Raspberry Pi Model B 2, 3 and 3+, with separate images for armhf (ARMv7 32-bit) and arm64 (ARMv8 64-bit). We have done what we can to optimise the builds for the Raspberry Pi without sacrificing the full desktop environment Ubuntu MATE provides on PC. High-level features of these images are:

  • Ubuntu kernel, fully maintained by the Ubuntu Kernel and Security teams.
  • Automatic online filesystem expansion.
  • Ethernet & WiFi (where available)
  • Bluetooth (where available)
  • Audio out via 3.5mm analog audio jack or HDMI
  • Video out via Composite or HDMI
  • GPIO access via GPIO Zero, pigpio and WiringPi.
  • Support for Python Wheels for the Raspberry Pi.
  • Support for USB Booting.
  • Hardware acceleration:
    • fbturbo driver is pre-installed but limited to 2D accelerated window moving/scrolling on Raspberry Pi (using the BCM2835 DMA Controller).
    • VLC has hardware assisted video decoding.
    • ffmpeg has hardware assisted video decoding and encoding.
    • The experimental VC4 driver can be enabled via raspi-config.
    • Please note, the arm64 images do not feature any VideoCore IV hardware acceleration.
  • Additional software:

More Information

Find out more about Ubuntu MATE for Raspberry Pi Model B 2, 3, and 3+

Read more

Supported Raspberry Pi

  • These images will work on:

  • These images kind of work on:

    • Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+ (not recommended)
    • Fails to complete the first boot setup due to insufficient memory.
    • If you have completed the setup on another Pi that card can be inserted in a Pi 3 Model A+ and it will work.
    • Due to only having 512MB RAM the arm64 is not recommended. The armhf version can be very tight on resources.

Unsupported Raspberry Pi

Recent Changes

Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 Beta 1 - March 24th, 2019

  • Fixed EGL/GLES/OpenVG libraries for VideoCore IV.
  • Fixed Raspberry Pi features in Ubuntu MATE Welcome.
  • Added hardware accelerated VLC (armhf only).
  • Added hardware accelerated ffmpeg (armhf only).
  • Enabled piwheels.
  • Reduced boot time, after the initial first boot setup has been completed, by ~3 seconds.
  • Uploaded SteamLink (armhf only) to the archive, not pre-installed.
  • Uploaded Minecraft Pi Edition (armhf only) to the archive, not pre-installed.
  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+ confirmed working, kind of.

Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 - March 5th, 2019

  • Fixed HDMI audio quality.
  • Fixed USB booting.
  • Fixed font caches.
  • Added pre-seeded snaps.
  • Added miscellaneous Raspberry Pi utilities.
  • Added EGL/GLES/OpenVG libraries for VideoCore IV.
  • Enabled splash screen.
  • Improved window manager responsiveness.
  • Reduced idle RAM consumption by ~30MB on arm64 and ~10MB on armhf.
  • Switched to the CFQ scheduler.

Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 Alpha 1 - March 2nd, 2019

  • Initial Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 images made available for private testing.


Run Ubuntu MATE on your Raspberry Pi Model B 2, 3 or 3+ today.

Download Ubuntu MATE for the Pi

Feedback and Improvements

Thse images are not official Ubuntu products and are community supported by the Ubuntu MATE team. Please post feedback and issues on the dedicated community forum.

by Martin Wimpress at March 29, 2019 02:25 PM

Ubuntu MATE 19.04 Beta 1

Ubuntu MATE 19.04 is a modest upgrade over previous releases. If you want bug fixes and improved hardware support then 19.04 is for you.

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 19.04 (Disco Dingo) for distribution on April 18th, 2018 With this Beta pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE 19.04 Beta
Ubuntu MATE 19.04 with the Mutiny layout

What works?

People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 18.10 final release?

Those of you who follow the desktop Linux news will know that upstream MATE Desktop recently released version 1.22.

Let's rip that band-aid off and get this over quickly. Ubuntu MATE 19.04 is shipping with MATE Desktop 1.20. Albeit, the latest maintenance release of MATE Desktop 1.20 with some of the bug fixes and new features from MATE Desktop 1.22 included. In fact, the version of MATE Desktop being shipped in 19.04 is derived from the same MATE packages that will feature in the upcoming Debian 10 (Buster) release.

You may be wondering why we're not shipping MATE Desktop 1.22? The answer, stability. MATE Desktop 1.22 introduces some underlying API changes in core components and while all first party MATE Desktop applications are compatible with the changes and completely stable, some third party applications are not. Some third party applications are big crashers now and we've not been able to fix them in time.

So, we are playing it safe and sticking with MATE Desktop 1.20 and working with upstreams so we can land MATE Desktop 1.22 early in the Ubuntu MATE 19.10 development cycle.

MATE Dock Applet

MATE Dock Applet has been updated to 0.88 which introduces some new visual options, both based on the look of the Unity desktop. As can be seen in the screenshot above these can be used to make the Mutiny layout more closely mimic Unity 7.

Remote Desktop Awareness

Our MATE Desktop 1.20 packages ship with patches to support Remote Desktop Awareness (RDA). RDA makes MATE Desktop more aware of its execution context so that it behaves differently when run inside a remote desktop session compared to when running on local hardware. Different remote technology solutions support different features and they can now be queried from within MATE components. The inclusion of RDA offers the option to suspend your remote connection, supports folder sharing in Caja, MIME type bindings for SSHFS shares and allows session suspension via the MATE screensaver.

Download Ubuntu MATE 19.04 Beta

We've even redesigned the download page so it's even easier to get started.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE

  • The Software Boutique doesn't list any available software.
    • An update, due very soon, will re-stock the software library and add a few new applications too.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affects all flavours.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at March 29, 2019 12:15 AM

March 18, 2019


MATE 1.22 released

After about a year of development, the MATE Desktop team have finally released MATE 1.22. A big thank you to all contributors who helped to make this happen.


What's new in MATE 1.22

This release contains plenty of critical bug fixes and under-the-hood improvements. Some of the big highlights include:

  • The MATE panel has gotten a crazy amount of rework to make it work with Wayland display backend
    • The display applet got a full revamp, allowing for better monitor control directly from the panel
    • The timer applet now has much better mouse interaction
    • Wanda the Fish now works properly on HiDPI displays (fish image is still pixelated, keeping to its original design)
  • Support for metacity-themes has finally been upgraded to version 3 in the marco window manager
    • We've also modernized the window and desktop switchers to make them more visually appealing
  • The session manager now properly terminates all processes on systemd. Also, apps can be auto-started after a user-selected delay
  • We've fully ported a number of programs to Python 3, including the eye of MATE and python-caja plugin libraries, as well as the mate-menus library
  • The caja file manager can now optionally display desktop notifications for long-running file operations
  • Eye of MATE has a reworked sidebar and better image metadata support
  • Tabs in pluma now have the ability to be switched with keyboard shortcuts and mouse scrolling
  • Calculator can now support up to 15 characters of accuracy. Copy/paste support was also improved a bit
  • Engrampa has had support added for several new compression formats, as well as a new pause/restart functionality
  • A few new key shortcuts have been added, including support for different types of media keys like Bluetooth, WiFi, touchpads, and global killswitches
  • A bunch of internal housekeeping tasks have been taken care of:
    • Most of our projects have now migrated from dbus-glib to GDBus
    • We've improved stability across many of our projects by closing memory leaks and build warnings
    • We've removed old deprecated code to keep up with the latest versions of GTK
    • A lot of new and updated documentation was added/corrected
    • All of our projects now use Travis CI to ensure clean builds on some of our major distros

The various components of MATE Desktop 1.22 are available for download here:


Here are all the gory details.


  • 9031100 Add script which helps to update atril.about
  • a67e572 Read authors (updated) from atril.about gresource
  • 9a4748b Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • f68afd7 Initialize Travis CI support
  • 96f9b79 Update Documenters
  • d776f3f Remove generated files
  • 4a7e48f Tx: sync with fixed translations from transifex
  • 9b87168 [ephy-zoom-control] Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private
  • d9c803e [ephy-zoom-action] Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private
  • ca538e8 Add pixbuf, tiff and xps TypeDescription to
  • 869cb47 eggsmclient: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • 2a49c6c move appdata to metainfo directory
  • fde24d0 message-area: set a11y object name from actual icon name
  • d43c675 shell: remove duplicate condition check
  • 19c3072 tiff: fix possible NULL pointer dereference
  • 6457c82 pdf: add missing break statement
  • 70ba1fb libdocument: drop useless freeing of NULL pointer
  • 1b95162 comics: fix incorrect mimetype saying to open and thumbnail all RAR files
  • 3c75360 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • eaae975 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 7d9dab7 comics: support application/vnd.rar MIME type
  • 699ce12 shell: Save document to the same path it was opened from
  • a6fc396 Reduce the chattiness of atril daemon
  • c9ea2a3 EvView: Fix cursor movement when logical and visual line order differs
  • bb47386 Update atril_start_window.png
  • c95b319 moveable (older spelling) -> movable
  • 856bf94 Update Catalan screenshot
  • 6e19591 presentation: avoid deprecated 'gtk_style_context_set_background'
  • 29fc232 fix Linguas
  • 9a9999c sync with transifex
  • 6a9d8eb update atril.pot
  • 03a697c ev-sidebar-bookmarks: use NULL instead of uninitialized variable
  • 05e6aa3 navigation-action-widget: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup function
  • 510ea85 shell: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup function
  • 0fd2124 ev-sidebar-links: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup function
  • be5fadc ev-sidebar-bookmarks: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup function
  • eac71e1 ev-sidebar: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup function
  • 95d6f03 editable-toolbar: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup function
  • 3168191 libview: replace deprecated gdk_flush
  • 135e208 disable StartPresentation action in fullscreen if document has no pages
  • de8c0ae disable ViewPresentation action if document has no pages
  • 28243c0 libdocument: Use gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface()
  • c1a56c9 thumbnailer: Remove unused code
  • e5c8ce7 view: Fix page background rendering while loading
  • 3349fb9 libdocument: Deprecate misc_get_page_border_size()
  • dc1432d view: Use a rendered frame instead of custom border
  • bc7af60 a11y: Return correct start and end offsets
  • 7c7c7ef a11y: Fix crash with Orca screen reader
  • f3e061c libview: drop deprecated unneeded code
  • d909dd4 ev-loading-message: Remove unused variables
  • 6816696 libview: fix text selection with mouse in annotation window
  • efe29e6 libview: fix build without epub
  • d03d688 shell: Don't dist generated files
  • 9c08159 Disable view presentation if there is no document.
  • dc77310 Allow changing the page of a presentation
  • b0ea2c7 libview: Fix goto window in presentation mode
  • 0c160a1 libview: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor
  • 557d371 EvPresentationView: Render correctly on HiDPI displays
  • 5345f83 libview: Fix g_return condition in set_device_scale_on_surface()
  • 2cae078 EvView: render correctly on HiDPI displays
  • 1d90b70 libview: use css to draw the background of presentations
  • 1b1f2c5 Move custom css to a file compiled as a gresource
  • 11fc5dc shell: Use GResource for data files
  • 5d51dc6 toolbar-editor: Add methods to load from GResource
  • c3fe25e previewer: Use GResource for data files
  • 9668d3f build: Add configure check for glib-compile-resources
  • 3cb3227 update resource for translations
  • 0f605a3 fix distcheck
  • f671e62 libview: Check number of pages when processing button events
  • 8597c1d libview: Add check for pageless documents to ev_view_accessible_focus_changed
  • 9fc7889 libview: Check number of pages on ev_view_document_changed_cb Fix crash on corrupted PDF with no pages.
  • a04ab7f Use GtkOverlay to show the loading message
  • 9ac0d1a shell: Remove unused marshalers
  • cfbab0a thumbnailer: Send error messages to stderr
  • 2f89fcc shell: Use GtkApplication to inhibit the screensaver
  • 15073fb shell: Port to GtkApplication
  • 715e15b shell: Use g_printerr instead of g_warning
  • da9c89f daemon: Port to GApplication
  • 131b29e daemon: Use gdbus-codegen for the org.mate.atril.Daemon interface
  • f44500b shell: Use gdbus-codegen for the org.mate.atril.Window interface
  • 3f48838 shell: Use gdbus-codegen for the org.mate.atril.Application interface
  • e51014b libview: save inverted colors in a document
  • 4bb14f5 Save/restore context when getting colors for a different state
  • 1f6278d epub: allow to save epub documents
  • ea3dfb1 epub: fix loading epub thumbnails
  • e79d266 Check legal boundaries of accessible pages
  • 291facd shell: fix menu-accel for inverted colors
  • 185e7b9 shell: add keypad accels for zoom_reset
  • 580e4fa Add zoom reset
  • 35e1622 add atril.pot for auto-update translations
  • 615a1d0 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 7a91219 avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • bb0203b add travis-CI support
  • f16828c Remove generated files
  • 31b0fe8 Add pixbuf, tiff and xps TypeDescription to
  • 966e36f move appdata to metainfo directory
  • a440818 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 8bf0fa7 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 413f6cc comics: support application/vnd.rar MIME type
  • 91d5b0f shell: Save document to the same path it was opened from
  • f4b9c80 Reduce the chattiness of atril daemon
  • a7d0b8d EvView: Fix cursor movement when logical and visual line order differs
  • 2f89c60 Update atril_start_window.png
  • bf74341 moveable (older spelling) -> movable
  • 81934df Update Catalan screenshot
  • a6c6e13 sync with transifex
  • d980c12 update atril.pot
  • b365c22 disable StartPresentation action in fullscreen if document has no pages
  • e710942 disable ViewPresentation action if document has no pages
  • 73ca242 libdocument: Use gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface()
  • 62ca1c0 thumbnailer: Remove unused code
  • 027a658 view: Fix page background rendering while loading
  • df069ae libdocument: Deprecate misc_get_page_border_size()
  • c09efef view: Use a rendered frame instead of custom border
  • 0d84113 a11y: Return correct start and end offsets
  • e3ce0a4 a11y: Fix crash with Orca screen reader
  • 4065873 libview: drop deprecated unneeded code
  • bb4e4b7 ev-loading-message: Remove unused variables
  • 05b1f12 libview: fix text selection with mouse in annotation window
  • 4ecb058 libview: fix build without epub
  • 6fe6574 shell: Don't dist generated files
  • c238f51 Disable view presentation if there is no document.
  • 50bdf3f Allow changing the page of a presentation
  • 454ca8b libview: Fix goto window in presentation mode
  • b9dcc2a libview: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor
  • c0cf2c6 EvPresentationView: Render correctly on HiDPI displays
  • 14c88f2 libview: Fix g_return condition in set_device_scale_on_surface()
  • 58486bb EvView: render correctly on HiDPI displays
  • 02970c6 libview: use css to draw the background of presentations
  • 1e531cb Move custom css to a file compiled as a gresource
  • c7fcfa1 shell: Use GResource for data files
  • e0f26b9 toolbar-editor: Add methods to load from GResource
  • 6b84d6f previewer: Use GResource for data files
  • 95437d1 build: Add configure check for glib-compile-resources
  • eaee969 update resource for translations
  • c417e7c fix distcheck
  • 3fddbe7 libview: Check number of pages when processing button events
  • 10d764d libview: Add check for pageless documents to ev_view_accessible_focus_changed
  • aa3bcfa libview: Check number of pages on ev_view_document_changed_cb Fix crash on corrupted PDF with no pages.
  • 6346384 Use GtkOverlay to show the loading message
  • 7d0ac84 shell: Remove unused marshalers
  • c99d768 thumbnailer: Send error messages to stderr
  • 21073d4 shell: Use GtkApplication to inhibit the screensaver
  • 674a6b3 shell: Port to GtkApplication
  • b0f83ee shell: Use g_printerr instead of g_warning
  • 0884be6 daemon: Port to GApplication
  • 3728fb7 daemon: Use gdbus-codegen for the org.mate.atril.Daemon interface
  • e2420ea shell: Use gdbus-codegen for the org.mate.atril.Window interface
  • 18a20e8 shell: Use gdbus-codegen for the org.mate.atril.Application interface
  • e4f8fce libview: save inverted colors in a document
  • 6217a89 Save/restore context when getting colors for a different state
  • 56e08ae update pot file for translations
  • 27f459a epub: allow to save epub documents
  • bd799f4 epub: fix loading epub thumbnails
  • 8770730 shell: fix menu-accel for inverted colors
  • 1c2e9ea shell: add keypad accels for zoom_reset
  • 7619dc6 Add zoom reset
  • 58e7446 avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • 005d885 Check legal boundaries of accessible pages
  • 4f0467b add atril.pot for auto-update translations
  • 42e6a5f transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 601c853 eel-gdk-pixbuf-extensions: Fix division by zero
  • 6e6c9c6 caja-file: Fix use of memory after it is freed
  • 0bd2d81 caja-icon-container: Fix use of memory after it is freed
  • 1848d37 fm-tree-model: Fix use of memory after it is freed
  • 7c9ae01 caja-information-panel: Fix use of memory after it is freed
  • 7b605dd fm-directory-view: Fix use of memory after it is freed
  • 58312fd caja-tree-view-drag-dest: Fix memory leak
  • 7a26045 [Security] eel-string: Use 'g_strlcat' instead of 'strcat'
  • fede367 [Security] Use 'g_strlcpy' instead of 'strcpy'
  • da3b634 Add script which helps to update caja.about
  • 5379181 Read authors and documenters from caja.about file
  • f5e08dd Ensure proper translation of the about dialog title
  • 65aaac0 Prepare for docker-build 0.1.1 merge into master
  • 222fcc0 Update authors
  • ba01c8c Update Documenters
  • 852f992 use archlinux/base images
  • 42082f6 Remove the distcheck return value override
  • 86b93da update caja.pot for transifex
  • 9bec3b7 fixed distcheck fail on debian
  • 2d59514 fixed the help string of --disable-self-check
  • 5e5c47f Always return 0 for distcheck
  • 78b7682 update travis to support archlinux and enable distcheck
  • 91f1dc6 Add --disable-self-check for configure
  • 3daa55c Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private under src
  • 4e42def Fix incompatible pointer types
  • e99050a Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private under src
  • 7920f97 Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private under libcaja-private
  • 0b07371 Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private under libcaja-private
  • e5129f9 Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private under libcaja-private
  • e226dda Enable Travis CI
  • 9cd63d4 Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private under libcaja-private
  • 4196136 Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private under src
  • 328d820 Fix compile warning
  • dbfd51e Let file size units follow the users preference
  • 0a37810 Fixed the value of 6 month and 1 year.
  • 3a22d4c Support querying files by modification time and size
  • e8f124d Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private
  • 331a0e1 Update copyright to 2019
  • d373d6c CajaApplication: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • a9211bd caja-menu: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • 10efec8 [eel][libegg] Use G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE macro
  • f0775c8 Add check for PKG_CONFIG being set.
  • 7408146 fix distcheck
  • a35b46f caja-application: Check for smclient before trying to load session
  • 3eb0ff8 [eel] Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private
  • 9fc6f1f [libegg] Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private
  • 9991fb1 [libcaja-private] Re-check file MIME type before picking an application.
  • e51b16d [file-manager] Fix apparent bug in context menu updating code.
  • cf23b9a Revert "fm-directory-view.c: Decrease minimum update interval."
  • e7b68e0 Fix: weird item in bookmarks if the folder was removed
  • 1846d75 Minor code-quality enhancements
  • 89db50e Forgot to initialize is_backup field
  • 34d0676 Change show/hide backup files shortcut
  • 2d66485 Remove useless comments, correct description string
  • 06b4f4c Skip hidden files only, not backups
  • 58e9876 Add independent show/hide backup files
  • 040a897 deleting unused nautilus icon
  • 75e89ca caja-progress-info: new behavior with notifications:
  • 08f479a caja-progress-info: show notifications with the gsettings key:
  • d054f14 move appdata to metainfo directory
  • 750c034 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 116ba41 caja-places-sidebar: replace two other uses of g_drive_poll_for_media_finish
  • 884870c Fix segfault on stopping USB hard drives
  • c12b61b caja-bookmark: Fix memory leak
  • a8de3bb fm-properties-window: Fix memory leaks
  • 09eda67 caja-desktop-link-monitor: Fix memory leak
  • 056832f eel-gtk-extensions: Fix memory leaks
  • 6dbdc90 GSettings should init before use it.
  • 74d2b19 sync with transifex
  • 2676eaf Fix case-insensitive comparison in running_in_mate
  • 0bffad7 monitor: fix crash on unmounting remote filesystems
  • d8d375b CajaFile: fix crash in modify_link_hash_table
  • ae033ba connect-server-dialog: Respect password save setting
  • bc0b2cb properties-window: fix checking inconsistent state
  • 8fff655 monitor: watch for removal of non-native mounts on GVolumeMonitor
  • 09146ca Add 'Configurable' interface and add support to caja-file-management-properties
  • adeaed2 caja-application.c: Remove redundant empty lines
  • dba8610 Update caja manpage with info about "--force-desktop" option
  • 6c423bc Caja-icon-info: Optimize icon lookups by GIcon.
  • 021ff2a fm-directory-view.c: Decrease minimum update interval.
  • 336f351 Remove dead code, fix a memory leak
  • 6a31ce6 add option to open multiple URIs in tabs at startup
  • fb9a3cf Revert "add option to open multiple URIs in tabs at startup"
  • 0d7a79d Revert "Memory leak fix"
  • e362fef Revert "Fix indents, update docs to reflect ability to open URIs in tabs"
  • 424cf44 Fix indents, update docs to reflect ability to open URIs in tabs
  • 04f7e80 Memory leak fix
  • fd1f45f add option to open multiple URIs in tabs at startup
  • 3619f72 pathbar: Activate pane when changing location
  • c455418 add the ability to switch tabs using [ctrl+tab] and [ctrl+shift+tab]
  • e740a98 caja-window: Fix: mouse doesn't work with [ctrl] + [.] or [ctrl] + [;]
  • 5b20286 caja-desktop-directory: stop segfaults in directory_ready_callback
  • a2fa06f caja-directory.c: fix build warning
  • f9bae2f pathbar: increase reference count of path in update_button_types
  • acdb7e2 Fix some issues found by static analysis
  • 191aa39 libcaja-private: remove redundant prefs application to hash table
  • 78d9182 [desktop-bg] Fix memory leak during background change events
  • 2d179e4 caja-location-bar: Fix: change background color based on activity state
  • 970cda6 sync with transifex
  • 76c2a2a eel-gtk-extensions: show icons in right-click menus only if "menus-have-icons" set
  • eafef85 caja-sidebar-title: Fix: images broken in sidebar
  • a797afc caja-progress-info.c: show notifications in begin/end of progress
  • 639c902 caja-progress-info.c: avoid deprecated 'gtk_status_icon_get_visible'
  • e7942e9 caja-sidebar-title: fix [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] warning
  • df6643a desktop window: Add is-desktop AtkObject attribute
  • 3720401 caja-desktop-window.c: Fix: caja crashes unexpectedly
  • b0899ef avoid deprecated 'gtk_widget_override_font'
  • 347e1f1 avoid deprecated 'gtk_window_set_wmclass'
  • cfc9b47 caja-bookmark.c: drop unused variable
  • a3195d0 caja-bookmark.c: Fix icons in bookmarks
  • eb65d22 icon-container: avoid deprecated 'gtk_style_context_get_border_color'
  • 6841bd7 avoid deprecated 'gtk_dialog_get_action_area'
  • c31de77 update potfile
  • c0f159d Pathbar button: fix poor response to right-click
  • 9f08546 editable-label: avoid deprecated 'gtk_im_multicontext_append_menuitems'
  • 9bf65ee zoom-control: use NULL instead of uninitialized variable
  • 13fe58e remove unused function
  • 7cae49a use NULL instead of uninitialized variable
  • 8a31b06 eel-editable-label.c: avoid deprecated 'gdk_keymap_get_default'
  • 1aff6ea eel-editable-label: avoid deprecated gtk_style_context_set_background
  • c4777b0 eel-gtk-extensions: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup function
  • 42e5c91 zoom-control: don't use eel_pop_up_context_menu function
  • ddf6f38 Replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • ded490e libcaja-private: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap functions
  • fc70465 fm-desktop-icon-view: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop functions
  • 2392093 replace deprecated gdk_flush
  • 5ed053f libcaja-private: fix -Wlogical-not-parentheses build warning
  • e88c26a avoid deprecated 'gtk_style_context_get_background_color'
  • f250053 sync with transifex
  • c490029 caja-spatial-window.c: avoid deprecated 'gtk_vbox_new'
  • 99cf0ca Eliminate accessible children-changed event flood on container repopulation
  • 5e236e9 Eliminate accessible children-changed event flood during update all
  • 3c3f62d Emit accessible-name-change signal for icons only when icons are renamed
  • 9f8d950 libcaja-private/caja-recent.c: gvfs-open is a deprecated tool, switch to "gio open" from libglib2.0-bin.
  • 4d4f750 sidebar popup menu: show "media-eject" icon in the "unmount" items
  • f8e6051 update potfile
  • 01a8519 pathbar: fix random segfaults on opening mounts from Desktop
  • f6a4e9c fm-icon-view: Show size on disk as sort criterion
  • 7a76ce4 sidebar popup menu: show "media-eject" icon
  • 2786f3c update potfile
  • 0585258 Add sort criterion by reversed extension segments
  • 68ace00 set icon names instead stock ids in some places
  • b70d394 caja-spatial-window.c: avoid deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  • a00bad2 Fix warnings from HiDPI commits
  • 9ea3b71 sidebar: Respect sidebar dimensions on HiDPI
  • 554a036 HiDPI: Convert Pixbufs to Cairo Surfaces
  • 280ef82 general: use gdk_monitor_get_scale_factor
  • e28ff9c list-view: use the cairo surface as a drag icon
  • ef78aa3 Scale screen dimensions
  • cfd5021 icon-info: hash/store icons using scale factor as well as size
  • 47246e2 file: support HiDpi for thumbnails images
  • c0d60fc properties-window: support HiDpi for the properties window icon
  • bc1405c Support HiDpi icons
  • 779e0af canvas-container: listen to scale factor to invalidate icons
  • a864855 canvas-item: use gtk_render_icon_surface for the DnD surface
  • 35eb416 desktop-canvas-view: scale desktop work area
  • 37ebfa8 pre-bump version
  • d20ceac caja-side-pane.c: avoid deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  • ffb953f caja-navigation-window-pane.c: avoid deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  • 9b6b0dc caja-navigation-window-menus.c: drop unused variable
  • 72968ab caja-navigation-window-menus.c: avoid deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  • e9bd5cb caja-bookmark: avoid deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  • 3403ff7 caja-places-sidebar.c: avoid deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  • 70ebaf4 caja-emblem-sidebar.c: avoid deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  • 414fdf7 fm-tree-view.c: drop unused variable
  • 844df9d modify code error: end the statement with a semicolon
  • e031d4f fm-tree-view.c: avoid deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  • 8bebf06 rename 'mate_image_menu_item...' to 'eel_image_menu_item_new_from_icon'
  • ffc9106 eel-editable-label.c: avoid 'append_action_signal' with stock ids
  • 7991810 caja-query-editor.c: add #include <eel/eel-stock-dialogs.h>
  • 7c9b80c avoid 'gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new' with stock ids
  • 4fb3590 avoid gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons with stock ids
  • d4711ef add caja.pot for auto-update translations
  • 68fb5e4 avoid gtk_dialog_add_buttons with stock ids
  • dfb6585 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 683e944 caja-file-management-properties.ui: avoid deprecated GtkVBox and GtkHBox
  • d66b717 caja-bookmarks-window.ui: avoid deprecated:
  • ed46e15 rename mate_dialog_add_button to eel_dialog_add_button
  • 4901253 use development version
  • 20fe122 pre-bump version
  • 7763ec9 avoid eel_create_question_dialog with stock ids
  • f0ab0d4 avoid eel_run_simple_dialog with stock ids
  • 9778a3a eel-stock-dialogs: avoid gtk_dialog_add_button with stock ids
  • 5f0ad00 caja-file-operations: avoid gtk_dialog_add_buttons with stock ids
  • 01cec7e remove runtime warning in usage of caja_clipboard_set_up_editable
  • ab30e57 caja-file-conflict-dialog: avoid gtk_dialog_add_buttons with stock id
  • e313685 avoid deprecated GtkButton:use-stock
  • 012d9f8 can selected all the search keywords with Ctrl+a. #918
  • 54a9de1 caja-autorun: avoid gtk_dialog_add_buttons with stock ids
  • ff1b432 eel-editable-label.c: avoid gtk_image_menu_item_new_from_stock
  • cff14d0 caja-file-management-properties.ui: avoid stock properties:
  • f8a7e7a Toolbar: find icon: use icon name instead the stock id
  • 7e8bb46 caja-bookmarks-window.ui: avoid deprecated GtkButton:use-stock
  • dd4c0f7 CAJA_TYPE_NAVIGATION_ACTION: avoid deprecated property "stock_id"
  • bbc0211 fix backgrounds and emblems dialog content rendering
  • bf3da8e avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • 22aad8d use archlinux/base images
  • f2a22d2 Remove the distcheck return value override
  • 7ae4cd8 fixed the help string of --disable-self-check
  • 89a3be2 Add --disable-self-check for configure
  • e6bfa07 add travis-ci config
  • 22d0e28 fixed distcheck fail on debian
  • 017b058 pathbar: fix random segfaults on opening mounts from Desktop
  • 94c2f1c move appdata to metainfo directory
  • ed4730c disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 311ab2b caja-places-sidebar: replace two other uses of g_drive_poll_for_media_finish
  • df49a00 Fix segfault on stopping USB hard drives
  • 157d047 fm-properties-window: Fix memory leaks
  • bd0d998 caja-desktop-link-monitor: Fix memory leak
  • 78607a5 Fix case-insensitive comparison in running_in_mate
  • 5200838 pathbar: Activate pane when changing location
  • f19255f caja-window: Fix: mouse doesn't work with [ctrl] + [.] or [ctrl] + [;]
  • ba087de desktop window: Add is-desktop AtkObject attribute
  • a58d52a Fix warnings from HiDPI commits
  • ce14bef sidebar: Respect sidebar dimensions on HiDPI
  • dade92d HiDPI: Convert Pixbufs to Cairo Surfaces
  • 556663a general: use gdk_monitor_get_scale_factor
  • 0630180 list-view: use the cairo surface as a drag icon
  • 1a14801 Scale screen dimensions
  • 4c377ba icon-info: hash/store icons using scale factor as well as size
  • 70534c0 file: support HiDpi for thumbnails images
  • 2e0c51f properties-window: support HiDpi for the properties window icon
  • 4bf67ac Support HiDpi icons
  • 35c4dc6 canvas-container: listen to scale factor to invalidate icons
  • 52d44de canvas-item: use gtk_render_icon_surface for the DnD surface
  • 7f22b30 modify code error: end the statement with a semicolon
  • 6082649 remove runtime warning in usage of caja_clipboard_set_up_editable
  • d885694 can selected all the search keywords with Ctrl+a.
  • fcbee7f add caja.pot for auto-update translations
  • 33dc065 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • dabd62d fix backgrounds and emblems dialog content rendering


  • 5fdcb17 Use CAJA_EXTENSION_DIR_SYS to save and show system caja extension dir
  • fdc25dc show full path of caja-extension-dir
  • 6d281bc fix distcheck about caja_extension_dir
  • dd70319 Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • 60bbb51 Initialize Travis CI support
  • 05e1e93 Fix distcheck fail
  • 285937d use only Python 3 during the build to complete the migration
  • 3d48c5e migrate from python2 to python3 of
  • 4eab52b remove more -u modifier for dropbox-cli
  • cd91ced Python 3 update for dropbox-cli
  • f3fe4a4 Add Keywords entry to desktop file
  • 7ab9374 Use cross-compilation-safe pkg-config macro.
  • c85aaec Remove deprecated glib2.0 API calls
  • 167bfab Use GIR bindings instead of pygtk
  • 55e4f9b fix UnicodeWarning when exclude command is used with non-latin args
  • 343a3fb Update to redesigned icons
  • 1eb18c6 small fixes
  • 527b9cc Add a new "dropbox update" command
  • 4cb4209 Unlink files that are going to be replaced by the unpack
  • 192451f Validate that Dropbox runs after downloading it
  • 3d511a6 Use python-gpg instead of python-gpgme
  • 68dd75a Explicitly load using python2 interpreter
  • a7da6a7 Refer to .dropbox-dist in only one place
  • a939670 fixed 'exclude command raise UnicodeDecodeError'
  • 5543711 Avoid reading or writing invalid memory addresses
  • 991a851 Display link url on status
  • d3261c1 Update with shmodel, proxy, and throttle features.
  • a2ccaaf update Copyright year
  • 394578f pre-bump version


  • 2e1a77b Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • dde037d Initialize Travis CI support
  • 512e1c8 require caja >= 1.21.3
  • 22cb044 configure: fix some typos
  • e04adb3 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • dd67d69 Make caja-open-terminal configurable (Depends on caja GitHub PR caja#1050)
  • 3fecb36 NEWS: use development version
  • 4b1141f pre-bump version
  • 27d49a6 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 84e7fac add Travis-CI support
  • 4f06445 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • d3b8be7 sync with transifex
  • 7db6ed1 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 8e1c290 fr-process: Fix memory leak
  • 84db3ea add Travis-CI support
  • 29b4e67 Tx: syn with fixed translations from transifex
  • e61212f rar/unrar: Fix: "overwrite existing files" disabled must work
  • b683362 move appdata to metainfo directory
  • dc0f490 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 95541ae Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • cd7f17a Replace -Dokumentationteam
  • dd11160 Replace -Dokumentationsprojekt with Documentation Project
  • 9b4ba7a Manual: Update file format descriptions using shared-mime-info
  • 2c9e615 Fix URL of ulinks to point to mate-user-guide
  • 2c60ca9 UNIX and Linux systems -> Linux and UNIX-like systems
  • 2804b35 update engrampa.pot
  • fa7097c fr-window: fix typo
  • 247093f sync with transifex
  • 1e1a94a update engrampa.pot
  • 6f824fe Add .a (Ar) support
  • 3ee4f6c fix crash on exit after using Open With dialog
  • 08a8eac transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • c55754a fr-process: Fix memory leak
  • bbca40d Help: Fix version to 1.22 and update pot file
  • d62cff0 help: update copyright
  • 4e0a8da Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
  • db21779 Avoid array index out of bounds parsing dpkg-deb --info
  • 333a9e9 warning: Use of memory after it is freed
  • c9eb7cb Read authors (updated) from engrampa.about gresource
  • 5ceee4c Enable Travis CI
  • b0a7135 eggsmclient: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • e929b84 update copyright year to 2019
  • 647645d rar/unrar: Fix: "overwrite existing files" disabled must work
  • 9771782 #225 fix a typo
  • d5ef415 fix fr-command-cfile.c: fr_process_set_working_dir
  • 0577456 fr-command-cfile.c: fix indentation
  • afb8ebd Added test integrity for brotli
  • ab9e18f Added test integrity for the cfile compressors: gzip, bzip2, etc. But since most of them shows the message with file status to STDERR instead of STDOUT whe should show both in Test result window.
  • a699fa2 move appdata to metainfo directory
  • 3b4ae2f fr-window: show the pause button only if the dialog is working
  • 11bbca8 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 3037620 fr-window: avoid 'gtk_dialog_add_button' with stock ids
  • 57b6906 fr-window: hide the progress bar if the process is paused
  • 10fd1e2 fr-window: change the info label if process is paused/resumed
  • d5560ec fr-window: little improvements in the look of pause/resume button
  • 5eea3e1 Adding pause and start functions
  • b1d6ced Fix implementation and use of the alternative package name lookup
  • fa96f93 Added support for brotli (* compressed tar archives
  • f06c216 Add brotli support
  • 8ef808e Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • ad74b5d Replace -Dokumentationteam
  • d7d22b4 Replace -Dokumentationsprojekt with Documentation Project
  • 6c451b3 Manual: Update file format descriptions using shared-mime-info
  • 3b890f9 UNIX and Linux systems -> Linux and UNIX-like systems
  • 0c6a7a0 update engrampa.pot
  • fc73b13 fr-window: fix typo
  • c587ae1 Add the ability to support 'unar' over .zip archives
  • 10e665f Add support for OpenDocument formats
  • 7c0038a UI: on the properties dialog, focus the Close button instead of the Help button by default
  • 7b1a66c sync with transifex
  • c96c85f pre-bump version
  • 499e600 Add .a (Ar) support
  • ef714ac fr-window: Replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup functions
  • a03aa8c fix crash on exit after using Open With dialog
  • 6d56e36 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 2e9c1a1 avoid deprecated GtkStock


  • 905f8b7 Help: Fix version to 1.22 and update pot file
  • bc141be help: update copyright
  • bbcca8d Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
  • 9f631a7 Use persistent page setup
  • 68ac123 Add script which helps to update eom.about
  • eed5511 Read authors (updated) and documenters (updated) from eom.about gresource
  • 17ca341 Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • 2c34542 Initialize Travis CI support
  • 119fd7e Ensure proper translation of the about dialog title
  • 941b0ec Make translatable the copyright in about dialog
  • 9cf9e2e Help - fix gui labels
  • bd1f72d disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • e3a9345 Update the appdata XML file
  • 5e245f8 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 0b573f4 Fix url of ulink to point to mate-user-guide
  • 8eca711 Update Catalan screenshots
  • 7af7c3b Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • 1e17920 Update eom_start_window.png
  • e148897 Reduce the number of g_file_query_info calls at start-up
  • e3cb374 EomImage: Remove unused constructor
  • f4d798a fix a memory leak
  • c98f5cc docs: remove eom-dialog.xml reference to fix distcheck
  • f4818d9 sync with transifex
  • 18a612e EomMetadataSidebar: Make header include guard actually work
  • b21b983 EomWindow: Switch keyboard shortcuts for sidebar and gallery
  • d066bae Tweak sidebar ui
  • 4185e8c EomPropertiesDialog: Use standard::display-name when showing the parent
  • 0e708c5 EomMetadataSidebar: Use standard::display-name when showing the parent
  • ab96aad Fix GResource dependency calculation for out-of-tree builds
  • adfe0c7 Make sure the libpeas-gtk dependency isn't optimized away
  • c2fc002 Remove EomDialog helper class
  • 4b4a611 EomPreferencesDialog: Convert to GtkBuilder template
  • b18e263 EomThumbnail: Load thumbnail frame from a GResource
  • b1fb22d Load EomMultipleSaveAsDialog from GResource
  • b5172a3 eom-window: fix deprecated GtkStock usage
  • 22f5b20 Fix build without XMP support
  • 70fd470 Load eom-image-properties-dialog.ui with a gresource
  • 8734d0e properties-dialog: Port to gtk_show_uri_on_window
  • 068315f EomPropertiesDialog: Convert to GtkBuilder template
  • 734ad19 EomPropertiesDialog: Remove unused private members
  • e306d7a Fix metadata sidebar with libexif disabled
  • fd322e8 Fix API docs build without libexif
  • c828347 EomMetadataSidebar: fix --without-libexif build
  • f517d6d EomMetadataSidebar: Clear folder label if no image is set
  • 6aac9e3 EomSidebar: Increase margin at the sides of the sidebar
  • 6319bb3 EomSidebar: Center and reformat page selector
  • ece3c97 EomMetadataSidebar: Fix leaked strings
  • a29a5d1 metadata-sidebar: add the details button again
  • 6b0c2ae EomMetadataSidebar: Try to unclutter and improve the sidebar's look
  • 3d80a86 GResource: free css_file
  • 6d164b4 Initial GResource migration
  • e12f285 EomExifUtil: Fix build with newer GCC
  • 1e96c9d EomExifUtil: Allow freeform formatting of date strings
  • 9b4890e EomMetadataDetails: Improve fractional GPS coordinates support
  • f965eb2 EomPropertiesDialog: Separate Exif/XMP-specific widgets from generic ones
  • 4e20a6d EomMetadataDetails: Don't install header file
  • 49c5c97 EomExifDetails: Rename to EomMetadataDetails
  • 9593351 Drop eom_close_confirmation_dialog_set_sensitive
  • 704107b scroll-view: Remove a gdk_window_process_updates call
  • 416dc9b util: Port to gtk_show_uri_on_window
  • 4115f76 EomImage: Make sure to emit size-prepared after applying orientation
  • c3d8c61 EomImage: Fix too early size-prepared emission
  • 5f6f184 EomImage: Slight optimization of private data structure
  • a95925a drop forgotten gtkrc file
  • 1f2aba7 css: drop obsolete old css language
  • 447f5fe EomWindow: silence a introspection warning
  • 94f7f44 Convert to G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE part 3
  • fb7c539 Convert to G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE part 2
  • 5a5612a Convert to G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE part 1
  • a3c97eb EomApplication: Make most members private
  • bb3b0c0 Add new plugin hook for per-application plugins
  • 57506ff Make EomWindow a GtkApplicationWindow
  • 5c58837 sidebar: show complete directory in button tooltip
  • b504d5a properties-dialog: show complete directory in button tooltip
  • a5ba9a2 Make the URI-label in the properties dialog a button showing the folder
  • 14a755c exif-details: make value column selectable
  • b3f9b82 EomExifDetails: Take Exif IFD into account when creating hash keys
  • a3a89e0 Place GPS Exif tags into their own subcategory
  • fe21ccd Reformat Exif tags for GPS position to be better understandable
  • 32f2e6f Make sure GPS Exif tags are named and ordered correctly
  • 017f7e5 Use GdkPixbuf's "orientation" feature as fallback for autorotation
  • 7eec54c EomScrollView: Implement simple two-pass filtering
  • 7f38bf6 EomScrollView: Use better downscaling filter
  • f607cda Remove unneeded finalize() from EomListStore
  • 9b79e09 Update plugins to use EomWindowActivatable interface
  • 026b114 Add our own activatable interface to EomWindow
  • 17e6cdb Replace gdk_spawn_command_line_on_screen()
  • 7dbd1b8 sidebar: replace deprecated gtk_misc_set_alignment
  • 15a0431 add 'src/eom-metadata-sidebar.c'
  • 78f41c1 EomWindow: Simplify metadata sidebar title
  • 362b507 EomSidebar: Set orientation property via g_object_new
  • 32675ab Replace remaining uses of margin-left and margin-right properties
  • e6cda96 EomMetadataSidebar: Allow filename to be wrapped at char boundaries
  • bcc8082 sidebar: fix a deprecation
  • a46238b EomMetadataSidebar: Fix deprecation warning with newer GTK+
  • d7910a6 MetadataSidebar: Add a tooltip to the folder button
  • de32a70 MetadataSidebar: Change layout of the data values
  • ad13501 Make metadata values in MetadataSidebar selectable
  • d328203 Fix build when not building with libexif and/or exempi
  • 09fea91 Don't force-enable the sidebar on startup once a page is added
  • b1c0911 Make Exif/XMP summaries available as sidebar
  • 28fbd14 Drop now unneeded TotemScreenSaver
  • 4817ee9 Use GtkApplication to inhibit the screensaver during slideshows
  • 9e687fa Ensure UI action sensitivity is set at least once
  • bc859fd Remove leftover DBus service description file
  • 59ea038 Remove spurious g_object_unref
  • 0c78063 reload: ensure that pending updates to UI are complete
  • 20d704b Port EomApplication to GtkApplication
  • 63a6313 Make the displayed EomImage a property of EomScrollView
  • cfc83b4 EomPropertiesDialog: Make details view expand vertically
  • ed3ef44 Enable more Drag&Drop actions when eom is drag source
  • fb4446d Use new DBus API to show the current image in the file browser
  • 07de875 Add an "Open containing folder" command
  • 9815134 sync with transifex
  • e7df737 pre-bump version
  • 0e624a5 toolbar: add missing popup menu for launching toolbar editor
  • f3bc78d sidebar: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • 620071b editable-toolbar: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • 50d0a50 editable-toolbar: replace deprecated gtk_drag_begin
  • 530d7cb svg: Fix offset coordinates when transforming SVG images on HiDPI displays
  • 5da033e require libpeas 1.8.0
  • c94e091 plugins: Use Python 3.x for Python plugins
  • a206e04 replace deprecated gdk_flush
  • 03783b9 fix some -Wincompatible-pointer-types warnings
  • 51fc70f Scale HiDPI images correctly
  • 30940c7 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 29a62cd eom-window.c: avoid deprecated GtkButton:use-stock
  • 98d6a43 avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • 96b1b4d Use persistent page setup
  • db25ddd add Travis-CI support
  • eba5461 Help - fix gui labels
  • 540e33f Update the appdata XML file
  • cfdbd1f disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 98a063e Reduce the number of g_file_query_info calls at start-up
  • 0d1a90a EomImage: Remove unused constructor
  • 49a85ee Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • d434d35 Fix url of ulink to point to mate-user-guide
  • 9b628a8 Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • 9b033ce Update eom_start_window.png
  • 5376650 fix a memory leak
  • dba717d exif-details: make value column selectable
  • 667f5b2 EomExifDetails: Take Exif IFD into account when creating hash keys
  • 0c6a01d Place GPS Exif tags into their own subcategory
  • 87d59bd Reformat Exif tags for GPS position to be better understandable
  • af9cd83 Make sure GPS Exif tags are named and ordered correctly
  • 7e9dc52 EomPropertiesDialog: Make details view expand vertically
  • bbf490b EomScrollView: Use better downscaling filter
  • 433c776 reload: ensure that pending updates to UI are complete
  • 16f5b2c fix some -Wincompatible-pointer-types warnings
  • 1523539 sync with transifex
  • 2f04a37 svg: Fix offset coordinates when transforming SVG images on HiDPI displays
  • bca6a64 Scale HiDPI images correctly
  • ae3e2a4 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 7e730f0 Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • e6e0234 Initialize Travis CI support
  • dc04e96 rename g_strv_equal to matekbd_strv_equal
  • c3a62d4 sync with transifex
  • b11e6ca pre-bump version
  • a95a4f4 correct scaling on HiDPI displays
  • 81034cf transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 05c064e Use gdk screen resolution for font in keyboard status notification icon, to get correct scaling on HiPDI displays.
  • 3fa26b6 add Travis-CI support
  • c36d3ec sync with transifex
  • 8740018 fix po files
  • e6cd5be transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 90dba6e Use gdk screen resolution for font in keyboard status notification icon, to get correct scaling on HiPDI displays.


  • 4d4520c Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • 8653076 Initialize Travis CI support
  • ae50369 add missing po file
  • af5d296 sync with transifex
  • 3c87f89 pre-bump version
  • d6a79fd require PulseAudio 5.0 and drop some old code
  • e6a5518 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 2fb29e6 add Travis-CI support
  • f60062b sync with transifex
  • 8afb1b3 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 33a4dd5 Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • 78e3339 Initialize Travis CI support
  • c0e6a9b disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • ada5129 locations: Clean up municipalities of Puerto Rico
  • 6a444b4 sync with transifex
  • 503f0b5 pre-bump version
  • 8d8508b locations: Add Feira de Santana, Brazil
  • 9c3dc44 test_sun_moon.c: remove unused variable
  • 113668f weather-moon: fix weird thing in comments
  • 6197477 metar: fix searching for string to parse
  • 2cb7572 metar: fix indent somewhat
  • 92346b7 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 2054a03 add Travis-CI support
  • 74edb1c disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • cecbcbb locations: Clean up municipalities of Puerto Rico
  • af00b18 sync with transifex
  • 6ea8e08 locations: Add Feira de Santana, Brazil
  • 70e80da weather-moon: fix weird thing in comments
  • 4f556e0 metar: fix searching for string to parse
  • e059ca3 metar: fix indent somewhat
  • 11cd30b transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 369338f Do not judge whether the window is decorated or not
  • 230f96c screen: Fix use of memory after it is freed
  • 76a5cff [Security] Use 'g_strlcpy' instead of 'strcpy'
  • fc162df compositor-xrender: Fix memory leak
  • 7dd304a Prepare for docker-build 0.1.1 merge into master
  • 9523142 Show build status icon
  • 7f48454 Now to use docker-build on the master branch
  • faed5d8 change to use archlinux/base image
  • becec7e Initialize travis support
  • fad23c9 screen: Remove get_current_monitor in favor of get_current_xinerama
  • 8abba9a Increase icon size on tab and workspace popups
  • a931b08 screen: avoid 'NULL' in 'meta_error_trap...' functions
  • c0be5a7 prefs: avoid deprecated 'g_settings_list_keys'
  • 683d5cf add to autogenerate .gitignore files
  • c3cad38 enable silent output when building
  • 4940310 'meta_error_trap_push' instead 'meta_error_trap_push_with_return'
  • b4dcd38 errors.c: avoid deprecated 'gdk_error_trap...' functions:
  • 898e941 frames.c: drop unused variables
  • 7a18fdd compositor-xrender: avoid deprecated 'gdk_error_trap_push/pop'
  • c5b4162 fix build with 'as' language translation
  • fff65b4 sync with transifex
  • a6f9462 theme: revert theme format version 3.6
  • fbae49d doc: add info for 3.5 and 3.6 theme format versions
  • 0b1c160 Revert "libmarco-private: remove '-1' part from include dir name"
  • 522ad73 Convert frame region handling to cairo regions
  • 93b5dd1 theme: add invisible_border to metacity theme
  • c49f361 add support for app-menu button in theme
  • cb9a1be remove option to attach modal dialogs
  • 5418b40 theme: replace mutter/metacity with marco
  • 9b6f737 theme: Replace char array element comparisons with strncmp
  • 48b0b11 tabpopup.c: always show 5px outline border
  • 2ce772a tabpopup.c: improve * Fix missing white border on outline window. * Do not create outline_window if we are not going to use it.
  • ffece2a Don't show the ws switcher if we only have one Origin: Ubuntu Bug: Bug-Ubuntu: Author: Didier Roche [email protected]
  • 6203779 theme: Allow disabling fallback colors in gtk:custom()
  • 18bfff3 theme: Allow using custom colors from the GTK+ theme
  • ed5eff6 theme: Add tiled_left/tiled_right frame states
  • 997488f theme: Add background functions for single buttons
  • 33c75c2 theme-parser: Use peek_required_version() for validation
  • c9c3f85 Add frame type for attached modal dialogs
  • 37fecf4 Optionally attach modal dialogs
  • 4f47c5b Add meta_window_get_transient_for() method
  • a47f178 Allow a theme to specify ellipsize width for a title
  • 728f002 Add frame_x_center/frame_y_center variables for themes
  • ed3004d metacity-theme-3.xml: Add a flexible version mechanism
  • 2bea67f libmarco-private: remove '-1' part from include dir name
  • d06b592 theme-parser: Remove unused define
  • 13e6a0d sync with transifex
  • 4d70471 pre-bump version
  • 04e564c Correct resize popup position on HiDPI displays
  • 079c458 Fix frame geometry to avoid stuck resize cursor
  • 81fdb55 Scale cursor size for HiDPI
  • 4d8f163 Use frame window to determine scale
  • f6e3326 Support HiDPI window decorations
  • 5989216 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 03cffa3 Fix mismatched enums in keybinding detection for switch-panels and switch-panels-backward
  • 42410fe window: add _NET_WM_STATE_FOCUSED hint to _NET_WM_STATE
  • 70d82d3 avoid deprecated GtkButton:use-stock
  • 61c81eb avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • 6365649 Fixes move_to_center moving window between monitors
  • efac7b7 Do not judge whether the window is decorated or not
  • cd4c579 Now to use docker-build on the master branch
  • 10a4a9f change to use archlinux/base image
  • c1f7c6c add travis-ci config
  • 8c11faa disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • ae307ff sync with transifex
  • 8074c01 Correct resize popup position on HiDPI displays
  • 45d8f75 Fix frame geometry to avoid stuck resize cursor
  • df009f9 Update NEWS.
  • f45d299 Scale cursor size for HiDPI
  • 95f4a7a fix as.po
  • bdc938b fix po files
  • 44b60b0 Use frame window to determine scale
  • b9fd3c1 Support HiDPI window decorations
  • ff52d7b transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • dc6ea05 Fix mismatched enums in keybinding detection for switch-panels and switch-panels-backward
  • 79f998c Fixes move_to_center moving window between monitors


  • cb5ffc11 add Travis-CI support
  • c6259e49 Issues reported by translators
  • 3b5b33a0 multiload: ignore privileged mount points
  • 3e05a6ff Silent output when building.
  • 39d005b1 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 43a64acc Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 339fb827 Netspeed Manual: clean up
  • eea28bc7 Manual: Linux and UNIX systems -> Linux and other Unix-like systems
  • b233ee48 Use ordered list to describe the steps to add the applet to a panel
  • f211627e Manual: Fix Add to Panel dialog title
  • 41b743ee Eyes Applet: Fix window title and factory name
  • e03b4852 Manual: OK -> Add (Add to Panel dialog)
  • 48602d7f trashapplet manual: Open Trash guimenuitem
  • b452bf3b Add/Update Catalan screenshots
  • eec0d1cd Fix name of Eyes applet
  • 0600dbf6 Refer to the fstab(5) man page for more information...
  • 069a7a72 Remove unused png files
  • 565f521e Fix url of ulink to point to mate-user-guide
  • 4dc452ba Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • 1f2d79bd legal.xml
  • 0a00b7cd Cpufreq: Force the frequency label to render if frequencies are not found right away
  • 704fe986 Cpufreq: Refactor to remove more GTK2 leftovers
  • 0e139588 Cpufreq: ensure frequency label always shows up if freq selected
  • 90633bf3 sync with transifex
  • 5ec87867 update mate-applets.pot
  • 549542af accessx: Convert icons from pixbuf to cairo surfaces
  • 3aaeec39 netspeed: Use theme icons instead of embedded
  • 683946ed battstat: Load theme icons instead of pixmaps
  • 311ae4eb Convert applet icons from pixbuf to surfaces
  • e83811d0 solving type mismatch in g_settings_set_value
  • e5ecb8b2 only text formatting to prepare for real change
  • e35e9514 Fix cpufreq applet spacing on HiDPI displays
  • 4ece3d16 multiload: add style class multiload-applet
  • 5426dfb4 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 2b103078 Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • a57ce1e1 Initialize Travis CI support
  • ada156c7 Issues reported by translators
  • 7a8e4de6 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • cefd5e90 Silent output when building.
  • dfad0318 Add file
  • 70085d23 Support to generate .gitignore
  • e0793643 sync with transifex
  • 3caf2ace Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 867b495e Netspeed Manual: clean up
  • 8d94f956 Manual: Linux and UNIX systems -> Linux and other Unix-like systems
  • 0412e78e Manual: Fix Add to Panel dialog title
  • df8e737e Eyes Applet: Fix window title and factory name
  • 62c6b2bf Manual: OK -> Add (Add to Panel dialog)
  • 4802c6f0 trashapplet manual: Open Trash guimenuitem
  • 030496ac Add/Update Catalan screenshots
  • ca3008f4 transifex: update pot files:
  • 365c147d Fix name of Eyes applet
  • dacfd4dc Refer to the fstab(5) man page for more information...
  • ec3d9f04 Remove unused png files
  • 5f1bb981 Fix url of ulink to point to mate-user-guide
  • 2783047f Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • 14a9913b legal.xml
  • 4e15c188 accessx-status: fix another leak
  • 6c34117f Fix memory leak on accessx-status.
  • 246f078f sticky-notes: fix a memory leak
  • ebabac90 timerapplet: Allow resetting timer when inactive
  • 43b16f78 Weather: apply a widget name to the textview
  • 1cd86c77 weather: add cssprovider for widget not for screen
  • a15746b9 mateweather-dialog.c: avoid deprecated 'gtk_widget_override_font'
  • 881233e8 cpufreq: stop segfault with gtk3.23
  • 6f4843f6 trash applet: avoid deprecated 'gtk_window_set_wmclass'
  • 0746a55c cpufreq: fix a -Wimplicit-function-declaration
  • 1a11a017 trash: fix a -Wincompatible-pointer-types warning
  • 2c31e385 weather-applet: replace deprecated GtkAlignment
  • f4221bef weather-dialog: replace deprecated GtkAlignment
  • cf4ed850 weather-prefs: replace deprecated gtk_alignment_new
  • 7551de5b stickynotes: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop functions
  • 3cd2d150 cpu-freq: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • d3bf8fd4 sticknotes: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • dc720b32 drivemount: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • 6270bb32 charpick: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • 0453aa6d sync with transifex
  • f0b33d11 Cpufreq: Force the frequency label to render if frequencies are not found right away
  • 618ab266 Cpufreq: Refactor to remove more GTK2 leftovers
  • 8bd11f81 Cpufreq: ensure frequency label always shows up if freq selected
  • a3c1c30f update .pot file
  • 8a5af152 pre-bump version
  • cbc200ff accessx: Convert icons from pixbuf to cairo surfaces
  • 2b9d8bf7 netspeed: Use theme icons instead of embedded
  • a03ead3c battstat: Load theme icons instead of pixmaps
  • 7185a704 Convert applet icons from pixbuf to surfaces
  • 486f9e58 solving type mismatch in g_settings_set_value
  • 23b0803d only text formatting to prepare for real change
  • ea40c35e Fix cpufreq applet spacing on HiDPI displays
  • ba596c20 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 147ca93e multiload: add style class multiload-applet
  • 607d5228 avoid deprecated GtkStock


  • d741473 Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • c3f5eb6 Initialize Travis CI support
  • 556fd12 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 1e960de transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 5600c81 Initialize Travis CI support
  • 98f0b9b math-window: update copyright year to 2019
  • bfb8cd7 Tx: update resource for transifex server
  • 4637b01 Increase accuracy range to 15
  • 187a975 math-display: avoid deprecated 'gtk_widget_modify_bg'
  • bba427d currency-manager: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • 2c4aba1 currency: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • fc0720e math-equation: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • a61f07d unit-manager: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • 25f0f0a unit-category: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • e8ddb38 unit: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • 5ffa9d9 mp-serializer: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • e0e01b8 math-variable-popup: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • 740f9a5 math-preferences: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • 0dd1f73 math-variables: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • b85ea87 math-converter: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • f9e4e7e math-buttons: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • 8c5611d math-window: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • 9ac7540 Remove duplicated assignment
  • 49f81fb Fix typo
  • d0a089f disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • f13a023 math-display: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • ab8897e math-window: Fix memory leak
  • 3693bc6 math-display.c: avoid deprecated 'gtk_widget_ensure_style' (#66)
  • 1546b67 data: update appdata directory
  • be2b3b8 ui files: add missing icons in titles to dialogs
  • a1cfbbd buttons-programming.ui: Fix buttons
  • 6f31ccc Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 5321fc4 Write equation using MathML
  • d416464 Fix application name
  • 0aee226 Fix repeated words
  • 48a9bec Copy equation as ASCII text
  • 897ad51 sync with transifex
  • ea8f6ed pre-bump version
  • 2ffd951 update .pot file
  • 58f106a UI: avoid deprecated GtkButton:use-stock
  • 074773b UI: drop all deprecated elements
  • fceb9a7 math-preferences: add window icon to Preferences dialog
  • e29978c transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 6cd2c4d Init gtk before math_equation_new; fix #44
  • f30835f avoid deprecated gtk_image_menu_item_new_from_stock
  • eaa9ea6 add Travis-CI support
  • 0576c7c disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 38f08a4 data: update appdata directory
  • a279b86 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • d7441b1 Write equation using MathML
  • e486468 Fix application name
  • 39590d8 Fix repeated words
  • de4b0c4 Copy equation as ASCII text
  • b0890c3 sync with transifex
  • a148e5b math-preferences: add window icon to Preferences dialog
  • 10e6fdb Init gtk before math_equation_new
  • a64b304 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file



  • 378becd yaml use lower boolean strings
  • ed6353d add installation instructions
  • f0ec6cb Travis: use github links for downloading tarballs
  • 21da1ad Prepare for docker-build 0.1.1 merge into master
  • 21d7f2c Typo fix
  • b205683 add archlinux build on travis-ci
  • 81ae219 fixed distcheck fail on debian
  • 8c0de1c enable travis for all branches
  • 43fd38d Add -Werror=format-security and show make distcheck failed with color
  • 5dda92e script keep silent and distcheck always return 0
  • da71960 add missing dependency package git code of mate-menus for debian/ubuntu
  • 76ce83a use the git code of mate-menus
  • 7079813 Initialize travis support
  • 6d1a4aa eggcellrendererkeys: avoid deprecated 'gtk_widget_modify_bg/fg'
  • bde8d11 Update MCC help
  • a62f043 default-applications: Use more common icon names for Office documents
  • 3047735 mate-display-properties: Migrate from dbus-glib to GDBus
  • c5e048b Fix the runtime warning about gtk_widget_destroy.
  • 383d3da Fixed number of cols error after reload menus.
  • 512b446 Fixed crash when install/remove application.
  • 99b0d3e capplets/mouse: .svg files instead .png in doubleclick artwork
  • 7ebacdb capplets/mouse: New doubleclick artwork with mate logo
  • 8f4dc20 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 9482529 default-applications: Fix assertion failure on g_icon_to_string
  • 08d1e4e default-applications: Add a widget for a default calculator application
  • a8d6bbb default-applications: Use the selected word processor for RTF as well
  • 3a3f389 require mate-settings-daemon-1.21.2
  • 223c58a keybindings: Add a key binding to toggle the microphone's mute status
  • 6a6da57 keybindings: Add some key bindings to control volume quietly
  • ee42ad7 require m-s-d 1.21.1 due to new control-center key in schema
  • f8dc9a7 Account for NULL error when we see G_IO_STATUS_EOF
  • c6c1db0 typing-break: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap functions
  • 73a72ba transifex: update mate-control-center.pot
  • 2fcab0c update hint for mouse double-click
  • 8c44ea6 keybindings: double click instead one click to edit keyboard shortcuts
  • ba5a88c mate-keybinding-properties: avoid deprecated 'gtk_widget_ensure_style'
  • b245b8d added search option for mate-font-viewer
  • dfa0fd1 Load avatar-default as default image
  • a6f0e57 for accounts service support
  • c5649ad keybindings: Add a key binding to launch settings
  • 03ef6ce pre-bump version
  • 99f6f32 Depend on mate-desktop 1.21.2 due to new gschema key
  • 291b050 Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • 0a12038 legal.xml
  • 1982f4f Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 1034ff7 Add UI to control org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.stickykeys-latch-to-lock
  • be9b514 use fixed size to show user icon
  • 81d7a31 Add new api for EImageChooser
  • 28c5512 get/set user face icon use accounts service
  • 409e0a1 sync with transifex
  • 397a588 require mate-desktop-1.21.1
  • 8c4ebef typing-break: Make images larger and load as surface
  • 19fdb3f Mouse: include a toggle to enable or disable middlemouse paste Defaults to ON so as not to change expected behavior until user changes it.
  • d5c8249 capplets/keybindings: avoid deprecated 'gdk_keymap_get_default'
  • 657b706 display-capplet.ui: replace deprecations
  • d21cbad libslab: code clean up
  • f6d429e wm-common: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap functions
  • 9edbc59 libslab: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • 4facc83 msd-input-helper: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap functions
  • e19868d mouse: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap functions
  • 98b1b52 sync with transifex
  • ecb2d6a update mate-control-center.pot
  • 110b5d8 bump required version of mate-menus
  • 7ba869d use new mate-menus api
  • 7137397 use new api
  • ede274e use matemenu_tree_new
  • ea9ec0f appearance: fixed more indents
  • 8a96f64 appearance: fixed indentations
  • 31880fa appearance: add buttons-have-icons switch
  • af21077 update potfile
  • acbde95 mouse: add middle button emulation switch
  • 3d3bb8b display-capplet: add css name for scrollarea
  • 61e2e6e Change cursor-size to 24px
  • 1269bef Scale cursor size for HiDPI when changing themes
  • b198f90 Fix screen geometry to account for rotation when snapping.
  • 48b4fc3 Add auto-detect toggle switch
  • f083448 transifex: set minimum_perc = 1
  • 7eb6245 transifex: add type PO to client config file
  • 08252b1 po: add missing file to
  • c7697c9 theme-util.c: fix segfault on attempt to delete custom theme
  • 257b236 theme-thumbnail.c: avoid deprecated GtkButton:use-stock
  • 17b2017 avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • 9e312c4 Remove useless parameter in mate_theme_install_real
  • e76a646 theme-installer.c: add tips when reinstall a existed theme
  • 71e0779 add Travis-CI support
  • 2ca7574 fixed distcheck fail on debian
  • d93e910 Update MCC help
  • 22746a3 Fix the runtime warning about gtk_widget_destroy.
  • 56c1867 Fixed number of cols error after reload menus.
  • bc4e90b disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • a61bda0 default-applications: Use the selected word processor for RTF as well
  • 9a36755 typing-break: Make images larger and load as surface
  • 87d3627 update hint for mouse double-click
  • e5c3e4f keybindings: double click instead one click to edit keyboard shortcuts
  • 677966d Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • 439c26f legal.xml
  • 2d6e71b Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 7a3d258 sync with transifex
  • d06a1d3 display-capplet: add css name for scrollarea
  • 954bf58 Change cursor-size to 24px
  • c026529 Scale cursor size for HiDPI when changing themes
  • 6d4493b Add auto-detect toggle switch
  • 4225308 Remove useless parameter in mate_theme_install_real
  • da86482 Fix screen geometry to account for rotation when snapping.
  • 7165e06 theme-util.c: fix segfault on attempt to delete custom theme
  • 8adccf3 theme-installer.c: add tips when reinstall a existed theme
  • 598b187 transifex: set minimum_perc = 1
  • 61cde4b transifex: add type PO to client config file


  • 137fd47 [Security] Use 'g_strlcpy' instead of 'strcpy'
  • 3233410 [Security] test-ditem: Use 'g_strlcat' instead of 'strcat'
  • b6bcccf Prepare for docker-build 0.1.1 merge into master
  • 009ff2a use archlinux/base image
  • 89c003e Fixed make distcheck fail on debian.
  • 87ff53b mate-colorsel: avoid deprecated 'gtk_widget_modify_bg'
  • c15a018 Initialize travis support
  • b7dffb4 [mate-rr] Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private
  • 627a1d9 Improve indents
  • 46950f4 Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private
  • 6d30b65 [mate-colorsel] Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private
  • e263ed7 mate-bg: avoid deprecated 'g_settings_list_keys'
  • 0c8a787 update copyright to 2019
  • 470a488 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • d98dcfc mate-bg: Corrected some comments
  • 6ca78f0 schemas: Define schema for a default calculator
  • f4ecfb3 sync with transifex
  • 49dc665 pre-bump version
  • 98650b6 Add new setting to control XKB modifier latching
  • e9f904e sync with transifex
  • f675d03 pre-bump version
  • 0b76914 interface: add key to enable/disable primary paste from middlemouse
  • f791ef8 mate-desktop-item: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop
  • 6ef0247 mate-rr-config: replace deprecated gdk_flush
  • 953da77 mate-rr: replace deprecated Gdk functions
  • c49a780 mate-bg-crossfade: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop
  • 5e16dc1 mate-bg: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop
  • d21326d fix distcheck
  • ecf2fbd add mate-language apis
  • f7cf0fd sync with transifex
  • 58de8c0 update mate-desktop.pot
  • ddc096e drop ancient and unused acinclude.m4
  • fb4c986 bump version
  • fa7491d Add toggle for synchronizing QT_SCALE_FACTOR to GDK_SCALE_FACTOR
  • d28e063 Change default cursor-size to 24px
  • 6d06e18 Support background fallback on HiDPI
  • 1aa9a47 mate-rr-labeler: fix font-color for dark themes
  • 4ae8d1d transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 41797c0 add Travis-CI support
  • 7304b6d Fixed make distcheck fail on debian.
  • 583659e disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 19ded0f sync with transifex
  • 51ce040 update mate-desktop.pot
  • 6b137cb bump version
  • 202d570 Add toggle for synchronizing QT_SCALE_FACTOR to GDK_SCALE_FACTOR
  • e71d548 Change default cursor-size to 24px
  • b24f151 Support background fallback on HiDPI
  • abaa1e4 mate-rr-labeler: fix font-color for dark themes
  • 2059f58 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • eee2a8b Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • 3e72529 Initialize Travis CI support
  • 5823371 pre-bump version
  • 2857b96 symlink input-touchpad.svg icon
  • 0ba194a add a symlink for bluetooth icon
  • 932961d add icons for touchpad
  • b4dd6b1 sync with transifex
  • 9d16e11 pre-bump version
  • 899a3e4 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 8acc799 mate: add audio-volume-off
  • b9236af Add video single and joined display symbolic svg icons
  • fbd4521 symlink input-touchpad.svg icon
  • 08cbd7e sync with transifex
  • d895041 add a symlink for bluetooth icon
  • d1adafc add icons for touchpad
  • 62293d7 mate: add audio-volume-off
  • 98c5e84 sync with transifex
  • d454349 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • b8e45a5 Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • e9b6aee Initialize Travis CI support
  • eeed710 Make translatable the copyright in about dialog
  • 24efcb7 tomboykeybinder: avoid 'gdk_error_trap_push/pop' and 'gdk_flush'
  • 921f460 migrate language list to po/LINGUAS file
  • 36a63e2 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • ee6ac63 tomboykeybinder: avoid deprecated 'gdk_keymap_get_default'
  • 6a3c896 pre-bump version
  • f918300 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 92472ab add travis-CI support
  • 288c314 migrate language list to po/LINGUAS file
  • 56f4d1b tomboykeybinder: avoid deprecated 'gdk_keymap_get_default'
  • 45d7501 sync with transifex
  • b51b549 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • ad1f495 Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • b7d4d16 Initialize Travis CI support
  • f64fbb2 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 44967fe sync with transifex
  • be1dbeb Ignore PulseAudio "monitor" inputs when displaying mic icon
  • e06fd70 gvc-mixer-dialog.c: avoid deprecated 'gtk_widget_override_font'
  • a52e89c pre-bump version
  • 3588909 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 778e116 add Travis-CI support
  • 4fec5a8 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 78bac2f sync with transifex
  • 12539df transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 4bca866 Adjust the packages installation location
  • 6226441 enable for all branches
  • 9d1f626 initial travis-ci support
  • dcd67cc Add missing include
  • 8210880 Switch to modern realpath()
  • 96505c4 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 71e85c1 drop Python support leftovers
  • 1190fa5 fix transifex bullshit
  • 15c1f94 sync with transifex
  • 047e1d2 update version to 1.21.0
  • 6399b84 update examples
  • 524d3e4 backport from gnome-menus
  • b642c7c use G_BEGIN/END_DECLS
  • 9294083 require gio-unix, drop python example
  • edaad52 require gio-unix
  • 2b06561 drop python2 support
  • d5896d5 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 4f2519d add Travis-CI support
  • 1e2cc5d disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • d8ba530 sync with transifex
  • df38513 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 288eaed Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • 7df6fe1 Initialize Travis CI support
  • 92910b6 avoid deprecated 'gdk_error_trap_push/pop/pop_ignored' and 'gdk_flush'
  • 5f26a3b disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • c488e7e tomboykeybinder: avoid deprecated 'gdk_keymap_get_default'
  • 4f78cde pre-bump version
  • d3e0b44 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 37844ff add Travis-CI support
  • 98c5585 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 1243c95 sync with transifex
  • 6c25a73 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • e143ad5 Prepare for docker-build 0.1.1 merge into master
  • ae121af update to use archlinux/base image
  • fa47df1 Update to use the latest docker-build script.
  • 8e2df08 add debian sid to travis-CI config
  • be2d132 initial travis-CI support
  • cf5a9a1 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • c586fe5 Avoid compile warning for g_type_class_add_private
  • 3f3bc54 sync with transifex
  • 73ad070 update .pot file
  • 106ec3b pre-bump version
  • 8217f2d Drop dbus-glib dependence
  • dccffbc Use GVariant
  • 960df18 Migrate from dbus-glib to GDBus
  • f26d490 Add signals, remove annotation from xml file
  • 4362bc3 Use gdbus generate files
  • 5e688bf Add new file
  • 6fd50ad Fix some gdk deprecations
  • 178eacc src/daemon/daemon.c: Replace deprecated gvfs-open call by "gio open" from libglib2.0-bin.
  • 34baf35 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • b164be0 add Travis-CI support
  • 3af2c3d disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • b899400 sync with transifex
  • 23fe34b transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 1db7d2a Ensure proper translation of the about dialog title
  • 84c0435 Prepare for docker-build 0.1.1 merge into master
  • e0efbab Make translatable the copyright in about dialog
  • 086ca8b Use docker-build on the master branch
  • 134d947 Fix last menu with gtk_menu_popup and failure to follow panel theme
  • dacbd08 mate-panel-applet.c: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • a577926 fix make distcheck fail on debian
  • 5b873db use archlinux/base image
  • 4a6c3df Properly align button menu positions on vertical panels
  • 14fce6f Test the new docker-build
  • 15e3a68 initial travis-CI support
  • 371e3d7 fix crash on removing tray
  • c733d20 panel-action-protocol: Error if used when X11 is disabled
  • 4fe2b74 panel-force-quit: Error if used when X11 is disabled
  • db9a60c panel-xutils: Error if used when X11 is disabled
  • 00e26f7 xstuff: include GTK and GDK X11 headers, so including files don't have to
  • ab19ac4 xstuff: add is_using_x11 ()
  • e3846eb xstuff: Error if X11 not enabled
  • 62237a6 Applets: only compile X11 applets when X11 is enabled
  • d714792 Clock: Wayland support
  • aa4754c wncklet: Error if compiling without X11 support
  • d7edd93 Notification area: error if compiling without X11 support
  • 3630b20 applet.c: Remove unused mate_panel_applet_position_menu ()
  • b57daee libmate-panel-applet: Add comments in headers to explain Wayland behavior
  • d30deb0 libmate-panel-applet: mate-panel-applet.c Wayland support
  • 8c9a517 libmate-panel-applet: Applet factory Wayland support
  • 3e4a50d libmate-panel-applet: Error if panel-plug is built without X11
  • 23e1bda libmate-panel-applet: Stop X11 specific files from building on Wayland
  • 793cc25 eggsmclient: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • ab4812a clock: set horizontal padding for clock-button
  • 3d9cfcf panel-config-global: avoid deprecated 'g_settings_list_keys'
  • 8d7aad1 Store fish surface size to enable rendering without backend specific code
  • c4b2b33 Remove unused screen variable in fish applet
  • e7ed982 Remove X specific functions from fish applet
  • c979fdf README: don't mention dbus-glib which is not needed anymore
  • 9935eeb Clock: Fix weather icon size selection for panel height
  • 8d0f753 Clock: ensure weather icon resizes with panel
  • 9484b05 Tray: Fix too-wide icon spacing after mate-polkit has been used w sni
  • 4c23197 clock: force no button vertical padding and margin
  • 422f7e5 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 77d343b Disallow building without X11 support
  • 0831806 Allow for enabling and disabling a backend without affecting the other
  • c13a54c Remove generated Wayland files on make clean
  • 9b8511a Replace wayland-scanner private-code option with code
  • 3e73d66 clock.c: Force negative margin, not passing on 'clockbutton'
  • a0d3068 Link with Wayland protocols and libraries
  • b0fb7b5 Include Wayland protocol generating makefile in build system
  • 8dd32e8 Add wayland protocol generating makefile
  • d7074e3 Updated for Wayland support
  • dc37f88 Add XDG Shell protocol xml
  • 0ea564a Add Layer Shell protocol xml
  • c50f7b3 Remove legacy X11 package detection
  • 9628efb panel-gtk: Fix memory leaks
  • 76d6eff pre-bump version
  • 22ab0e0 sync from transifex with fixes for newer itstool
  • 4302754 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • b9bd3f6 Check if manager->proxy is NULL
  • a34f531 Migrate mate-panel from dbus-glib to gdbus
  • a73abb8 notification-area-preferences-dialog.ui: avoid GtkButton:use-stock
  • 5764886 Fix GdkSeat warning
  • 105f685 Ensure alt-F1 can show the menu even if no menu applet on panel
  • d68268a na-tray: add preferences dialog and applet menu entry
  • 10b9c30 na-tray: wide panels, add GSettings to the applet
  • c7d431d na-tray: wide panels, convert main GtkBox display to GtkGrid
  • 9bdd469 na-tray: wide panels, preliminary batch box to grid rename
  • 3f351d5 button-widget: wide panels, more suitable resize limits on Widgets and arrows
  • e4fc17c README - Add dependency list
  • 423e74c legal.xml
  • 0340a5e Clock applet help: To Adjust the System Date or Time
  • 3fd6d38 Clock applet help: Add Show week numbers in calendar
  • b7a1ac5 Clock applet help: Fix speed unit for meters per second
  • 16e6140 sync with transifex
  • f0f4c5e menu-bar: transfer focus correctly on alt-F1
  • 4c30c52 panel: avoid a critical
  • 2e35407 panel-toplevel: fix memory leak in calculate_minimum_height
  • 31930d0 applets: Guard against GTK scale-factor fixes on GtkSocket
  • 139f183 window-list: Skip setting size hints until WnckTasklist has items to show.
  • f2f4d84 applets: Fix runtime error messages
  • b37f24e mate-panel-applet: setup_x_error_handler for in-process applets too
  • a130fb0 GTK 3.23: fix applet size allocation
  • 7369482 fish: avoid deprecated 'gtk_window_set_wmclass'
  • 9de3a86 Tray: simplify force-redraw, use code that actually works
  • 17ac8aa panel-actions: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • 8001d65 applet-context-menu: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • 81896c0 panel-context-menu: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • 3820f05 GTK 3.23: don't cut tray icons too narrow in HiDPI mode
  • 91f9afe na-tray-child: remove na_tray_child_size_allocate
  • 0022441 panel-menu-button: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • 6bad863 na-tray-child: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop functions
  • 7c63f61 libmate-panel-applet: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap functions
  • 20ea38d panel-xutils: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap functions
  • edb3e0d panel-util: replace deprecated gdk_flush
  • 36d1856 main: replace deprecated gdk_flush
  • 5e296c1 panel-widget: replace deprecated gdk_flush
  • c4aedbd panel-toplevel: add position css class
  • 9009c4e panel-force-quit: replace deprecated gdk_device_grab
  • cb34c54 panel-force-quit: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap functions
  • 08076de panel-force-quit: replace deprecated gdk_flush
  • b22dff4 menu.c: Fix: Keep spaces in the left if "menus-have-icons" is off
  • 5ca1fb1 Panel-gtk.c: Show menu icons only when "menus-have-icons" is set
  • 2d3406f workspace-switcher: provide themed fallback color
  • a5df21b po: bring back pt_BR to LINGUAS
  • f8cbb7b sync with transifex
  • 0c93617 update mate-panel.pot
  • 89e8e62 update mate-menus requirement
  • ac2778a panel-menu-button.c: Force use basename for compare
  • 2631577 Support new mate-menus api
  • 10b2021 Convert launcher icons to cairo surfaces
  • f775e89 fix rendering and removal of in-process applets on unexpanded panel
  • 8e196da applet.c: avoid deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  • 83be983 limit size of panel-hide-button
  • 9893c11 clock: fix weird thing in comments
  • 3b9119b clock: fix actual copy/paste error which caused use-after-free
  • 7099408 clock: fix use-after-free
  • 74ec4df fish: Install fish animations in fish-specific directory
  • f96c4ef fish: drop wanda image from gresource
  • 8135c86 sync with transifex
  • 38dbd34 css: use parsing-error signal to warn on bad css file or image
  • 2170446 css: Convert to GResource
  • fb3abe3 na-tray: Convert to GResource
  • e1db072 wncklet: Convert to GResource
  • 1b7c43a panel: Convert to GResource
  • ee07e90 clock: Use new GdkPixbuf API to load resources
  • cfe0603 clock: Convert to GResource
  • c61d371 fish: Convert to GResource
  • b6372ca libpanel-applet: Add panel_applet_setup_menu_from_resource() API
  • 45b2541 Theme: consistent theming for applet drag handles in all themes
  • b060d2a Revert "panel-toplevel: Remove pointer boundary check in panel_toplevel_queue_auto_hide()"
  • 8670151 panel-context-menu.c: avoid deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  • 49a3b4a avoid 'gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new' with stock ids
  • 8248680 update potfile
  • 15c910f Accessibility: white/black applet handles in GNOME high contrast themes
  • 50b0f8b panel-run-dialog.ui: avoid deprecated:
  • 7ebb494 fish.c: avoid 'gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons' with stock id
  • 33e4655 Revert "panel-run-dialog.ui: avoid deprecated:"
  • 67c1cd0 Revert "Revert "panel-test-applets.ui: avoid deprecated:""
  • f853512 Revert "panel-test-applets.ui: avoid deprecated:"
  • d1aee5a panel-test-applets.ui: avoid deprecated:
  • 4d84a7e panel-run-dialog.ui: avoid deprecated:
  • 4d26d40 window-list.ui: avoid GtkVBox and GtkButton:use-stock
  • d3aacfe workspace-switcher.ui: avoid deprecated GtkButton:use-stock
  • 2e0a74d Theme: show applet handles on non-MATE themes
  • d3d057d panel-properties-dialog.ui: avoid GtkButton:use-stock and GtkImage:stock
  • d7ed6ff fish.ui: avoid deprecated:
  • 55d46b4 clock.ui: avoid deprecated:
  • a518a93 avoid gtk_dialog_add_buttons with stock ids
  • 3975311 fix distcheck
  • fca5e6e workspace-switcher: support i3 WM
  • 6609af3 workspace-switcher: support metacity WM
  • bc66290 Apply fix for workspace-switcher by vkareh
  • fb2abbf Fix rendering of out-of-process window list with hidpi
  • 0b15ea1 hidpi: fix tray icon spacing with window-scaling > 1
  • ff04f33 Fix out-of-process applet sizes for HiDPI
  • fa5cde3 Fix hide buttons make panel bigger
  • 6bbc333 run dialog: force icon size when loading app icon
  • 61ee811 run dialog: fix expand of content on window resize
  • f6224f1 Fix run dialog show-program-list enabling fix
  • 77be765 run-dialog: use F6 to switch between entry field and program list
  • 27e2032 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 73e025b Fix strut sizes for HiDPI multi-monitors
  • a00f2c9 Do not down-scale monitor geometries for GDK monitors
  • 87a3769 Scale monitor geometries down to device pixels to support multiple monitors in HiDPI
  • b08bc13 Drawer cleanup and fix arrow behavior
  • 8d4877d add Travis-CI support
  • 41e8a02 fix make distcheck fail on debian
  • cc33d66 Tray: Fix too-wide icon spacing after mate-polkit has been used w sni
  • bab2d5a na-tray: wide panels, convert main GtkBox display to GtkGrid
  • 5027993 na-tray: wide panels, preliminary batch box to grid rename
  • d491abc button-widget: wide panels, more suitable resize limits on Widgets and arrows
  • 0a10e4b clock: set horizontal padding for clock-button
  • f701bec Clock: Fix weather icon size selection for panel height
  • 9803059 Clock: ensure weather icon resizes with panel
  • b79d153 clock: force no button vertical padding and margin
  • 1d99f02 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 2c548d1 Tray: simplify force-redraw, use code that actually works
  • a014c7a Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • cdaf08f menu-bar: transfer focus correctly on alt-F1
  • 5b3cc79 legal.xml
  • e6e3f39 Clock applet help: To Adjust the System Date or Time
  • 01568a6 Clock applet help: Add Show week numbers in calendar
  • b1959f2 Clock applet help: Fix speed unit for meters per second
  • e7eda82 panel: avoid a critical
  • de3e05b panel-toplevel: fix memory leak in calculate_minimum_height
  • 4c8fa18 sync with transifex
  • 4bff213 pre-bump version
  • b179cad applets: Guard against GTK scale-factor fixes on GtkSocket
  • 015cc74 window-list: Skip setting size hints until WnckTasklist has items to show.
  • 19bfc3d applets: Fix runtime error messages
  • ae885fb mate-panel-applet: setup_x_error_handler for in-process applets too
  • a673336 GTK 3.23: fix applet size allocation
  • b8c0dde GTK 3.23: don't cut tray icons too narrow in HiDPI mode
  • a5a079b na-tray-child: remove na_tray_child_size_allocate
  • 2c8de94 panel-toplevel: add position css class
  • 3e08875 sync with transifex
  • 388ed1d update mate-panel.pot
  • 5c4eb86 Convert launcher icons to cairo surfaces
  • 6e0188b fix rendering and removal of in-process applets on unexpanded panel
  • bc79584 limit size of panel-hide-button
  • 8b287d0 clock: fix weird thing in comments
  • 9ff939b clock: fix copy/paste error which caused use-after-free
  • a7dcec2 fish: Install fish animations in fish-specific directory
  • cd623c5 fish: drop wanda image from gresource
  • f51051b css: use parsing-error signal to warn on bad css file or image
  • 3db6772 css: Convert to GResource
  • 9ee6deb na-tray: Convert to GResource
  • ff613c4 wncklet: Convert to GResource
  • 6b461de panel: Convert to GResource
  • 72982f7 clock: Use new GdkPixbuf API to load resources
  • dcb6025 clock: Convert to GResource
  • 0e8b631 fish: Convert to GResource
  • 0b9863f libpanel-applet: Add panel_applet_setup_menu_from_resource() API
  • cbdb7a5 Revert "panel-toplevel: Remove pointer boundary check in panel_toplevel_queue_auto_hide()"
  • 37ae832 Accessibility: white/black applet handles in GNOME high contrast themes
  • 5f38df2 Theme: show applet handles on non-MATE themes
  • db865a1 fix distcheck
  • dd6f3f7 workspace-switcher: support i3 WM
  • 496ac68 Fix rendering of out-of-process window list with hidpi
  • 72fb2fc workspace-switcher: support metacity WM
  • 88a2442 Apply fix for workspace-switcher by vkareh
  • d02fcc5 hidpi: fix tray icon spacing with window-scaling > 1
  • a32c8da Fix out-of-process applet sizes for HiDPI
  • 976ae5c Fix hide buttons make panel bigger
  • 3ce6c33 run dialog: force icon size when loading app icon
  • 50aa81d run dialog: fix expand of content on window resize
  • dce0491 Fix run dialog show-program-list enabling fix
  • 35205a5 run-dialog: use F6 to switch between entry field and program list
  • 77fdffd Fix strut sizes for HiDPI multi-monitors
  • 06c84c7 Do not down-scale monitor geometries for GDK monitors
  • 3d15308 Scale monitor geometries down to device pixels to support multiple monitors in HiDPI
  • 13940c6 Drawer cleanup and fix arrow behavior
  • 5ea3006 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 22de40a Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • fbbd4e9 Initialize Travis CI support
  • 5485eeb disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 7469714 pre-bump version
  • 1822c79 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • ee80536 add Travis-CI support
  • e262a95 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 3ae929e sync with transifex
  • 264fefb transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • fd27849 add require packages for archlinux
  • a763309 Initialize Travis CI support
  • 5dca0aa use libtool generated during build instead of external one
  • 7badcbc disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 1514a0f gpm-control: avoid deprecated 'g_settings_list_schemas'
  • 79fe889 media-keys: always round the render coordinates for media icons
  • ed4afca media-keys: Tweak the OSD's bright bar position
  • 2c2f966 osd-window: make the window smaller
  • a7b4e6c media-keys: Make icon smaller in OSD
  • ff8f8d3 media-keys: Use constant for icon size in OSD
  • 1a69d22 Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • 4dfae40 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • b3c86df gpm-kbd-backlight: replace deprecated GDK_DEVICE_MANAGER
  • 71eb548 gpm-backlight: replace deprecated GDK_DEVICE_MANAGER
  • d5d6e8c gpm-button: replace deprecated Gdk functions
  • c569240 gpm-brightness: replace deprecated Gdk functions
  • 999651b sync with transifex
  • 5f64b12 pre-bump version
  • c4528fd inhibit: always scale icon to match panel size
  • 8e29023 Inhibit Applet: Fix excessive CPU use
  • 27482cc add missing window icon to About dialogs
  • 795df5f transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 9929aea Scale OSD size correctly on HiDPI displays (#246)
  • 8ea1469 Grammar fix
  • 570a3be add Travis-CI support
  • 61f71d4 Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • 2dec591 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 6ff9690 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 8a3e0c1 gpm-button: replace deprecated Gdk functions
  • 1ce6f4e sync with transifex
  • 9530f79 inhibit: always scale icon to match panel size
  • 306b7e2 Inhibit Applet: Fix excessive CPU use
  • 1e3fbac add missing window icon to About dialogs
  • 97163e8 Scale OSD size correctly on HiDPI displays (#246)
  • ecc330b Grammar fix
  • 96eeaff transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • f8bc365 Tx: sync with transifex
  • cd70be5 let distcheck pass on debian
  • feca97f Initialize Travis CI support
  • ee41071 Make translatable the auth-username-label in lock-dialog-default.ui
  • 11fedfe mate-screensaver-command: Support unlocking (--unlock) the screensaver via CLI.
  • 84a14f0 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 43cfc3b sync with transifex
  • dbd37df fix more GdkScreen related deprecations
  • deb9266 gs-grab-x11: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop
  • ba96676 gs-visual-gl: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop
  • 1bbadd3 Remove "monitor" pointer from debug information
  • ef8f73d lock-plug: Only scale lock-screen widgets on older versions of GTK
  • 0d51a73 gs-lock-plug: avoid deprecated 'gdk_keymap_get_default'
  • 8d82e50 sync with transifex
  • bba13cb update mate-screensaver.pot
  • 0ed125f bump required version of mate-menus
  • c3807e7 support new mate-menus api
  • abaa88e Fixed some gdk deprecations
  • ce87b58 fixed gdk_flush warning
  • 675a41c transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 145663b avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • 2497b11 add Travis-CI support
  • faa8507 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • e8d8b36 Remove "monitor" pointer from debug information
  • 1774853 sync with transifex
  • 465734b fix more GdkScreen related deprecations
  • 762ae73 lock-plug: Only scale lock-screen widgets on older versions of GTK
  • 6498272 sync with transifex
  • f94dbce transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 707bf62 Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • 4ea376a Initialize Travis CI support
  • 2628689 Make translatable the copyright in about dialog
  • 4cbcf29 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 972866e Add NetBSD support.
  • ff7769b Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 5bbef92 sync with transifex
  • 98da528 pre-bump version
  • f8ca6f7 Fix copyright for plugin files
  • 915bd41 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 34bc99e Add dummy plugin
  • 78ab99a UDisks2 plugin cleanup
  • 64e3232 sync with transifex
  • 39a1a8c fix save order of sensors v2
  • f876ed2 prefs-dialog: drop unneeded space in general tab
  • 5359056 prefs-dialog: set a min_width for enable_column
  • 3f54c57 prefs-dialog: use hscrollbar-policy GTK_POLICY_NEVER
  • 7e48690 fix GtkStock deprecations
  • e06917d add Travis-CI support
  • 7063811 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 9af4264 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 8a41f1a sync with transifex
  • 5352e3b transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 047590c sync with transifex
  • 4ebb00d fix save order of sensors v2
  • cba90be prefs-dialog: drop unneeded space in general tab
  • 15b67d2 prefs-dialog: set a min_width for enable_column
  • 34edb53 prefs-dialog: use hscrollbar-policy GTK_POLICY_NEVER


  • 7f0a938 Guard against missing systemd
  • 9e97673 Prepare for docker-build 0.1.1 merge into master
  • 2dede6b use archlinux/base image
  • 9471682 add into tarball
  • db623bf Fix make distcheck fail on debian.
  • f3eb3e8 initial travis-CI support
  • 9c748b1 manager: restart user bus if last graphical session
  • 37d538e systemd: add api for detecting if this is the last session for a user
  • 409d9fc gsm: Disconnect all dbus clients when dbus is disconnected
  • 0f4afbb manager: don't wait for all clients to exit before exiting
  • 2daa4af [gsm-autostart-app] Migrate from dbus-glib to gdbus
  • 90346cd gsm-app-dialog: make the seconds translatables in the spinbutton
  • 5c2ea73 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • fbd7aa8 change app startup dalay where it in system path
  • 6f1578f Remove X-GNOME-Autostart-Delay support
  • 0e2eb8a Add a delay setting to Startup Manager
  • 34ef232 gsm-properties-dialog: avoid 'gtk_dialog_add_buttons' with stock ids
  • 7cd2ccc avoid 'gtk_dialog_add_button' with stock ids
  • 717a8f9 mate-session-save: show icon in error dialog
  • f1427f0 Migrate from dbus-glib to gdbus
  • 413050e Migrate from dbus-glib to gdbus
  • f20dad8 session-properties.ui: avoid deprecated GtkImage:stock
  • ef7100c gsm-inhibit-dialog.ui: avoid deprecated GtkVBox
  • c8cb269 session-properties.ui: avoid deprecated:
  • 7b99ea5 gsm-manager: avoid deprecated 'g_settings_list_schemas'
  • 6b7875b Avoid compile warning for g_type_class_add_private
  • bdec713 Avoid compile warning for g_type_class_add_private
  • f3e8cce Avoid compile warning for g_type_class_add_private
  • 6934f93 Avoid compile warning for g_type_class_add_private
  • 582bcba Avoid compile warning for g_type_class_add_private
  • 851d9fe Avoid compile warning for g_type_class_add_private
  • 7df5759 Only show application name when run with --version
  • f96eb6b Strip outer single quotes from string value returned by gsettings in mate-wm script.
  • 8f35c04 replace deprecated gdk_error_trap functions
  • a4540f2 Fixed typo in --logout-dialog option
  • 4dd5902 sync with transifex
  • 6883912 pre-bump version
  • e10df32 Fix broken link in man pages
  • 61b1c0b transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 91c840f avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • 9509073 add Travis-CI support
  • 8ceb3a0 add into tarball
  • 5a20027 Fix make distcheck fail on debian.
  • b5598ac disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 05bfead Fixed typo in --logout-dialog option
  • 65c9e10 sync with transifex
  • 2b6b543 Fix broken link in man pages
  • 9555a9c transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 8c36ec4 Prepare for docker-build 0.1.1 merge into master
  • 631481c use on master branch
  • 5919cb0 fixed make distcheck on debian
  • 5081e8f fix archlinux build on travis
  • 44844fc Initialize travis support
  • 667c390 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • c19fce3 media-keys: Execute default calculator application defined by schema
  • 2830e71 media-keys: Add microphone mute key support
  • 3e77bd1 msd-xrdb-manager: realize the widget
  • b2f3af2 media-keys: Make sound changes quiet with Alt
  • 0fdb1cd msd-xrdb-manager.c: avoid deprecated 'gtk_widget_ensure_style'
  • 4434365 media-keys: always round the render coordinates for media icons
  • e7222d9 media-keys: Tweak the OSD's volume bar position
  • f5ae497 osd-window: make the window smaller
  • 8ec1bf0 media-keys: Make icon smaller in OSD
  • bda6d7a media-keys: Use constant for icon size in OSD
  • 4a54f68 media-keys: Add test for display switch OSD icons
  • d8eabb8 media-keys: Add support for display switch OSD
  • 62299ac media-keys: Don't show a level when muted
  • 5eb0645 fix running distcheck
  • 2c5286d sync with transifex
  • 6b00f4c media-keys: Add test for rfkill OSD icons
  • 3c54357 media-keys: Add label for the touchpad OSD
  • 9e7a567 media-keys: Add labels for the rfkill OSD
  • ea4ab83 media-keys: Remove unuseful show_level argument in msd_media_keys_window_set_action_custom
  • 4971d19 media-keys: Remove test for screen brightness OSD icons
  • 21469f2 media-keys: Add support for Killswitch media keys
  • 2b528ed rfkill: Add RFKill support plugin on Linux systems
  • 765208e Add shortcut to start mate-control-center
  • 11f25cd pre-bump version
  • c33458f media-keys: Add test for touchpad OSD icons
  • 7c5d340 media-keys: Remove touchpad OSD icons and use theme's instead
  • 45de88e media-keys: Simplify touchpad OSD
  • 193f3fb media-keys: Add support for XF86TouchpadOn/Off
  • b761b23 Add support for org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.stickykeys-latch-to-lock
  • 3c9e5dd Xrandr:remove an unused function
  • e0b7a6b daemon: fix a memory leak
  • 763db9d daemon: Stop using deprecated GSettings API
  • 0d4ec03 require mate-desktop-1.21.1
  • 654d96e xsettings: add setting to enable/disable primary paste from middlemouse
  • 66b5931 xsettings: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop
  • 03368ab xrandr-manager: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop
  • fb9e750 mouse-manager: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop
  • cfe1160 media-keys-manager: replace deprecated GdkDeviceManager
  • d68a31d keyboard-manager: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop
  • 68df93b clipboard-manager: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop
  • 3431355 background-manager: replace deprecated GDK functions
  • 7d65c47 a11y-keyboard-manager: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop
  • 6ae456c msd-input-helper: replace deprecated gdk_error_trap_push/pop
  • 3fe98d7 plugins: avoid deprecated 'gdk_keymap_get_default'
  • e60080f sync with transifex
  • 842ba62 update m-s-d.pot
  • 6d92e9c xrandr-applet-popup: add an icon for configuration item
  • 3cfc8b5 xrandr-applet-popup: add item to mirror displays
  • 4e412a5 bump m-s-d requirement
  • 74f284c bump version
  • 0034a56 Make setting QT_SCALE_FACTOR optional.
  • 01b8f12 xrandr-applet-popup: dim menuitems for disabled monitor
  • 409c8d8 xrandr-applet-popup: enable turning monitors on an off
  • 05d1d3c xrandr-applet-popup: show icon only if "menus-have-icons" is not turned off
  • 0630644 xrandr-applet-popup: handle Greybird (etc) XFCE themes
  • 2aa4cec Xrandr-applet-popup: Special case the GNOME themes for black text on monitor labels
  • 7bc681f xrandr-applet-popup: remove draw callback
  • 0ca8f6d xrandr:fix indent
  • 6bc54f1 xrandr-applet-popup: allow themes to override monitor label colors
  • c6f5693 xrandr-applet-popup: add a border to colored monitor labels
  • fff8a2f xrandr-applet-popup: use colored bg again in monitor labels
  • 57b6fa4 xrandr applet popup: add monitor icons to monitor label menuitems
  • a386cd6 xrandr-applet: add a style class for menuitems
  • 0f32717 xrandr-applet: drop non-working bg from menu
  • 2674157 xrandr-applet: don't hard code label colors in menu
  • 2ae546b Support background fallback on HiDPI
  • b60a6c8 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • d036879 Prevent media-keys bindings from swallowing modifier keys
  • 705b5d1 Scale OSD size correctly on HiDPI displays (#212)
  • 3e6987b add Travis-CI support
  • 77eb37d disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 01c346f sync with transifex
  • c54a0a2 bump mate-desktop requirement
  • bbbc909 Make setting QT_SCALE_FACTOR optional.
  • 4efc6a4 Support background fallback on HiDPI
  • a996cd9 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • b5cb3e0 Prevent media-keys bindings from swallowing modifier keys
  • 982a89b Scale OSD size correctly on HiDPI displays (#212)


  • ee025a6 Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • 0523541 Initialize Travis CI support
  • 2eec5c4 Ensure proper translation of the about dialog title
  • acd6123 License text in About dialog
  • 9fa6ae5 Make translatable the copyright in about dialog
  • 0cd2493 Update Catalan screenshot
  • 779f22e Help - Priority preset values, including custom value
  • 12959ae procman: avoid deprecated 'g_settings_list_keys'
  • b359baf disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • b991397 move appdata to metainfo directory
  • 8b1c92d interface: avoid deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • 7ecf16d Avoid compile warning for g_type_class_add_private
  • ad26a19 Fix grammar mistake & gui label
  • 3575449 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 515a338 sync with transifex
  • d182b1c pre-bump version
  • 5b1f551 fix crash on systems with pid 0
  • f411042 update resource for translations
  • cd4f735 Update interval text in resources tab corrected
  • 7688aa2 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 36bcd30 avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • 386aac5 add Travis-CI support
  • 5a0ab35 Update Catalan screenshot
  • b12ad42 Help - Priority preset values, including custom value
  • 2bf87c9 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • b78db67 move appdata to metainfo directory
  • a0f01c5 Fix grammar mistake & gui label
  • 05fd8e6 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 533eeba sync with transifex
  • 103d530 fix crash on systems with pid 0
  • d8673c6 update resource for translations
  • 9e4476e Update interval text in resources tab corrected
  • 892030f transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 4bd3e7c Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • b3ed723 Initialize Travis CI support
  • d30504d Remove unused files in help dir
  • a15f737 Remove generated files
  • 7fc129f Add which helps to update terminal.about
  • fb2f2e8 Update authors
  • 7ab20eb Update Documenters
  • 550b622 drop umtp support
  • 69f4814 Help - Window title when MATE Terminal is started for first time
  • d07810d Help - alternative text for tabbed window picture
  • b0c0b20 Help - TERM=xterm-256color
  • f4bb742 eggsmclient: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • 29536a9 src/terminal-screen.c: Set TERM to 'xterm-256color' (instead of just 'xterm'). This provides 256 colors terminal application support.
  • 000df06 move appdata to metainfo directory
  • b226aa4 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 3a145a7 terminal-profile: Fix memory leaks
  • 3ff3f27 terminal-screen: avoid deprecated 'g_settings_list_schemas'
  • 2260170 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • d6efb07 Replace -Dokumentationsprojekt with Documentation Project
  • 9081ba9 terminal-window: Fix warnings with menu popup
  • 7958d12 terminal-window: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • 7b6ba04 sync with transifex
  • 078d0b1 term-screen: avoid deprecated 'gtk_style_context_get_background_color'
  • 7708278 terminal-screen: avoid deprecated 'vte_terminal_spawn_sync'
  • 82e48ff terminal-window: avoid deprecated 'vte_terminal_copy_clipboard'
  • a25437c pre-bump version
  • c4cedf7 Revert "fix setting transparency issue when used in GNOME3"
  • 54558c5 terminal-window: Fix: Session dbus daemon saturated
  • e1b834a fix setting transparency issue when used in GNOME3
  • dbea928 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 43897cf terminal-app: avoid gtk_dialog_add_buttons with stock ids
  • 90f1e19 avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • 2910ba6 add Travis-CI support
  • a1bab86 Help - Window title when MATE Terminal is started for first time
  • 4c24f9c Help - alternative text for tabbed window picture
  • 8084ec4 Help - TERM=xterm-256color
  • 4f89d21 src/terminal-screen.c: Set TERM to 'xterm-256color' (instead of just 'xterm'). This provides 256 colors terminal application support.
  • 82c02f8 move appdata to metainfo directory
  • acf0c5d disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • ac89c5a Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • ccb0007 Replace -Dokumentationsprojekt with Documentation Project
  • 9edc6bc sync with transifex
  • 02d300b terminal-window: Fix: Session dbus daemon saturated
  • b84724d transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • a1f2703 Fix version to 1.22
  • 25ffe55 help: update copyright
  • ee873c2 Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
  • 5377ea8 Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • c5a6aa9 Initialize Travis CI support
  • 8d2d856 translate turkish language again
  • a87c7ca sync with transifex
  • 4a8dbc8 add to Extra_dist
  • 5c87f57 sync with transifex
  • de07670 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 408b7c8 update instructions for editing keyboard shortcuts
  • 5e2b4c3 added keyboard shortcut for showing hidden files
  • fed78ef Systems without dconf profiles
  • 3fcf0e2 dconf settings storage system
  • f744124 transifex: /mate-user-guide/mate-user-guide.pot updated
  • 33fea23 Remove extra char
  • acb4d76 GNOME Media is deprecated: remove gstreamer-properties
  • 1ab5f83 Replace -Dokumentationsprojekt with Documentation Project
  • ac6c437 Virtual filesystem in Unix-like operating systems
  • 4b9848a Remove full stop (period) in title ending
  • 89f3ec6 Remove unused screenshots
  • e4e988b Add Catalan screenshot - caja_restore_saved_search
  • 265982e Add Catalan screenshot - caja_always_use_browser.png
  • 4910cce Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • c6b20b5 Remove menu_panel.png
  • a5fa736 Show MATE logo in menu panel
  • f7d047a fix installation
  • 95b316d pre-bump version
  • e877fe8 Resize screenshot
  • ef40ed2 Browser mode is the default in MATE
  • 816f751 Add Catalan screenshots
  • c2d1876 Fix figure title - search bar
  • af75d38 sync with transifex
  • f49bb03 pre-bump version
  • 2646a7c transifex: add mate-user-guide-content
  • baf7c04 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • cdf9782 add Travis-CI support
  • 7cc5593 sync with transifex
  • 27854eb sync with transifex
  • cc43baf add to Extra_dist
  • f90d157 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • c2750bb update instructions for editing keyboard shortcuts
  • 225e736 added keyboard shortcut for showing hidden files
  • cd1e5e1 Systems without dconf profiles
  • a7fc8df dconf settings storage system
  • 6a21e17 Remove extra char
  • 4deb4a8 GNOME Media is deprecated: remove gstreamer-properties
  • 1693760 Replace -Dokumentationsprojekt with Documentation Project
  • 67e0411 Virtual filesystem in Unix-like operating systems
  • ca99a5c Remove full stop (period) in title ending
  • f1a6c23 Remove unused screenshots
  • 69f9195 Add Catalan screenshot - caja_restore_saved_search
  • 44b7e77 Add Catalan screenshot - caja_always_use_browser.png
  • 98ade62 Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • d886cf5 Remove menu_panel.png
  • b8ddf92 Show MATE logo in menu panel
  • 35012e9 fix installation
  • 8e749aa Resize screenshot
  • e386194 Browser mode is the default in MATE
  • 72b3f44 Add Catalan screenshots
  • db82577 Fix figure title - search bar
  • f2ff3cc fix LINGUAS
  • 787d11a user-guide-content: fix a few xml syntax errors
  • 3b8dd88 sync with transifex
  • 3a78834 transifex: add mate-user-guide-content
  • 446141e transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 626657a Use the same legal.xml file
  • b52e5e5 Initialize Travis CI support
  • 064c2ba caja-share-bar: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • 4602ece drop obsolete configure option from distcheck
  • 9ecc673 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 5545476 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 8fd39d4 file-share-properties.ui: avoid deprecated:
  • 4e4027f pre-bump version
  • 6506a3b transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 1c7aea8 add Travis-CI support
  • c1ec1ac drop obsolete configure option from distcheck
  • e48d551 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 0d75dab disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • fc934b7 sync with transifex
  • 6bfba36 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 0dd612b Initialize Travis CI support
  • f2c1234 Make translatable the copyright in about dialog
  • 879a0cf enable translations for ca@valencia again
  • a6a07e7 help - bump docbook 4.5
  • 7f71199 eggsmclient: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • 846b61f move appdata to metainfo directory
  • e57612b search-tool: disable translations for ca@valencia
  • 39a73e9 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 0c174e7 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • eeccbf6 Tx: simplify source generation and update them
  • 6f9f947 Replace -Dokumentationsprojekt with Documentation Project
  • 2f8d89d mate-dictionary: Fix memory leak
  • 6333405 Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • d58400c search-tool: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • fec8113 screenshot: replace deprecated gdk_flush
  • 8f7ec5e dictionary: replace deprecated gdk_flush
  • 3a9e118 dictionary: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • c0800ef dictionary: Replace deprecated GtkFontButton accessors
  • 1a5e0dd disk-usage-analyzer: replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup
  • 360512a Update Catalan screenshots of mate-dictionary
  • ecb6203 Add Catalan screenshots
  • 9d98cf2 Baobab help: Terminal command updated to 'mate-disk-usage-analyzer'
  • 8f04ddd baobab-chart: avoid deprecated 'gtk_style_context_set_background'
  • 5fbfca9 gsearchtool: avoid deprecated 'gtk_window_set_wmclass'
  • 3c72131 sync with transifex
  • a613d00 pre-bump version
  • 5cfaaf3 Add support for non-interactive screenshot directly to clipboard
  • 7f98287 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 70a6011 avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • 1e9dbc5 add Travis-CI support
  • 473550f enable translations for ca@valencia again
  • 4b6a269 help - bump docbook 4.5
  • a183245 move appdata to metainfo directory
  • 98499a0 search-tool: disable translations for ca@valencia
  • 106f3e7 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 8c38ae6 Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • c4dc6a6 Replace -Dokumentationsprojekt with Documentation Project
  • 443e6fa Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • 78cd274 Add Catalan screenshots
  • c4875f6 sync with transifex
  • 9a7733d transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • ffe5e71 Fix creating new menus and items
  • 30caedb Fix moving a menu corrupting the menu
  • ae480e9 Fix menu entry can not move
  • ae538cd Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • d8590dc Initialize Travis CI support
  • 2bb36d0 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 2512b76 sync with transifex
  • 04cfe51 update mozo.pot
  • a9fb1f7 drop acinclude.m4 which is not needed anymore
  • af19983 Support new mate-menus api
  • 80873ff just reindent python code
  • eb798b5 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • cc744aa Fix drag & drop of menus
  • 7c03832 add Travis-CI support
  • 10f3924 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 4737e00 sync with transifex
  • dbae4a6 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • cfe2c64 help: update copyright
  • 396fe5a Use ITS in docbook article info, validate with dbits schemas
  • 82638e2 Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
  • fddace2 Add script which helps to update pluma.about
  • a56d506 Read authors (updated) from pluma.about file
  • e27a451 show enchant version when configure
  • 73e0a82 Replace the deprecated enchant_dict_add_to_pwl with enchant_dict_add.
  • 87df43f Fix build fail on Archlinux
  • 1d86958 Make translatable the documenters in the about dialog
  • 861db5e Ensure proper translation of the about dialog title
  • e4f88d7 initial travis support
  • 068a1b7 Add License button in About Pluma dialog
  • 6cdce0a Make translatable the copyright in about dialog
  • 7c519e1 Update Documenters
  • 8e08ede remove type & url attr of ulink in translation
  • f64c037 remove deprecated help section: Opening a File from a URI
  • 68fc438 eggsmclient: avoid deprecated 'g_type_class_add_private'
  • 2b00f65 addresses #391 - gets snippet window size before destroying it
  • 71daf90 simple bug fix of misplaced underscore
  • 94b3061 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • eb0cc59 move appdata to metainfo directory
  • f8a009b pluma-utils: Fix memory leak
  • e8cbd69 pluma-window: Fix memory leaks
  • b29b045 sync with transifex
  • effba35 Use the same legal.xml file
  • 81b480b Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 4ba0265 Refer to the strftime(3) man page for more information...
  • c4cec0e Refer to the pluma(1) man page for more information...
  • 2cd75f9 Remove unused screenshots
  • 50c3b34 Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • 559328b help: fix help links
  • 763cc8c Use actual pluma screenshot for Catalan
  • b6220de Use actual pluma screenshot
  • ed8910b Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • 7e110fa prefs-manager: silent some build warnings
  • 18eb46c fix a few introspection and doc warnings
  • 239f0d3 Fix search backwards with regex
  • 813e1ff pluma-document: fix possible memory leak
  • 4d26225 pluma-view: Fix: Don't lose the PRIMARY clipboard
  • 4a74dc6 pluma-document: Fix: don't crash using files with 'bom'
  • bc64980 make the 'close confirmation dialog' bigger with multiple files
  • b52da1a pluma-view: Fix: unexpectedly switch between tabs
  • 320a44d close-confirmation-dialog: Fix: don't resize the dialog unexpectedly
  • 957fc58 pluma-sort-plugin: avoid extra empty line
  • ca00615 pluma-view: Fix bold and italic fonts in menus
  • eb7a39b spell plugin: Autocheck spelling with [control + F7]
  • 03238f8 add the option to hide the first tab if there is only one tab
  • 323d3a3 notebook: drop unused 'pluma_notebook_set_always_show_tabs'
  • 06d6e5d pluma-view: Fix possible memory leak
  • d3757df pluma-view: use static variables for cssprovider and settings
  • b2ca8c4 pluma-view: sync the font in context-menu with gsettings key
  • f952be3 pluma-window: make sure some resources are freed
  • 98edfd3 add the ability to switch tabs using [ctrl+tab] and [ctrl+shift+tab]
  • 9fa3649 pluma-view: Fix font in context menu
  • e451bfe pluma-view: pluma_override_font: add the provider only one time
  • 8f3b1d6 pluma-view: Fix: Bold and Italic fonts don't work
  • c2dec6d sync with transifex
  • be05278 pluma-utils.c: avoid deprecated 'gdk_error_trap_push/pop'
  • 924beb5 pluma-notebook: avoid new file with double click in vertical scrollbar
  • 3742ba4 pluma-notebook: avoid new file with double click in forward arrow button
  • f6f9fdc pluma-notebook: Fix: unexpected behavior with dnd selected text
  • 12e55b6 pluma-view: Fix: unexpected behavior with dnd under line numbers
  • 72edb5d pluma-notebook: pass event to gdk_seat_grab
  • 28de7bc pluma-window: use gtk_menu_popup_at_widget for GtkNotebook
  • 8b793f4 pluma-utils: remove unused 'pluma_utils_menu_position_under_tree_view'
  • 49f8520 avoid deprecated 'gtk_menu_popup'
  • 4d80780 pluma-print-preview: Fix weird behavior with mouse buttons
  • cced651 Fix: Pluma crashes with mouse wheel over a tab
  • d6d1cdb pluma-notebook.c: avoid deprecated 'gdk_pointer_ ...' functions
  • 7b7cd3f pluma-notebook.c: avoid deprecated 'gdk_window_at_pointer'
  • 0bc141e avoid deprecated 'gtk_dialog_get_action_area'
  • 310bfc2 pluma-view.c: avoid deprecated 'gtk_widget_override_font'
  • a3dfb66 avoid deprecated 'gtk_font_button_set/get_font_name'
  • a28da51 pluma-view.c: Fix: GtkCheckMenuItem "Display line numbers" improved
  • 7c692bd pluma-file-browser-widget.c: avoid deprecated GtkImageMenuItem
  • 6ab8350 error-message-area: avoid 'gtk_info_bar_new_with_buttons' with stock id
  • 1eb3e78 avoid 'gtk_info_bar_add_button' with stock ids
  • 4c0af0c update potfile
  • 4de5f87 avoid 'pluma_file_chooser_dialog_new' with stock ids
  • ac1a336 avoid 'gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new' with stock id
  • 766c5b5 pluma-time-plugin.c: avoid 'gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons' with stock id
  • 15f06ce avoid 'gtk_dialog_add_buttons' with stock ids
  • 3061bc9 spell-checker.ui plugin: avoid deprecated:
  • ff705d7 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • 92b4a13 sort.ui plugin: avoid deprecated:
  • ea3be53 pluma-time-setup-dialog.ui plugin: avoid deprecated:
  • 6b9d287 pluma-time-dialog.ui plugin: avoid deprecated:
  • d82591f Fix make distcheck
  • 3858a43 some adjustments for pluma-spell-setup-dialog.ui
  • f248f85 pluma-spell-setup-dialog.ui plugin: avoid GtkRadioButton:xalign
  • e461fc8 pluma-search-dialog.ui: avoid deprecated GtkButton:use-stock
  • 904baaa pluma-preferences-dialog.ui: avoid GtkButton:use-stock / GtkImage:stock
  • a29f740 pluma-encodings-dialog.ui: avoid GtkButton:use-stock
  • 2b86db3 externaltools plugin: outputpanel.ui: avoid GtkHBox and GtkVButtonBox
  • 028fb44 spell plugin: languages-dialog.ui: avoid deprecated:
  • b23add8 docinfo.ui plugin: avoid GtkVBox, GtkHBox, GtkLabel:xpad/ypad & GtkTable
  • c43e5ef plugins: docinfo.ui: avoid GtkButton:use-stock and GtkImage:stock
  • 6d7a076 spell plugin: pluma-spell-setup-dialog.ui: avoid deprecated:
  • a674f90 python console: config.ui: avoid GtkButton:use-stock
  • ed34d92 Make notebook tabs scrollable
  • 1d82cc7 avoid deprecated GtkButton:use-stock
  • 12e54c4 Fix warning with external tools plugin
  • 2217a02 avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • 3309e0f add Travis-CI support
  • edae22f show enchant version when configure
  • 433317a Replace the deprecated enchant_dict_add_to_pwl with enchant_dict_add.
  • 50a3efc Fix build fail on Archlinux
  • e7c0390 remove type & url attr of ulink in translation
  • 1e66176 remove deprecated help section: Opening a File from a URI
  • deda824 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 57d0d30 move appdata to metainfo directory
  • 4b6ee7f Use the same legal.xml file
  • ce2921c Use make functions for HELP_LINGUAS
  • 9d4d394 Refer to the strftime(3) man page for more information...
  • c6c1cc5 Refer to the pluma(1) man page for more information...
  • fe12f7e Remove unused screenshots
  • f974363 Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • 4bb323b help: fix help links
  • 7339842 Use actual pluma screenshot for Catalan
  • 1823043 Use actual pluma screenshot
  • a8ac68d Fix spelling and grammar mistakes
  • efc1b02 pluma-view: Fix: unexpectedly switch between tabs
  • 315ab11 close-confirmation-dialog: Fix: don't resize the dialog unexpectedly
  • 9cb7cae pluma-sort-plugin: avoid extra empty line
  • 7a65b67 sync with transifex
  • 79f71d7 pluma-notebook: avoid new file with double click in vertical scrollbar
  • ea60fd3 pluma-notebook: avoid new file with double click in forward arrow button
  • 651a268 pluma-view: Fix: unexpected behavior with dnd under line numbers
  • 841ad2d pluma-print-preview: Fix weird behavior with mouse buttons
  • ffd69ab Fix: Pluma crashes with mouse wheel over a tab
  • d7a6b50 pluma-view.c: Fix: GtkCheckMenuItem "Display line numbers" improved
  • 4212ffa Make notebook tabs scrollable
  • 5b67394 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file


  • 00f7530 fix distcheck when use python3
  • 25a6c2a use PYTHON=python3 environment variable for building
  • fd8e389 Enable Travis CI for all branches
  • a5aeb40 Initialize Travis CI support
  • 7842b86 Examples: remove use of Python 2/3 incompatible urllib/urlparse.
  • 05c5dd5 Report effective Python version and library location at the end of configure
  • 98f55b6 docs: fix remaining incompatibility with Python 3
  • d349766 Fix Python 2 INT_ASLONG function.
  • 7c4ff1a Include Python 3 ABI flags in shared library name.
  • 855e612 Make Python statements compatible with version 2 and 3.
  • 047c35b Implement Python 3 C API compatibility using conditional and macros.
  • 1eeb215 Allow to "make dist" without building the docs.
  • ef861e9 Fail to build if some referenced symbol cannot be resolved at link time.
  • 6447d7c Modernize examples
  • fc99cc4 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 8b82241 pre-bump version
  • ba72b87 transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file
  • acb28d1 add Travis-CI support
  • deed071 Run with python2
  • a9c2545 disable deprecation warnings for distcheck
  • 7ff7438 sync with transifex
  • 27019fc transifex: set minimum_perc and type in config file

by Victor Kareh at March 18, 2019 09:00 AM

October 18, 2018

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 18.10 Final Release

Ubuntu MATE 18.10 is a modest, yet strategic, upgrade over our 18.04 release. If you want bug fixes and improved hardware support then 18.10 is for you. For those who prefer staying on the LTS then everything in this 18.10 release is also important for the upcoming 18.04.2 release. Oh yeah, we've also made a bespoke Ubuntu MATE 18.10 image for the GPD Pocket and GPD Pocket 2. Read on to learn more...

Ubuntu MATE 18.10
Superposition on the Intel Core i7-8809G Radeon RX Vega M powered Hades Canyon NUC

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 18.04 final release?

Curiously, the work during this Ubuntu MATE 18.10 release has really been focused on what will become Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2. Let me explain.

MATE Desktop

The upstream MATE Desktop team have been working on many bug fixes for MATE Desktop 1.20.3, that has resulted in a lot of maintenance updates in the upstream releases of MATE Desktop. The Debian packaging team for MATE Desktop, of which I am member, has been updating all the MATE packages to track these upstream bug fixes and new releases. Just about all MATE Desktop packages and associated components, such as AppMenu and MATE Dock Applet have been updated. Now that all these fixes exist in the 18.10 release, we will start the process of SRU'ing (backporting) them to 18.04 so that they will feature in the Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 release due in February 2019. The fixes should start landing in Ubuntu MATE 18.04 very soon, well before the February deadline.

Hardware Enablement

Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 will include a hardware enablement stack (HWE) based on what is shipped in Ubuntu 18.10. Ubuntu users are increasingly adopting the current generation of AMD RX Vega GPUs, both discrete and integrated solutions such as the Intel Core i7-8809G Radeon RX Vega M found in the Hades Canyon NUC and some laptops. I have been lobbying people within the Ubuntu project to upgrade to newer versions of the Linux kernel, firmware, Mesa and Vulkan that offer the best possible "out of box" support for AMD GPUs. Consequently, Ubuntu 18.10 (of any flavour) is great for owners of AMD graphics solutions and these improvements will soon be available in Ubuntu 18.04.2 too.

GPD Pocket

Alongside the generic image for 64-bit Intel PCs we're also releasing a bespoke image for the GPD Pocket and GPD Pocket 2 that includes the hardware specific tweaks to get these devices working "out of the box" without any faffing about. See our GPD Pocket page for more details.

Ubuntu MATE 18.10 running on the GPD Pocket (left) and GPD Pocket 2 (right)

Raspberry Pi images

We're planning on releasing Ubuntu MATE images for the Raspberry Pi after that 18.10 release is out, in October 2018. It takes usually takes about a month to get the Raspberry Pi images built and tested, but we've encountered some challenges with the 18.04 based images which has delayed their release. Hopefully we'll have something in time for Christmas 2018 :-)

Major Applications

Accompanying MATE Desktop 1.20.3 and Linux 4.18 are Firefox 59.0.2, VLC 3.0.4, LibreOffice and Thunderbird 60.2.1.

Major Applications

See the Ubuntu 18.10 Release Notes for details of all the changes and improvements that Ubuntu MATE benefits from.

Download Ubuntu MATE 18.10

We've even redesigned the download page so it's even easier to get started.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE

  • Nothing significant.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affects all flavours.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at October 18, 2018 05:00 PM

September 27, 2018

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 18.10 Beta

Ubuntu MATE 18.10 is a modest, yet strategic, upgrade over our 18.04 release. If you want bug fixes and improved hardware support then 18.10 is for you. For those who prefer staying on the LTS then everything in this 18.10 release is also important for the upcoming 18.04.2 release. Read on to learn more...

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) for distribution on October 18th, 2018 With this Beta pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE 18.10 Beta
Superposition on the Intel Core i7-8809G Radeon RX Vega M powered Hades Canyon NUC

What works?

People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 18.04 final release?

Curiously, the work during this Ubuntu MATE 18.10 release has really been focused on what will become Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2. Let me explain.

MATE Desktop

The upstream MATE Desktop team have been working on many bug fixes for MATE Desktop 1.20.x, that has resulted in a lot of maintenance updates in the upstream releases of MATE Desktop. The Debian packaging team for MATE Desktop, of which I am member, has been updating all the MATE packages to track these upstream bug fixes and new releases. Just about all MATE Desktop packages and associated components, such as AppMenu and MATE Dock Applet have been updated. Now that all these fixes exist in the 18.10 release, we will start the process of SRU'ing (backporting) them to 18.04 so that they will feature in the Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 release due in February 2019. The fixes should start landing in Ubuntu MATE 18.04 very soon, well before the February deadline.

Hardware Enablement

Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 will include a hardware enablement stack (HWE) based on what is shipped in Ubuntu 18.10. Ubuntu users are increasingly adopting the current generation of AMD RX Vega GPUs, both discrete and integrated solutions such as the Intel Core i7-8809G Radeon RX Vega M found in the Hades Canyon NUC and some laptops. I have been lobbying people within the Ubuntu project to upgrade to newer versions of the Linux kernel, firmware, Mesa and Vulkan that offer the best possible "out of box" support for AMD GPUs. Consequently, Ubuntu 18.10 (of any flavour) is great for owners of AMD graphics solutions and these improvements will soon be available in Ubuntu 18.04.2 too.

Download Ubuntu MATE 18.10 Beta

We've even redesigned the download page so it's even easier to get started.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE

  • The Software Boutique doesn't list any available software.
    • An update, due very soon, will re-stock the software library and add a few new applications too.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affects all flavours.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at September 27, 2018 11:30 PM

April 26, 2018

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS Final Release

Charles Babbage wasn't lying when he said "The only thing that would make my Difference Engine any better would be a modern customisable desktop environment that didn't deviate from traditional desktop paradigms (unless I wanted it to.)" In a long lost diary entry Ada Lovelace scribbled "If only my code could be matched to an OS that had a perfect blend of usability and style accompanied by a handpicked selection of quality software packages." ENIAC, moments before being unplugged in 1956, spat out a final message: "Give us a reboot when Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS is out will ya?"

Dust off 20,000 vacuum tubes and check those 5,000,000 hand soldered joints because Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS is here and it's time to power it up.

MATE Desktop 1.20.1 inclusion alone is enough to make Babbage weep with joy but there is still more. Caja is primed to encrypt your secrets with GnuPG, and with bulk renaming built right in to the file manager you can finally deal with those pesky family reunion photos.

Got a fancy new display and itty bitty pixels? HiDPI support bounds into this LTS, it's so dynamic you won't know what to do with yourself. We have tweaked desktop layouts, improved global menus, refined our Head-Up Display (HUD) and updated Brisk Menu. It's dandy!

We could scream it all here in this blurb, instead we suggest you take a scroll through the notes below and behold the majesty that is Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS.

We will scream "Thank You!" however. A "Thank You!" to everyone who contributed code, documentation, artwork, bug reports, translations or artwork. A "Thank You!" to the members of our community forum who offer advice and support to those who request it. A "Thank You!" to everyone who has supported the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding that helps reward and incentivise developers who work on MATE Desktop, Ubuntu MATE and associated technologies in their spare time. You are the 20,000 vacuum tubes and the 5,000,000 hand soldered joints that make up Ubuntu MATE. We couldn't be prouder.

Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS

No one reads the release notes, isn't that right DasGeek? So when our friend Stuart Langridge was reviewing our draft release notes and commented that they didn't speak to him, we thought "all right, we can fix that". Stuart, since you are such a special snowflake and no one else will read these notes, here they are, bespoke release notes just for you!

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS release?

Just about everything! Ubuntu MATE 18.04 is rammed to the rafters with new features and improvements compared to 16.04.

MATE Desktop 1.20.1

The MATE Desktop has transitioned from the GTK 2.24 based MATE 1.12 to the very latest MATE 1.20.1 based on GTK 3.22. This migration has been several years in the making, and most of 2016 and 2017 was spent refining the GTK3 implementation. The move to GTK3 has made it possible to introduce many of the new features you'll read about below.

Support for libinput has been added and is now the default input handler for mouse and touchpad, which has resulted in much improved responsiveness and support for multi-finger touch gestures.

Thanks to our friends at accessibility support (particularly for visually impaired users) has seen continued development and improvement. MATE Desktop is proud to provide visually impaired users the most accessible open source desktop environment.


High DPI displays have a high resolution relative to their physical size that results in an increased pixel density compared to standard DPI displays. They are mostly found in high-end laptops and monitors. Our friends at elementary OS wrote a great blog post explaining What is HIDPI and why does it matter.

MATE Desktop 1.20 supports HiDPI displays and if you have one then Ubuntu MATE will automatically enable pixel scaling, presenting you with a super crisp desktop and applications. HiDPI hints for Qt applications are also pushed to the environment to improve cross toolkit integration. Every aspect of the Ubuntu MATE, its themes, its applications, its icons, its toolkit assets have been updated to take advantage of HiDPI.

Should you have a HiDPI display and want to disable HiDPI scaling you can do so via MATE Tweak (for the desktop) and Login Window (for the greeter), both are available in the Control Centre.

The File Manager (Caja)

We've added some new features to the file manager (Caja).

  • Added Advanced bulk rename - A batch renaming extension.
  • Added Encryption - An extension which allows encryption and decryption of files using GnuPG.
  • Added Hash checking - An extension for computing and validating message digests or checksums.
  • Added Advanced ACL properties - An extension to edit access control lists (ACLs) and extended attributes (xattr).
  • Updated Folder Color - An extension for applying custom colours and emblems to folders and files.
  • Replaced the deprecated caja-gksu with caja-admin which uses PolicyKit to elevate permissions in the file manager for administrative tasks.

gksu is deprecated and being removed from Debian. We are aligning with that objective by replacing all use of gksu with PolicyKit.

Caja Rename

Window Manager (Marco)

If your hardware/drivers support DRI3 then the window manager (Marco) compositing is now hardware accelerated. This dramatically improves 3D rendering performance, particularly in games. If your hardware doesn't support DRI3 then Marco will fall back to a software compositor.

Marco now supports drag to quadrant window tiling, cursor keys can be used to navigate the Alt+Tabswitcher and keyboard shortcuts to move windows to another monitor were added.

Desktop layouts

Using MATE Tweak you can try out the various desktop layouts to find one that suits you, and either stick with it or use it as a basis to create your own custom desktop layout.

A new layout has been added to the collection for the Ubuntu 18.04 release Ubuntu MATE 18.04. It is called Familiar and is based on the Traditional layout with the menu-bar (Applications, Places, System) replaced by Brisk Menu. Familiar is now the the default layout. Traditional will continue to be shipped, unchanged, and will be available via MATE Tweak for those who prefer it.

Here are some screenshots of the desktop layouts included in Ubuntu MATE to give you a feel for how you can configure your desktop experience.

  • Familiar - the default experience, a familiar two panel layout with a searchable menu
  • Mutiny - application dock, searchable launcher and global menus similar to Unity 7
  • Cupertino - a dock and top panel with searchable launcher and global menus similar to macOS
  • Redmond - single bottom panel with a searchable menu, similar to the taskbar in Windows
  • Pantheon - a dock and top panel with a searchable menu
  • Contemporary - modernised two panel layout featuring a searchable menu with global menus
  • Netbook - a compact, single top panel layout, ideal for small screens
  • Traditional Traditional - two panel layout featuring the iconic 'Applications, Places, System' menu

In order to create or improve the desktop layouts described above we've spent the last two years working on a number of projects across the MATE ecosystem that have enabled us to offer 8 different desktop layouts, each providing a different desktop experience. Here's some of the projects we worked on to make it all possible.

Super key

Super Key

Super key (also known as the Windows key) support is available in the majority of the desktop layouts. This means Super can be used to activate the menus/launchers, and other key-bindings that include the Super key also continue to function correctly.

MATE Dock Applet, used in the Mutiny layout, also includes launching or switching to docked items based on their position using in the dock using Super + 1, Super + 2 which will be familiar to Unity 7 users. Super + L is also recognised as a screen lock key-binding along with the usual Ctrl + Alt + L that MATE Desktop users expect.

Global Menu

The Global Menu implementation has switched from TopMenu to Vala Panel Appmenu which is compatible with GTK, Qt, LibreOffice, Firefox/Thunderbird, Google Chrome, Electron and others.

Global Menus are integrated in the Mutiny and Cupertino desktop layouts but can be added to any panel, for those who just prefer to use global menus or those who want to maximise screen space available to their applications.

Ubuntu MATE Global Menu



Ubuntu MATE 18.04 now uses Indicators by default in all layouts. If you've used Ubuntu, these will be familiar. Indicators offer better accessibility support and ease of use over notification area applets. The volume in Indicator Sound can now be overdriven, so it is consistent with the MATE sound preferences. Notification area applets are still supported as a fallback.

We've been improving Indicator support from release to release for some time now. In Ubuntu MATE 17.10 many of the panel layouts offered a complete line up of Indicators, all of which are fully compatible with MATE. The default Indicators are:

  • Optimus (only available if you have nvidia prime capable hardware and drivers)
  • Bluetooth
  • Network
  • Power
  • Messages
  • Sound
  • Session

MATE Dock Applet

MATE Dock Applet is used in the Mutiny and Netbook layouts, but anyone can add it to a panel to create custom panel arrangements. MATE Dock Applet has seen many improvements over the last 2 years, here are some of the highlights:

Icon scrolling

Icon scrolling is automatically enabled when the dock applet runs out of space on the panel to expand into. Move the mouse over either the first or last icon in the dock, if scrolling is possible in that direction the icon will darken and an arrow will be displayed over it. If you hover the mouse pointer over an icon in this state, the dock will scroll in the indicated direction. Icon scrolling is automatically configured and enabled when using the Mutiny desktop layout, when using any other layout scrolling can be enabled via the MATE Dock Applet preferences.

Icon matching

MATE Dock Applet no longer uses its own method of matching icons to applications and instead uses BAMF. This mean the applet is lot better at matching applications and windows to their dock icons.

Assorted improvements

  • Window lists and action lists now have rounded corners and point to their icon in the dock.
  • The delay before action lists appear when the mouse hovers over a dock icon can now be set in the preferences dialog.
  • Apps can now be pinned to specific workspaces, in other words their app icons only appear in the dock when a particular workspace is active. This allows users to customise the dock for each workspace they use.
  • When unpinning an application a notification is now displayed which allows the operation to be undone.
  • The appearance of progress bars on dock icons has been improved.
  • Popup windows (action lists and window lists) no longer steal focus from other windows.

Brisk Menu

Brisk Menu is an efficient, searchable, menu for the MATE Desktop. We've collaborated with the Solus Project, the maintainers of Brisk Menu. A number of features have been added so that, like Ubuntu MATE itself, Brisk Menu is chameleonic. You'll find Brisk Menu is used in several of the Ubuntu MATE desktop layouts and is presented slightly differently in each.

The Mutiny and Cupertino desktop layouts make use of a new dash-style launcher, which enables a fullscreen searchable application launcher while the other layouts present Brisk Menu as a more traditional menu.

Brisk Menu Dash Launcher

MATE Window Applets

MATE Window Applets make it possible to add window controls (mazimise, minimise and close) to a panel. We used Window Applets to enhance the Mutiny and Netbook layouts so that both will now remove window controls from maximised windows and relocate the window controls in the panel.

MATE Window Applets

Head-Up Display

A favourite of Unity 7 users is the Head-Up Display (HUD) which provides a way to search for and run menu-bar commands without your fingers ever leaving the keyboard. The HUD can be enabled via MATE Tweak. You activate the HUD by tapping Alt, you then enter a search query to find menu items, highlight the one you want and press enter to trigger it.

If you're trying to find that single filter in Gimp but can't remember which filter category it fits into or if you can't recall if preferences sits under File, Edit or Tools in your favourite browser, you can just search for it rather than hunting through the menus.

The purpose of the HUD is to keep your fingers on the keyboard and improve the efficiency in driving the menus for keyboard centric users. We've locally integrated the HUD for similar reasons; if you're looking at an application, why move the HUD to the top of screen away from where your eyes are already focused? Keeping the HUD within the context of the active application eliminates refocusing your attention to a different part of the screen, particularly helpful for users with high resolution or multi-display workstations.

Head-Up Display (HUD)

The HUD now has a 250ms (default) timeout, holding Alt any longer won't trigger the HUD. This is consistent with how the HUD in Unity 7 works. The HUD is also HiDPI aware now.

MATE Tweak

MATE Tweak can now toggle HiDPI mode between auto detection, regular scaling and forced scaling. HiDPI mode changes are dynamically applied and we've added a button to launch the Font preferences so users with HiDPI displays can fine tune their font DPI.

MATE Tweak has a deep understanding of Brisk Menu and Global Menu capabilities and manages them transparently while switching layouts. Switching layouts is far more reliable now too. We've removed the Interface section from MATE Tweak. Sadly, all the features the Interface section tweaked have been dropped from GTK3, making the whole section redundant. When saving a panel layout the Dock status will be saved too.

MATE Tweak

Ubuntu MATE Welcome

Welcome and Boutique have been given some love. The software listings in the Boutique have been refreshed, with some applications being removed, many updated and some new additions Welcome now has snappier animations and transitions. Applications selected for installation or removal via the Software Boutique are now added to a queue so you can select several installs and removals and process them all at once.

Browser Selection

A new Browser Selection screen has been added so you can quickly install your preferred browser.

Browser Selection

System telemetry

Ubuntu MATE Welcome can submit anonymised system information, generated during an install or upgrade, that will help the developers better understand what devices Ubuntu MATE is being used on. This data will be transmitted one time only and includes basic system components but nothing that is uniquely identifiable. Here is an example telemetry report from the workstation of the Ubuntu MATE lead developer. We kindly request that if you install Ubuntu MATE you participate in sending us a telemetry report.


General improvements

Minimal Installation

The Minimal Install is a new option presented in the installer that will install just the MATE Desktop, its utilities, its themes and Firefox. All the other applications such as office suite, email client, video player, audio manager, etc. are not installed. If you're interested, here is the complete list of software that is removed from a full Ubuntu MATE 18.04 installation to make the minimal install.

Minimal Install

So, who's this aimed at? There are users who like to uninstall the software they do not need or want to build out their own desktop experience. So for those users, a minimal install is a great platform to build on. For those of you interested in creating "kiosk" style devices, such as homebrew Steam machines or Kodi boxes, then a minimal install is another useful starting point.


The Ubuntu MATE Guide is a comprehensive introduction to MATE Desktop and Ubuntu MATE including how to use everything we ship by default, along with detailed instruction on how to tailor, tweak and customise Ubuntu MATE to suit your preferences.

Ubuntu MATE Guide

Buy the books

Print and ebook versions of the books Ubuntu MATE: Upgrading from Windows or OSX and Using Ubuntu MATE and Its Applications are available from our shop.


Slick Greeter

Ubuntu MATE switched to Slick Greeter during the 17.10 development cycle, which still uses LightDM under the hood but is far more attractive and HiDPI aware.

Slick Greeter

Slick Greeter Settings

We worked with our friends at Lubuntu and Ubuntu Budgie to land a configuration utility for Slick Greeter just moments before the final freeze window closed for 18.04.

Slick Greeter Settings



The Ubuntu MATE themes have been uplifted from GTK2 to GTK3 including the addition of a new dark variant of the Ambiant-MATE theme. We've worked tirelessly on all the Ubuntu MATE themes making them fully compatible with GTK 3.22 and ensuring every pixel is placed exactly where it should be. Michael Tunnel from TuxDigital retouched countless art assets for the Ubuntu MATE themes including scaled variants for use on HiDPI displays. The Ubuntu MATE icon theme was given a facelift thanks to our friends at elementary OS and the default mouse pointer cursors use the new upstream MATE theme which is also HiDPI aware. Finally, blink and you'll miss it, the Ubuntu MATE Plymouth theme (boot logo) is now HiDPI aware.


We are no longer shipping mate-backgrounds by default. They have served us well, but are looking a little stale now. We have created a new selection of high quality wallpapers comprised of some abstract designs and high resolution photos from


We've switched to Noto Sans for users of Japanese, Chinese and Korean fonts and glyphs. MATE Desktop 1.20 supports emoji input, so we've added a colour emoji font too.

You can enter emoji in one of two ways, type Ctrl + Shift + e an e prompt will appear and you can type usual emoji, such as :-), and it will automatically change to a glyph. Alternatively you can right click in the input area and select Insert Emoji that will display the emoji picker below.

Emoji Picker

Major Applications

Accompanying MATE Desktop 1.20.1 and Linux 4.15 are Firefox 59.0.2, VLC 3.0.1, LibreOffice and Thunderbird 52.7.0.

Major Applications

See the Ubuntu 18.04 Release Notes for details of all the changes and improvements that Ubuntu MATE benefits from.

Download Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS

We've even redesigned the download page so it's even easier to get started.


Upgrading from Ubuntu MATE 16.04 or 17.10

  • Open the "Software & Updates" from the Control Center.
  • Select the 3rd Tab called "Updates".
  • Set the "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version" dropdown menu to "Long-term support versions".
  • Press Alt+F2 and type in update-manager into the command box.
  • Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '18.04' is available.
    • If not you can also use /usr/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/check-new-release-gtk
  • Click "Upgrade" and follow the on-screen instructions.

Get the Ubuntu MATE snaps

When the upgrade is complete and you're logged in, open a terminal and execute:

snap install ubuntu-mate-welcome --classic
snap install software-boutique --classic
snap install pulsemixer

The snap packages above are installed when performing a clean install of Ubuntu MATE 18.04, but are not automatically installed when upgrading from an earlier release.

Raspberry Pi images

We're planning on releasing Ubuntu MATE images for the Raspberry Pi after that 18.10 release is out, in October 2018. It takes usually takes about a month to get the Raspberry Pi images built and tested, but we've encountered some challenges with the 18.04 based images which has delayed their release. Hopefully we'll have something in time for Christmas 2018 :-)

Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE

  • Anyone upgrading from Ubuntu MATE 16.04 or 17.10 may need to use MATE Tweak to reset the panel layout to one of the bundled layouts post upgrade.
    • Migrating panel layouts, particularly those without Indicator support, is hit and miss. Mostly miss.
  • Choosing Install Ubuntu MATE from the boot menu on HiDPI displays will not display Indicators in the installer. However, installs will still complete successfully.
    • This issue only affects HiDPI display users and the workaround is to Try Ubuntu MATE without installing and run the installer from the live desktop session.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affects all flavours.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at April 26, 2018 10:00 PM

April 06, 2018

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 18.04 Beta 2

Yeah baby! You know you want some of what we've got. Come and have a fling with Ubuntu MATE 18.04 Beta 2.

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) for distribution on April 26th, 2018 With this Beta pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE 18.04 Beta 2

What works?

People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 17.10 final release?

We've been refining Ubuntu MATE since the 17.10 release and making improvements to ensure that Ubuntu MATE offers what our users want today and what they'll need over the life of this LTS release. This is what's changed since 17.10.

MATE Desktop 1.20

As you may have seen, MATE Desktop 1.20 was released in February 2018 and offers some significant improvements:

  • MATE Desktop 1.20 supports HiDPI displays with dynamic detection and scaling.
    • HiDPI hints for Qt applications are also pushed to the environment to improve cross toolkit integration.
    • Toggling HiDPI modes triggers dynamic resize and scale, no log out/in required.
  • Marco now supports DRI3 and Present, if available.
    • Frame rates in games are significantly increased when using Marco.
  • Marco now supports drag to quadrant window tiling, cursor keys can be used to navigate the Alt + Tab switcher and keyboard shortcuts to move windows to another monitor were added.

If your hardware/drivers support DRI3 then Marco compositing is now hardware accelerated. This dramatically improves 3D rendering performance, particularly in games. If your hardware doesn't support DRI3 then Marco will fallback to a software compositor.

You can read the release announcement to discover everything that improved in MATE Desktop 1.20. It is a significant release that also includes a considerable number of bug fixes.

Since 18.04 beta 1 upstream released MATE Desktop 1.20.1 and the following updates have recently landed in Ubuntu MATE:

  • mate-control-center 1.20.2
  • marco 1.20.1
  • mate-desktop 1.20.1
  • atril 1.20.1
  • mate-power-manager 1.20.1
  • mate-panel 1.20.1
  • mate-settings-daemon 1.20.1
  • pluma 1.20.1
  • mate-applets 1.20.1
  • mate-calc 1.20.1
  • libmatekbd 1.20.1
  • caja 1.20.1
  • mate-sensors-applet 1.20.1

These roll up a collection of fixes, many of which Ubuntu MATE was already carrying patch sets for. The most notable change is that Marco is now fully HiDPI aware and windows controls are scaled correctly.

New and updated desktop layouts - new since 18.04 beta 1

I have decided to add a new layout to the collection available in Ubuntu MATE 18.04. It will be called Familiar and is based on the Traditional layout with the menu-bar (Applications, Places, System) replaced by Brisk Menu. It looks like this:


Familiar is now the the default layout, Traditional will continue to be shipped, unchanged, and will be available via MATE Tweak for those who prefer it.

Since 18.04 beta 1 the Netbook layout has been updated, maximised windows now maximise into the top panel like the Mutiny layout. Brisk Menu replaces the custom-menu and mate-dock-applet is used for application pinning and launching. When maximising a window this offers some decent space savings.

Since 18.04 beta 1 the Mutiny layout has been tweaked so the launcher icon is the same size of the docked application icons. We heard you, we understand. It's the little things, right?

Global Menu and MATE HUD

Ubuntu MATE Global Menu

The Global Menu integration is much improved. When the Global Menu is added to a panel the application menus are automatically removed from the application window and only presented globally, no additional configuration (as was the case) is required. Likewise removing the Global Menu from a panel will restore menus to their application windows.


The HUD now has a 250ms (default) timeout, holding Alt any longer won't trigger the HUD. This is consistent with how the HUD in Unity 7 works. We've fixed a number of issues reported by users of Ubuntu MATE 17.10 regarding the HUD swallowing key presses. The HUD is also HiDPI aware now.

Ubuntu MATE Welcome - new since 18.04 beta 1

Welcome and Boutique have been given some love.

  • The software listings in the Boutique have been refreshed, with some applications being removed, many updated and some new additions.
  • Welcome now has snappier animations and transitions

Indicators by default

Ubuntu MATE 18.04 uses Indicators by default in all layouts. These will be familiar to anyone who has used Unity 7 and offer better accessibility support and ease of use over notification area applets. The volume in Indicator Sound can now be over driven, so it is consistent with the MATE sound preferences. Notification area applets are still supported as a fallback.


MATE Dock Applet

MATE Dock Applet is used in the Mutiny layout, but anyone can add it to a panel to create custom panel arrangements. The new version adds support for BAMF and icon scrolling.

  • MATE Dock Applet no longer uses its own method of matching icons to applications and instead uses BAMF. What this means for users is that from now on the applet will be a lot better at matching applications and windows to their dock icons.
  • Icon scrolling is useful when the dock has limited space on its panel and will prevent it from expanding over other applets. This addresses an issue reported by several users in Ubuntu MATE 17.10.

Brisk Menu

Brisk Menu Dash Launcher

Many users commented that when using the Mutiny layout the "traditional" menu felt out of place. The Solus Project, the maintainers of Brisk Menu, have add a dash-style launcher at our request. Ubuntu MATE 18.04 includes a patched version of Brisk Menu that includes this new dash launcher. When MATE Tweak is used to enable the Mutiny or Cupertino layout, it now switches on the dash launcher which enables a full screen, searchable, application launcher. Similarly, switching to the other panel layouts restores the more traditional Brisk Menu.

Since 18.04 beta 1 we tweaked the style of the session control buttons in Brisk Menu and those updates will be wait for you are you install Ubuntu MATE 18.04 Beta 2.

MATE Window Applets

The Mutiny and Netbook layouts now integrate the mate-window-applets. You can see these in action alongside an updated Mutiny layout here:

Mutiny undecorated maximised windows

Minimal Installation

If you follow the Ubuntu news closely you may have heard that 18.04 now has a Minimal Install option. Ubuntu MATE was at the front of the queue to take advantage of this new feature.

Minimal Install

The Minimal Install is a new option presented in the installer that will install just the MATE Desktop, its utilities, its themes and Firefox. All the other applications such as office suite, email client, video player, audio manager, etc. are not installed. If you're interested, here is the complete list of software that will not be present on a minimal install of Ubuntu MATE 18.04

So, who's this aimed at? There are users who like to uninstall the software they do not need or want and build out their own desktop experience. So for those users, a minimal install is a great platform to build on. For those of you interested in creating "kiosk" style devices, such as home brew Steam machines or Kodi boxes, then a minimal install is another useful starting point.

MATE Tweak

MATE Tweak can now toggle the HiDPI mode between auto detection, regular scaling and forced scaling. HiDPI mode changes are dynamically applied. MATE Tweak has a deeper understanding of Brisk Menu and Global Menu capabilities and manages them transparently while switching layouts. Switching layouts is far more reliable now too. We've removed the Interface section from MATE Tweak. Sadly all the features the Interface section tweaked have been dropped from GTK3 so are now redundant.

MATE Tweak

We've added the following changes since 18.04 Beta 1

  • Added support for the modifications to the Netbook layout.
  • Added a button to launch the Font preferences so users with HiDPI displays can fine tune their font DPI.
  • When saving a panel layout the Dock status will be saved too.


We've landed caja-eiciel and caja-seahorse.

  • caja-eiciel - An extension for Caja to edit access control lists (ACLs) and extended attributes (xattr)
  • caja-seahorse - An extension for Caja which allows encryption and decryption of OpenPGP files using GnuPG

Artwork, Fonts & Emoji

Emoji Picker

We are no longer shipping mate-backgrounds by default. They have served us well, but are looking a little stale now. We have created a new selection of high quality wallpapers comprised of some abstract designs and high resolution photos from The Ubuntu MATE Plymouth theme (boot logo) is now HiDPI aware. Our friends at Ubuntu Budgie have uploaded a new version of Slick Greeter which now fades in smoothly, rather than the stuttering we saw in Ubuntu MATE 17.10. We've switched to Noto Sans for users of Japanese, Chinese and Korean fonts and glyphs. MATE Desktop 1.20 supports emoji input, so we've added a colour emoji font too.

New since 18.04 beta 1 the xcursor themes have been replaced with new cursors from MATE upstream, that also offer HiDPI support.

Raspberry Pi images

We're planning on releasing Ubuntu MATE images for the Raspberry Pi around the time 18.04.1 is released, which should be sometime in July. It takes about a month to get the Raspberry Pi images built and tested and we simply don't have time to do this in time for the April release of 18.04.

Download Ubuntu MATE 18.04 Beta 2

We've even redesigned the download page so it's even easier to get started.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE

  • The Desktop Layout button in UBuntu MATE Welcome is extremely unreliable.
    • It is best to pretend you have seen that button and avoid clicking it. It will break your desktop, I promise.
  • Anyone upgrading from Ubuntu MATE 16.04 or newer may need to use MATE Tweak to reset the panel layout to one of the bundled layouts post upgrade.
    • Migrating panel layouts, particularly those without Indicator support, is hit and miss. Mostly miss.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affects all flavours.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at April 06, 2018 08:15 AM

March 09, 2018

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 18.04 Beta 1

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) for distribution on April 26th, 2018 With this Beta pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE 18.04 Beta 1

What works?

People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 17.10 final release?

We've been refining Ubuntu MATE since the 17.10 release and making improvements to ensure that Ubuntu MATE offers what our users want today and what they'll need over the life of this LTS release. This is what's changed since 17.10.

MATE Desktop 1.20

As you may have seen, MATE Desktop 1.20 was released in February 2018 and offers some significant improvements:

  • MATE Desktop 1.20 supports HiDPI displays with dynamic detection and scaling.
    • HiDPI hints for Qt applications are also pushed to the environment to improve cross toolkit integration.
    • Toggling HiDPI modes triggers dynamic resize and scale, no log out/in required.
  • Marco now supports DRI3 and Present, if available.
    • Frame rates in games are significantly increased when using Marco.
  • Marco now supports drag to quadrant window tiling, cursor keys can be used to navigate the Alt + Tab switcher and keyboard shortcuts to move windows to another monitor were added.

If your hardware/drivers support DRI3 then Marco compositing is now hardware accelerated. This dramatically improves 3D rendering performance, particularly in games. If your hardware doesn't support DRI3 then Marco will fallback to a software compositor.

You can read the release announcement to discover everything that improved in MATE Desktop 1.20. It is a significant release that also includes a considerable number of bug fixes.

Global Menu and MATE HUD

Ubuntu MATE Global Menu

The Global Menu integration is much improved. When the Global Menu is added to a panel the application menus are automatically removed from the application window and only presented globally, no additional configuration (as was the case) is required. Likewise removing the Global Menu from a panel will restore menus to their application windows.


The HUD now has a 250ms (default) timeout, holding Alt any longer won't trigger the HUD. This is consistent with how the HUD in Unity 7 works. We've fixed a number of issues reported by users of Ubuntu MATE 17.10 regarding the HUD swallowing key presses. The HUD is also HiDPI aware now.

Indicators by default

Ubuntu MATE 18.04 uses Indicators by default in all layouts. These will be familiar to anyone who has used Unity 7 and offer better accessibility support and ease of use over notification area applets. The volume in Indicator Sound can now be over driven, so it is consistent with the MATE sound preferences. Notification area applets are still supported as a fallback.


MATE Dock Applet

MATE Dock Applet is used in the Mutiny layout, but anyone can add it to a panel to create custom panel arrangements. The new version adds support for BAMF and icon scrolling.

  • MATE Dock Applet no longer uses its own method of matching icons to applications and instead uses BAMF. What this means for users is that from now on the applet will be a lot better at matching applications and windows to their dock icons.
  • Icon scrolling is useful when the dock has limited space on its panel and will prevent it from expanding over other applets. This addresses an issue reported by several users in Ubuntu MATE 17.10.

Brisk Menu

Brisk Menu Dash Launcher

Many users commented that when using the Mutiny layout the "traditional" menu felt out of place. The Solus Project, the maintainers of Brisk Menu, have add a dash-style launcher at our request. Ubuntu MATE 18.04 includes a patched version of Brisk Menu that includes this new dash launcher. When MATE Tweak is used to enable the Mutiny or Cupertino layout, it now switches on the dash launcher which enables a full screen, searchable, application launcher. Similarly, switching to the other panel layouts restores the more traditional Brisk Menu.

MATE Window Applets

The Mutiny layout now integrates the mate-window-applets. You can see these in action alongside an updated Mutiny layout here:

Mutiny undecorated maximised windows

Minimal Installation

If you follow the Ubuntu news closely you may have heard that 18.04 now has a Minimal Install option. Ubuntu MATE was at the front of the queue to take advantage of this new feature.

Brisk Menu Dash Launcher

The Minimal Install is a new option presented in the installer that will install just the MATE Desktop, its utilities, its themes and Firefox. All the other applications such as office suite, email client, video player, audio manager, etc. are not installed. If you're interested, here is the complete list of software that will not be present on a minimal install of Ubuntu MATE 18.04

So, who's this aimed at? There are users who like to uninstall the software they do not need or want and build out their own desktop experience. So for those users, a minimal install is a great platform to build on. For those of you interested in creating "kiosk" style devices, such as home brew Steam machines or Kodi boxes, then a minimal install is another useful starting point.

MATE Tweak

MATE Tweak can now toggle the HiDPI mode between auto detection, regular scaling and forced scaling. HiDPI mode changes are dynamically applied. MATE Tweak has a deeper understanding of Brisk Menu and Global Menu capabilities and manages them transparently while switching layouts. Switching layouts is far more reliable now too. We've removed the Interface section from MATE Tweak. Sadly all the features the Interface section tweaked have been dropped from GTK3 so are now redundant.


We've landed caja-eiciel and caja-seahorse.

  • caja-eiciel - An extension for Caja to edit access control lists (ACLs) and extended attributes (xattr)
  • caja-seahorse - An extension for Caja which allows encryption and decryption of OpenPGP files using GnuPG

Artwork, Fonts & Emoji

Emoji Picker

We are no longer shipping mate-backgrounds by default. They have served us well, but are looking a little stale now. We have created a new selection of high quality wallpapers comprised of some abstract designs and high resolution photos from The Ubuntu MATE Plymouth theme (boot logo) is now HiDPI aware. Our friends at Ubuntu Budgie have uploaded a new version of Slick Greeter which now fades in smoothly, rather than the stuttering we saw in Ubuntu MATE 17.10. We've switched to Noto Sans for users of Japanese, Chinese and Korean fonts and glyphs. MATE Desktop 1.20 supports emoji input, so we've added a colour emoji font too.

Raspberry Pi images

We're am planning on releasing Ubuntu MATE images for the Raspberry Pi around the time 18.04.1 is released, which should be sometime in July. It takes about a month to get the Raspberry Pi images built and tested and we simply don't have time to do this in time for the April release of 18.04.

Download Ubuntu MATE 18.04 Beta 1

We've even redesigned the download page so it's even easier to get started.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE

  • Anyone upgrading from Ubuntu 16.04 or newer may need to use MATE Tweak to reset the panel layout to one of the bundled layouts post upgrade.
    • Migrating panel layouts, particularly those without Indicator support, is hit and miss. Mostly miss.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affects all flavours.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at March 09, 2018 07:00 PM

March 01, 2018

Efstathios Iosifidis

Εγκατάσταση MATE σε openSUSE Leap/Tumbleweed


Σε προηγούμενο άρθρο μας, είδαμε πως να εγκαταστήσουμε το XFCE. Στο openSUSE υπάρχουν όλα τα γραφικά περιβάλλοντα. Ένα από αυτά είναι και το MATE. Δυστυχώς δεν συμπεριλαμβάνεται ως επιλογή κατά την εγκατάσταση. Ίσως μπορείτε να κάνετε κάτι κατά την εγκατάσταση με την χρήση του ISO, NET install. Εδώ θα δούμε πως μπορείτε να το εγκαταστήσετε είτε ως δεύτερο γραφικό περιβάλλον, είτε ως γραφικό πάνω στο IceWM. Προτού το εγκαταστήσετε, ρίξτε μια ματιά στο Portal.


Η εγκατάσταση είναι πολύ απλή. Ανοίγετε ένα τερματικό και δίνετε τις εντολές:

sudo zypper -n in patterns-openSUSE-mate

Επανεκκινήστε με sudo reboot

Κατά την προτροπή για εισαγωγή του συνθηματικού σας, μπορείτε να αλλάξετε το γραφικό περιβάλλον στο ΜΑΤΕ που μόλις εγκαταστήσατε.

Στην περίπτωση που το εγκαταστήσετε από το IceWM, τότε θα πρέπει να εισέλθετε, να ανοίξετε το YaST και να επιλέξετε στο System-->/etc/sysconfig Editor. Εκεί στο Desktop-->Window Manager-->DEFAULT_WM επιλέξτε mate-session

Μια καλή εναλλακτική λύση είναι να κατεβάσετε τις live εκδόσεις από την σελίδα:


και να δοκιμάσετε ή να εγκαταστήσετε openSUSE MATE, είτε Leap είτε Tumbleweed.



Τώρα, σε περίπτωση που δεν σας άρεσε και θέλετε να το απεγκαταστήσετε, μπορείτε να εισέλθετε με το άλλο γραφικό περιβάλλον που έχετε εγκατεστημένο και να δώσετε την εντολή:

sudo zypper -n rm patterns-openSUSE-mate mate-* libmate*

by Efstathios Iosifidis ([email protected]) at March 01, 2018 03:09 PM

February 07, 2018


MATE 1.20 released

After 11 months of development the MATE Desktop team are pleased as punch to announce the release of MATE Desktop 1.20. We'd like to thank every MATE contributor for their help making this release possible.


What's new in MATE 1.20

The theme for this release has been stabilising the MATE Desktop by replacing deprecated code and modernising large sections of the code base. We've also improved our window manager (Marco) and added support for HiDPI. Along the way we've fixed hundreds of bugs. Squished 'em dead!

The headline changes in MATE Desktop 1.20 are:

  • MATE Desktop 1.20 supports HiDPI displays with dynamic detection and scaling.
    • HiDPI hints for Qt applications are also pushed to the environment to improve cross toolkit integration.
    • Toggling HiDPI modes triggers dynamic resize and scale, no log out/in required.
  • Marco now supports DRI3 and XPresent, if available.
    • Frame rates in games are significantly increased when using Marco.
  • Marco now supports drag to quadrant window tiling, cursor keys can be used to navigate the Alt + Tab switcher and keyboard shortcuts to move windows to another monitor were added.
  • Support for Global Menu providers such as vala-panel-appmenu has been added.
  • MATE Panel has much improved Status Notifier Items (SNI) support.
  • Bookmarks now support GTK3+ locations.
  • MATE Terminal now supports background images, adds Solarized themes and keybindings to switch tabs.
  • Atril, the document viewer, has had a massive overhaul and is better in every single way. Yes, all ways. Better!
    • In particular accessibility support for visually impaired users is considerably improved.
    • Caret navigation has been added.
  • The Invest applet has been dropped from MATE Applets.
    • The API, provided by Yahoo, has been discontinued and there is no reputable drop in replacement available.
  • Panel applets now size correctly based on the units being displayed and many graphs are dynamically scaled.
  • MATE Themes have seen significant improvements to fully implement all style classes exposed by GTK 3.22
  • Engrampa, the archive viewer, has improved support for encrypted 7z archives.
  • MATE Sensors Applet (finally) supports udisks2.
  • OpenBSD authentication is supported in MATE Screensaver and minizip in Atril supports more BSD variants.
  • Translations are updated. Thank you to our team of translators!
  • A-n-d for distro maintainers we've bumped the minimum GTK3+ and GLib requirements.
    • GTK 3.22 and GLib 2.50 or newer are required to build MATE Desktop 1.20.
  • You might see some references to Wayland in the changelog below, don't get too excited. It's not what you think :-)

The various components of MATE Desktop 1.20 are available for download here:


Here are all the gory details.

mate-desktop 1.20.0

  • Add gsettings for window scaling factor
  • drop additional checks for min GLib version
  • remove < gtk+-3.22 bits and bump required gtk+ version
  • schema: drop can-change-accels key, won't work with GTK+3
  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • drop MateAboutDialog
  • mate-about: remove remains of libunique references
  • mate-about: switch to GtkAboutDialog
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor functions:
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height
  • mate-desktop-item: mate-about: avoid deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • mate-about: avoid deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_n_monitors
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_make_display_name
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_number
  • Correct little imprecision in man mate-about
  • Fix broken fallback cursor in mate-colorsel.c
  • mate-colorsel: don't use deprecated GTK_STOCK_COLOR_PICKER
  • Add Global Menu support
  • Translations update

mate-user-guide 1.20.0

  • Translations update

libmatekbd 1.20.0

  • remove < gtk+-3.22 bits and bump required gtk+
  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • matekbd-status: Fix Gdk-CRITICAL warning on creating status bar icon
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor functions:
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_number
  • matekbd-indicator: Don't expand
  • matekbd-indicator: don't use deprecated gdk_cairo_create
  • Fix for strange GtkIconInfo behaviour
  • matekbd-indicator: don't use deprecated GtkAlignment
  • keyboard-drawing: set css name matekbd-keyboard-drawing
  • Slightly increase the font size for the key labels
  • matekbd-keyboard-drawing: Don't unset double buffering
  • matekbd-keyboard-drawing: Handle XkbGetKeyboard() failing
  • matekbd-keyboard-drawing: Prevent gtk+ keynav from taking focus away
  • fix some introspection warnings
  • show-layout.ui: don't use deprecated widgets
  • UI: expand kbdraw vertical
  • Translations update

libmateweather 1.20.0

  • locations: Add Radom, Poland
  • Locations: add Zhukovsky airport (Moscow, Russia)
  • Locations: fix Sheremetyevo airport name (Moscow, Russia)
  • Add timeout, actully invalidate session in weather_info_abort
  • Start reducing weather spam by creating intial cut of weather_info_equal() function that will help apps determine if two WeatherInfo instances are 'the same' enough to not bother with a notification
  • remove warning on unused bsun by actually testing value
  • Fix soup_session_async_new() deprecation warning
  • Add missing Polish cities with airports
  • Fix Novosibirsk timezone
  • Add Ceiba in Puerto Rico
  • doc: drop ancient MateConf references and some other stuff
  • Update cities of Kazakhstan.
  • actually check the $GIO_REQUIRED variable's value
  • Translations update

mate-icon-theme 1.20.0

  • Replace same broken flags
  • Translations update

caja 1.20.0

  • drop CSS for GTK+ 3.14
  • Fix tasklist icon change when opening new tab
  • Include local files with "" instead of <>
  • search_dispose and search_finilize can't be run after search finished
  • add missing window icon to About dialog for extensions
  • move libegg to the top srcdir and drop some leftovers
  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • caja-places-sidebar: fix refusal to unmount when sidebar is wide
  • caja-places-sidebar: disable overlay scrollbar
  • Fix: wrong behavior with key "enter" while renaming files in list view
  • open folder in new window: ctrl + shift + w
  • zoom-control: change zoom with mousewheel scroll over button
  • View -> Visible Columns: fix vertical expand of dialog content
  • reword Size on Disk column description a bit
  • Fix: wrong shift + del behavior while renaming files
  • icon-dnd: remove hardcoded highlight frame
  • Fix: high cpu while loading background image
  • list view: fix large icon margins on zooming out
  • make sure scaling the desktop wallpaper works in all monitors
  • remove weird +x attribute from a source file
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor functions:
  • Adds columns autosizing
  • Refresh all rows on zoom change
  • Forces widget redraw on zoom
  • pathbar: enable mousewheel scrolling like it was with GTK+2
  • libcaja-private: remove wrong link from internal README
  • private: Ensure we allow launching .desktop files from trusted symlinks
  • Fix: Scaling the desktop wallpaper doesn't work
  • open-with-dialog: set max-char-width for a label
  • Fix "Open With" dialog "Open" button's text misaligned
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_width/height
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_make_display_name
  • libegg: replace deprecated gtk_drag_begin
  • eggsmclient: fix a build warning because of -Wcomment
  • don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_number
  • Fix browsing/autorun media on insertion
  • fix vertical Compact View scrolling in fm_icon_view_scroll_event()
  • property-browser: add style class frame to scrolledwindows"
  • Fix off-by-one error in caja-pathbar.c
  • added feature: present the size on disk of files as we present the size of the file.
  • restore DBus interface initialization
  • CSS: Load a different caja-desktop.css with GTK 3.14
  • Use gtk+-3 bookmarks location
  • Open With dialog: force icon size
  • file: make caja_file_get_gicon return custom icons too
  • Expand grid width to canvas
  • use atk_component_get_extents instead of atk_component_get_position
  • don't parse .hidden files manually - GIO does it since 2.36
  • don't check nonexistent MATE22_USER_DIR env var
  • don't check nonexistent ~/.mate2 directory
  • eel-accessibility: remove unused code and outdated comments
  • show correct right-click menu after making selection
  • eel: Queue resizes on the canvas as elements change visibility
  • Add size_request to IconContainer to work around unnecessary relayouting
  • IconCanvasItem: fix overlapping filenames on hover
  • eel: remove unneeded #include with condition
  • eel: remove some unused code from eel-gdk-pixbuf-extensions
  • fix build warning (no const needed there)
  • fix build with gcc 4.9.2 (looks like it's in c89 mode by default)
  • search: added tag support (xattr::xdg.tags).
  • Fix broken rename in list view by selectin file name cell.
  • property-browser: add style class frame to scrolledwindows
  • caja-application.c: Fix uninitialized variable
  • Translations update

mate-polkit 1.20.0

  • drop polkitgtkmate library and its docs
  • Fix reshow/hide icon with statusnotifier
  • status-icon: don't use stock icons
  • polkitmateauthenticationdialog: avoid deprecated GtkAlignment
  • polkitmateauthenticationdialog: replace a GTK_STOCK deprecation
  • Translations update

marco 1.20.0

  • build: drop unneeded pangoxft requirement
  • Small bugfix for the move_to_X keybinds
  • Bugfix for monitors of different sizes
  • Restructured monitor keybinds and adjust save_rect
  • Implemented simple shourtcuts to move window to another monitor
  • schema: fix typos
  • compositor: don't try to paint window that is not viewable
  • Fix wrong result in meta_window_titlebar_is_onscreen() for windows without a frame
  • Add support for gtk3 _GTK_SHOW_WINDOW_MENU event
  • More elegant solution for handling new move-to-workspace keybinds
  • Implemented a setting to disable top tiling
  • Implemented tabpopup when moving window to different workspace
  • keybindings.c: Fix build warning:
  • Reset tile_resized to false when fullscreening
  • Fixes windows not going to save_rect when unmaximimizing
  • Allow horizontal and vertical resizing when corner tiled
  • Fixes window getting reset to saved_rect when untiling from corner
  • Added keybindings for corner tiling
  • Implemented simple corner tiling by mouse drag
  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • XFIXES regions are leaked during paint_windows
  • Add stricter logic for running without XPresent support
  • Make XPresent optional
  • Add in some changes from xfwm4
  • Cancel present_pending flag when erroring out
  • XPresent extension support
  • Store a window flag when user resizes from tiled
  • Allow tiled windows to be resized horizontally
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor functions:
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_width/height
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width
  • display: don't use deprecated GDK_DEVICE_MANAGER
  • tools: remove marco-mag and marco-grayscaletools
  • Fix synthetic keybinding/button-grab window
  • Forces a window scale of 1 for the window manager, instead of using the default or user configured scale.
  • avoid deprecated gdk_display_get_screen
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_number
  • Alt/tab - define arrow keycode + numpad arrows
  • Allow use of arrows while in Alt + Tab popup
  • ui: Fix invalid object construction in frames
  • README: fix names of GSettings keys
  • keybindings: remove uppercase from "current workspace"
  • Added hotkey to rename current workspace
  • fix code deprecations
  • Translations update

mate-settings-daemon 1.20.0

  • HiDPI: Load xsettings during initialization phase
  • Add HiDPI configuration in XSettings
  • Add support for HiDPI displays
  • plugins: G_GNUC_UNUSED in unused but needed variables
  • xsettings: drop CanChangeAccels which won't work with GTK+3
  • msd-datetime-mechanism.c: Fix build warnings:
  • msd-mpris-manager.c: Fix build warning:
  • Translations update

mate-session-manager 1.20.0

  • gsm-manager.c: Fix build warning:
  • don't lose focus when displaying logout or shutdown dialog
  • add style class logout-dialog
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_make_display_name
  • don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_number
  • systemd user-session needs to be updated to get all user-defined enviroment when the session starts.
  • dbus needs to be updated to get all user-defined environment when the session starts.
  • Translations update

mate-menus 1.20.0

  • bump gio version to 2.50.0
  • make mate-applications-merged symlink
  • Translations update

mate-panel 1.20.0

  • Support panel auto-scaling for HiDPI displays
  • bump minimum required libwnck version to 3.4.6
  • status-notifier: don't crash if tooltip has wrong type
  • status-notifier: don't crash if menu layout has wrong type
  • Fix rendering of radio buttons in status notifier
  • panel-run-dialog: fix segfault when program list is enabled
  • get focus when displaying "applet broken" dialog
  • Update workspace switcher properties dialog
  • simplify some code
  • rework the process of cancelling the background change operation
  • status-notifier: properly handle the NULL case for items
  • status-notifier: handle wrong-size icons called by path
  • status-notifier: load icons specified by path
  • Fix failures to load icons when the application calls for a path and not an icon name
  • Fix build warning: toplevel_configure_event defined but not used
  • Fix build warning: GLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED redefined
  • status-notifier: fix failure to show icon for missing icon
  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • panel-toplevel: Remove pointer boundary check in panel_toplevel_queue_auto_hide()
  • remove ancient gnome-panel leftovers
  • Keep the right icons on bottom still displaying right when the resolution change larger
  • wncklet: disconnect signals by data on destroy
  • clock: disconnect one more signal handler on destroy
  • panel-applet-frame-dbus-c: comment out newly unused variable
  • Clock: don't check variables that can never be < 0 for < 0
  • panel-applet-frame-dbus.c: comment out never used code block
  • panel-toplevel: remove duplicate break statement
  • status-notifier: remove duplicate check found by cppcheck
  • status-notifier: hide mate-polkit icon if passive
  • Apply position fix on popup to GTK 3.20 and earlier
  • GTK 3.22 status notifier: reposition menu when size changes
  • GTK 3.22/status-notifer Fix menu position if size changed since last shown
  • Stop panel collapse left on adding certain out-of-process applets
  • make file/folder launchers work again
  • panel-context-menu: Add confirmation dialog to panel reset option
  • Add option to context menu to reset the panel
  • clock:disconnect signal handlers on destroy
  • Fix crashes on moving/removing applets with glib 2.53.4 or later
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor functions:
  • Add a gsettings key to enable/disable SNI Support
  • wncklet: stop segfaults, warnings on removing in-process switcher, window-list
  • fish: fix adding back after removal
  • Fish: stop all warnings on removing when built in-process
  • Clock: fix removal warnings when in-process applet removed
  • clock: stop segfault on removing applet when built in-process
  • libmate-panel-applet: fix typos in id->factory_id rename
  • libmate-panel-applet: Only declare _panel_applet_shlib_factory() when needed
  • libmate-panel-applet: fix error in unregistering dbus object
  • libmate-panel-applet: fix build warning
  • libmate-panel-applet: fix introspection
  • libmate-panel-applet: Fix unknown bus name and unregister dbus object
  • libmate-panel-applet GTK 3.14/3.16: fix custom bg w alpha
  • libmate-panel-applet: include dummy variable in factory for certain applets
  • libmate-panel-applet: fix bg rendering for in-process applets
  • libpanel-applet/panel-applet.h: Rename id to factory_id for factory
  • libmate-panel-applet: add panel-applet-private.h
  • don't use GtkPlug/GtkSocket for in process applets
  • make it possible to get applet widget
  • libpanel-applet: add panel_applet_factory_get_applet_widget
  • libpanel-applet: return process type and applet uid
  • libpanel-applet: store factories in hash table
  • libpanel-applet: delay GtkPlug creation
  • libpanel-applet: add process type to private data
  • libpanel-applet: Remove out_process from panel_applet_factory_main()
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_n_monitors
  • fish: fix applet opening as thin line when built in-process
  • Forces a window scale of 1 for the panel, instead of using the default or user configured scale.
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_make_display_name
  • avoid deprecated gdk_display_get_screen
  • don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_number
  • fix applet crashes on transparent user-set panel bg
  • system tray: fix hidden icons on image/transparent color BG
  • Fix GTK theme image bg support on vertical panel
  • Make panel image background in GTK theme work again
  • clock: fix hovering over timezone text causes panel to scale beyond screen limit
  • GTK 3.18+ fix transparent default panel bg
  • menu: restore focus after drag-n-dropping menuitem outside
  • menu: restore focus after closing popup menu of a menuitem
  • Fix: menubar/menu-button can't launch mozo
  • menu: remove incorrect code from the popup menu of a menuitem
  • status notifier: follow same menu theme as rest of panel
  • fix moving applets between panels
  • menu: fix crash when some .desktop file has empty Icon field
  • clock: properly handle visibility of edit button
  • clock: drop deprecated gtk_size_group_set_ignore_hidden
  • clock: move GtkButton in another horizontal GtkBox parent
  • clock.c: drop deprecated gtk_size_group_set_ignore_hidden
  • localized application's name and description
  • menu-button: disconnect from GSettings when applet is removed
  • action-button: disconnect from GSettings when applet is removed
  • remove a needless glib check
  • status-notifier: fix crash on unknown signal name
  • use GTK+3 bookmarks location for Places menu
  • doc: remove some references to nonexistent stuff
  • fix build with gcc 4.9.2 (looks like it's in c89 mode by default)
  • Run dialog: Add option to reverse history view
  • Run dialog: Fix wrong history len with max size 1
  • Run dialog: Allow changing history size
  • doc: drop ancient MateConf references
  • Run dialog: Fix wrong history order
  • status-notifier: Do not hide passive items
  • panel-menu-bar: fix build warning and some spacing
  • properly fit expanded panel to smaller screen size
  • system-tray: Properly propagate orientation changes
  • notification-area: Fix item orientation
  • workspace switcher: handle GDK_SCROLL_SMOOTH and fix build warning
  • Reenable workspace switcher wrapping
  • pre-bump version
  • status-notifier: Fix handling of icon-padding style property
  • Simplify panel description shown when switching panels with the WM
  • status-notifier: Plug a memory leak
  • remove deprecated sys/timeb.h header, as nothing uses it
  • status-notifier-watcher: Allow re-registration of registered items
  • setup custom icon
  • status-notifier: Plug a memory leak
  • notification area: Fix memory leak sorting items
  • Translations update

mate-backgrounds 1.20.0

  • Drop ancient gnome leftovers
  • Translations update

mate-themes 3.22.8 to 3.22.15

  • Submarine themes: remove a box-shadow at engrampa toolbar
  • submarine themes: remove padding from caja-sidebar treeview
  • all themes caja: remove right-border from scrolledwindow.frame
  • Menta metacity themes: remove left/right-border for maximised windows
  • BlackMATE: write the border on scrollbar trough
  • all themes: remove right-border from scrolledwindow.frame
  • submarine themes: fix fg color of button.suggested-action in headerbars
  • BlackMATE: Workaround for Yelp/Lireoffice/Firefox scrollbar issue
  • Revert "Gtk+-3.20 all themes: fix redraw issue with yelp"
  • TOK/TG: sliders: keep the original size
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine: reduce border radius for treeview.selected/hover in sidebars
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine: set font color for spinbutton entry
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine themes: fix a jumpin button in headerbar of gitg
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine themes: setup dnd for caja-icon-view
  • Gtk+-3.20 T. themes: fix double border in mate-volume-control notebook
  • Gtk+-3.20 Submarine themes: fix focus state of pluma-statusbar-button
  • Gtk+-3.20 Most themes: style menuitem accelerator hover
  • All themes: change syntax for loading panel-grid image for mate-1.20
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine themes: set top borderradius for .titlebar > headerbar
  • Gtk+-3.20 Most Themes: fix padding of primary/secondary image in GtkEntry
  • Gtk+-3.20 TRAD themes: fix color of grey-out arrows in menus
  • TOK/TG: add menuitem radio mixed
  • TOK/TG menuitems: checkboxes and radio buttons redesigned
  • Gtk+-3.20 most themes: fix GtkScale slider mouse-selection if slider is out of range
  • Gtk+-3.20 all themes: fix redraw issue with yelp
  • Gtk+-3.20 GreenLaguna: some menu fixes
  • Gtk+-3.20 Menta themes: add transition effect for menu arrows
  • Gtk+-3.20 Menta themes: drop settings for firefox menus
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine themes: drop transition effect from labels
  • Add index.theme file for gtk+ High Contrast theme
  • Gtk+-3.20 Most themes: setup border for clockmap in clock applet
  • Gtk+-3.20 Submarine themes: some fixes for clock applet
  • Gtk+-3.20 BlackMate: some panel clock fixes
  • TOK/TG: caja: solid color to the notebook header border
  • Gtk+-3.20 Menta themes: use a hardcoded bg color for tooltips
  • BlackMATE: CSD apps-match noncomposited headerbar to square window border
  • BlackMATE: more CSD app fixes
  • BlackMATE fixes for CSD apps
  • Gtk+-3.20 Menta themes: change colors for panel applet buttons
  • Gtk+-3.20 Menta themes: change transition timining for menubar menuitem
  • Gtk+-3.20 Menta themes: use normal menubar menuitems styling for the panel
  • Gtk+-3.20 Menta themes: remove transition effect from menuitems
  • TOK/TG: mate-terminal: solid color to the notebook header border
  • Gtk+-3.20 BlackMATE: fix fontcolor in url bar of google chrome
  • Gtk+-3.20 BlackMATE: change menuitem accelerator font color
  • TOK/TG: xfce4-terminal: solid color to the notebook header border
  • TOK/TG: Remove gradient from notebook header
  • cursor: add color-picker to make file
  • Gtk+-3.20 Submarine themes: improve pluma sidebar
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine themes: fix fg color in pluma error dialogs
  • BlackMATE: fully style noncomposited m-s-d OSD
  • BlackMATE: support new msd-osd-window-solid style class for non-composited OSD case
  • BlackMATE: make caja renaming labels more readable
  • ContrastHighInverse: Fix Caja rename labels when theme actually applied
  • cursor: add color-picker cursor image
  • GTK+-3.20 submarine themes: improve mate- and mintmenu
  • Gtk+-3.20 menta themes: fixes for mate- and mint-menu
  • Gtk+-3.20 Traditional themes: improve some dialog windows
  • Traditional themes: don't draw a bg for mate-indicator-applet
  • Gtk+-3.20 most themes: fix bg color in list-view of caja inactive-pane
  • Gtk+-3.20 all themes: add new css name matekbd-keyboard-drawing
  • metacity submarine themes: fix innerborder if metacity or compiz WM is used
  • TOK/TG: xfce4-terminal: gradient color to the notebook header border
  • TOK/TG: make padding in notebook tabs 2 pixels bigger
  • menta-fix "{{" typo breaking gtk-widgets.css file
  • All themes: Fix: print dialog paper depictions not appearing correctly
  • Gtk+-3.20 Menta themes: don't make any difference between backdrop and normal state
  • Gtk+-3.20 most themes: mate-panel hide button modification
  • TOK/TG: caja: set gradient color to the notebook header border
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine themes: mate-panel hide button modifications
  • TOK/TG: Fixes borders in xfce4-terminal tabs and probably more applications
  • Gtk+-3.20 all themes: improvements for mate-menu
  • Gtk+-3.20 all themes: better way to style keyboard layouts
  • TOK/TG: mate-terminal: set gradient color to the notebook header border
  • Gtk+-3.20 Traditional: set color to the notebook header border in mate-terminal
  • Gtk+-3.20 Menta themes: sort mate-applications.css
  • Menta themes: set color to the notebook header border
  • TOK/TG: New colors in panel grid
  • Gtk+-3.20 all themes: style mate-keyboard-layout-viewer
  • Traditional themes - use applet handles from Menta
  • TOK/TG: mate-terminal: use border in header tab instead notebook
  • Gtk+-3.20 ContrastHighInverse: add missing assets to avoid a runtime warning
  • Menta themes: eliminate wrong border-color for lockscreen
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine: eliminate wrong border-color for lockscreen
  • GreenLaguna: correct notebook tab borders in mate-terminal
  • Submarine themes: correct notebook tab borders in mate-terminal
  • Gtk+-3.20 Menta themes: correct notebook header borders in mate-terminal
  • Traditional themes: drop some lines in mate-terminal for a better look
  • Gtk+-3.20 Most themes: don't use a border for terminal notebook
  • Traditional themes: print dialog improvements
  • Traditional themes: set notebook borders for pavu-control (better fix)
  • Traditional themes: set notebook borders for pavu-control
  • Gtk+-3.20 GreenLaguna: style scrollbar junction
  • Gtk+-3.20: add an annoying wildcard for firefox
  • Gtk+-3.20 GreenLaguna: some border fixes for caja sidebar
  • Gtk+-3.20 GreenLaguna: change border color of GtkSwitch
  • Gtk+-3.20 GreenLaguna: change border-color for scrollbars
  • GTK+-3.20 GreenLaguna: change insensitive_bg_color
  • Gtk+-3.20 GreenLaguna: improve notebooks
  • Traditional themes: drop the two useless lines in the notebooks
  • Gtk+-3.20 GreenLaguna: re-work borders of frame and other improvements
  • GreenLaguna metacity: increase border size
  • Submarine metacity: increase border size
  • Gtk+-3.20 Submarine: set color for dim-labels at list rows
  • Traditional themes: set more border colors in checked notebook tabs
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine themes set a padding on statusbars
  • Gtk+-3.20: fix jumping button in mate-font-viewer toolbar
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine themes: improve headerbars and popover menus
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine themes: set a padding for gedit statusbar
  • Gtk+-3.20 Menta themes: add missing border-image for button.fat:checked in filezilla and atril
  • Gtk+-3.20 Menta themes: some notebook improvements
  • Fixed URL colors for Firefox search suggestions
  • Gtk+-3.20 Menta themes: re-work borders for frames and other improvements (mega commit)
  • Traditional themes: make padding in notebook tabs smaller
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine themes: several improvements
  • Gtk+-3.22 Submarine themes: some notebook improvements
  • Gtk+-3.22 Submarine themes: re-work borders for frames
  • Gtk+-3.20 Submarine themes: fix previous commit for rubberband
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine themes: fix rubberband for mate-screenshot
  • Gtk+-3.20 submarine themes: fix toolbar label color
  • Traditional themes: use gradient color on active tabs
  • Gtk+-2.0 Greenlaguna: use hardcoded hex colors in gtkrc
  • Gtk+-2.0 most themes: use a oneliner for color definitions in gtkrc
  • Traditional themes: add a border-image for some applets
  • Gtk+-3.20 Traditional themes: use a border for the whole GtkInfobar
  • Gtk+-3.20 Traditional themes: workaround, fix some borders in firefox
  • Gtk+-3.20 Traditional themes: fix jumping combobox button
  • Gtk+-3.20 most themes: fix sidebar of GtkAssistant
  • Gtk+-3.20 Submarine themes: fix sidebar of GtkAssistant
  • Gtk+-3 all themes: don't set NaTrayApplet-icon-size

mate-notification-daemon 1.20.0

  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor functions:
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_n_monitors
  • Fixes high cpu usage with large timeouts
  • unescape URI-encode paths for icon files
  • Translations update

mate-control-center 1.20.0

  • Scale font DPI for HiDPI displays
  • Add support for HiDPI displays
  • theme-installer.c: missing g_object_unref in mate_theme_install_real
  • theme-util.c: fix reinstalling the deleted theme can cause failure
  • Support the theme compression package for installing XZ format
  • drop unused variables
  • eggcellrendererkeys.c: Fix build warnings:
  • remove some leftovers related to MacOS support
  • theme-thumbnail.c: Fix build warnings with write and pipe:
  • libslab: store search entry widget as GtkEntry
  • libslab: fix search icon misaligned
  • Translations update

mate-screensaver 1.20.0

  • Add HiDPI support for lock screen
  • gs-lock-plug.c: Fix build warning:
  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • restore the correct mate-screensaver-command manpage
  • fix loop initial declarations
  • Fix: idle slider display in all languages
  • drop glib required max version
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height
  • don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • Implement OpenBSD authentication using bsd_auth(3).
  • Bug Fix: g_get_real_name will never return NULL pointer
  • lock-dialog UI: avoid deprecated widgets
  • Bug fix: screensaver and lock screen not correctly displayed in configurations with overlapping monitor geometries
  • [GTK+3.20] Switch to GdkSeat
  • Set input purpose for the password entry widget
  • copy theme dialog: fix build warning about wrong variable type
  • Translations update

mate-media 1.20.0

  • gvc-applet: don't try to increase refcount of a NULL object
  • gvc-combo-box: fix signal arguments
  • applet: restore icon for "Sound Preferences" menu item
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_height
  • applet: use GdkSeat with GTK+ >= 3.20
  • applet: make keyboard work in popup
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor... functions:
  • refresh tray icon on icon theme change
  • mixer-dialog: remove style class .frame from a scrolledwindow
  • volume-control-dialog: avoid deprecated GtkAlignment
  • applet: show volume in popup even when muted
  • applet: improve volume increments
  • enable deprecation warnings by default
  • Translations update

mate-power-manager 1.20.0

  • avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • inhibit: fix error that spammed logs from previous commit
  • inhibit applet: fix rendering of icon
  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • fix typos in some more comments
  • Correct spelling mistake.
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor functions:
  • don't abort on unknown DBus signal name
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height
  • avoid deprecated gdk_display_get_screen
  • don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • refresh tray icon on icon theme change
  • actually check the $XPROTO_REQUIRED variable's value
  • statistics UI: add style class mpm-statistics
  • Translations update

mate-system-monitor 1.20.0

  • procman.cpp: Fix build warning: argument 1 null where non-null expected
  • sysinfo.cpp: Fix build warning: this ‘if’ clause does not guard...
  • proctable.cpp: Fix build warning: this ‘else’ clause does not guard...
  • Fix system logo alignment
  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • process table: make search case-insensitive
  • sysinfo: disable focus in all labels
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_width/height
  • sysinfo: avoid deprecated GtkAlignment
  • Translations update

atril 1.20.0

  • build: remove pre-GTK+3 option
  • epub: make minizip support more BSD variants
  • previewer: add style class atril-previewer-window
  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • shell: show caret navigation in menu
  • ev-link-accessible: Improve efficiency of methods to get start and end indices
  • Expose form fields as AtkObject children of the page
  • Expose images as AtkObject children of the page
  • Expose links as AtkObject children of the page
  • ev-view-accessible: Add a method to determine if a given doc rect is showing
  • ev-page-cache: Add method to check if a given page has been cached
  • libview: Update the caret cursor when jumping to a find result
  • libview: Update ATK_STATE_SHOWING when the visible page range changes
  • libview: Implement AtkComponent for pages
  • libview: Fix shift+click text selection
  • a11y: ensure text cached when you request an EvPageAccessible
  • a11y: managing atk states on EvPageAccessible
  • a11y: add if applies ATK_RELATION_FLOWS_TO/FROM on EvPageAccessible
  • a11y: move AtkHyperText implementation from EvViewAccessible to EvPageAccessible
  • a11y: move AtkText implementation from EvViewAccessible to EvPageAccessible
  • a11y: expose EvPageAccessible as children of EvViewAccessible
  • a11y: new EvPageAccessible
  • libview: Fix some broken aspects EvViewAccessible text support
  • libview: Take caret navigation into account when getting AtkHyperlink indices
  • a11y: cleaning implementation for atk_text_get_caret_offset
  • a11y: fixing implementation for atk_text_set_caret_offset
  • view: set_caret_cursor_position should emit "cursor-moved" if applies
  • Remove support for deprecated atk_text_get_text_{before,after}_offset()
  • a11y: implement AtkDocument on EvViewAccessible
  • a11y: with caret navigation enabled, accessibility current page is cursor page
  • ev-view-accessible: call document_changed_cb when setting the model
  • Some text fixes for caret message area
  • ev-view-accessible: Fix a crash in ev_view_accessible_get_link
  • ev-view-accessible: Clear the cached data when the current page
  • shell: remove view_actions_focus_out_cb
  • shell: Remove ev_window_set_view_accels_sensitivity
  • shell: forward accels to the focused widget
  • Use a global array for view accel action
  • fix crash when selecting text in djvu documents
  • shell: fix stock item for message area
  • docs: libview: Re-add type builtins section
  • Fix crashes of epub documents with caret-navigation
  • Store the caret cursor position in document metadata
  • libview: Add ev_view_set_caret_cursor_position
  • libview: Update the current page also when pending scroll is to find a location
  • libview: Do not schedule a redraw when enabling/disabling caret navigation
  • libview: Stop caret cursor blinking when cursor is not in a visible page
  • shell: Enable/disable the caret navigation with F7
  • libview: Add ev_view_supports_caret_navigation()
  • ev-link-accesible: Return the index/offset after the last character in the link
  • help: Remove references to removed selection mode
  • libview: Fix selections starting/ending in page margins
  • libview: Reduce the pages to scan for selections
  • libview: Remove unused rectangle selection mode
  • libview: Rework ev_view_accessible_get_selection
  • libview: do not redraw the whole view when caret cursor moves
  • libview: Update the cursor area after positioning the cursor when moving between lines
  • ev-view-accessible: Fix ev_view_accesssible_get_n_selections
  • ev-view-accessibl: Fix get_caret_offset when the caret navigation is enabled
  • libview: Use error bell and return early when moving between lines fails
  • libview: do not schedule a resize in ensure_rectangle_is_visible
  • libview: Stop the cursor blink when there are selections active
  • libview: Deprecate ev_view_scroll in favor of g_signal_emit_by_name
  • ev-window: Use g_signal_emit_by name instead of ev_view_scroll
  • previewer: Remove scroll accelerators
  • ev-window: Remove scroll accelerators
  • libview: Add more scroll key bindings to EvView
  • libview: Fix second parameter type of scroll signal for h, j, k and l bindings
  • libview: Use merge_selection_region passing NULL to clear the selections
  • ev-pixbuf-cache: Clear the selection region also when clearing the job selection
  • ev-pixbuf-cache: fix the condition for when a new selection is needed
  • ev-view-accessible: Rewrite get_run_attributes to return the text attributes from the document
  • pdf: Implement ev_document_text_get_text_attrs()
  • libview: Get text attributes from backend and save them in page cache
  • libdocument: Add ev_document_text_get_text_attrs()
  • libview: Emit the AtkText text-caret-moved and text-selection-changed signals
  • libview: clear the selection when cursor is moved
  • libview: Do not show the caret cursor when there are active selections
  • libview: Return NULL instead of empty regions from the pixbuf cache
  • libview: Don't draw the caret cursor when the view is not focused
  • libview: Fix moving caret cursor between lines in multicolumn documents
  • libview: Pre-cache some prev/next pages to the current page range.
  • ev-pixbuf-cache: schedule prev or next jobs first depending on the scroll direction
  • ev-pixbuf-cache: Schedule jobs to render previous pages in inverse order
  • libview: Added 'cursor-moved' signal to notify when the caret cursor has been moved.
  • libview: Avoid unnecessary region copies when selecting text
  • libview: Use a larger damage area to redraw selections
  • libview: Don't queue a redraw when damaged region hasn't changed
  • libview: Invalidate union of old and new selection
  • libview: Move the caret cursor when clicking outside a selection
  • libview: Remove unused in_selection member from SelectionInfo struct
  • libview: Keep the offset inside a line when moving the caret between lines
  • libview: Position the caret cursor at beginning/end of the line
  • libview: Do not schedule a redraw when selecting all text
  • libview: Use prepend + reverse instead of append to create selections list
  • libview: Use GSlice to allocate EvViewSelection
  • libview: Text selection using the caret cursor.
  • libview: Update the caret cursor after selecting text with the mouse
  • libview: Take page border into account when computing selections
  • libview: Fix a crash when selecting more than one page
  • libview: Make sure the cursor blinks after moving it by a click
  • libview: merge get_caret_cursor_rect_from_offset and get_caret_cursor_area
  • libview: Notify about caret navigation errors using the error bell.
  • libview: Do not redraw after a click if cursor position hasn't changed
  • libview: Use GtkBindings for caret navigation
  • libview: Rename EvView::binding-activated signal as EvView::scroll
  • libview: Position the caret cursor by clicking
  • libview: Use EvPixbufCache to find selection region
  • libview: Split ev_pixbuf_cache_get_selection_surface into two functions
  • libview: Draw selection highlight from region
  • libview: Fix the damage area used to redraw the caret cursor
  • libview: Actually update the page when moving the care from a different page
  • libview: Avoid to update the current page and scroll to the cursor position, if the caret cursor was not updated
  • libview: Make caret cursor blink
  • libview: Use logical attributes instead text layout to move the caret cursor
  • libview: Add a way to get the text logical attributes from the page cache
  • libview: Initial implementation of caret navigation
  • libview: Refactor code for drawing page and selection surfaces
  • shell: disable ViewDualOddLeft in menus for epubs
  • libview: only access the relevant page cache for the height request
  • Activate shortcut keys for dual and continuous layout
  • ev-view: Forward key events to the focused form field
  • Add shortcut keys for fit-page and fit-width options
  • shell: Do not open single page pdfs in dual mode by default
  • libview: Don't update current_page to negative number
  • libview: Make page layout a mode
  • libview: Add new zoom mode that optimizes for readability
  • Rename Fit Page Width as Fit Width
  • Rename Best Fit mode as Fit Page
  • Move dual page with odd pages left to the view menu
  • libview: drop deprecated usage of gtk_container_set_resize_mode
  • shell: Check if doc implements Annotations interface before cast
  • Refreshing annotations' sidebar upon deletion
  • libdocument: Make ev_mapping_list_remove void
  • page-cache: Add flags parameter to ev_page_cache_mark_dirty()
  • pdf: Reset the annotation mapping when there are no more annotations
  • Add an option to remove annotations to the view popup menu
  • libview: add ev_view_remove_annotation
  • pdf: Implement remove_annotation virtual func
  • libdocument: add ev_mapping_list_remove
  • libdocument: Add remove_annotation to DocumentAnnotations.
  • pdf: Make annotation names unique
  • pdf: Add support for adding other types of annotations
  • libview: Rename ev_view_set_focused_element and make it public internally
  • Change the opacity of the annotation window
  • Change color of annotation window
  • libview: Grab focus for form fields and links on mouse press
  • libdocument: Added ev_mapping_list_get
  • pdf: Add activation link for Fields that have it.
  • libview: Handle activation link of a Form Field if present
  • libdocument: Add activation_link to EvFormField struct
  • ev-properties-licence: don't use deprecated GtkAlignment
  • libview: : avoid deprecated gtk_adjustment_changed
  • ev-job-find: mark two methods as skip
  • ev-jobs: have ev_job_failed_from_error shadow ev_job_failed
  • libview: add missing transfer and element-type annotations
  • ev-mapping-list: make a boxed type
  • libdocument: add missing transfer and element-type annotations
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor... functions:
  • avoid gdk_screen_get_primary_monitor/gdk_screen_get_monitor_scale_factor
  • ev-document-misc.c: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height_mm
  • dvi: Mitigate command injection attacks by quoting filename
  • mdvi-lib: Fix compilation warning (const-correctness)
  • libmisc: set width chars for page label
  • libview: Scroll small pages in non-continuous mode
  • libview: Enable GDK_SMOOTH_SCROLL events for view
  • libview: Ctrl+mouse wheel zoom should be pointer-centered, not window-centered
  • ev-view: Add pan gesture to switch page
  • ev-view: explicitly require a GtkScrolledWindow as the parent widget
  • ev-view: Add pinch/zoom gesture to handle document zooming
  • sidebar-thumbnails: fix unwanted move to start after fullscreen
  • sidebar-thumbnails: preload one extra visible range while scrolling
  • sidebar-thumbnails: keep thumbnails already rendered
  • sidebar-thumbnails: fix clunky scrolling
  • annotations-sidebar: Clean up the styling
  • ev-annotation-window: Fix setting the color of the window border
  • libview: fix annotation window focus change after creation
  • libview: Fix focus on ev_annotation_window
  • libview: Don't change the font color of the annotation window
  • shell: Use GdkRGBA for annotations
  • libdocument: Add EvAnnotation API using GdkRGBA
  • libdocument: Use the new deprecation macros
  • Add deprecation macros
  • fix runtime warnings caused by previous HDPI commit
  • Take monitor scale factor into account when calculating zoom.
  • Add hi-dpi support for main view.
  • shell: Ditch gimpcellrenderertoggle
  • sidebar-layers: Make it actually usable and fix a runtime warning
  • libview: setting annotation window icons sizes
  • libview: save changes to a dropdown in an embedded form
  • libdocument: adjust rendering of shadow for active and inactive pages
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_make_display_name
  • ev-window: remove deprecated GtkToolbar-shadow-type
  • annotation-properties-dialog: don't use a headerbar
  • avoid deprecated gdk_display_get_screen and gdk_display_get_n_screens
  • ev-window: don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_number
  • build: properly clean the generated .caja-extension file
  • build: require cairo >= 1.10.0 and drop some old code
  • shell: remove unused code from utils
  • ev-view: avoid deprecated gtk_drag_begin
  • egg-editable-toolbar: avoid deprecated gtk_drag_begin
  • message-area: replace some GtkStock deprecations
  • ev-sidebar: avoid deprecated GTK_STOCK_CLOSE icon
  • password-view: replace some GtkStock deprecations
  • password-view: don't use deprecated GtkAlignment
  • toolbar-editor: don't use deprecated GtkAlignment
  • Translations update

caja-extensions 1.20.0

  • xattr-tags: use better English in extension description
  • po: add missing translatable strings from xattrs extension
  • xattr-tags: fix extension description
  • open-terminal: don't use excessive string duplication
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_make_display_name
  • sendto burn: avoid deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • xattr-tags: remove hack, it's not needed now
  • xattr-tags: fix typo causing undefined reference
  • fix the libcaja_gksu_la_LDFLAGS variable declaration
  • xattr-tags: add missing newline to startup message
  • xattr-tags: unescaping stored attributes.
  • Translations update

engrampa 1.20.0

  • build: use PKG_CONFIG to fix cross-build
  • Add our copyright to About dialog and Caja extension
  • 7z: Fix: rename files with password without the list encrypted
  • 7z: Fix: delete/rename files/folders with the list encrypted
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_make_display_name
  • don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • use a more common gtk+ function
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_number
  • Add the button "Show the Files and Quit" in the progress dialog
  • Fix: create zip files in "maximum" compression level
  • Fix: Browsing history not correct
  • hide folders in "View All Files"
  • Fix: Wrong behavior of Skip button in Replace file dialog
  • UI files: avoid deprecations
  • gtk-utils: remove some GTK_STOCK deprecations
  • gtk-utils: avoid deprecated gtk_icon_size_lookup_for_settings
  • fr-window: fix some GTK_STOCK deprecations
  • add style class frame to scrolledwindows
  • fr-window: avoid deprecated GtkMisc and GtkAlignment
  • dlg-add-folder: avoid deprecated gtk_alignment_new()
  • build: use variable instead of hardcoded file name when cleaning
  • Translations update

eom 1.20.0

  • drop CSS for GTK+ 3.18
  • egg-editable-toolbar.c/egg-toolbars-model.c: drop unused variables
  • print-preview: replace custom code with GDK function call
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor functions
  • don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_number
  • fix warning on closing empty window with multiple eom windows
  • EomThumbView: Replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup function
  • multiple-save-as-dialog.ui: avoid deprecated widgets
  • error-message: replace usage of GtkStock
  • A bunch of instrospection warning fixes
  • EomScrollView: fix override_background deprecated call
  • EomPropertiesDialog: Fix deprecation warnings
  • EomThumbNav: Fix deprecated function warning
  • EomScrollView: Replace deprecated gtk_menu_popup function
  • EomScrollView: Switch from GtkDeviceManager to GdkSeat
  • fix typo in function annotation
  • use different css files for < gtk+=3.20
  • EomWindow: Set file open dialog transient for its parent window
  • settings: use rgb color definition as defaults
  • UI: avoid using deprecaded widgets
  • EomCloseConfirmationDialog: set max width chars for primary label
  • EomCloseConfirmationDialog: Fix size request for the image list
  • Printing paper orientation should default based on image dimensions
  • Avoid recompressing JPEGs as PNG when printing
  • EomFileChooser: Use MateThumbnailFactory to create preview image
  • EomPropertiesDialog: Allow RGBA for transparent background color
  • preferences-ui: drop usage of MateColorButton
  • EomScrollView: Switch to GdkRGBA for background and transparent colors
  • EomPrintPreview: Avoid unnecessary color parsing
  • Fix a few GtkStock deprecations
  • EomCloseConfirmationDialog: replace deprecated GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING
  • toolbar-editor: avoid deprecated GtkAlignment
  • Bring eom-image.c's SVG handling up to date, properly recognize svgz filetypes
  • eom_uri_converter: GList leak fix
  • Translations update

mate-applets 1.20.0

  • multiload: Scaling network graph using thresholds defined by user
  • multiload: fix tabs/spaces mix in more places
  • multiload: fix spacing in some places
  • multiload: remove some unneeded spaces
  • weather: fix possible crash when opening prefs dialog
  • drop broken invest-applet and all Python dependencies
  • Fix build warnings: ignoring return value of fgets,
  • command: bump range of interval
  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • build: when gtksourceview isn't found, show this package name
  • Cpufreq: Update tooltips with latest values
  • Cpufreq: fix a build warning
  • Cpufreq: stop jumping numbers moving units label
  • Rounding error in draw corrected.
  • cpufreq: fix calculating max width of frequency/unit/percent labels
  • stickynotes: fix text selection
  • cpufreq: refresh applet size on style change (e.g. font size)
  • GSettings change recognized dynamically
  • GSettings for checkmark color shown for mounted volumes.
  • cpufreq: fix random invisibility of the applet
  • Mounted drives will show a little bit different icon.
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor functions:
  • Get rid of misleading_indentation and maybe-uninitialized warnings during build
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_width/height
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height
  • all applets: don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • add new digital theme
  • drivemount: fix a build warning
  • cpufreq-prefs: don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • bump libmateweather requirement to 1.19.1
  • weather: If location changes, abort any outstanding weather updates
  • weather: Added logic to not send notification if weather update is equal (as decided by weather_info_equal()) to the previous update
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_number
  • drivemount: If the list is empty, it will show media-floppy icon
  • stickynotes: reword previous commit a bit and don't leak dir name
  • stickynotes: create parent dir for stickynotes-applet.xml if it does not exist.
  • Load graph scales automatically according to average load
  • trashapplet: remove unused code
  • cpufreq: set frequency on all cores
  • Fix GError memory leak
  • Fix for crasher in Command applet.
  • Translations update

mate-calc 1.20.0

  • Add icon image on close button in preferences dialog
  • avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • add missing window icon to About dialog
  • math-window: don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • Translations update

mate-icon-theme-faenza 1.20.0

  • Change license to GPL3, as per the original project.
  • Fix to use MATE logo for dark theme

mate-indicator-applet 1.20.0

  • Support building against Ayatana Indicators and Ubuntu Indicators alike.
  • Translations update

mate-netbook 1.20.0

  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • window picker: disconnect signal handlers in dispose function
  • window picker: add icon to prefs dialog
  • window picker: disable vertical expand of button in prefs dialog
  • window picker: add icon for taskbar to About dialog
  • maximus: don't crash on invalid window ID
  • Translations update

mate-sensors-applet 1.20.0

  • build: enable udisk2 plugin again
  • Remove deprecated udisks plugin
  • udisks plugin: fix memory management for GValue variables
  • Remove deprecated eee plugin
  • Fix popup shower on removed HDD
  • ibm-acpi.c: Fix build warning
  • eee-plugin.c: Fix build warning
  • active-sensor.c: Fix build warning
  • sensors-applet.c: Fix build warning
  • Fix indents
  • Fix project cleanup
  • Stop jumping applet as numbers change
  • fix save order of sensors
  • updated hide temperature units
  • remove code duplication
  • sensor-applet.c: replace deprecated GtkMisc
  • sensor-applet.c: avoid deprecated GTK_STOCK_MISSING_IMAGE
  • sensor-config-dialog: avoid deprecated GtkAlignment
  • sensor-config-dialog: don't use deprecated GtkColorButton
  • prefs-dialog: add style class frame to scrolledwindow
  • prefs-dialog: avoid deprecated GtkAlignment
  • prefs-dialog: avoid deprecated GTK_VBUTTON_BOX, GTK_TYPE_{H,V}BOX
  • use GTK_ALIGN_CENTER for the sensor_applet grid
  • Translations update

mate-terminal 1.20.0

  • require VTE 0.46
  • screen: stop setting TERM and COLORTERM environment variables
  • schema: fix summary and description of some keys
  • remove "..." from Find keyboard shortcut
  • profile-editor: properly initialize the first palette color
  • terminal-screen.c: drop unused variables
  • Fix build warnings: ignoring return value of chdir,
  • middle click on a tab: add the gsettings key to enable the feature
  • make indent more uniform in a few files
  • fix possible crash when handling DBus method call
  • Spelling: Whitespace removed, in the terminal, Ctrl
  • add Solarized themes from gnome-terminal
  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • add the ability to switch tabs using ctrl + tab and ctrl + shift + tab
  • allow remapping "search" keyboard shortcuts
  • Support background images with VTE3
  • find-dialog.ui: fix keyboard selection
  • avoid deprecated vte_terminal_search_get_gregex
  • add "select all" keyboard shortcut: control + shift + A
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor functions
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_make_display_name
  • terminal-util: avoid deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • avoid deprecated gdk_display_get_screen
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_number
  • Fix: Double click with right button causes Xorg to crash
  • Translations update

mate-user-share 1.20.0

  • build: use correct macros to fix cross-build
  • don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • Translations update

mate-utils 1.20.0

  • Add screenshot support for HiDPI displays
  • mate-screenshot: added New button
  • screenshot-save.c: Fix build warnings with pipe write and read
  • add style class logview-window
  • Translations update
  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • baobab: make zoom with mousewheel work on chart
  • screenshot: remove some unused code
  • screenshot: don't get window title as it's not used later
  • baobab/logview/dictionary: add our copyright to About dialog
  • baobab: set transient parent for remote connect dialog
  • baobab: don't make prefs dialog visible in .ui file
  • baobab: set parent window for About dialog
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_active_window
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor functions
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_width/height
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height
  • screenshot: avoid deprecated GdkDevice objects
  • dictionary: avoid deprecated GdkDevice objects
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_n_monitors
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_make_display_name
  • gdict-applet: don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_number
  • searchtool & logview: avoid deprecated GtkAlignment
  • mate-screenshot: fix showing busy cursor when saving area screenshot
  • screenshot: don't translate the timestamp in the filename
  • mate-dictionary: include correct header to fix occasional FTBFS
  • Translations update

mozo 1.20.0

  • Translations update

pluma 1.20.0

  • put peas_engine_enable_loader in the correct place
  • Fix: make the list of recently used files working again
  • drop unused variables
  • pluma-spell-checker-language.c: Fix build warning
  • pluma.c: Fix build warning
  • pluma-document.c: Fix build warning
  • pluma-window: have GtkRecentData on stack instead of allocating it
  • WidthOfScreen and HeightOfScreen implementation
  • Fixes for regexp replacement with backreferences (e.g. "\0")
  • pluma-view.c: use one static variable instead two to do the same job
  • make sure pluma open in the same window of the workspace
  • Fix: pluma closes tabs unexpectedly with [right + middle] click ctrl + + / ctrl + - using the numeric keypad
  • add gsettings key: Show save confirmation if the files have changes
  • Fix: wrong behavior holding down [middle + right] click ctrl + + / ctrl + - to increase/decrease font size
  • don't request to save documents with no changes
  • add gsettings key to hide/show(default) tabs with the side pane
  • Hide tabs if we are using the sidebar
  • gtk 3.22: avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_monitor functions
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_get_width/height
  • avoid deprecated gdk_screen_make_display_name
  • pluma-help: don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • filebrowser: don't use deprecated gtk_show_uri
  • avoid deprecated gdk_display_get_screen and gdk_screen_get_number
  • enable the abbility to save the document if it was changed externally
  • disable the abbility to save the document if it has no changes
  • print-preferences UI: fix some basic deprecations
  • encoding-dialog UI: fix some basic deprecations
  • preferences-dialog UI: fix some basic deprecations
  • pluma-panel: remove deprecated GtkImage types
  • plumal-panel: remove some GtkStock deprecations
  • search-dialogs: fix a -Wpointer-compare warning
  • tag-list-plugin: avoid deprecated GtkStock
  • file-browser-widget: fix one stock deprecation
  • configure: drop GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED
  • File browser: don't use GIOScheduler (deprecated)
  • file-browser-view: silent some build warnings
  • pluma-view: avoid GtkStock deprecations
  • pluma-tab: replace some GtkStock icons
  • pluma-notebook: don't use deprecated gdk_cursor_new
  • progress-message-area: fix one GtkStock deprecation
  • io-error-message-dialog: fix some GtkStock deprecation warnings
  • Fix: pluma closes tabs unexpectedly with middle click
  • pluma-notebook.c: fix a build warning
  • double click to the right of the last open tab to open a new tab
  • Support new location of gtk bookmarks file
  • docs: we have encodings combobox, not option menu
  • remove references to PlumaStatus
  • docs: remove some references to nonexistent stuff
  • filebrowser: don't parse .hidden files - GIO does it since 2.36
  • close confirm dialog: enable selection + disable focus in all labels
  • close confirm dialog: set max width for labels
  • fix typo in code comments
  • fix running under wayland
  • modelines: fix random crash on closing one of several Pluma windows
  • Translations update

python-caja 1.20.0

  • Translations update

by Martin Wimpress at February 07, 2018 09:00 AM

October 19, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 17.10

Join the Mutiny!

After six months of tireless work we present Ubuntu MATE 17.10, by far the best release we've ever produced. I'd like to extended my sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to this fine release. The development theme for Ubuntu MATE 17.10 has been delivering several different desktop layouts each providing a distinctive workflow. Checkout MATE Tweak to access to these layouts and join the Mutiny!

  • Shipping snaps by default - Check!
  • Feature rich file manager - Check!
  • Slick Greeter? - Check!
  • Global Menus? - Check!
  • Heads-up Display (HUD)? - Check!
  • Super key to active menu launchers? - Check!
  • Functional alternative to Unity 7 for those that want it and a traditional desktop for those that don't? - Check!
  • Read on to find out more...

We mean it, keep reading! Don't just go hunting for the download button and skip over our most glorious release notes.

Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Final

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 17.04 final release?

We've really been burning the midnight oil for the last six months. This is what has been updated or added.

Panel Layouts

We surveyed our community about potentially changing the default UI. The feedback was mixed when factoring in the results from Twitter, Google+ and Straw Poll.

But it was the comments from our users that were most compelling. We decided to leave the default alone, a personally difficult decision, and turned our attention to rationalising the panel layouts and thoughtfully reconfiguring them. Each panel layout is distinctive and now provides a different desktop workflow:

  • Mutiny mimics the Unity 7 interface
  • Cupertino provides something similar to macOS
  • Redmond will be familiar to Windows users
  • Pantheon a hybrid for long time desktop Linux users who want some modern conveniences
  • Contemporary a blend of the best of the old and the sprinkle of the new
  • Netbook people still use them and this layout is for them
  • Traditional just like your Dad remembers it, and still the default

Here are a few screenshots to give you a feel for how things look.

Global Menu

Global Menu support is now much improved, even compared to 17.10 Alpha 2, and available via the Contemporary, Cupertino and Mutiny layouts which can be activated via MATE Tweak. Fully functional with GTK, Qt, LibreOffice, Firefox/Thunderbird, Google Chrome, Electron and others. You can now make more of your available screen space while using Ubuntu MATE.

Global Menu

NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - Thanks to the excellent testing feedback we've had since 17.10 Alpha 2 we've made the Global Menu far more reliable and now operate correctly regardless of whether the application was launched from the terminal, menu or launcher.

Super key

Super Key

Complete Super key support is available from several of the panel layouts. We're thrilled to welcome Victor Kareh to the team who has been busy patching MATE Settings Daemon, MATE Menu, Brisk Menu and MATE Dock Applet to make the Super key work the way you'd all expect. This means Super can be used to activate the menus/launchers and any other key-bindings that include the Super key also continue to function correctly.

MATE Dock Applet, used in the Mutiny layout, also includes launching or switching to docked items based on their position using in the dock using Super + 1, Super + 2 which will be familiar to Unity 7 users. Super + L is also recognised as a screen lock key-binding along with the usual Ctrl + Alt + L that MATE Desktop users expect.

Heads-Up Display

This is something we started during Ubuntu MATE 16.10 and never perfected, but is now ready for prime time. A favourite of Unity 7 users is the Heads-Up Display (HUD) which provides a way to search for and run menu-bar commands without your fingers ever leaving the keyboard.

So if you're trying to find that single filter in Gimp but can't remember which filter category it fits into or if you can't recall if preferences sits under File, Edit or Tools on your favourite browser, you can just search for it rather than hunting through the menus.

Just like Global Menus the HUD is currently only available via the Contemporary, Cupertino and Mutiny.

HUD improvements since 17.10 Alpha 2

We've improved the HUD significantly since Alpha 2 thank to all the great testing feedback.

  • NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - The HUD is now activated by just pressing Alt, as you would expect in Unity 7.
  • The HUD is now reliably activated. In Alpha 2 is only responded to about one third of requests.
  • NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - The HUD is now locally integrated, so that it overlays on top of the activate application.
The Locally integrated Heads-Up Display (HUD)

Locally integrated rationale

The purpose of the HUD is to keep your fingers on the keyboard and improve the efficiency in driving the menus for keyboard centric users. We've locally integrated the HUD for similar reasons, if you're looking at an application why move the HUD to the top of screen away from where your eyes are already focused. Keeping the HUD within the context of the active application eliminates refocusing your attention to a different part of the screen, particularly helpful for users with high resolution or multi-display workstations.


We've been improving Indicator support from release to release for some time now. But with in Ubuntu MATE 17.10 many of the panel layouts offer a complete line up of Indicators, all of which are fully compatible with MATE. The default Indicators are:

  • Optimus (only available if you have nvidia prime capable hardware and drivers)
  • Bluetooth
  • Network
  • Power
  • Messages
  • Sound
  • Session

MATE Tweak

MATE Tweak is your gateway to activating different user interface layouts and exploring the contrasting ways you can run Ubuntu MATE. MATE Tweak has been given a coat of fresh paint and adds a couple of much requested features.

  • Saving your own custom panel layout using a name of your choosing.
  • Prompts before executing operations that could wipe your custom, but unsaved, tweaks.
  • NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - You can also delete previously saved custom panel layouts.
MATE Tweak, more than just a tweak tool.

When activating the Compton compositor you should now experience an entirely tear free experience that is optimised for gaming. Thanks to Perdro Mateus from Linux Game Cast podcast for his help test the various GPU, IGP and driver combinations. #LGCCares

While we were tuning compositors we gave some love to Compiz, which now uses less RAM and fixes a number of niggles.

Community Wallpaper

The Ubuntu MATE community participated in a wallpaper competition and have already voted for their favourite. Congratulations to Richard van Liessum for creating the winning entry! You have to install Ubuntu MATE 17.10 to see the full line up of new artwork though ;-)

Slick Greeter

NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - We've switched to Slick Greeter which still uses LightDM under the hood but has a much nicer look and feel.

Slick Greeter

File manager

NEW in 17.10 Beta 2 - We've added some new features to Caja, the MATE file manager.

  • Added Advanced bulk rename.
  • Added Hash checking.
  • Replaced caja-gksu with caja-admin.
    • The obsolete gksu is being removed from Debian and we are aligning with that objective by replacing the use of gksu with PolicyKit.
  • Updated Folder Color. Now supports custom emblems and properly integrates with the Ubuntu MATE default icon theme.
Caja Rename

Snaps installed by default

NEW in 17.10 Final - Ubuntu MATE is pioneering pre-installed snap support by being the first distro to ship a snap by default. For the Ubuntu MATE 17.10 release the pulsemixer snap, a console based mixer for PulseAudio, is installed by default.


Pre-installing snaps by default in the desktop images was an outcome of the Ubuntu Rally that took place in New York. Installing the pulsemixer snap by default in Ubuntu MATE 17.10 is being used as a pilot and what we learn will help the Ubuntu Desktop team with their efforts to ship snaps by default in Ubuntu 18.04.

Adding pulsemixer to the default Ubuntu MATE 17.10 has not significantly affected the size of the iso image. We chose pulsemixer because it is a small, useful application, that has never been available in the Debian or Ubuntu archives.

The bit no one reads but probably should

Here's the full run down of what changed since Ubuntu MATE 17.04:

  • Ubuntu MATE now features a Global Menu implementation provided via vala-panel-appmenu and most of the Ubuntu indicators are now available with MATE compatibility.
  • Upgraded to MATE HUD 17.10.9-0ubuntu1 which fixes broken event replay due to synchronous key grab.
  • Upgraded to MATE Optimus 17.10.1-1ubuntu0 which now features nvidia hardware detection, including external Thunderbolt connected devices.
  • Upgraded to Brisk Menu 0.4.5 has improved Super key support and numerous fixes, plus a few settings that MATE Tweak can manipulate to augment how Brisk is presented in different layouts.
  • Upgraded to MATE Menu 17.10.8-0ubuntu1 now has better relevance of launcher search results, can now optionally search Duck Duck Go, has numerous fixes and that all important Super key was improved.
  • Upgraded to MATE Dock Applet 0.79 has improved Super key support and several bug fixes.
  • Upgraded to Ubuntu MATE Welcome 17.10.15 has been stocked with even more new applications for you to discover and
    • The all new Software Boutique is not ready yet, so this is the Boutique you know and love. Just better stocked.
  • Added PulseMixer snap to the default install.
  • Removed Synapse and HexChat from the default install.
  • Added Redshift, which adjusts the colour temperature of your screen according to your surroundings, is installed by default but not enabled by default.
  • Dropped caja-gksu and migrated gdebi to PolicyKit - Thanks Simon Quigley
    • caja-admin has replaced caja-gksu
    • gksu is being removed from Debian so we are aligning with that objective by removing gksu from Ubuntu MATE.
  • Caja now includes the GtkHash and Caja Rename extensions.
  • New Ubiquity Slide Show
    • Completely redesigned to introduce users to more of the features unique to Ubuntu MATE.
    • Added Ubuntu MATE logo to Ubiquity.
  • Patched unity-gtk-module to fix ghosting artefacts when dragging and dropping icons.
  • Many of the Ubuntu MATE defaults have been changed or updated
    • Replaced lightdm-gtk-greeter with slick-greeter.
    • Added keybindings for Shift + Print Screen to grab a screen area when taking a screenshot.
    • Added defaults for Chromium, which will show the Ubuntu MATE Start page, should you install it.
    • Added sane defaults and tookit integration for smplayer, should you install it.
  • MATE Desktop 1.18 has seen many updates, with lots of bugs fixes. Nothing new, just be more stability.
    • Some long standing bugs with systemd integration and DBus session activation have been fixed.
  • The Ubuntu MATE themes have been improved via the release of ubuntu-mate-artwork 17.10.10
    • Several improvements Plymouth splash screens, both text and graphical varieties.
    • Add missing panel-grid to Radiant-MATE.
    • Improve linked button styling for message dialogs.
    • Add syntax for panel-grid image to support MATE 1.20.
    • Improve clock-applet-button so it is consistent with other buttons.
    • Add top border-radius for .titlebar > headerbar - workaround for incorrect upstream use of the GTK API
    • Improved notebook (tab) styling.
    • Updated GtkSourceView themes (used by text editors).
    • Add bold style classes for Global Menu.
    • Fix color of grey-out arrows in menus.
    • Fix padding of primary/secondary image in GtkEntry.
    • Improve menu items by adding slightly more padding.
    • Add a minimal padding to na-tray-applets.
    • Add the Ubuntu MATE logo as the distributor-logo.
    • Fix incorrect CSS syntax for Caja.
    • Fix world-map border color in clock-applet.
    • Fix GtkScale slider mouse-selection if slider is out of range.
    • Fix height of headerbar for metacity-theme-viewer - workaround for incorrect upstream use of the GTK API
    • Fix border color of scrollbars.
    • Remove obsolete chrom{e|ium} styling.
    • Remove unwanted backdrop states.
  • Experimental HiDPI support is a little less experimental.
  • ...and a whole lot of other little improvements and fixes.

The above in addition to the general changes that Ubuntu 17.10 introduced.

Download Ubuntu MATE 17.10

We've even redesigned the download page so it's even easier to get started.


Upgrading from 17.04

To upgrade on a desktop system:

  • Open Software & Updates from the Control Centre
  • Select the 3rd Tab called Updates.
  • Set the Notify me of a new Ubuntu version dropdown menu to For any new version.
  • Press Alt + F2 and type in update-manager -c into the command box.
  • Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '17.10' is available.
  • If not you can also use /usr/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/check-new-release-gtk
  • Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.

Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE

  • Nothing critical.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affect all flavours.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at October 19, 2017 01:15 PM

October 05, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE September 2017 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project. As usual we've been able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE Content Delivery Network, Web Application Firewall and email charges.
  • Paid $1974.70 (taking into account currency variations) to Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • Sent €100 to Alexandru Polihron to replace their SSD so they can complete QA for Ubuntu MATE 17.10.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to Open Source projects and developers to approximately $28321.76 (taking into account currency variations).

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop. Bytemark are providing hosting and covering all server/bandwidth costs for both projects. This sponsorship means nearly all of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month Ubuntu MATE has surplus funds we will make contributions to Open Source projects, or developers working on projects, that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

This month Ubuntu MATE has paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

  • Debian Developer - €500 - For packaging Caja Admin and mate-windows-applets for Debian and Ubuntu.
  • MATE Developer - €200 - For developing and bug fixing MATE Desktop.
  • MATE Developer - €200 - For developing and bug fixing MATE Desktop.
  • MATE Developer - $200 - For developing and bug fixing MATE Desktop.
  • Ubuntu MATE Developer - $150 - For working on tomxplayer for the Raspberry Pi.
  • Debian Developer - €500 - For working on the Ayatana Indicators project.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $2101.51 this month.

Thank you to all 240 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $1279.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $1157.8, of which $845.01 was received as Download Tips and $132.18 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €156.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €145.79, of which €29.64 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £41.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £38.23, of which £12.84 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.00005309 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at October 05, 2017 01:00 PM

September 28, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Beta 2

Join the Mutiny!

We are sorry to announce that in this final beta of Ubuntu MATE 17.10 we've added new features to Caja, the MATE file manager. We realise this is somewhat unconventional and would also like issue fair warning to our community that we'll be adding more new features to Caja during the the 18.04 development cycle. I know, we're a bit kooky like that.

  • Feature rich file manager - Check!
  • Slick Greeter? - Check!
  • Global Menus? - Check!
  • Heads-up Display (HUD)? - Check!
  • Super key to active menu launchers? - Check!
  • Functional alternative to Unity 7 for those that want it and a traditional desktop for those that don't? - Check!
  • Read on to find out more...

We mean it, keep reading! Don't just go hunting for the download button and skip over our most glorious release notes.

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) for distribution on October 19th, 2017 With this Beta pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Beta 2

What works?

People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 17.04 final release?

We've really been burning the midnight oil for the last four months. This is what has been updated or added.

Panel Layouts

We surveyed our community about potentially changing the default UI. The feedback was mixed when factoring in the results from Twitter, Google+ and Straw Poll.

But it was the comments from our users that were most compelling. We decided to leave the default alone, a personally difficult decision, and turned our attention to rationalising the panel layouts and thoughtfully reconfiguring them. Each panel layout is distinctive and now provides a different desktop workflow:

  • Mutiny mimics the Unity 7 interface
  • Cupertino provides something similar to macOS
  • Redmond will be familiar to Windows users
  • Pantheon a hybrid for long time desktop Linux users who want some modern conveniences
  • Contemporary a blend of the best of the old and the sprinkle of the new
  • Netbook people still use them and this layout is for them
  • Traditional just like your Dad remembers it, and still the default

Here are a few screenshots to give you a feel for how things look.

Global Menu

Global Menu support is now much improved, even compared to 17.10 Alpha 2, and available via the Contemporary, Cupertino and Mutiny layouts which can be activated via MATE Tweak. Fully functional with GTK, Qt, LibreOffice, Firefox/Thunderbird, Google Chrome, Electron and others. You can now make more of your available screen space while using Ubuntu MATE.

Global Menu

NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - Thanks to the excellent testing feedback we've had since 17.10 Alpha 2 we've made the Global Menu far more reliable and now operate correctly regardless of whether the application was launched from the terminal, menu or launcher.

Super key

Super Key

Complete Super key support is available from several of the panel layouts. We're thrilled to welcome Victor Kareh to the team who has been busy patching MATE Settings Daemon, MATE Menu, Brisk Menu and MATE Dock Applet to make the Super key work the way you'd all expect. This means Super can be used to activate the menus/launchers and any other key-bindings that include the Super key also continue to function correctly.

MATE Dock Applet, used in the Mutiny layout, also includes launching or switching to docked items based on their position using in the dock using Super + 1, Super + 2 which will be familiar to Unity 7 users. Super + L is also recognised as a screen lock key-binding along with the usual Ctrl + Alt + L that MATE Desktop users expect.

Heads-Up Display

This is something we started during Ubuntu MATE 16.10 and never perfected, but is now ready for prime time. A favourite of Unity 7 users is the Heads-Up Display (HUD) which provides a way to search for and run menu-bar commands without your fingers ever leaving the keyboard.

So if you're trying to find that single filter in Gimp but can't remember which filter category it fits into or if you can't recall if preferences sits under File, Edit or Tools on your favourite browser, you can just search for it rather than hunting through the menus.

Just like Global Menus the HUD is currently only available via the Contemporary, Cupertino and Mutiny.

HUD improvements since 17.10 Alpha 2

We've improved the HUD significantly since Alpha 2 thank to all the great testing feedback.

  • NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - The HUD is now activated by just pressing Alt, as you would expect in Unity 7.
  • The HUD is now reliably activated. In Alpha 2 is only responded to about one third of requests.
  • NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - The HUD is now locally integrated, so that it overlays on top of the activate application.
The Locally integrated Heads-Up Display (HUD)

Locally integrated rationale

The purpose of the HUD is to keep your fingers on the keyboard and improve the efficiency in driving the menus for keyboard centric users. We've locally integrated the HUD for similar reasons, if you're looking at an application why move the HUD to the top of screen away from where your eyes are already focused. Keeping the HUD within the context of the active application eliminates refocusing your attention to a different part of the screen, particularly helpful for users with high resolution or multi-display workstations.


We've been improving Indicator support from release to release for some time now. But with in Ubuntu MATE 17.10 many of the panel layouts offer a complete line up of Indicators, all of which are fully compatible with MATE. The default Indicators are:

  • Optimus (only available if you have nvidia prime capable hardware and drivers)
  • Bluetooth
  • Network
  • Power
  • Messages
  • Sound
  • Session

MATE Tweak

MATE Tweak is your gateway to activating different user interface layouts and exploring the contrasting ways you can run Ubuntu MATE. MATE Tweak has been given a coat of fresh paint and adds a couple of much requested features.

  • Saving your own custom panel layout using a name of your choosing.
  • Prompts before executing operations that could wipe your custom, but unsaved, tweaks.
  • NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - You can also delete previously saved custom panel layouts.
MATE Tweak, more than just a tweak tool.

When activating the Compton compositor you should now experience an entirely tear free experience that is optimised for gaming. Thanks to Perdro Mateus from Linux Game Cast podcast for his help test the various GPU, IGP and driver combinations. #LGCCares

While we were tuning compositors we gave some love to Compiz, which now uses less RAM and fixes a number of niggles.

Community Wallpaper

The Ubuntu MATE community participated in a wallpaper competition and have already voted for their favourite. Congratulations to Richard van Liessum for creating the winning entry! You have to install Ubuntu MATE 17.10 to see the full line up of new artwork though ;-)

Slick Greeter

NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - We've switched to Slick Greeter which still uses LightDM under the hood but has a much nicer look and feel.

Slick Greeter

File manager

NEW in 17.10 Beta 2 - We've added some new features to Caja, the MATE file manager.

  • Added Advanced bulk rename.
  • Added Hash checking.
  • Replaced caja-gksu with caja-admin.
    • The obsolete gksu is being removed from Debian and we are aligning with that objective by replacing the use of gksu with PolicyKit.
  • Updated Folder Color. Now supports custom emblems and properly integrates with the Ubuntu MATE default icon theme.
Caja Rename

The bit no one reads but probably should

  • Ubuntu MATE Welcome 17.10.14 has been stocked with even more new applications for you to discover and
    • The all new Software Boutique is not ready yet, so this is the Boutique you know and love. Just better stocked.
  • Upgraded to MATE HUD 17.10.9-0ubuntu1 which fixes broken event replay due to synchronous key grab.
  • Upgraded to MATE Optimus 17.10.1-1ubuntu0 which now features nvidia hardware detection, including external Thunderbolt connected devices.
  • The Ubuntu MATE themes have been improved via the release of ubuntu-mate-artwork 17.10.10
    • Several improvements Plymouth splash screens, both text and graphical varieties.
    • Add missing panel-grid to Radiant-MATE.
    • Improve linked button styling for message dialogs.
    • Add syntax for panel-grid image to support MATE 1.20.
    • Improve clock-applet-button so it is consistent with other buttons.
    • Add top border-radius for .titlebar > headerbar - workaround for incorrect upstream use of the GTK API
    • Improved notebook (tab) styling.
    • Updated GtkSourceView themes (used by text editors).
    • Add bold style classes for Global Menu.
    • Fix color of grey-out arrows in menus.
    • Fix padding of primary/secondary image in GtkEntry.
    • Improve menu items by adding slightly more padding.
    • Add a minimal padding to na-tray-applets.
    • Add the Ubuntu MATE logo as the distributor-logo.
    • Fix incorrect CSS syntax for Caja.
    • Fix world-map border color in clock-applet.
    • Fix GtkScale slider mouse-selection if slider is out of range.
    • Fix height of headerbar for metacity-theme-viewer - workaround for incorrect upstream use of the GTK API
    • Fix border color of scrollbars.
    • Remove obsolete chrom{e|ium} styling.
    • Remove unwanted backdrop states.
  • Many of the Ubuntu MATE defaults have been changed or updated
    • Replaced lightdm-gtk-greeter with slick-greeter.
    • Added keybindings for Shift + Print Screen to grab a screen area when taking a screenshot.
    • Added defaults for Chromium, which will show the Ubuntu MATE Start page, should you install it.
    • Added sane defaults and tookit integration for smplayer, should you install it.
  • New Ubiquity Slide Show
    • Completely redesigned to introduce users to more of the features unique to Ubuntu MATE.
    • Added Ubuntu MATE logo to Ubiquity.
  • Migrated gdebi to PolicyKit - Thanks Simon Quigley
  • Experimental HiDPI support is a little less experimental.
  • ...and a whole lot of other little improvements and fixes.

Download Ubuntu MATE 17.10

We've even redesigned the download page so it's even easier to get started.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE

  • Nothing critical.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affect all flavours.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at September 28, 2017 07:00 PM

September 05, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE August 2017 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project. As usual we've been able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE Content Delivery Network, Web Application Firewall and email charges.
  • Paid $2538.8 (taking into account currency variations) to Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to Open Source projects and developers to approximately $26347.06 (taking into account currency variations).

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop. Bytemark are providing hosting and covering all server/bandwidth costs for both projects. This sponsorship means nearly all of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month Ubuntu MATE has surplus funds we will make contributions to Open Source projects, or developers working on projects, that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

This month Ubuntu MATE has paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $2040.51 this month.

Patreon Perks

These Patron have opted for some perks.

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
XLTech 2016-11-04 01:04:07
Kevin Kavanagh 2017-07-03 16:41:56.965889
Jared Sloane 2016-08-17 10:01:05
VJ 2016-09-14 00:21:07
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Scott Thompson 2016-07-08 19:29:37
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Andrew Khazanovsky 2016-07-17 19:33:11
Brian Hetrick 2016-10-14 21:58:08
Benjamin James 2017-01-03 03:19:08
Ángel González 2016-12-09 23:28:29
Eric 2017-08-04 01:51:24.075267
Michael Vanier 2016-09-21 20:01:01
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Daniel 2015-05-15 16:23:47
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Andriy Tymchenko 2016-07-14 11:54:43
J. Hu 2016-09-11 21:49:07
Szabolcs Gergely 2016-04-25 11:58:44
Jesse Raines 2016-10-17 18:52:52
Glen Blake 2016-10-13 13:50:32
Devaraj de Condappa 2016-10-19 14:13:04
Aleksandar Markovic 2016-11-20 08:56:11
Nick Halase 2016-10-27 01:21:36
Alexander Browne 2016-11-22 14:00:23
Tony Jewett 2017-01-30 05:00:36
Christoph Augustin 2017-01-08 22:03:32
Austin Simmons 2017-02-09 04:23:32
Vlaunir Da Silva 2017-04-12 21:18:42.967801
Marius Quabeck 2017-04-03 21:36:12.191903
Henrik Christiansen 2017-06-24 06:48:48.294340
Ben Yanke 2017-07-28 03:43:58.534466

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Blake Jones, Silas Wulff, Dirk Eisenacher, Jupiter Broadcasting, Ivan Pejić, Sergio Rivera, Michael Mykolyshyn, Adrian Evans, Ricardo Gerena, Peter Mergaerts, ZoRaS, Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Michael White, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, B Kirsch, Nathan Tehrani, Dow Hurst, Sam McGlynn, Stephen Kucksdorf, Enjayembee, Phil Clifford, Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Colin Taylor, Philip Espi, Scott Cowan, Matt, Joshua, Pablo, Evan Gass, Nathan Lee, The Atomic Ass, Carlo Vitolo, Jim Maguire, Sergey Amitonov, Donald R Baun, Johan Westin, Ron Ridley, David Potter, Jason Monroe, Ewan Carr, Michael Jean, Jason A. Lewis, Shannon Cobb, Jeff Hallam, Jeff Blake, Simon Quigley, Meat Damage, Anthony Weathers, Volker Zaeh, Sam Douglas, Michael K Lenox, Sungkeun Cho, Joe Prostko, Martin Becker, Joseph Spurlock, Seiji Amasawa, David DeGroff, Alexander Karelas, Spencer Heywood, Ryan Yates, matt, Dave Jones, Aybar C Acar, Mike G, K.G. Orphanides, Nathan, dastrike, Andras Nemeshanyi, darkinmyeyes, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, Peter Pfeiffer, Trooper_Ish, m1k3, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, Paul Howarth, gnusd, Geoff Grogan, Bevan Thomas, Anthony Bosio, Eduardo Sanchez, Steve E., Martin S, Bård Aase, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter (h82or8), Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Paul Keeton, Tyler Dickieson, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Richard Underwood, Chris Monachino, Vladimir Alexandroff, NuclearBandAid, Sebastiaan Samyn, Chris Giltnane, Dominique Pizzie, Tobias Lekare, Michael Short, Jay Dobson, Ryan Grange, chuck, Enthernal, Tim Howes, Bart Nijs, wade L, Felix Schymura, Christian Bartsch, Josh Kosloski, Chris Mandeville, Alexandru Nedel, Joe cartouche, Steven, Simon Bell, Daniel Kuang, Paulo Malvar, Russell Cantwell, Nuno M. Salgueiro, tekgeek, Dennis Shimer, Seth McCombs, Ludvig Nybogård, Brian Hesdorfer, Dirk Hackenberg, Robert Orzanna, Michael Burchfield, Harry Myhre, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Thomas Waters, David Lachut, Nikos Neosvoskos, Specops872, Michael Braem, Momo Salo, john, Graham Moss, David Southard, Grigory Usenko, lephio, Patrick L Archibald, Mandy Tonks, Robert Winkler, Vitor, Yoni Fogel, tuxayo, Sam, BobAllen55, Andrew Aadland, Fuzzy, Eric, Tekmad, Ali Al Saif, Jordan Brown, Andreas warnaar, Timo Peltola, Eric Rakestraw, Alin Hanghiuc, Rob Cutmore, RT Vance,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Date Name Invested After fees Description
31/08/2017 colin jenkins $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
31/08/2017 Owen Searfoss $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (Artful) Beta 1 amd64 Download Tip
31/08/2017 ursula Dias $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
31/08/2017 Volker Riemenschneider €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
31/08/2017 patricia pratt $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) amd64 Download Tip
31/08/2017 Michael Devenish £2.50 £2.21 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
31/08/2017 Paul Clyne $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (Artful) Alpha 2 amd64 Download Tip
30/08/2017 Royal Kelsey $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) i386 Download Tip
30/08/2017 artem andrjuschin $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
30/08/2017 Kenneth Mayne $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) amd64 Download Tip
30/08/2017 Kjeld Larsen £60.00 £57.52 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/08/2017 Zakaria Amir $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
30/08/2017 Peter Rowland £4.00 £3.58 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
30/08/2017 Wojciech Jastrzbski $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 (Zesty) amd64 Download Tip
30/08/2017 Gregory Kohring €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/08/2017 Hao Trinh $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/08/2017 Aaron Lightbody $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) amd64 Download Tip
29/08/2017 Paul McKinnon $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
29/08/2017 RAFAEL ANTONIO VELASQUEZ MILLAN $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
29/08/2017 Nagorskiy Nikolay $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) amd64 Download Tip
29/08/2017 Thomas Schulz $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
29/08/2017 Donat Schulthess €2.50 €2.03 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/08/2017 Christopher Giles $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) amd64 Download Tip
28/08/2017 Yves Dubé $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
28/08/2017 Valeri Naydenov $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 (Zesty) amd64 Download Tip
28/08/2017 mark maurer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (Artful) Alpha 2 amd64 Download Tip
28/08/2017 Wynand Gouws $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
28/08/2017 Paul Salajean $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (Artful) Alpha 2 amd64 Download Tip
28/08/2017 Betty Tomlinson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (Artful) Alpha 2 amd64 Download Tip
28/08/2017 Drew Sutherland $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) amd64 Download Tip
27/08/2017 Karl Chester Jr $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 (Zesty) amd64 Download Tip
27/08/2017 Nuno Ferreira £1.00 £0.77 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/08/2017 Fernando Flores $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
27/08/2017 Michael MacPhee £5.00 £4.58 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/08/2017 kevin tomascik $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 (Zesty) amd64 Download Tip
27/08/2017 Siddharth Kalluru $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) amd64 Download Tip
27/08/2017 Robert Premuž €30.00 €28.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/08/2017 Christopher Bryant $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 (Zesty) i386 Download Tip
27/08/2017 Andre Breiler $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (Artful) Alpha 2 amd64 Download Tip
26/08/2017 Russell Nakamura $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
26/08/2017 Jeff Donner $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
26/08/2017 William Kane $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/08/2017 enrico caputo $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (Artful) Alpha 2 amd64 Download Tip
26/08/2017 MARK ARTMAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
26/08/2017 TULIO J SILVA $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
26/08/2017 Miguel Angel Moreno Moreno $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) amd64 Download Tip
26/08/2017 Georg Lerm $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
25/08/2017 David Traynor $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) amd64 Download Tip
25/08/2017 Jürgen Biedermann $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) i386 Download Tip
25/08/2017 George Zippert $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) amd64 Download Tip
25/08/2017 Shawn Arnold $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) amd64 Download Tip
25/08/2017 Stephen Brown $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 (Zesty) amd64 Download Tip
24/08/2017 Lee Rosselli $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (Artful) Alpha 2 amd64 Download Tip
24/08/2017 Astrography $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
24/08/2017 Knut Heyden $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
24/08/2017 BitWagon Software LLC $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
24/08/2017 $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
24/08/2017 Werner Sturm $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (Artful) Alpha 2 amd64 Download Tip
24/08/2017 Azzedine Merar $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) i386 Download Tip
23/08/2017 Darrell Kresge $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
23/08/2017 Devon Brewer $10.00 $9.26 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
23/08/2017 Eilif Krossen £5.00 £4.61 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/08/2017 Jarmo Hagg $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial) i386 Download Tip
23/08/2017 david coates £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/08/2017 Michael Huber $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 (Xenial) armhf Download Tip
23/08/2017 Richard Eaton $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (Artful) Alpha 2 amd64 Download Tip
23/08/2017 Danielle Franklin £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/08/2017 Heart and Brain Center of Texas Inc $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 (Zesty) amd64 Download Tip
22/08/2017 AGUSTIN DIAZ ZAMORA $10.00 $9.16 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/08/2017 ALLAN MORA M $3.00 $2.54 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/08/2017 Jörg Pinkert $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/08/2017 Marek Michalik $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
22/08/2017 Derek Smith $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/08/2017 Elijah Cobb $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
21/08/2017 Oron Schmidt $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/08/2017 Andrew Avis $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
20/08/2017 sheldon horowitz $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
20/08/2017 James Brandt $25.00 $23.60 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
20/08/2017 Elliot Sprecher $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 i386 Download Tip
20/08/2017 Thomas Humrich $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/08/2017 Joshua Barratt $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/08/2017 Kirill Gorelov $3.00 $2.56 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
20/08/2017 Samuel Boren $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
20/08/2017 Lodwin Cueto $5.00 $4.48 Shopping Cart
20/08/2017 Nikolaos Stroubos $5.00 $4.48 Shopping Cart
20/08/2017 Shane Smith $10.00 $9.26 Shopping Cart
19/08/2017 James Koch $5.00 $4.48 Shopping Cart
19/08/2017 Stella McCormick $10.00 $9.16 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 i386 Download Tip
19/08/2017 Nico Salas $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/08/2017 Bryan Savage $2.50 $2.09 Shopping Cart
19/08/2017 Wayne Liauh $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/08/2017 Mark Tomlinson $5.00 $4.48 Shopping Cart
19/08/2017 Quint Boney $20.00 $18.82 Shopping Cart
19/08/2017 Antonios Mourtzoukos €50.00 €47.95 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/08/2017 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/08/2017 Frank Bruder $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/08/2017 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/08/2017 Martin Bonacker $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/08/2017 Dan Moinescu $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/08/2017 vito zappalà $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 i386 Download Tip
19/08/2017 Miguel Daniel Rodríguez Magarzo €6.00 €5.45 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/08/2017 Unraveled $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/08/2017 Gary Olson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/08/2017 Edson Cordeiro do Valle $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/08/2017 Chester Howes $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
18/08/2017 Vitor Hugo Vitor $1.61 $1.25 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/08/2017 Stéphanie CLAUDE $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
18/08/2017 Wayne Stack $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/08/2017 Jonathan Bopp $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/08/2017 R A Wilkes $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
18/08/2017 Henk Visser $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
18/08/2017 Karim Mribti $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/08/2017 Robert Wack $5.00 $4.48 Shopping Cart
17/08/2017 Praveen Krishnan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
17/08/2017 Thomas Morgan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/08/2017 Geraldo Garcia $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
17/08/2017 Elias Koller $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 i386 Download Tip
17/08/2017 Marius Marinescu $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/08/2017 Kane Spooner $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 i386 Download Tip
17/08/2017 Todd Baseden $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
16/08/2017 Patrick Limacher €50.00 €47.30 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
16/08/2017 Pascal de Sélys $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
16/08/2017 Kaiet Telleria Zanguitu €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
16/08/2017 James Alexander $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 i386 Download Tip
16/08/2017 Ryan Marsh $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
16/08/2017 Gary Hooley $10.00 $9.16 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
16/08/2017 Srinivasan Krishnan $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
15/08/2017 Robert Joseph Glaser $5.00 $4.48 Shopping Cart
15/08/2017 Robert MORELLI $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
15/08/2017 Florian Huber $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Alpha 2 i386 Download Tip
15/08/2017 Glenn Minks $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/08/2017 Richter Rene $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
15/08/2017 yann chomis €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/08/2017 George Ward $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
15/08/2017 Charco High Tech Inc. $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
15/08/2017 Alexander Morrison $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
15/08/2017 Tedi Beluši $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/08/2017 Jens Richter $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/08/2017 Dean Stelow $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/08/2017 George M Breuer $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/08/2017 Pascal Schmolck $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/08/2017 Kenley Leslie $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 i386 Download Tip
14/08/2017 Martin C Foster $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/08/2017 christiane camilla coppens $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
14/08/2017 F L Syratt $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/08/2017 Kevin Sullivan $30.00 $28.38 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
14/08/2017 Miguel Aguilar $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
14/08/2017 donald s forbes $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/08/2017 Guyonnet Mathieu $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
13/08/2017 Pierre van Male de Ghorain $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/08/2017 Douglas Adams $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/08/2017 Jeffrey Davidson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/08/2017 Bryan Graham $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
13/08/2017 Bernhard Strobl $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Alpha 2 i386 Download Tip
13/08/2017 Ric Shanahan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
13/08/2017 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/08/2017 Jonathan Polak $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/08/2017 Simon Biles £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/08/2017 Philip Lawrence $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Alpha 2 amd64 Download Tip
13/08/2017 Andreas Zabel $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/08/2017 PHILIPPE DESTENBERT $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 i386 Download Tip
13/08/2017 Hartog van den Berg $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/08/2017 Joe Tallett $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/08/2017 John Bertram $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/08/2017 Martyn Bell $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/08/2017 Adam Trevisan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Alpha 2 amd64 Download Tip
12/08/2017 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/08/2017 Ronald Gstoehl $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 i386 Download Tip
12/08/2017 meshari alnaim $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/08/2017 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/08/2017 Thomas Kobzan $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/08/2017 Dieter Stinshoff $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Alpha 2 amd64 Download Tip
12/08/2017 Stefan Schwarzer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
12/08/2017 Greg Fields $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 i386 Download Tip
12/08/2017 Tamsyn Michael $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
12/08/2017 richard salazar $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/08/2017 diana mackenzie $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/08/2017 Norman Reitzel $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
11/08/2017 $1.00 $0.65 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
11/08/2017 Dr. Wolfgang Uter $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/08/2017 Martin Reisenhofer $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
11/08/2017 Kassa Zamadie $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/08/2017 Steve Bednarczyk $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/08/2017 Chelsea's Real Food $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/08/2017 James Nyman $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/08/2017 Peter Appelman $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/08/2017 mowpro $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
10/08/2017 Gregor Bozic $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/08/2017 SHEN LAN $5.00 $4.43 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
10/08/2017 Panagiotis Christidis $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/08/2017 Mitchell Patenaude $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/08/2017 Robert Whiteley $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/08/2017 Bruce Chassy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/08/2017 Ivan Tefalco £2.50 £2.21 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/08/2017 Daniel Newman $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/08/2017 Robert Zwemer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/08/2017 Antonio Sevilla López €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
09/08/2017 Stefan Schmid €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/08/2017 Christopher Oakes $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/08/2017 John Rehwinkel $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/08/2017 Daniel Baroco $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
09/08/2017 Thomas W Holbrook II $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/08/2017 Elio Bellucci $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/08/2017 Eli Gutierrez $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/08/2017 Consuelo Buitriago $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/08/2017 Christian Berger $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/08/2017 Thomas Sartison $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/08/2017 Philipp Pannusch $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/08/2017 Guillaume B Martineau $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
08/08/2017 Martin Chakrov $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/08/2017 David Denney $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
08/08/2017 Mac Ansell $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/08/2017 Hannu Iltanen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
08/08/2017 Martin Becker $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
07/08/2017 Richard Borski $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/08/2017 Miriam Bastian $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
07/08/2017 Mark Grant $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/08/2017 Dennis Jung $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/08/2017 Robert Smallwood $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/08/2017 L John Ribar $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/08/2017 US Automation Inc. $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/08/2017 christopher atkins $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
07/08/2017 Gabor Kum $100.00 $100.00
06/08/2017 Donald McArthur $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
06/08/2017 william hamelin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
06/08/2017 Immanuel Gilbert $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/08/2017 David Miller $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/08/2017 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/08/2017 Elsa Nestoret $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 i386 Download Tip
06/08/2017 Daniel Joseph $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
06/08/2017 Samuel Newbold $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
06/08/2017 SHARAT POLAVARAPU $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/08/2017 Christopher Danforth $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/08/2017 Timmy Pasi $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/08/2017 Serafim Tarkovsky $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/08/2017 Gregory Graham $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
05/08/2017 Andreas Koslowski $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
05/08/2017 Costantino D'Agruma $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/08/2017 Armin Grüb $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/08/2017 Adrien Dussart €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/08/2017 Patty Hardy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/08/2017 andrea pipperger €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/08/2017 James Cadwell $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
05/08/2017 Srikanth Myakam $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/08/2017 David Walter $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 amd64 Download Tip
04/08/2017 Russ Haigh $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.3 i386 Download Tip
04/08/2017 Thorsten Kahl $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/08/2017 Marion Cauble $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/08/2017 Lisa Jewell £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/08/2017 Allen Miller $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/08/2017 George Pontis $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/08/2017 David McMahon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/08/2017 Philip Riddell $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/08/2017 Annie Pettigrew $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
03/08/2017 James A Doering $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/08/2017 robert webbe $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
03/08/2017 Sean Quillen $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
03/08/2017 Dennis Alexander Petrasch €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/08/2017 Reinhard Sperl $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
03/08/2017 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/08/2017 Marek Heureka $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/08/2017 jean-louis lacotte $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
03/08/2017 Richard Craver $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/08/2017 Eric Nuncio $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
02/08/2017 Dennis Pandy $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
02/08/2017 Joaquin Trigueros Bruni $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
02/08/2017 Alan Lazarus $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
02/08/2017 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/08/2017 Alex Smith $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/08/2017 Timothy Hendry $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
01/08/2017 Bajza Levente $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/08/2017 Nic Yannacopoulos $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
01/08/2017 Marian Gasparovic €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
01/08/2017 Le site de Serge Muscat $1.00 $0.66 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
01/08/2017 David Shepherd $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/08/2017 Martin Eggert $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
01/08/2017 Jason Nguyen $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/08/2017 Moritz Luftensteiner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
01/08/2017 Daniel Rusek $2.00 $1.61 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
01/08/2017 Daniel Rusek $2.00 $1.61 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
01/08/2017 Olivier von Dach $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/08/2017 Rolf Benders €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation

Thank you to all 282 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $1665.11 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $1522.42, of which $1093.41 was received as Download Tips and $139.4 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €221.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €206.5, of which €20.33 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £102.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £95.93, of which £9.94 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.00746642 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at September 05, 2017 01:00 PM

August 31, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Beta 1

Unity 7 user? Join our Mutiny!

  • Slick Greeter? - Check!
  • Global Menus? - Check!
  • Heads-up Display (HUD)? - Check!
  • Super key to active menu launchers? - Check!
  • Functional alternative to Unity 7 for those that want it and a traditional desktop for those that don't? - Check!
  • Read on to find out more...

We mean it, keep reading! Don't just go hunting for the download button and skip over our most glorious release notes.

#systemau may be gone but they're not forgotten. Ubuntu MATE will continue with our unusual, sometimes witty, opening statements in our release notes in the hope that it inspires release note authors everywhere to drop the usual dull offerings in favour of something more interesting!

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) for distribution on October 19th, 2017 With this Beta pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Beta 1

What works?

People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 17.04 final release?

We've really been burning the midnight oil for the last four months. This is what has been updated or added.

Panel Layouts

We surveyed our community about potentially changing the default UI. The feedback was mixed when factoring in the results from Twitter, Google+ and Straw Poll.

But it was the comments from our users that were most compelling. We decided to leave the default alone, a personally difficult decision, and turned our attention to rationalising the panel layouts and thoughtfully reconfiguring them. Each panel layout is distinctive and now provides a different desktop workflow:

  • Mutiny mimics the Unity 7 interface
  • Cupertino provides something similar to macOS
  • Redmond will be familiar to Windows users
  • Pantheon a hybrid for long time desktop Linux users who want some modern conveniences
  • Contemporary a blend of the best of the old and the sprinkle of the new
  • Netbook people still use them and this layout is for them
  • Traditional just like your Dad remembers it, and still the default

Here are a few screenshots to give you a feel for how things look.

Global Menu

Global Menu support is now much improved, even compared to 17.10 Alpha 2, and available via the Contemporary, Cupertino and Mutiny layouts which can be activated via MATE Tweak. Fully functional with GTK, Qt, LibreOffice, Firefox/Thunderbird, Google Chrome, Electron and others. You can now make more of your available screen space while using Ubuntu MATE.

Global Menu

NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - Thanks to the excellent testing feedback we've had since 17.10 Alpha 2 we've made the Global Menu far more reliable and now operate correctly regardless of whether the application was launched from the terminal, menu or launcher.

Super key

Super Key

Complete Super key support is available from several of the panel layouts. We're thrilled to welcome Victor Kareh to the team who has been busy patching MATE Settings Daemon, MATE Menu, Brisk Menu and MATE Dock Applet to make the Super key work the way you'd all expect. This means Super can be used to activate the menus/launchers and any other key-bindings that include the Super key also continue to function correctly.

MATE Dock Applet, used in the Mutiny layout, also includes launching or switching to docked items based on their position using in the dock using Super + 1, Super + 2 which will be familiar to Unity 7 users. Super + L is also recognised as a screen lock key-binding along with the usual Ctrl + Alt + L that MATE Desktop users expect.

Heads-Up Display

This is something we started during Ubuntu MATE 16.10 and never perfected, but is now ready for prime time. A favourite of Unity 7 users is the Heads-Up Display (HUD) which provides a way to search for and run menu-bar commands without your fingers ever leaving the keyboard.

So if you're trying to find that single filter in Gimp but can't remember which filter category it fits into or if you can't recall if preferences sits under File, Edit or Tools on your favourite browser, you can just search for it rather than hunting through the menus.

Just like Global Menus the HUD is currently only available via the Contemporary, Cupertino and Mutiny.

HUD improvements since 17.10 Alpha 2

We've improved the HUD significantly since Alpha 2 thank to all the great testing feedback.

  • NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - The HUD is now activated by just pressing Alt, as you would expect in Unity 7.
  • The HUD is now reliably activated. In Alpha 2 is only responded to about one third of requests.
  • NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - The HUD is now locally integrated, so that it overlays on top of the activate application.
The Locally integrated Heads-Up Display (HUD)

Locally integrated rationale

The purpose of the HUD is to keep your fingers on the keyboard and improve the efficiency in driving the menus for keyboard centric users. We've locally integrated the HUD for similar reasons, if you're looking at an application why move the HUD to the top of screen away from where your eyes are already focused. Keeping the HUD within the context of the active application eliminates refocusing your attention to a different part of the screen, particularly helpful for users with high resolution or multi-display workstations.


We've been improving Indicator support from release to release for some time now. But with in Ubuntu MATE 17.10 many of the panel layouts offer a complete line up of Indicators, all of which are fully compatible with MATE. The default Indicators are:

  • Optimus (only available if you have nvidia prime capable hardware and drivers)
  • Bluetooth
  • Network
  • Power
  • Messages
  • Sound
  • Session

MATE Tweak

MATE Tweak is your gateway to activating different user interface layouts and exploring the contrasting ways you can run Ubuntu MATE. MATE Tweak has been given a coat of fresh paint and adds a couple of much requested features.

  • Saving your own custom panel layout using a name of your choosing.
  • Prompts before executing operations that could wipe your custom, but unsaved, tweaks.
  • NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - You can also delete previously saved custom panel layouts.
MATE Tweak, more than just a tweak tool.

When activating the Compton compositor you should now experience an entirely tear free experience that is optimised for gaming. Thanks to Perdro Mateus from Linux Game Cast podcast for his help test the various GPU, IGP and driver combinations. #LGCCares

While we were tuning compositors we gave some love to Compiz, which now uses less RAM and fixes a number of niggles.

Community Wallpaper

The Ubuntu MATE community participated in a wallpaper competition and have already voted for their favourite. Congratulations to Richard van Liessum for creating the winning entry! You have to install Ubuntu MATE 17.10 to see the full line up of new artwork though ;-)

Slick Greeter

NEW in 17.10 Beta 1 - We've switched to Slick Greeter which still uses LightDM under the hood but has a much nicer look and feel.

Slick Greeter

The bit no one reads but probably should

  • Ubuntu MATE Welcome 17.10.11 has been stocked with even more new applications for you to discover and
    • The all new Software Boutique is not ready yet, so this is the Boutique you know and love. Just better stocked.
  • The Ubuntu MATE themes have been improved via the release of ubuntu-mate-artwork 17.10.9
    • Several improvements Plymouth splash screens, both text and graphical varieties.
    • Add missing panel-grid to Radiant-MATE.
    • Improve linked button styling for message dialogs.
    • Add syntax for panel-grid image to support MATE 1.20.
    • Improve clock-applet-button so it is consistent with other buttons.
    • Add top border-radius for .titlebar > headerbar - workaround for incorrect upstream use of the GTK API
    • Improved notebook (tab) styling.
    • Updated GtkSourceView themes (used by text editors).
    • Add bold style classes for Global Menu.
    • Fix color of grey-out arrows in menus.
    • Fix padding of primary/secondary image in GtkEntry.
    • Improve menu items by adding slightly more padding.
    • Add a minimal padding to na-tray-applets.
    • Add the Ubuntu MATE logo as the distributor-logo.
    • Fix incorrect CSS syntax for Caja.
    • Fix world-map border color in clock-applet.
    • Fix GtkScale slider mouse-selection if slider is out of range.
    • Fix height of headerbar for metacity-theme-viewer - workaround for incorrect upstream use of the GTK API
    • Fix border color of scrollbars.
    • Remove obsolete chrom{e|ium} styling.
    • Remove unwanted backdrop states.
  • Many of the Ubuntu MATE defaults have been changed or updated
    • Replaced lightdm-gtk-greeter with slick-greeter.
    • Added keybindings for Shift + Print Screen to grab a screen area when taking a screenshot.
    • Added defaults for Chromium, which will show the Ubuntu MATE Start page, should you install it.
    • Added sane defaults and tookit integration for smplayer, should you install it.
  • New Ubiquity Slide Show
    • Completely redesigned to introduce users to more of the features unique to Ubuntu MATE.
    • Added Ubuntu MATE logo to Ubiquity.
  • Dropped caja-gksu and migrated gdebi to PolicyKit - Thanks Simon Quigley
    • gksu is being removed from Debian so we are aligning with that objective by removing gksu from Ubuntu MATE.
    • caja-admin will eventually replace caja-gksu.
  • Since the Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Alpha 2 release we've fixed lots of bugs and MATE Desktop 1.18 has seen many updates. Nothing new, just more stability.
    • atril 1.18.1-0ubuntu1
    • caja 1.18.4-0ubuntu1
    • marco 1.18.1-2
    • mate-notification-daemon 1.18.0-2
    • mate-power-manager 1.18.0-2ubuntu1
    • mate-session-manager 1.18.1-2ubuntu2
    • Some long standing bugs with systemd integration and DBus session activation have been fixed.
    • mate-tweak 17.10.15-0ubuntu1
    • ubuntu-mate-settings 17.10.23
  • Patched unity-gtk-module to fix ghosting artefacts when dragging and dropping icons.
  • Caja now includes the GtkHash extension
  • Experimental HiDPI support is a little less experimental.
    • It's true, and that massive indicators image above is no accident ;-)
  • ...and a whole lot of other little improvements and fixes.

Download Ubuntu MATE 17.10

We've even redesigned the download page so it's even easier to get started.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE

  • Nothing critical.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affect all flavours.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at August 31, 2017 08:00 PM

August 13, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE July 2017 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project. As usual we've been able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE Content Delivery Network, Web Application Firewall and email charges.
  • Paid $1405.91 (taking into account currency variations) to Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to Open Source projects and developers to approximately $23808.26 (taking into account currency variations).

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop. Bytemark are providing hosting and covering all server/bandwidth costs for both projects. This sponsorship means nearly all of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month Ubuntu MATE has surplus funds we will make contributions to Open Source projects, or developers working on projects, that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

This month Ubuntu MATE has paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1740.01 this month.

Patreon Perks

These Patron have opted for some perks.

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
XLTech 2016-11-04 01:04:07
Jared Sloane 2016-08-17 10:01:05
VJ 2016-09-14 00:21:07
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Scott Thompson 2016-07-08 19:29:37
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Andrew Khazanovsky 2016-07-17 19:33:11
Brian Hetrick 2016-10-14 21:58:08
Benjamin James 2017-01-03 03:19:08
Ángel González 2016-12-09 23:28:29
Michael Vanier 2016-09-21 20:01:01
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Daniel 2015-05-15 16:23:47
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Andriy Tymchenko 2016-07-14 11:54:43
J. Hu 2016-09-11 21:49:07
Szabolcs Gergely 2016-04-25 11:58:44
Jesse Raines 2016-10-17 18:52:52
Glen Blake 2016-10-13 13:50:32
Devaraj de Condappa 2016-10-19 14:13:04
Aleksandar Markovic 2016-11-20 08:56:11
Nick Halase 2016-10-27 01:21:36
Tony Jewett 2017-01-30 05:00:36
Christoph Augustin 2017-01-08 22:03:32
Austin Simmons 2017-02-09 04:23:32
Vlaunir Da Silva 2017-04-12 21:18:42.967801
Marius Quabeck 2017-04-03 21:36:12.191903
Wade Menard 2017-04-24 13:25:48.116599
Henrik Christiansen 2017-06-24 06:48:48.294340

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Blake Jones, Silas Wulff, Graham, Jupiter Broadcasting, Ivan Pejić, Sergio Rivera, Michael Mykolyshyn, Adrian Evans, Ricardo Gerena, Peter Mergaerts, ZoRaS, Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Michael White, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, B Kirsch, Johnathon Tinsley, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, Dow Hurst, Sam McGlynn, Stephen Kucksdorf, Phil Clifford, Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Alexander Browne, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, Philip Espi, Daniel Vieira, Scott Cowan, Matt, Joshua, Pablo, Evan Gass, Nathan Lee, The Atomic Ass, Carlo Vitolo, Jim Maguire, Johan Westin, Ron Ridley, David Potter, Jason Monroe, Ewan Carr, Michael Jean, Jason A. Lewis, Shannon Cobb, Jeff Hallam, Jeff Blake, Simon Quigley, Meat Damage, Anthony Weathers, Volker Zaeh, Sam Douglas, Michael K Lenox, Joe Prostko, Martin Becker, Sungkeun Cho, Joseph Spurlock, Seiji Amasawa, David DeGroff, Alexander Karelas, Nathan, dastrike, Andras Nemeshanyi, darkinmyeyes, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, Peter Pfeiffer, Dirk Eisenacher, Trooper_Ish, m1k3, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, gnusd, Geoff Grogan, Bevan Thomas, Anthony Bosio, Eduardo Sanchez, Steve E., Martin S, Bård Aase, Andre Kretzschmar, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter (h82or8), Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Paul Keeton, Tyler Dickieson, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Richard Underwood, Chris Monachino, Vladimir Alexandroff, NuclearBandAid, Sebastiaan Samyn, Chris Giltnane, Dominique Pizzie, Tobias Lekare, Michael Short, Jay Dobson, Ryan Grange, chuck, Enthernal, Tim Howes, Richard Andersson, Bart Nijs, Grigory Usenko, wade L, Felix Schymura, Christian Bartsch, Josh Kosloski, Chris Mandeville, Alexandru Nedel, Joe cartouche, Steven, Simon Bell, Daniel Kuang, Paulo Malvar, Eric, Russell Cantwell, Nuno M. Salgueiro, tekgeek, Dennis Shimer, Seth McCombs, Michael Burchfield, Harry Myhre, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Thomas Waters, David Lachut, Nikos Neosvoskos, Specops872, Michael Braem, Momo Salo, john, Graham Moss, David Southard, lephio, Patrick L Archibald, Mandy Tonks, Robert Winkler, Vitor, Yoni Fogel, tuxayo, Sam, BobAllen55, Andrew Aadland, Fuzzy, Tekmad, Ali Al Saif, James Brittain, Jordan Brown, Andreas warnaar, Damon, Timo Peltola, Eric Rakestraw, Alin Hanghiuc,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Date Name Invested After fees Description
31/07/2017 Mikko Kortelainen $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
31/07/2017 Kenneth Macleod $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
31/07/2017 Andrew Brislen $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/07/2017 Aleksandre Asatiani €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
31/07/2017 Gerhard Schwarz $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
31/07/2017 William Boyle $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
31/07/2017 David Denney $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
31/07/2017 Casimiro Gallego Peinado €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
31/07/2017 Peter Lang $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
30/07/2017 Micahel Roach $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/07/2017 Phill Taylor $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
30/07/2017 Tomasz Wolinski $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
30/07/2017 Peter Rowland £4.00 £3.58 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
30/07/2017 Charles Fyvie-Gauld $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/07/2017 Martin Muggen $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
30/07/2017 Damien Polglase $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/07/2017 Daniel Fizznoglia $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/07/2017 Robert Wright $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
30/07/2017 Jean-Philippe BRUNET $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/07/2017 Ricky Gosnell $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 i386 Download Tip
29/07/2017 Mom Taxi $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 i386 Download Tip
29/07/2017 Stephen Hassel $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/07/2017 HENDRIK MUELLER $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
29/07/2017 john cullen $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/07/2017 Sven Janser $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/07/2017 René Blanchet $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
29/07/2017 Morten Jensen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
29/07/2017 Gerald Schuller $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/07/2017 Steffen Eibicht $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
29/07/2017 John Cortright $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/07/2017 James D George $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
29/07/2017 Jason Robbins $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/07/2017 Gregory Coe $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
28/07/2017 Simon Cording $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
28/07/2017 Wynand Gouws $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
28/07/2017 Mark Bilston $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 17.10 amd64 Download Tip
27/07/2017 Steven BaierAnderson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/07/2017 Mirko Anderlini €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
27/07/2017 Marcell Santana de Deus $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
27/07/2017 Sergey Pronkin $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
27/07/2017 Santerre Santerre $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
27/07/2017 Anthony Stauss $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/07/2017 William Bonner $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/07/2017 Synergenesis, Inc. $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
26/07/2017 Simon C F Carter $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
26/07/2017 MARK ARTMAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
26/07/2017 Filipe Santos $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/07/2017 Chan Chi-Wah £10.00 £9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/07/2017 jose miguel reyes nevado €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/07/2017 John Mayberry $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/07/2017 Charles L Lyon $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/07/2017 ambrose barry $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
25/07/2017 Mario Resnati €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
25/07/2017 Antonio Luis Castellanos del Riego $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/07/2017 Vincent Beynon $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/07/2017 michael bear $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/07/2017 Paul Jordan $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/07/2017 Deyan Yosifov $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/07/2017 William Treadaway $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
24/07/2017 Otto Waelchli $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/07/2017 Kenneth Mayne $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
23/07/2017 Francisco Luiz Corrêa $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
23/07/2017 Roland Amacher $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/07/2017 Sotirios Sotiriou $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
22/07/2017 Robert Brong $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/07/2017 Christopher Brown $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
22/07/2017 Devan Bhagat $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/07/2017 John Beltran $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/07/2017 John Starr $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
22/07/2017 Marek Michalik $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
22/07/2017 RAJAN PILLAI RAGHAVAN $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
22/07/2017 Timo Patzwahl €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/07/2017 Mike Richards $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/07/2017 Latif Masud $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
21/07/2017 PASCAL PORTEAU $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/07/2017 PASCAL PORTEAU $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/07/2017 Isiah Pauling $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/07/2017 JORGE STOLFI $10.00 $9.16 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
21/07/2017 Francisco Velázquez $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
20/07/2017 Stephen Proper $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/07/2017 Paul Spalek $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
20/07/2017 Rafael Campos $10.00 $9.16 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/07/2017 Graeme Neil $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
20/07/2017 Thomas Caruso $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
19/07/2017 Donald Wagner $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/07/2017 Frigerator Perry $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/07/2017 Lukasz Targas $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
19/07/2017 .. $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/07/2017 lin efendi $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/07/2017 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/07/2017 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/07/2017 An Ly $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/07/2017 Edwards Peter $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/07/2017 Travis Palmer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/07/2017 Kyrill Schilow €25.00 €23.80 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
18/07/2017 Gregory Fraser $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/07/2017 Kelly Healy $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
18/07/2017 Leonhard Neuber $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/07/2017 DaBaum's Sports Apparel $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/07/2017 Gerald Clare $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/07/2017 Arthur Vaz $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/07/2017 Everett M Dickson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/07/2017 Alain DERACHE $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/07/2017 jonathan bolan $3.00 $2.57 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/07/2017 Charles Robinson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
17/07/2017 Cássio Henrique Volpatto Forte $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/07/2017 Robert Graham $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/07/2017 Fabio Papa $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/07/2017 David Nowak $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
16/07/2017 Adrian Magnuson-Whyte $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/07/2017 Aric Babson $2.15 $1.76 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
16/07/2017 Vishal Menon $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/07/2017 Kaiet Telleria Zanguitu €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
16/07/2017 Larry Gibson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/07/2017 Anthony Delahoussaye $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/07/2017 John Kershaw $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
15/07/2017 osvaldo benavides $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
15/07/2017 dominik schantong $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/07/2017 Donato Apollonio $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/07/2017 Stuart Rowlands $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/07/2017 Dirk Grote $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
15/07/2017 John Mortimer $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/07/2017 Charco High Tech Inc. $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
15/07/2017 George Ward $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
15/07/2017 David Kamber £10.00 £9.33 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/07/2017 Eliot Cossaboom $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/07/2017 José Tejada Gomez $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
15/07/2017 randy church $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/07/2017 kevin gilliam $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/07/2017 Cesar Leonardo Blum Silveira $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/07/2017 f g oakes $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/07/2017 ANDRAE NIEDERBACHER $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/07/2017 Christoph Westermann $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/07/2017 Alex Milne $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/07/2017 Kevin Sullivan $30.00 $28.38 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
14/07/2017 Jennifer Wolf $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/07/2017 John Jasbinsek $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
13/07/2017 Dominic Jervis $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/07/2017 Noah Stern $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
13/07/2017 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/07/2017 Jonathan Polak $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/07/2017 Simon Biles £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/07/2017 John Hoffman £2.50 £2.19 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/07/2017 John Hoffman $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/07/2017 Andre Ingebretsen $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/07/2017 Florian Ölsner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
13/07/2017 Ian Thompson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/07/2017 Carlos Garcia $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/07/2017 Michae Vogl €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/07/2017 Douglas Church $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
12/07/2017 Julian Cooper $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/07/2017 Delhi Maintenance Services $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/07/2017 Tom Havas $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
12/07/2017 Chris Crossen $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
12/07/2017 Lewis Archer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
12/07/2017 Andrea Zwirner $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
12/07/2017 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/07/2017 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/07/2017 meshari alnaim $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
11/07/2017 JULIO E VIERA $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/07/2017 Vincenzo Carletti $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/07/2017 Friedemann Maurer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/07/2017 $1.00 $0.65 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
11/07/2017 Jim Taylor $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/07/2017 José SIERRA €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
11/07/2017 markus mizelli $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/07/2017 John Hague $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/07/2017 Florian Gubler $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
11/07/2017 Matthew Vaughan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/07/2017 Jacob Barth $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/07/2017 Mike Wagner $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/07/2017 Ronald Haack $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
10/07/2017 Brian Kolden $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
10/07/2017 Steven Lawrence $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
10/07/2017 markus mizelli $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/07/2017 Kristie Forester $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/07/2017 Bedrich Kosata $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/07/2017 SHEN LAN $5.00 $4.43 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
10/07/2017 Dirk-Ottfried Bode $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/07/2017 Robert Clark $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
09/07/2017 Niko Fröhlich $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/07/2017 Carlos Cortes $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/07/2017 Antonio Sevilla López €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
09/07/2017 S G W ten Hoedt $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/07/2017 Dominik Kampling €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/07/2017 Walter Kiel €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/07/2017 Thomas Egenolf $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/07/2017 Jesse Owens $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/07/2017 Robert Chrzanowski $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/07/2017 alain fabre $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/07/2017 Sorin Tarbujaru $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/07/2017 Robert Galbraith $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/07/2017 Patrick Wunder $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/07/2017 David Denney $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
08/07/2017 Alberto Justribo $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/07/2017 Orion Hodson $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/07/2017 George Kassab $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/07/2017 Multitalents $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for PowerPC Download Tip
08/07/2017 vasilios kapogianis $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/07/2017 Duncan Davis $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/07/2017 Paulo Rosa $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/07/2017 Michal Sokolowski $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/07/2017 art ford $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
07/07/2017 christopher atkins $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
07/07/2017 Jason Rittenhouse $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/07/2017 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
07/07/2017 Todd Baseden $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
07/07/2017 Ryan Nagel $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/07/2017 Joseph Muscato $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/07/2017 Kyle Thomas $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
06/07/2017 Dairton Silva Batista $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/07/2017 Edward Chapon $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/07/2017 Florian Schäfer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/07/2017 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/07/2017 Peter Mihalik €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/07/2017 Gabriel Means $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/07/2017 Martin Ummel $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/07/2017 Jürgen Bauer $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/07/2017 Crystal Brookins $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/07/2017 Peter Skamrahl $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
06/07/2017 Michael Wisell $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/07/2017 Ebay buyer/seller $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/07/2017 Ebay buyer/seller $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
05/07/2017 luis sanchez $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/07/2017 Martin Franz $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
05/07/2017 Patty Hardy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/07/2017 Reinhold Goertz $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/07/2017 Alexander Morrison $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/07/2017 Ryan Basile $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/07/2017 Ryan Basile $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/07/2017 Kim Briggs $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
05/07/2017 Matthew Lenoue $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
04/07/2017 Garrett Brass $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/07/2017 Miriam Larson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
04/07/2017 hubert klein $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/07/2017 Lisa Jewell £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/07/2017 William D Boggs $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
04/07/2017 Nigel Johnson $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/07/2017 Matthew Enright $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/07/2017 Marian Gasparovic €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
03/07/2017 Liang Ming $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/07/2017 Adam Sádovský $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
03/07/2017 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/07/2017 Bayma Salt S.L. $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/07/2017 Robert McCown $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
03/07/2017 Stuart Hall $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
03/07/2017 John Montanez $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
02/07/2017 Richard Sietmann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
02/07/2017 Manfred Michel $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
02/07/2017 Daniel Utt $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/07/2017 $20.00 $18.62 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/07/2017 John Bertram $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/07/2017 Stephen White $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/07/2017 Fabrice Dupré $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
02/07/2017 Andrey Gaweiler $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/07/2017 Andrew Lee $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/07/2017 Garry Trethewey $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/07/2017 Chad Sweeney $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
02/07/2017 Wenyang Xie $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/07/2017 Kevin Teljeur $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/07/2017 Helder Mendes $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
01/07/2017 MR JOHN A PULLEN VANGUARD INSTALLATIONS $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
01/07/2017 Quintin Chown $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
01/07/2017 Wayne Bollinger $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip

Thank you to all 264 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $1375.15 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $1243.33, of which $1028.26 was received as Download Tips and $143.88 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €140.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €129.27, of which €26.87 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £33.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £30.72, of which £9.94 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.0 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at August 13, 2017 10:30 PM

July 28, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Alpha 2

Welcome Unity 7 refugees! This is the Ubuntu flavour you've been searching for

We're not happy, proud, pleased or ambivalent to announce this alpha. No, not us. The is our most "Super" alpha ever and we're ecstatic to present this fine release for your distro delectation. Ubuntu MATE 17.10 is brimming with new toys to play with. Read on to find out more...

We mean it, keep reading! Don't just go hunting for the download button and skip over our most glorious release notes.

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) for distribution on October 19th, 2017 With this Alpha pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE 17.10 Alpha 2

What works?

People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.

Ubuntu MATE Alpha Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Alpha Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 17.04 final release?

We've really been burning the midnight oil for the last three months. This is what has been updated or added.

Panel Layouts

We surveyed our community about potentially changing the default UI. The feedback was mixed when factoring in the results from Twitter, Google+ and Straw Poll.

But it was the comments from our users that were most compelling. We decided to leave the default alone, a personally difficult decision, and turned our attention to rationalising the panel layouts and thoughtfully reconfiguring them. Each panel layout is distinctive and now provides a different desktop workflow:

  • Mutiny mimics the Unity 7 interface
  • Cupertino provides something similar to macOS
  • Redmond will be familiar to Windows users
  • Pantheon a hybrid for long time desktop Linux users who want some modern conveniences
  • Contemporary a blend of the best of the old and the sprinkle of the new
  • Netbook people still use them and this layout is for them
  • Traditional just like your Dad remembers it, and still the default

Here are a few screenshots to give you a feel for how things look.

Global Menu

Global Menu support is now much improved, and available via the Contemporary, Cupertino and Mutiny layouts which can be activated via MATE Tweak. Fully functional with GTK, Qt, LibreOffice, Firefox/Thunderbird, Google Chrome, Electron and others. You can now make more of your available screen space while using Ubuntu MATE.

Global Menu

Super key

Super Key

Complete Super key support is available from several of the panel layouts. We're thrilled to welcome Victor Kareh to the team who has been busy patching MATE Settings Daemon, MATE Menu, Brisk Menu and MATE Dock Applet to make the Super key work the way you'd all expect. This means Super can be used to activate the menus and other key-bindings that include the Super key also continue to function correctly.

MATE Dock Applet, used in the Mutiny layout, also includes launching or switching to docked items based on their position using in the dock using Super+1, Super+2 which will be familiar to Unity 7 users. Super+L is also recognised as a screen lock key-binding along with the usual Ctrl+Alt+L that MATE Desktop users expect.

Heads-Up Display

This is something we started during Ubuntu MATE 16.10 and never perfected, but is now ready for prime time. A favourite of Unity 7 users is the Heads-Up Display (HUD) which provides a way to search for and run menu-bar commands without your fingers ever leaving the keyboard.

So if you're trying to find that single filter in Gimp but can't remember which filter category it fits into or if you can't recall if preferences sits under File, Edit or Tools on your favourite browser, you can just search for it rather than hunting through the menus.

The MATE Heads-Up Display (HUD)

Just like Global Menus the HUD is currently only available via the Contemporary, Cupertino and Mutiny layouts and is activated via Super+Alt.


We've been improving Indicator support from release to release for some time now. But with this release many of the panel layouts offers a complete line up of Indicators, all of which are fully compatible with MATE. The default Indicators are:

  • Optimus (only available if you have nvidia prime capable hardware and drivers)
  • Bluetooth
  • Network
  • Power
  • Messages
  • Sound
  • Session

MATE Tweak

MATE Tweak is your gateway to activating different user interface layouts and exploring the contrasting ways you can run Ubuntu MATE. MATE Tweak has been given a coat of fresh paint and adds a couple of much requested features.

  • Saving your own custom panel layout using a name of your choosing.
  • Prompts before executing operations that could wipe your custom, but unsaved, tweaks.
MATE Tweak, more than just a tweak tool.

When activating the Compton compositor you should now experience an entirely tear free experience that is optimised for gaming. Thanks to Perdro Mateus from Linux Game Cast podcast for his help testing various GPU, IGP and driver combinations. #LGCCares

While we were tuning compositors we gave some love to Compiz, which now uses less RAM and fixes a number of niggles.

Community Wallpaper

The Ubuntu MATE community participated in a wallpaper competition and have already voted for their favourite. Congratulations to Richard van Liessum for creating the winning entry! You have to install Ubuntu MATE 17.10 to see the full line up of new artwork though ;-)

The bit no one reads but probably should

  • Ubuntu MATE Welcome 17.10.7 has been stocked with some new applications for you to discover.
    • The new Software Boutique is not ready yet, so this is the Boutique you know and love. Just better stocked.
  • Brisk Menu 0.4.5 has improved Super key support and numerous fixes, plus a few settings that MATE Tweak can manipulate to augment how Brisk is presented in different layouts.
  • MATE Menu 17.10.7 now has better relevance of launcher search results, can now optionally search Duck Duck Go, has numerous fixes and that all important Super key was improved.
  • MATE Dock Applet 0.79 has improved Super key support and several bug fixes.
  • Redshift, which adjusts the colour temperature of your screen according to your surroundings, is installed by default but not enabled by default.
  • Synapse is removed from the default install.
  • MATE Desktop 1.18 has seen many updates, with lots of bugs fixes. Nothing new, just be more stability.
    • mate-session-manager 1.18.1
    • mate-panel 1.18.4
    • mate-control-center 1.18.2
    • mate-media 1.18.1
    • mate-panel 1.18.3
    • libmateweather 1.18.1
    • engrampa 1.18.2
    • mate-netbook 1.18.1
    • mate-sensors-applet 1.18.2
    • mate-panel 1.18.2
    • caja 1.18.3
    • marco 1.18.1
    • mate-polkit 1.18.1
    • eom 1.18.2
    • mate-utils 1.18.2
    • pluma 1.18.2
    • mate-icon-theme-faenza 1.18.1
    • mate-terminal 1.18.1
    • mate-icon-theme 1.18.2
  • Caja now includes the GtkHash extension (will be installed with your next update)
  • Experimental HiDPI support is a little less experimental.
    • If you kept reading that ^ is for you. Also see that massive image of the Indicators above. Not an accident ;-)
  • ...and a whole lot of other little improvements and fixes.

Download Ubuntu MATE 17.10

Join the fun and experience a retrospective future.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affect all flavours.

  • tbc

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at July 28, 2017 12:00 AM

July 12, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE June 2017 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project. As usual we've been able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE Content Delivery Network, Web Application Firewall and email charges.
  • Paid £91.95 for domain name renewals.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to Open Source projects and developers to approximately $22402.35 (taking into account currency variations).

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop. Bytemark are providing hosting and covering all server/bandwidth costs for both projects. This sponsorship means nearly all of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month Ubuntu MATE has surplus funds we will make contributions to Open Source projects, or developers working on projects, that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

This month Ubuntu MATE decide to save all the crowd funding contributed this month because the summer holidays are coming soon and we have some large projects we'd like to fund and need to build a little surplus ahead of time.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1749.51 this month.

Patreon Perks

These Patron have opted for some perks.

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
XLTech 2016-11-04 01:04:07
Jared Sloane 2016-08-17 10:01:05
VJ 2016-09-14 00:21:07
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Scott Thompson 2016-07-08 19:29:37
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Andrew Khazanovsky 2016-07-17 19:33:11
Brian Hetrick 2016-10-14 21:58:08
Benjamin James 2017-01-03 03:19:08
Jerry K 2017-05-27 05:08:13.158002
Michael Vanier 2016-09-21 20:01:01
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Daniel 2015-05-15 16:23:47
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Silas Wulff 2015-03-20 07:35:16
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Andriy Tymchenko 2016-07-14 11:54:43
J. Hu 2016-09-11 21:49:07
Szabolcs Gergely 2016-04-25 11:58:44
Jesse Raines 2016-10-17 18:52:52
Glen Blake 2016-10-13 13:50:32
Devaraj de Condappa 2016-10-19 14:13:04
Aleksandar Markovic 2016-11-20 08:56:11
Nick Halase 2016-10-27 01:21:36
Ángel González 2016-12-09 23:28:29
Tony Jewett 2017-01-30 05:00:36
Christoph Augustin 2017-01-08 22:03:32
Austin Simmons 2017-02-09 04:23:32
Vlaunir Da Silva 2017-04-12 21:18:42.967801
Marius Quabeck 2017-04-03 21:36:12.191903
Wade Menard 2017-04-24 13:25:48.116599

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Blake Jones, Graham, Jupiter Broadcasting, Ivan Pejić, Sergio Rivera, Michael Mykolyshyn, Adrian Evans, Ricardo Gerena, Peter Mergaerts, ZoRaS, Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Michael White, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, B Kirsch, Johnathon Tinsley, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, Dow Hurst, Sam McGlynn, Stephen Kucksdorf, Phil Clifford, Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Alexander Browne, Josh Thacker, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, Philip Espi, Daniel Vieira, Michael Braem, Scott Cowan, Matt, Pablo, Evan Gass, Nathan Lee, The Atomic Ass, Carlo Vitolo, Ben Whitley, Jim Maguire, Johan Westin, Ron Ridley, Joe Roberts, David Potter, Jason Monroe, Ewan Carr, Michael Jean, Jason A. Lewis, Shannon Cobb, Jeff Hallam, Jeff Blake, Simon Quigley, John Delea, Grigory Usenko, Anthony Weathers, Volker Zaeh, Sam Douglas, Michael K Lenox, Martin Becker, Sungkeun Cho, Joseph Spurlock, Nathan, dastrike, Christopher atkins, Andras Nemeshanyi, darkinmyeyes, Geoff Grogan, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, Peter Pfeiffer, Dirk Eisenacher, Sam, Trooper_Ish, m1k3, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Anthony Bosio, Eduardo Sanchez, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Andre Kretzschmar, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter (h82or8), Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Paul Keeton, Tyler Dickieson, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Richard Underwood, Chris Monachino, Vladimir Alexandroff, NuclearBandAid, Sebastiaan Samyn, Momo Salo, Chris Giltnane, Dominique Pizzie, Tobias Lekare, Michael Short, Jay Dobson, Ryan Grange, chuck, Enthernal, Tim Howes, Richard Andersson, Bart Nijs, wade L, Felix Schymura, Christian Bartsch, Josh Kosloski, Randy Earl, Chris Mandeville, Alexandru Nedel, Joe cartouche, Steven, Simon Bell, AufWiedersehen, Paulo Malvar, Joe Prostko, Eric, Russell Cantwell, Nuno M. Salgueiro, Michael Burchfield, Harry Myhre, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Thomas Waters, David Lachut, Nikos Neosvoskos, Specops872, john, Graham Moss, David Southard, lephio, Patrick L Archibald, Mandy Tonks, Robert Winkler, Vitor, Yonatan Fogel, tuxayo, BobAllen55, Andrew Aadland, Fuzzy, Tekmad, Ali Al Saif, Robert Orzanna, James Brittain, Jordan Brown, Andreas warnaar, Timo Peltola,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Date Name Invested After fees Description
30/06/2017 Chad Gaglioti $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
30/06/2017 Phillip Thompson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/06/2017 Evan Suits $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/06/2017 Avery Freeman-Wheaton $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/06/2017 Goes Weekend Warm Up $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/06/2017 Peter Rowland £4.00 £3.58 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
29/06/2017 Kenneth Huffman Jr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
29/06/2017 Jose Maurell $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
29/06/2017 Thomas Müller €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/06/2017 Riccardo Cigola $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/06/2017 Louis Puls $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
29/06/2017 Jeffrey Shapiro $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/06/2017 Hans-Gerd Alte-Grevé $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
29/06/2017 carmen arnez $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
28/06/2017 Vijayarengan R $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/06/2017 Adrien Remillieux $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
28/06/2017 Wynand Gouws $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
28/06/2017 Eric Foley $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
28/06/2017 Adi Purnama $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
27/06/2017 Keep.Services $10.00 $9.16 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
27/06/2017 ELEAZAR SANCHEZ $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
27/06/2017 Herter Maximilian $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/06/2017 Zachary Flynn $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/06/2017 YOSHIDA KIYOHITO $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/06/2017 ARTHUR EWERS $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
26/06/2017 Caleb Cotter $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/06/2017 stéphane armenise $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
26/06/2017 Shawn Stutzman $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/06/2017 bruno dremmel $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/06/2017 daniel olsson $5.00 $4.51 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
26/06/2017 MARK ARTMAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
26/06/2017 benoit VIGUIE $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/06/2017 Elo Olesen $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/06/2017 Timothy Eichner $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/06/2017 John Looney $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/06/2017 Stephen Crosley $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/06/2017 Paul Bancroft $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
25/06/2017 Mario Resnati €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
25/06/2017 $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/06/2017 Kane Spooner $10.00 $9.16 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/06/2017 Mike Harper $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/06/2017 Gregory Chang $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/06/2017 Jamie Fenner $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
24/06/2017 Roland Reynaud €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/06/2017 Rohan Allison $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/06/2017 james donaldson $10.00 $9.16 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
24/06/2017 Peter Dennert $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
24/06/2017 Cucos Leonard $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/06/2017 Steven Davies-Morris $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/06/2017 Michael Doles $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/06/2017 James Wayner $12.01 $11.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/06/2017 Luke Patrick Dela Cruz $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
22/06/2017 Dave's Surplus Electronics $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/06/2017 Simon Enderle $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/06/2017 Lewis Cosner $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
22/06/2017 Christian Döring $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
22/06/2017 Marek Michalik $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
22/06/2017 Robert Ahlers $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/06/2017 David Cumberbatch $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/06/2017 Ryan Waters $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/06/2017 John Dimmock $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/06/2017 Gergely Bódi $200.00 $190.30 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
21/06/2017 An Ly $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/06/2017 Johan Loa $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
21/06/2017 Wences Banuelos $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
21/06/2017 hartmut lorenz $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/06/2017 $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
20/06/2017 Bertrand STERN $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/06/2017 spiridon cheliotis $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
20/06/2017 John Kerr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
20/06/2017 Maeve Automation $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/06/2017 Peter Hoyer $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
20/06/2017 jason scott $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/06/2017 ROBERT LECK $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/06/2017 Jaime Sanchez Saenz $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for PowerPC Download Tip
19/06/2017 James J Adams $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/06/2017 Phillip Lane $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/06/2017 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/06/2017 Jeffrey Edwards $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/06/2017 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/06/2017 Fritz Iversen $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/06/2017 Dotson e-Commerce, LLC $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/06/2017 James Lutenberg $15.00 $14.04 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/06/2017 Mark Mapes $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/06/2017 ANTONIO A OLIVEIRA OLIVEIRA $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
18/06/2017 Cedric Flowers $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/06/2017 Jovan Stanoevski $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/06/2017 Gabriel Diosan $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/06/2017 Jesus Maria Montañes Salas $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
18/06/2017 Stanley Smith $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/06/2017 ARTHUR EWERS $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
17/06/2017 Ian Burgwin $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/06/2017 Thomas Sarvey $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/06/2017 Charles Robinson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
17/06/2017 JM Blandin €15.00 €14.14 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/06/2017 Oliver Statt $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
17/06/2017 Arun Chaturvedi $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/06/2017 Jimi Klaevemann $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/06/2017 $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
16/06/2017 Kaiet Telleria Zanguitu €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
16/06/2017 Albert Gillebert $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
16/06/2017 Anne Berger $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/06/2017 Daniel Le $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
15/06/2017 Jan Zmeškal $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
15/06/2017 $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
15/06/2017 Richard Smith $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
15/06/2017 George Ward $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
15/06/2017 Ojas Anand $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/06/2017 Joachim Wanninger €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/06/2017 Charco High Tech Inc. $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
14/06/2017 MICHAEL LAFRANCE $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
14/06/2017 Abel Marrero Santos $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/06/2017 Ricardo Camacho $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/06/2017 Harold Sweeney $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
14/06/2017 Joerg Sorge $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/06/2017 Kevin Sullivan $30.00 $28.38 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
13/06/2017 Peter Schaub $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/06/2017 Walter Meinero $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/06/2017 Dino Grendene $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/06/2017 Jonathan Polak $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/06/2017 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/06/2017 Simon Biles £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/06/2017 Siegfried Ebers €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/06/2017 Eddie Martin $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/06/2017 Juan Fermín Villegas Rubio $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
12/06/2017 Marian Warchol $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/06/2017 Ludwig Nordvall $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/06/2017 Levan Khubulava $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/06/2017 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/06/2017 Kevin Manning $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/06/2017 meshari alnaim $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/06/2017 Jean-François Mottaz $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
12/06/2017 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/06/2017 Michael Bailey £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/06/2017 Arnulfo Baez $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/06/2017 José SIERRA €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
11/06/2017 $1.00 $0.65 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
11/06/2017 Daniel Freis $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/06/2017 David Thompson $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
11/06/2017 Thorsten Eube $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
11/06/2017 Kevin Koehler $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/06/2017 Michael Hall $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/06/2017 Michael Hall $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/06/2017 VC Ventures LLC $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/06/2017 mafusys $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/06/2017 Christopher Jesinkey $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
10/06/2017 SHEN LAN $5.00 $4.43 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
10/06/2017 Robley Miles $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
10/06/2017 Pål Bergquist $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/06/2017 Karl Dalskog $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/06/2017 Alfred Mena $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/06/2017 Mark Sangwin $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/06/2017 Marco Coppola Pagani $20.00 $18.62 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/06/2017 Myles Goddard $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
09/06/2017 Stephen Larkin $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/06/2017 Antonio Sevilla López €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
09/06/2017 Robert Morss $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/06/2017 Stephen Larkin $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/06/2017 Gurucharan Srinivas $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/06/2017 Edward Schumacher $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
08/06/2017 Vincent Casaceli $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/06/2017 Kevin Varney $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/06/2017 Timothy LaDuca $4.76 $4.25 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
08/06/2017 David Denney $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
08/06/2017 Mark Hickmann $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
08/06/2017 Martin Zehl $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/06/2017 Burning Sneh Studio $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/06/2017 LoveWorks Cinema $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
07/06/2017 Robert Muncrief $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
07/06/2017 Le site de Serge Muscat $1.00 $0.66 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
07/06/2017 Epiphany Machine Controls Co $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
07/06/2017 Roman Süsin $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/06/2017 Ben Trefry $15.00 $14.04 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/06/2017 Michael Zenzer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/06/2017 Lucas Cota $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/06/2017 David Hall $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/06/2017 Michael Rouse $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/06/2017 Dieter Kremer $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/06/2017 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/06/2017 Dirk Zöllner $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
06/06/2017 Fabio Dogliotti $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/06/2017 Ramona Kuhr $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
06/06/2017 James Lawrence $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/06/2017 Spencer Kropp $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/06/2017 Peter Rose $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
06/06/2017 Raymond Marshall $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
06/06/2017 carole dobrowolski $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/06/2017 Danielle Barcilon $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
05/06/2017 Spyridon Memos $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
05/06/2017 $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/06/2017 Patty Hardy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/06/2017 Alexander Morrison $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/06/2017 Carlos Folch €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/06/2017 Poonam Yadav $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/06/2017 Roland Ionut Roman £2.50 £2.21 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/06/2017 Jean-Michel Dannemann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/06/2017 Marian Gasparovic €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
04/06/2017 $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/06/2017 Lisa Jewell £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/06/2017 Good Samaritan Mission Council, Inc £5.00 £4.58 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/06/2017 Good Samaritan Mission Council, Inc £5.00 £4.58 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/06/2017 Good Samaritan Mission Council, Inc $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/06/2017 Marc Desruelles $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
04/06/2017 Michel Berends $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2017 Niels Duelund $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/06/2017 Gabriel Slørdahl $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2017 AAPD Limited $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2017 alfonso calderon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/06/2017 Lv Yanlong $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2017 charles Ingram $2.00 $1.61 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/06/2017 Carl Miller $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
03/06/2017 Michael Black $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
03/06/2017 John Tidball $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
03/06/2017 diana mackenzie $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/06/2017 Frank Dreyer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/06/2017 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/06/2017 Jesus Avella Vecino €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/06/2017 Nanyi Dong $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
02/06/2017 Vladi Krasner $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
02/06/2017 AURELIEN UTILLE $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/06/2017 francesca decaro $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
02/06/2017 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/06/2017 Mike Trout $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
02/06/2017 The Newscaster $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
02/06/2017 John Bertram $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/06/2017 Adriaan VanderWalt $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/06/2017 ANAND PANDIT $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
02/06/2017 Technical Bowling Services $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
01/06/2017 Motorcycle Art $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
01/06/2017 Lakshminarayana Kosaraju $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/06/2017 Kyle Isom $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/06/2017 Thomas Koschny $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
01/06/2017 Nabil Hassani $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip

Thank you to all 233 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $1447.27 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $1319.62, of which $851.84 was received as Download Tips and $143.65 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €92.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €84.44, of which €26.87 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £33.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £30.77, of which £9.94 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.0065 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at July 12, 2017 01:00 PM

June 01, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE May 2017 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project. As usual we've been able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE Content Delivery Network, Web Application Firewall and email charges.
  • Paid €1227.74 (taking into account currency variations) to Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to Open Source projects and developers to approximately $22402.35 (taking into account currency variations).

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop. Bytemark are providing hosting and covering all server/bandwidth costs for both projects. This sponsorship means nearly all of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month Ubuntu MATE has surplus funds we will make contributions to Open Source projects, or developers working on projects, that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

This month Ubuntu MATE has paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1992.51 this month.

Patreon Perks

These Patron have opted for some perks.

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
XLTech 2016-11-04 01:04:07
Tikato 2017-01-11 14:12:02
Jared Sloane 2016-08-17 10:01:05
VJ 2016-09-14 00:21:07
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Scott Thompson 2016-07-08 19:29:37
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Andrew Khazanovsky 2016-07-17 19:33:11
Brian Hetrick 2016-10-14 21:58:08
Benjamin James 2017-01-03 03:19:08
Michael Vanier 2016-09-21 20:01:01
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Scott Brown 2017-01-18 00:58:23
Daniel 2015-05-15 16:23:47
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Silas Wulff 2015-03-20 07:35:16
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Larry Hale 2016-04-10 15:58:00
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Andriy Tymchenko 2016-07-14 11:54:43
J. Hu 2016-09-11 21:49:07
Szabolcs Gergely 2016-04-25 11:58:44
Jesse Raines 2016-10-17 18:52:52
Glen Blake 2016-10-13 13:50:32
Devaraj de Condappa 2016-10-19 14:13:04
Aleksandar Markovic 2016-11-20 08:56:11
Nick Halase 2016-10-27 01:21:36
Ángel González 2016-12-09 23:28:29
Tony Jewett 2017-01-30 05:00:36
Christoph Augustin 2017-01-08 22:03:32
Austin Simmons 2017-02-09 04:23:32
Vlaunir Da Silva 2017-04-12 21:18:42.967801
Marius Quabeck 2017-04-03 21:36:12.191903

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Blake Jones, Graham, Jupiter Broadcasting, Ivan Pejić, Sergio Rivera, Michael Mykolyshyn, Adrian Evans, Antoine Mate Messiah, Ricardo Gerena, Peter Mergaerts, Atreju, ZoRaS, Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Michael White, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, B Kirsch, Johnathon Tinsley, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, Dow Hurst, Sam McGlynn, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Phil Clifford, Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Alexander Browne, Josh Thacker, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, Philip Espi, Daniel Vieira, Michael Braem, Scott Cowan, Matt, Pablo, Evan Gass, Nathan Lee, The Atomic Ass, Carlo Vitolo, Ben Whitley, Jim Maguire, Johan Westin, Ron Ridley, Joe Roberts, David Potter, Jason Monroe, Ewan Carr, Michael Jean, Jason A. Lewis, Shannon Cobb, Jeff Hallam, Jeff Blake, Wade Menard, Simon Quigley, John Delea, Grigory Usenko, Anthony Weathers, Volker Zaeh, Sam Douglas, Michael K Lenox, Nathan, dastrike, Christopher atkins, Andras Nemeshanyi, darkinmyeyes, Geoff Grogan, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, Peter Pfeiffer, Dirk Eisenacher, Sam, Trooper_Ish, m1k3, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Anthony Bosio, Eduardo Sanchez, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Andre Kretzschmar, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter (h82or8), Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, Donald R Baun, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Paul Keeton, Tyler Dickieson, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Richard Underwood, Chris Monachino, Vladimir Alexandroff, NuclearBandAid, Sebastiaan Samyn, Momo Salo, Chris Giltnane, Dario Cangialosi, Dominique Pizzie, Tobias Lekare, Michael Short, Jay Dobson, Ryan Grange, chuck, Enthernal, Tim Howes, Richard Andersson, Bart Nijs, wade L, Felix Schymura, Christian Bartsch, Josh Kosloski, Randy Earl, Chris Mandeville, Alexandru Nedel, Megyn Daives, Joe cartouche, Steven, Simon Bell, AufWiedersehen, Paulo Malvar, Joe Prostko, Jeff Stoner, Michael Burchfield, Harry Myhre, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Thomas Waters, David Lachut, Nikos Neosvoskos, Specops872, john, Graham Moss, David Southard, lephio, Patrick L Archibald, Mandy Tonks, Robert Winkler, Vitor, Yonatan Fogel, tuxayo, BobAllen55, Tekmad, Andrew Aadland, Fuzzy, Ali Al Saif, Robert Orzanna,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Date Name Invested After fees Description
31/05/2017 Klaus Schmalzigaug $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
31/05/2017 Nabil Trabelsi £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
31/05/2017 Christopher Jesinkey $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
31/05/2017 Francesco Fiore $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
31/05/2017 Cosmin Saveanu €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
31/05/2017 Michael O' Gorman $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
31/05/2017 Martin Satara $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
31/05/2017 Scott McAllister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
31/05/2017 William Fulford $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
31/05/2017 Richard Schwartz $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
30/05/2017 Oliver Schmidt $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/05/2017 Peter Rowland £4.00 £3.58 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
30/05/2017 Dean Ross $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
30/05/2017 Wai-Man Tsang $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
30/05/2017 monica b ruiz beaucamp $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
29/05/2017 Stephen F Nowak $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
29/05/2017 Richie Cannizzo $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/05/2017 daniel pessina $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
28/05/2017 mark stanway $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
28/05/2017 Patrick Schneeweis $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
28/05/2017 Wynand Gouws $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
28/05/2017 Wayne Chell $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/05/2017 Thomas Briant $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for PowerPC Download Tip
27/05/2017 Joseph E Pardue Jr $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
27/05/2017 Alan McConville $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
27/05/2017 Miles Oliver $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/05/2017 Robert Odess $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
27/05/2017 JetTrader $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
27/05/2017 Michael Seymour $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
27/05/2017 Pietro Bolner €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/05/2017 David Jennings $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
27/05/2017 james murphy $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/05/2017 Christian Schumann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2017 Jens Burger €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/05/2017 Paul Koch $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2017 samuel floren $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2017 Daniel Serbin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2017 VoiceIt Technologies, LLC. $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/05/2017 Robert Bumb $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2017 Anthony Vander Heyden $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2017 Stephen Bosbach $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
26/05/2017 Felix Nathanson $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2017 MARK ARTMAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
26/05/2017 sudeep kumar c $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 armhf-rootfs Download Tip
26/05/2017 Árpád Karámos $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
26/05/2017 Gregory Ross $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2017 BRYAN DUCASSE $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
26/05/2017 Bruce Robertson $10.00 $9.26 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
25/05/2017 JHJ Hupkes $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
25/05/2017 Gary Metzendorf $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/05/2017 fred deckard $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/05/2017 ISHIKAWA RUMI $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/05/2017 Mario Resnati €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
25/05/2017 Ian McAuslin $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/05/2017 Tobias Farrenkopf $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/05/2017 Alejandro Engelmann $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/05/2017 CASEY DODSON $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/05/2017 Olle Wiklund $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/05/2017 John Hoss $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
24/05/2017 Michal Eichler $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/05/2017 Laurence Jones $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/05/2017 Alex Hughes $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/05/2017 William Rhone $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
24/05/2017 Bernard Fruga $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
23/05/2017 Steve Moore $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
23/05/2017 Vince Vitullo $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
23/05/2017 Laurent Hubert $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
23/05/2017 Edward Zohn $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
23/05/2017 Mario Scalise $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/05/2017 Eric Manzer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/05/2017 Scott Mims $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/05/2017 Marek Michalik $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
22/05/2017 Meik Köster $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
22/05/2017 Jaakko Hakkarainen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/05/2017 Edward D Dart $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
22/05/2017 Jaakko Hakkarainen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
22/05/2017 Thomas Miller $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/05/2017 Ruben Flores $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
21/05/2017 WERNER ATLE VESTERÅS $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/05/2017 Noah Delariva $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/05/2017 Kenneth O'Guinn $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
21/05/2017 Tim Johnson $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
21/05/2017 David Howard $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/05/2017 Andreas Punte $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
21/05/2017 MICHAEL PHILLIP SR $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
21/05/2017 David Lacey $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/05/2017 Blake Pedersen $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/05/2017 Josh Thacker $5.00 $4.48 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
20/05/2017 Keith Lyons £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/05/2017 C Watson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
20/05/2017 Aaron Zanker $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/05/2017 Moisés Delgado Rodríguez $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/05/2017 JJ van Kampen €15.00 €14.14 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/05/2017 Alessio Benedetti $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/05/2017 DANILO BALLARDIN €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/05/2017 David Johnson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/05/2017 Brian Atwood $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
19/05/2017 Christoph Frank $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/05/2017 Craig Fisk $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
19/05/2017 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/05/2017 Pedro Enriquez $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
19/05/2017 Nicolae Grati $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/05/2017 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/05/2017 SURJEET SINGH $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/05/2017 Patricio Carr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
19/05/2017 Jason Jacobs $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
18/05/2017 Logan Hull $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/05/2017 Amit Rahat $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2017 Fedor Kalashnikov $20.00 $18.62 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/05/2017 Anthony Maughan $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
18/05/2017 Filippo Dal Bosco $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/05/2017 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/05/2017 Klaus Talke $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2017 Jürgen Zimmer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/05/2017 Christian Killer $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/05/2017 Charles Robinson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
17/05/2017 Tom Swartz $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/05/2017 Jeremy Marx $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/05/2017 George Thompson $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/05/2017 Edward Dart $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/05/2017 Mark Mapes $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/05/2017 Ryan Clarke $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/05/2017 Bernd Braunshausen $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
16/05/2017 Peter Zinke $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2017 William Maddox $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2017 Ekkehard Schulze $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/05/2017 Marcus Saecker $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2017 Andreas Fischer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2017 Timo Rantala $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/05/2017 Robert Woestman $10.00 $9.26 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
15/05/2017 Charco High Tech Inc. $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
15/05/2017 George Ward $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
15/05/2017 Ivan Razumov $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
15/05/2017 Aleksi Pihkanen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
15/05/2017 Paul Harding $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
15/05/2017 Michael Boardman $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/05/2017 Ramakrishnan Kazhiyur-Mannar $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/05/2017 Stuart Bell $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/05/2017 Ralf Kiehne $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/05/2017 Kevin Sullivan $30.00 $28.38 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
14/05/2017 mikael schmidt $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/05/2017 mikeshop $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/05/2017 Shiva Rampersaud $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
14/05/2017 Eric Wisniewski $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2017 Paul Stewart $25.00 $23.35 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/05/2017 $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2017 John Starr $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2017 Sean Sweeney £25.00 £23.70 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
13/05/2017 Mark Farrar $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2017 Giuseppe Romanelli $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
13/05/2017 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/05/2017 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/05/2017 Simon Biles £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/05/2017 Jonathan Polak $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/05/2017 RAFAEL ESTEVE €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/05/2017 Ireene-Sointu Ireene-Sointu $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2017 Graham Smith $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2017 PCN Express $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/05/2017 Michael Schulsinger $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/05/2017 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/05/2017 meshari alnaim $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/05/2017 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/05/2017 Raimund Trierscheid $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/05/2017 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/05/2017 Roger van Swaay £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/05/2017 Chun Fan Goh $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/05/2017 Neil Faulk $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/05/2017 artiom lukianov $10.00 $9.16 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2017 Kenneth Mayne $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2017 OpenGroove $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2017 William Stanard $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/05/2017 José SIERRA €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
11/05/2017 $1.00 $0.65 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
11/05/2017 Niels VanderWaart $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/05/2017 Alex Oudshoorn $50.00 $47.75 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/05/2017 Thomas Ashcraft Jr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2017 Pureheart Steinbruner $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2017 Jonas Klaff $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2017 ronald jonker $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2017 Raul Alguacil Benito $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/05/2017 Kate Beetham $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
10/05/2017 SHEN LAN $5.00 $4.43 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
10/05/2017 nick myers $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/05/2017 Oswald Kofler €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/05/2017 JOSEPH R DURAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2017 Timothy Polson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
09/05/2017 Dave Hart $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/05/2017 Arnd Fischer €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/05/2017 $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
09/05/2017 Konstantin Neumann $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/05/2017 Paul Jacobson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/05/2017 Lucas Morton $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/05/2017 Michael Sliwowski $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/05/2017 Olivier Mondoloni €5.00 €4.48 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
09/05/2017 Antonio Sevilla López €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
09/05/2017 Yurii Svystun $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
09/05/2017 Peter Handrick $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/05/2017 Charles Birt $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/05/2017 Robert Stephens $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/05/2017 Abhilash Nama $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/05/2017 Richard CROSBY $5.00 $4.48 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
08/05/2017 Rob Ward $10.00 $9.16 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/05/2017 Barry Ducote Jr $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/05/2017 Vitalii Kravchenko $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/05/2017 Philipp Otto $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/05/2017 Rune Dalen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/05/2017 David Denney $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
08/05/2017 John Murray $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/05/2017 William Lutz $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/05/2017 Timothy LaDuca $4.76 $4.25 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
08/05/2017 João Campos $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2017 Harold Fisher $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
07/05/2017 Joseph Reid $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
07/05/2017 Claire Kassous €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/05/2017 Gregory Burns $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
07/05/2017 graham jordan $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2017 Johannes Reiter €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/05/2017 Nicholas Booker $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
07/05/2017 Jacob Levernier $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/05/2017 Micha witakowski €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/05/2017 Gordon Osterstrom $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/05/2017 Timothy Dimalanta $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/05/2017 Soeren Schnee $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/05/2017 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/05/2017 Hans Skutella €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/05/2017 Stephen Mershon $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
06/05/2017 Daniel Mulholland $10.00 $9.16 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
06/05/2017 Wil Collins $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/05/2017 George Johnson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/05/2017 Lee Todd $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/05/2017 Russell Cantwell $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/05/2017 Fred Corron $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/05/2017 Alexander Morrison $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/05/2017 Christian Rothenbücher $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for PowerPC Download Tip
05/05/2017 Wayne Greenough $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
05/05/2017 Angelo Pacheco $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/05/2017 John Abbott $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
05/05/2017 Patty Hardy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/05/2017 Christoph Dahm €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/05/2017 Martin Controls $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
05/05/2017 Rodrigo De Negri Leiva $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/05/2017 Faradzhev Georgy $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
05/05/2017 Francisco José Osuna Molina $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
05/05/2017 Michael Schweinsberg $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/05/2017 Martin Brandt $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/05/2017 dewey McGinnis $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/05/2017 Ye Ding $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/05/2017 Marcos Uchoa Medeiros $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/05/2017 Janet Springer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/05/2017 Aymeric Lambin €25.00 €23.80 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
04/05/2017 Lisa Jewell £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/05/2017 Josef Schwärzle $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
04/05/2017 Karsten Kleber €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/05/2017 Steven White $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/05/2017 Sabine Tobolka $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/05/2017 Scott Beckert $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/05/2017 Denis Millar $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
04/05/2017 GREGG CLARK $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/05/2017 Garry Kitley $10.00 $9.16 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
03/05/2017 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/05/2017 Katrin Beyer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/05/2017 Greg Gaston $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/05/2017 Brittany Huchel $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/05/2017 Ian Forbes-Faulkner $10.00 $9.16 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/05/2017 Henk Langendijk €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/05/2017 Matthias Slomak $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
02/05/2017 thomas memmo $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/05/2017 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/05/2017 John Bertram $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/05/2017 Marian Gasparovic €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
02/05/2017 Lukas Fritz $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
02/05/2017 William Adkins $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/05/2017 Mark Webster $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
02/05/2017 RONALD HAWKS $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
02/05/2017 Paul Czioska $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
02/05/2017 Anders Normann $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/05/2017 James Ginns $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
02/05/2017 Damien Hughes $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
01/05/2017 Minke Informatics Limited $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/05/2017 Fabio Berutti $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
01/05/2017 David Gregor Menne $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/05/2017 edwin niamat $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/05/2017 Padi Phillips $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
01/05/2017 Carsten Erbguth $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/05/2017 Richard Molby $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
01/05/2017 Reynold Schwabe $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/05/2017 anthony Gallucci $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip

Thank you to all 287 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $1679.76 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $1529.32, of which $1117.36 was received as Download Tips and $166.35 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €225.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €209.29, of which €22.04 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £61.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £57.19, of which £9.94 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.025 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at June 01, 2017 01:00 PM

May 01, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE April 2017 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project. As usual we've been able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE Content Delivery Network, Web Application Firewall and email charges.
  • Paid $70 to sponsor Martin Wimpress's attendance at Linux Fest North West.
  • Paid €585.49 (taking into account currency variations) to Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to Open Source projects and developers to approximately $21004.32 (taking into account currency variations).

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop. Bytemark are providing hosting and covering all server/bandwidth costs for both projects. This sponsorship means nearly all of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month Ubuntu MATE has surplus funds we will make contributions to Open Source projects, or developers working on projects, that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

This month Ubuntu MATE has paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1924.01 this month.

Patreon Perks

These Patron have opted for some perks.

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
XLTech 2016-11-04 01:04:07
Tikato 2017-01-11 14:12:02
Jared Sloane 2016-08-17 10:01:05
VJ 2016-09-14 00:21:07
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Scott Thompson 2016-07-08 19:29:37
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Andrew Khazanovsky 2016-07-17 19:33:11
Brian Hetrick 2016-10-14 21:58:08
Benjamin James 2017-01-03 03:19:08
Michael Vanier 2016-09-21 20:01:01
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Scott Brown 2017-01-18 00:58:23
Daniel 2015-05-15 16:23:47
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
N. Alexander Tessner 2016-08-08 03:20:45
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Silas Wulff 2015-03-20 07:35:16
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Larry Hale 2016-04-10 15:58:00
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Andriy Tymchenko 2016-07-14 11:54:43
J. Hu 2016-09-11 21:49:07
Szabolcs Gergely 2016-04-25 11:58:44
Jesse Raines 2016-10-17 18:52:52
Glen Blake 2016-10-13 13:50:32
Devaraj de Condappa 2016-10-19 14:13:04
Aleksandar Markovic 2016-11-20 08:56:11
Nick Halase 2016-10-27 01:21:36
Ángel González 2016-12-09 23:28:29
Tony Jewett 2017-01-30 05:00:36
Christoph Augustin 2017-01-08 22:03:32
Glenn Faulkner 2017-02-28 21:19:03
Austin Simmons 2017-02-09 04:23:32

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Blake Jones, Graham, Jupiter Broadcasting, Sergio Rivera, Michael Mykolyshyn, Adrian Evans, Antoine Mate Messiah, Ricardo Gerena, Peter Mergaerts, Atreju, Zora Saad, Gheorghe Kobori, Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, B Kirsch, Johnathon Tinsley, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, Dow Hurst, Sam McGlynn, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Phil Clifford, Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Alexander Browne, Josh Thacker, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, Philip Espi, Daniel Vieira, Michael Braem, Matt, Pablo, Evan Gass, Nathan Lee, The Atomic Ass, Ben Whitley, Jim Maguire, Johan Westin, Ron Ridley, Joe Roberts, David Potter, Jason Monroe, Ewan Carr, Michael Jean, Jason A. Lewis, Shannon Cobb, Jeff Hallam, Jeff Blake, Simonas Gudjonis, dastrike, Christopher atkins, Andras Nemeshanyi, darkinmyeyes, Geoff Grogan, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, Peter Pfeiffer, Trooper_Ish, m1k3, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Anthony Bosio, Daron Dierkes, Eduardo Sanchez, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Andre Kretzschmar, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter (h82or8), Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, Donald R Baun, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Paul Keeton, Tyler Dickieson, Carlo Vitolo, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Richard Underwood, Chris Monachino, Vladimir Alexandroff, NuclearBandAid, Sebastiaan Samyn, Momo Salo, Chris Giltnane, Dario Cangialosi, Dominique Pizzie, Tobias Lekare, Michael Short, Jay Dobson, Ryan Grange, chuck, Enthernal, Tim Howes, Richard Andersson, Bart Nijs, wade L, Felix Schymura, Christian Bartsch, Josh Kosloski, Randy Earl, Chris Mandeville, Alexandru Nedel, Megyn Daives, Joe cartouche, Jeff Stoner, Michael Burchfield, Harry Myhre, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Thomas Waters, David Lachut, Nikos Neosvoskos, Specops872, john, Graham Moss, David Southard, lephio, Patrick L Archibald, Mandy Tonks, Robert Winkler, Vitor, Yonatan Fogel, tuxayo, Tekmad, BobAllen55, Andrew Aadland, Fuzzy, Ali Al Saif,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Date Name Invested After fees Description
30/04/2017 Gail Boushon $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/04/2017 Peter Rowland £4.00 £3.58 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
30/04/2017 Jordi Balsells Ceballos $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/04/2017 Dave Kneebush $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/04/2017 art crooke $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
30/04/2017 William Kane $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/04/2017 Torfinn Dahl $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/04/2017 Daryl St Laurent $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
30/04/2017 Roman Faust €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/04/2017 justin booth £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/04/2017 Wayne Pozzi $5.00 $4.43 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/04/2017 George Pearson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Brandon Woolsey $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Tong Su $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2017 carl graham $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Adam Monsen $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Schweitzer Formula, LLC $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Austin Showers $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Josh Ermentrout $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Dale LeStourgeon $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
29/04/2017 GorKee $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/04/2017 dimitris galanakis $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Elizabeth Nagy $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Paul Burden $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Carl Gabbert $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Michael Gast $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Che Mätzke €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/04/2017 Aaron Bottegal $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Hector Trincavelli $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/04/2017 Jean-Pierre Hoarau $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/04/2017 George McNeal $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/04/2017 Paul Ramey $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
28/04/2017 Wynand Gouws $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
28/04/2017 Thomas Colby $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/04/2017 Donald Britt $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
28/04/2017 Kai Behrouzi €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
28/04/2017 Robert Peschka $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
27/04/2017 Steven Baker $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
27/04/2017 Peter Ross $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
27/04/2017 J H van Heusden $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
27/04/2017 Charles Mozer $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
27/04/2017 Vaclav Spicka $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
27/04/2017 Tom Delaney $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
27/04/2017 Uche Nwoko $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/04/2017 Bernard Kay $2.50 $2.06 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
27/04/2017 Michael Starnes $100.00 $95.30 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/04/2017 Thomas Looby $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2017 MARK ARTMAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
26/04/2017 Falk Mittmann $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
26/04/2017 Kevin Tisdale $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/04/2017 carlos carrillo $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
26/04/2017 Mike Richards $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2017 Jeffrey Bucove $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/04/2017 Terrance Ganrude $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2017 Xavier Moreno Martinez $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/04/2017 Karl Pihlblad $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
25/04/2017 Bernard Munich $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/04/2017 ARTHUR EWERS $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/04/2017 Dewey Dipoma $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
25/04/2017 Arthur Williams $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/04/2017 Scott Stevenson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/04/2017 Frank Golightly $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/04/2017 Otto Waelchli $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2017 Brannon Marlin $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2017 Mario Resnati €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
25/04/2017 Fabio de Oliveira $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/04/2017 Patrick Schneeweis $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/04/2017 Vagner Rodrigues $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/04/2017 Richard Singleton $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
24/04/2017 David Bennett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/04/2017 Tomasz Szkudlarek $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
24/04/2017 Chadwick Labno $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
23/04/2017 Robert Myers $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
23/04/2017 Alessandro Napoli $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
23/04/2017 Sudhindra Rajavasireddy $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
23/04/2017 Felix Röhren $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2017 Safiyyah Njeri $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
23/04/2017 Juhani Sarvilinna $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
23/04/2017 Sergei Mastakov $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
23/04/2017 stephen morgan $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
23/04/2017 ACG Sound & Light GbR $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2017 Michael Berner $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
23/04/2017 robert ritchie $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
23/04/2017 Andreas Schmidt £170.40 £163.55 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/04/2017 jean martin $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
23/04/2017 KENNITH KANNIFF IND $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2017 O Glenn Ervin $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
23/04/2017 Bruno Rene Santos $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/04/2017 STEPHEN KRAMAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
22/04/2017 Marek Michalik $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
22/04/2017 Emmanuel Bernigaud $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2017 David Burris $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/04/2017 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/04/2017 Gustav Andersson $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
22/04/2017 Robert Holt $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/04/2017 Mitchell Jones $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 $1.00 $0.65 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
21/04/2017 Michael McLaughlin $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 BOB ERNEWEIN $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/04/2017 john leiva $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 John Schneider $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Hartmut Hiller $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Rob Vandeweyer €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/04/2017 Piotr Zawadzki $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Sören Gehrmann $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Joao Paulo Just Peixoto $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Stephen Verbil $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Eric Wahlstrom $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/04/2017 Michael Layzell $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Richard Gray $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Isabela Mara do Nascimento $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Benoit Hambucken $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Richard Birt $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Holger Schäufler $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Raymond Davis $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Alex Rendon $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Shashank Sharma $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/04/2017 Hartog van den Berg $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
20/04/2017 Tim Stearns $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/04/2017 John Clarke $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/04/2017 James Caldwell $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
20/04/2017 George Pope $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
20/04/2017 Josh Thacker $5.00 $4.48 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
20/04/2017 Premysl Gryc $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/04/2017 Patrick Buechi $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/04/2017 Sebastien G Savard $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/04/2017 Micha Je $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/04/2017 David Reeves $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/04/2017 Jon Martin Berntsen $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/04/2017 £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/04/2017 Lawrence Geary $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/04/2017 Mike Harper $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/04/2017 Fernando Ferreira de Araujo Souza $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/04/2017 Michael Tarr $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/04/2017 john kliesch $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
19/04/2017 Kim Watts $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/04/2017 marthe colotte $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/04/2017 ZAK Software Inc. $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
19/04/2017 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/04/2017 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/04/2017 marco riedmüller $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/04/2017 B&B nonna vincenza $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/04/2017 Georg Ellendorff $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
19/04/2017 Michael Wegmann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
19/04/2017 Reinhardt Hendriks $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/04/2017 Goran Kulenovic $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
19/04/2017 John Thomas $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
19/04/2017 Doug Blangsted $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/04/2017 Vente Musiques $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 armhf-rootfs Download Tip
19/04/2017 Doug Blangsted $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
19/04/2017 Ben Norton $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/04/2017 LEOPOLDO JOSE REJON $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/04/2017 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/04/2017 Patrick Dunn $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/04/2017 Shawn Szala $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/04/2017 Raymond Mccarthy $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/04/2017 Manfred Michel $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
18/04/2017 Bruce Carlson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/04/2017 David Walter $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
18/04/2017 William McLean $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
18/04/2017 Charco High Tech Inc. $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/04/2017 Kenneth Mumper $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Justin Vela $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Walter Luffman $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/04/2017 David Tulloss $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Göran Tellhed $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Marshall V Pochay $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Christopher Dart $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Darwin Bruner $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Leonardo Mauricio-Silva $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Brenda Steffen $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Elsimar Leao $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Allen K Skaggs $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
17/04/2017 CODE4SALE, LLC £9.39 £9.39
17/04/2017 Christoph Raphael van Uffelen $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Michael Stevens $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Arkadiusz Sobotka $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Ingo Bieneck $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Albert Hernandez $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Y. Samuel Arai $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Clyde Bolen $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/04/2017 Jeff Schlags $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/04/2017 David Miller $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
16/04/2017 Mario Courtemanche $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/04/2017 Paul Remitz $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/04/2017 Garrett Brass $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/04/2017 Dwayne Gibson £5.00 £4.58 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
16/04/2017 Pekka Kariluoto $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/04/2017 Wolfgang Stadler $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/04/2017 Joey Adams $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/04/2017 Gustavo Orosa $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
16/04/2017 Bill Gingerich $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
16/04/2017 Sergio Begliomini $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/04/2017 Breaking Away $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
16/04/2017 Cecil Hewitt $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
16/04/2017 Michael Andreas trading as Helmreich Robotics $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/04/2017 Pedro Rosado $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
16/04/2017 David Gargan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Christian Hibade $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Rose-Anna Bleasdale $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/04/2017 John Spoonhower $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
15/04/2017 John Nuhibian $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Patrick O'Neill $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/04/2017 George Ward $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
15/04/2017 Russ Haigh $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Charco High Tech Inc. $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
15/04/2017 Alberto Arias €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
15/04/2017 Zsolt Csaszar $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/04/2017 David Holmbo $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Bruce Robertson $10.00 $9.26 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
15/04/2017 Jan Langevad $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Jacobus Johannes Janssen $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Stephan Kukkel $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Ramon Gheno €25.00 €23.35 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/04/2017 raymond gleeson $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Claudio Schröder $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Randy Brown $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Rudy De Volder $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Frank McAneny $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Mac Smith $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
15/04/2017 Snorri Gylfason £5.00 £4.61 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/04/2017 ezday computers $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 linda fitzgerald $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Stephen Kleinlein $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Dave Huelsbeck $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Nick DuPlessis $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/04/2017 Nick DuPlessis $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Jason Wallwork $15.00 $14.04 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/04/2017 art crooke $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Lloyd Raymond $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Kevin Sullivan $30.00 $28.38 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
14/04/2017 Holger Böcker $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Florian Krätz $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Steve Allen $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Mihai Radu Sterie €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/04/2017 Tony Pratschke $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Richard Coulson $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Sergiu Till $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Martin Potter $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
14/04/2017 fifike fifike $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Christof Künzel $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 justin sheppherd $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 John Ferreri $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Joseph Fleagle $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Jefferson Bradley $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Christine Robbins $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 juan torres $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Hao Trinh $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Ronald Lincoln $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Dirk Huempel $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 G Roberts $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/04/2017 Derek Morrison $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Ricky Gosnell $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Retrovate $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Clifford Boand $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 r shultz $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Guy Floyd $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Adalberto Lopez $80.00 $76.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/04/2017 Patrick Limacher $20.00 $18.76 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Simon Biles £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/04/2017 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/04/2017 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/04/2017 Kenneth McDonald $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Michael Jean $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Dan Moinescu $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 George Ward $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Antonio Lunghi $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Joseph Gledhill $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Chris Were Digital $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Matthias Janssen $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Jesse Houston $50.00 $47.50 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/04/2017 Tab Gilbert $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Claus Fuchs $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Tami Greene $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Ross Hannah $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/04/2017 Jonathan Polak $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/04/2017 Hernan Martinez $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/04/2017 Barbara M Harris $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/04/2017 JAMES CONNELL $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
12/04/2017 Laura Vassalle $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
12/04/2017 Konrad Gauszka $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
12/04/2017 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/04/2017 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/04/2017 meshari alnaim $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/04/2017 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/04/2017 Andrea Zwirner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
12/04/2017 Brian Böhmer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/04/2017 Alexander Chaney $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/04/2017 Wallace Partain $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
11/04/2017 José SIERRA €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
11/04/2017 Antonino Ruggiero $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
11/04/2017 Jan De Vylder $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
11/04/2017 Jesse Wijnen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/04/2017 Kelvin Harvey $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/04/2017 Guido LOTTI $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
11/04/2017 Martin Controls $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/04/2017 Sergio Prebianca €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu+MATE+One-time+Donation
10/04/2017 Joe Martinelli $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
10/04/2017 Andreas Punte $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+for+Raspberry+Pi+2+and+3+Download+Tip
10/04/2017 Swadhin Swain $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu+MATE+One-time+Donation
10/04/2017 Serge Liberloo $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+amd64+Download+Tip
10/04/2017 Jií Lukeš $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
10/04/2017 Alfred Egger $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+amd64+Download+Tip
10/04/2017 Jürgen Bauer $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+for+Raspberry+Pi+2+and+3+Download+Tip
10/04/2017 stuart j taylor $25.00 $23.40 Ubuntu+MATE+One-time+Donation
10/04/2017 Ingo Richter €15.00 €14.14 Ubuntu+MATE+One-time+Donation
10/04/2017 Adrian Dawson $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/04/2017 Gus Reiter $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/04/2017 Mark Ferguson $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
10/04/2017 Mark Hutton £25.00 £23.95 Ubuntu+MATE+One-time+Donation
09/04/2017 Arnis Dambergs $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu+MATE+16.10+amd64+Download+Tip
09/04/2017 Antonio Sevilla López €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
09/04/2017 Stephan Heckelmann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+i386+Download+Tip
09/04/2017 Duarte Mendonca £10.00 £9.36 Ubuntu+MATE+One-time+Donation
09/04/2017 Pierre Schnoering $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+for+Raspberry+Pi+2+and+3+Download+Tip
09/04/2017 Robert Orzanna £5.00 £4.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/04/2017 Olivier Mondoloni €5.00 €4.48 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
09/04/2017 Adrian Paterson $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
09/04/2017 TONG SZE MAN M $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
08/04/2017 Horst Leykam $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu+MATE+16.10+amd64+Download+Tip
08/04/2017 Rodrigo De Negri Leiva $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/04/2017 Kevin Lincicum $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/04/2017 Paul Alfieri $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+for+Raspberry+Pi+2+and+3+Download+Tip
08/04/2017 Jeremy Evans $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu+MATE+16.10+i386+Download+Tip
08/04/2017 Shirley Lein €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu+MATE+One-time+Donation
08/04/2017 Alfred Giuliani $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu+MATE+17.04+amd64+Download+Tip
08/04/2017 Sergii Rudchenko $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu+MATE+17.04+amd64+Download+Tip
08/04/2017 Roy Wilson $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/04/2017 David Denney $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
08/04/2017 Patrick Gooden $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
08/04/2017 Randall Myers $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
08/04/2017 Darius Hall $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu+MATE+16.10+amd64+Download+Tip
08/04/2017 Jörg Schnee $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
07/04/2017 Mark Francis $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+i386+Download+Tip
07/04/2017 Jeffrey Phillips $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu+MATE+16.10+i386+Download+Tip
07/04/2017 Jeff Krebs $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
07/04/2017 Timo Lau $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+amd64+Download+Tip
07/04/2017 William Ulrich $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+amd64+Download+Tip
07/04/2017 John Warriner $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/04/2017 James Bowling $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+amd64+Download+Tip
07/04/2017 Steffen Wörner $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+amd64+Download+Tip
07/04/2017 Kirill Panshin $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+amd64+Download+Tip
07/04/2017 Dirk Schöneweiß $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+for+Raspberry+Pi+2+and+3+Download+Tip
07/04/2017 Benjamin von Essen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+amd64+Download+Tip
06/04/2017 Matthew Scott $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/04/2017 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/04/2017 Bertram E Amick $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
06/04/2017 Jan Bertelsen $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/04/2017 Bradley Stevens $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
06/04/2017 Paul Graham $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
06/04/2017 Eric Boyd $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+for+Raspberry+Pi+2+and+3+Download+Tip
06/04/2017 Oskar Kaczmarzyk $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+amd64+Download+Tip
06/04/2017 Aris Oreopoulos €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/04/2017 Palicz Peter $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+for+Raspberry+Pi+2+and+3+Download+Tip
06/04/2017 ukasz Posadowski $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+amd64+Download+Tip
06/04/2017 Pat Sperry $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu+MATE+17.04+amd64+Download+Tip
05/04/2017 Lance Linimon $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/04/2017 Catalin Mihai Popa $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
05/04/2017 Raymond Trentini $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
05/04/2017 Robert Brown $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu+MATE+16.10+amd64+Download+Tip
05/04/2017 Patty Hardy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/04/2017 Jan DE BOER $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+for+Raspberry+Pi+2+and+3+Download+Tip
05/04/2017 xcursion 307 travel $25.00 $23.40 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/04/2017 Katrin Fischer $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+amd64+Download+Tip
05/04/2017 Richard van Liessum $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/04/2017 Antonio Pombeiro $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+for+Raspberry+Pi+2+and+3+Download+Tip
04/04/2017 Lisa Jewell £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/04/2017 Stefan Maier €25.00 €23.80 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
04/04/2017 KONSTANTINOS GOULAKIS $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
04/04/2017 Joseph Wenzel $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu+MATE+One-time+Donation
04/04/2017 Joseph Wenzel $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu+MATE+One-time+Donation
04/04/2017 Roger Burns $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/04/2017 John Raspen $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/04/2017 Ricardo Galvão $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu+MATE+One-time+Donation
04/04/2017 Armin Krämer €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/04/2017 Nicolas LAUGEON $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
04/04/2017 Curtis Moon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+i386+Download+Tip
04/04/2017 Howard B Clements $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu+MATE+16.04.2+amd64+Download+Tip
03/04/2017 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/04/2017 George M Breuer $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
03/04/2017 Chris Musson $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
03/04/2017 El Trastero de Perez $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/04/2017 James Bishop £2.50 £2.21 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/04/2017 Yves Lenaerts $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
03/04/2017 Georg Teichert-Matuschek €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/04/2017 Luiz Campos $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
03/04/2017 Rocco Trapani $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/04/2017 Rick Neufeld $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
02/04/2017 Sylvain Bilodeau $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/04/2017 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/04/2017 John Bertram $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/04/2017 Lisa Neier €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/04/2017 Nancy Crapo $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
02/04/2017 Peter Ernst $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/04/2017 John Booton $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
02/04/2017 DALE THOMAS $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
02/04/2017 Robert Mang €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/04/2017 Lademir Azevedo $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/04/2017 john kliesch $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/04/2017 Mats Nord $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/04/2017 Rufino Vicente Templado $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
01/04/2017 Dawid Lenart $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/04/2017 Volodymyr Gotra $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/04/2017 Volodymyr Gotra $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/04/2017 thanh vo $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/04/2017 Gary Whitten $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip

Thank you to all 406 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $2413.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $2196.98, of which $1377.11 was received as Download Tips and $151.1 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €230.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €214.01, of which €22.04 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £258.29 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £246.28, of which £9.94 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.01945663 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at May 01, 2017 01:00 PM

April 13, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 17.04

We're totally over the bloody moon to announce Ubuntu MATE 17.04. This is our favourite release of Ubuntu MATE so far and, we believe, a real return to form. Ubuntu MATE 16.10 was a transitional release, in every sense, and 17.04 concludes the upheaval of migrating to GTK3+. This has been a release focused on refining the distro and sweating the details. As always, we're never finished and eager to start work on 17.10 to bring you futher improvements and refinement. But for now, we hope you enjoy Ubuntu MATE 17.04 as much as we've enjoyed making it for you.

Ubuntu MATE 17.04 Beta 2

What's New in Ubuntu MATE 17.04?

We've put a great deal of effort into refining Ubuntu MATE 17.04 in the following ways:

  • The MATE Desktop team did an amazing job releasing MATE Desktop 1.18.0 which completes the transition to GTK3+, fixes countless bugs and introduces some much needed new features and modernisations.

  • Daniel Foré from elementary contributed new icons to Ubuntu MATE which deliver style and panache.

  • Ikey Doherty from Solus created Brisk Menu in collaboration with Ubuntu MATE. This efficient menu is integrated in the new Pantheon layout available via MATE Tweak.

  • Dave from Linux & Other Stuff contributed a new dark theme, called Ambiant-MATE Dark. We love it!

  • Wolfgang Ulbrich from MATE Desktop worked tirelessly on all the Ubuntu MATE themes making them all fully compatible with GTK 3.22 add ensuring every pixel is placed exactly where it should be.

  • Michael Tunnel from TuxDigitial contributed retouched art assets for the Ubuntu MATE themes including scaled variants for when we are ready to go HiDPI.

  • Luke Horwell from Ubuntu MATE updated the Bulk Queue in Ubuntu MATE Welcome and the Software Boutique so you can now queue up multiple application install/remove and execute them in one operation.

  • Martin Wimpress from Ubuntu MATE did some stuff but no one remembers what.

We extend our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to this Ubuntu MATE release. Thank you!

Download Ubuntu MATE 17.04

Join the fun and experience a retrospective future.


What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 17.04 Beta 2 release?

This is what has been added, updated or removed.

  • Upgraded several MATE Desktop 1.18 components, fixing numerous bugs and some memory leaks.
    • libmatekbd 1.18.2
    • MATE Applets 1.18.1
    • MATE Control Center 1.18.1
    • MATE Panel 1.18.1
    • Eye of MATE 1.18.1
    • Engrampa 1.18.1
    • MATE Sensors Applet 1.18.1
    • MATE Settings Daemon 1.18.1
    • Pluma 1.18.1
    • Caja 1.18.1
    • MATE Utils 1.18.1
    • MATE Icon Theme 1.18.1
    • MATE Themes 3.22.10
  • Upgraded to Brisk Menu 0.3.5
    • Add category roll-overs.
    • Add standardised CSS style classes.
    • Assorted bug fixes.
  • Upgraded to MATE Dock Applet 0.77
    • Add drag and drop to add applications to the dock.
    • Add drag and drop of data between running applications.
    • Add key bindings to activate and select applications in the dock.
    • <Super> 1 - 0 for the first 10 applications in the dock.
    • <Super><Alt> 1 - 0 for applications 10 to 20 in the dock.
    • Bug fixes.
  • Upgraded Ubuntu MATE Artwork 17.04.11
    • Completed the Ambiant-MATE Dark theme.
    • Fix keyboard layout view.
    • Fix Brisk Menu button styling to match the other menu applets.
    • Fix scale troughs for inactive windows for Ambiant-MATE Dark.
    • Fix GTK2+ radio and checkbox assets to match GTK3+. (LP: #1046129)
    • Fix GTK2+ Notebooks, Progress bars and Sliders so they match GTK3+.
    • Fix GTK2+ Ambiant-MATE so that Qt4/Qt5 applications are styled correctly.
    • Fix GTK2+ runtime warnings.
    • Fix GTK2+ and GTK3+ Notebook background and font colours.
    • Fix GTK3+ switches, particularly in headerbars.
    • Fix GTK3+ button hover focus.
    • Fix background and colours for MATE Terminal and GNOME Terminal.
    • Fix box-shadow on desktop windows.
    • Fix styling for Brisk Menu and MATE Menu.
    • Fix pop-over modelbuttons.
    • Fix solid-csd border colors.
    • Fix border images for Ambiant-MATE Dark.
    • Add missing gtkstyle-fallback settings.
    • Add missing GtkSourceView styles for Ambiant-MATE-Dark.
    • Add Ubuntu MATE community contributed wallpaper, Ubuntu MATE Wet.
    • Remove obsolete GTK2+ styling.
  • Upgraded to Ubuntu MATE Welcome 17.04.11
    • Fix incorrect quoting of URIs which prevent some locales from installing software. (LP: #1679280)
    • Fix the removal of Adobe Flash if installed via Ubiquity. (LP: #1676052)
    • Disable the Install button if Ubiquity is not avaliable. (LP: #1678582)
    • Add Simple Screen Recorder.
    • Update translations.
  • Upgraded to Ubuntu MATE Settings 17.04.7
    • Fix to allow users to change the Firefox homepage. (LP: #1605887)
    • Fix dynamic placement of Brisk Menu search entry. (LP: #1677517)
    • Activate Brisk Menu category rollover by default. (LP: #1677520)

Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE issues

  • After completing an OEM install two network icons are present in the panel. (LP: #1674796)
    • This only happens when the OEM configuration is completed. On subsequent boots only one network icon is shown.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affects all flavours.

  • dnsmasq-base is not installed which means Network COnnection sharing doesn't work. (LP: #1681912)
    • The workaround is to sudo apt install dnsmasq-base.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at April 13, 2017 02:00 PM

April 01, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE March 2017 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project. As usual we've been able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE Content Delivery Network, Web Application Firewall and email charges for March 2017.
  • Paid £28.38 for domain name renewals.
  • Paid €1916.00 (taking into account currency variations) to Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to Open Source projects and developers to approximately $20337.62 (taking into account currency variations).

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop. Bytemark are providing hosting and covering all server/bandwidth costs for both projects. This sponsorship means nearly all of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month Ubuntu MATE has surplus funds we will make contributions to Open Source projects, or developers working on projects, that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

This month Ubuntu MATE has paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1947.01 this month.

Patreon Perks

These Patron have opted for some perks.

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
XLTech 2016-11-04 01:04:07
Tikato 2017-01-11 14:12:02
Jared Sloane 2016-08-17 10:01:05
VJ 2016-09-14 00:21:07
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Scott Thompson 2016-07-08 19:29:37
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Andrew Khazanovsky 2016-07-17 19:33:11
Brian Hetrick 2016-10-14 21:58:08
Benjamin James 2017-01-03 03:19:08
Michael Vanier 2016-09-21 20:01:01
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Paul Demers 2015-09-21 03:23:21
Daniel Neilson 2015-05-15 16:23:47
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
N. Alexander Tessner 2016-08-08 03:20:45
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Michael Mykolyshyn 2016-04-23 03:07:46
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Larry Hale 2016-04-10 15:58:00
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07
Andriy Tymchenko 2016-07-14 11:54:43
J. Hu 2016-09-11 21:49:07
Markus Dewerny 2016-10-26 11:46:49
Jesse Raines 2016-10-17 18:52:52
Glen Blake 2016-10-13 13:50:32
Devaraj de Condappa 2016-10-19 14:13:04
Aleksandar Markovic 2016-11-20 08:56:11
Nick Halase 2016-10-27 01:21:36
Ángel González 2016-12-09 23:28:29
Tony Jewett 2017-01-30 05:00:36
Christoph Augustin 2017-01-08 22:03:32
Glenn Faulkner 2017-02-28 21:19:03
Austin Simmons 2017-02-09 04:23:32

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Blake Jones, Jack Blakely, Graham, Jupiter Broadcasting, Scott Brown, Sergio Rivera, Silas Wulff, Trooper_Ish, Adrian Evans, Antoine Mate Messiah, david van Dyk, Mark Boadey, Ricardo Gerena, Peter Mergaerts, Atreju, Zora Saad, Gheorghe Kobori, Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, Dirk Eisenacher, B Kirsch, Johnathon Tinsley, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, Dow Hurst, Sam McGlynn, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Szabolcs, Phil Clifford, Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Alexander Browne, Josh Thacker, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, Philip Espi, Daniel Vieira, Michael Braem, Scott Cowan, Matt, Pablo, Evan Gass, Nathan Lee, The Atomic Ass, Ben Whitley, Jim Maguire, Johan Westin, Ron Ridley, Joe Roberts, David Potter, Jeff Rollin, Jason Monroe, Ewan Carr, Michael Jean, Jason A. Lewis, Shannon Cobb, dastrike, Christopher atkins, Andras Nemeshanyi, darkinmyeyes, Geoff Grogan, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, Peter Pfeiffer, M Hoppes, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, taksuyu, Specops872, Krishna, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, Lukasz, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Anthony Bosio, Daron Dierkes, Eduardo Sanchez, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Andre Kretzschmar, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter (h82or8), Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, Donald Baun, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Paul Keeton, Tyler Dickieson, Carlo Vitolo, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Richard Underwood, Vladimir Alexandroff, NuclearBandAid, Chris Monachino, Sebastiaan Samyn, Momo Salo, Chris Giltnane, Dario Cangialosi, Dominique Pizzie, Tobias Lekare, Michael Short, Jay Dobson, Ryan Grange, chuck, Enthernal, Tim Howes, Richard Andersson, Bart Nijs, wade L, Felix Schymura, Christian Bartsch, Josh Kosloski, Randy Earl, Chris Mandeville, Jeff Stoner, Michael Burchfield, Harry Myhre, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Christian Knuchel, Thomas Waters, David Lachut, Nikos Neosvoskos, john, Graham Moss, David Southard, lephio, Patrick L Archibald, Mandy Tonks, Robert Winkler, Vitor, Yonatan Fogel, David Marcel BAUM, tuxayo, Tekmad, BobAllen55, Andrew Aadland, Fuzzy,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Date Name Invested After fees Description
31/03/2017 Chris Farley $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/03/2017 Ernest D'Agostino $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/03/2017 Web Biz $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
31/03/2017 Michael Gitschel €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/03/2017 jacques sartre $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
30/03/2017 Hans-Joachim Domke $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
30/03/2017 douglas pusey $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
30/03/2017 Peter Rowland £4.00 £3.59 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
30/03/2017 Giuseppe Pugliese $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/03/2017 Lance Linimon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
30/03/2017 Lynne Lawrence $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
30/03/2017 MARK GOZZARD $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
30/03/2017 Patrick Hoffmann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
30/03/2017 Francois Corthay $20.00 $18.76 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/03/2017 Gertrud Huber €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/03/2017 Thomas Leahy $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
30/03/2017 Brian Breniser $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
29/03/2017 Randy Groves $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/03/2017 Chris Mallam $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/03/2017 Robert E Dougherty Jr $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
29/03/2017 Andrew Crouch $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/03/2017 Petr ernošek $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
29/03/2017 Raymond Warnatsch $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/03/2017 Nicholas Chapel $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
29/03/2017 Lumenaut Ltd. $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/03/2017 Daniel Testerman $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
28/03/2017 Wynand Gouws $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
28/03/2017 Danny Van Stemp $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
28/03/2017 James Fletcher $50.00 $47.50 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
28/03/2017 David Crawford $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/03/2017 Van Dung Le $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/03/2017 Frances Lauritzen $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
27/03/2017 Russell Ponter $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
27/03/2017 Daniel Nieves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
27/03/2017 Anthony King $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
27/03/2017 Felix Divo $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/03/2017 Joss Smith $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
27/03/2017 Bayma Salt S.L. $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
26/03/2017 MARK ARTMAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
26/03/2017 claudio ajassa $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
26/03/2017 damiano tessadri $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
26/03/2017 Robert Collins $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/03/2017 Helge Sorensen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
26/03/2017 Till Jonas Umbach €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/03/2017 raul dorado robles $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/03/2017 Uwe Hornburger $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/03/2017 Van Dung Le $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/03/2017 Peter Fitski $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/03/2017 Peter Lunson $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
26/03/2017 $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
26/03/2017 Norman Woods $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/03/2017 Michael Bangs $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/03/2017 Marcos Riu Ferrando $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/03/2017 Chad Josey $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/03/2017 José Baladron $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
25/03/2017 Yesser Caraballo $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
25/03/2017 Bernd Nawrocki $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/03/2017 Pat Dunn $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/03/2017 Volker Lueg $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/03/2017 Martin Laforest $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/03/2017 Benjamin Greenaway $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
24/03/2017 Marc Milton-Talbot $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
24/03/2017 Jose Aguilar Vega $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
24/03/2017 Dirk Warmbier €300.00 €289.45 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/03/2017 Donald Emery $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/03/2017 J.J Boxell and D.M Parker T/A Original Customer Design $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/03/2017 Thomas A Rourke $10.00 $9.26 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
24/03/2017 Cory Dingledine $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/03/2017 Bobby Osborne $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/03/2017 Raymond Mccarthy $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
23/03/2017 Patricio Perkins $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
23/03/2017 Rafael Tarrida $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/03/2017 Jason Bruderer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/03/2017 Bryan Duncan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/03/2017 Manuel Gänsler $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
23/03/2017 Reinhard Trautenbach $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
23/03/2017 Barry Coates $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
23/03/2017 Penelope Larsen $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
23/03/2017 Chris Galle $10.00 $9.26 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
23/03/2017 Alan Hoyle $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
23/03/2017 Robin Johansen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/03/2017 Marek Michalik $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
22/03/2017 Obediyah McNelly $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/03/2017 Thomas Burns $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/03/2017 DIAMANTIS SOURTZIS $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
22/03/2017 Vincent Modéré €5.00 €4.48 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
22/03/2017 Eilif Krossen £5.00 £4.61 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/03/2017 RICCARDI Riccardo Maria $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
22/03/2017 Sebastian Kleoff $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/03/2017 Ronald Marsh $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/03/2017 Mel Clark $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
21/03/2017 Sverrir Steindorsson £5.00 £4.61 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/03/2017 Ed Torres $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/03/2017 Robert Schön $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
21/03/2017 Steven Graham $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/03/2017 John Baker $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/03/2017 Carol Pavan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
20/03/2017 Josh Thacker $5.00 $4.48 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
20/03/2017 Gabriela Papenberg $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
20/03/2017 shrikanth parthasarathy $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
20/03/2017 Pierre Gelinas $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/03/2017 George Tyler $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/03/2017 A J Hazard $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
19/03/2017 Keith Woeltje $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/03/2017 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/03/2017 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/03/2017 Jeff Ridder $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/03/2017 Eric PETITEAU $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/03/2017 Guy Gervais $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
19/03/2017 Karl Thorsen $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/03/2017 Selamat Suhaimi $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/03/2017 Thomas Leahy $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/03/2017 Post ReportingService, Inc $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/03/2017 Jonathan Paxtor $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
18/03/2017 Jeffery Bennett $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/03/2017 Rohin Banerji $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
18/03/2017 Jakob Greve €9.59 €8.91 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
18/03/2017 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/03/2017 NextLevel-Consulting, LLC $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/03/2017 Horst Knöppel €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/03/2017 Neil Bailey $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/03/2017 Daniel Laux $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/03/2017 Alessandro Violani $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/03/2017 Francisco Martin $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
18/03/2017 Samual Cobiskey $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
18/03/2017 wayne mickel $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
17/03/2017 Nathan Smrekar $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/03/2017 Scott Foster $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/03/2017 Carlos Galan de la Torre $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/03/2017 H Preston Ladds $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/03/2017 chris norton $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
17/03/2017 Kevin Collins $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/03/2017 David Walter $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
17/03/2017 Freddy Spits $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/03/2017 joerg stoschek $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/03/2017 Charlie Brown $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/03/2017 Demetrius Comes $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/03/2017 Jason Anderson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
16/03/2017 Kevin Hainsworth £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
16/03/2017 Norman Miller $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
16/03/2017 Juan Manuel Gonzalez Dantas $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/03/2017 Gaston Belanger $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
16/03/2017 Ivica Roži $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/03/2017 Vicente Pablo Lluch €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
16/03/2017 Enrico Baccini $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
15/03/2017 Patrick MARMORAT $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
15/03/2017 Michael Waggoner $10.00 $9.26 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
15/03/2017 Charco High Tech Inc. $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
15/03/2017 Bruno Nova $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/03/2017 Sascha Walther $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/03/2017 Gerald Mattos $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
14/03/2017 Vladimír Burian €25.00 €23.80 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
14/03/2017 Le site de Serge Muscat $1.00 $0.66 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
14/03/2017 Nicholas Johnson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/03/2017 Rainer Lakaschus $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/03/2017 David Coady $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/03/2017 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/03/2017 Web Gigantic $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
14/03/2017 David Denney $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/03/2017 thierry roubeix €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/03/2017 Kristie Forester $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/03/2017 Kevin Sullivan $30.00 $28.38 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
14/03/2017 Ian Morris $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
13/03/2017 tom carter $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/03/2017 Alastair Bell $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/03/2017 Simon Biles £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/03/2017 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/03/2017 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/03/2017 LaMar Heywood $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
13/03/2017 Kenneth Koglin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/03/2017 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/03/2017 PC-911-RTP $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/03/2017 Dale StClair $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/03/2017 bernard laffarge $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/03/2017 Martin Ferletjak $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/03/2017 Albert Jones $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/03/2017 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/03/2017 meshari alnaim $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/03/2017 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/03/2017 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/03/2017 Juan Miranda $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/03/2017 Henry Wurfel $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
12/03/2017 Ralph Neerinck $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
12/03/2017 Rene Nogueras $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/03/2017 Jonathan Paxtor $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
12/03/2017 Graeme Moffat $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/03/2017 Emil Charles Robles $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
11/03/2017 Reinhard John $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
11/03/2017 Dan Hendershot $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
11/03/2017 $1.00 $0.65 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
11/03/2017 José SIERRA €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
11/03/2017 Mark Rank $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/03/2017 Giovanni Ugo Altieri $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
11/03/2017 David Braga Ortuño $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
11/03/2017 michael bear $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
11/03/2017 Carlos Eugenio Rodriguez $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/03/2017 Brent Utter $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
10/03/2017 Alex Shivers $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/03/2017 Robert Roseberry $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/03/2017 Richard E Downs $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/03/2017 Adler Marchi $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/03/2017 ludovic sardain $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/03/2017 Jochen winkler $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
10/03/2017 Raoul Schmitt $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/03/2017 Erich Bruegger $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/03/2017 Nagy Zsolt $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
10/03/2017 Mattco Marketing Company $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
10/03/2017 Mike Barnett $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/03/2017 WILTON MERRITT $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/03/2017 $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
09/03/2017 Gene Clem $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
09/03/2017 Antonio Sevilla López €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
09/03/2017 David Hommel $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
09/03/2017 Johannes Pflüger $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
09/03/2017 Karim Kronfli $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/03/2017 Lars-Ove Larsson $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/03/2017 Jose Ruben Estevan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
08/03/2017 Jørgen Aleksander Ask €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/03/2017 Reinhard Wächtler $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/03/2017 Thomas Harvey $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/03/2017 Bruno Rosa $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/03/2017 CHRIS HO $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/03/2017 Raymond Eccles €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
07/03/2017 SPIDER TECH MR HAGENBEEK LEX €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/03/2017 Jacob Madsen $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
07/03/2017 Dung Hoang Van $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/03/2017 Jimenez Group $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/03/2017 Noah Stern $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
07/03/2017 Peng He $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/03/2017 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/03/2017 Benjamin Ramirez $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for PowerPC Download Tip
06/03/2017 Richard D Welser $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
06/03/2017 Kimmo Wjuga $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/03/2017 Rich Holman $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/03/2017 Jorgen Ordonez $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
06/03/2017 gerard Blanchard $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/03/2017 Dustin Horn $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/03/2017 beniamino militerno $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/03/2017 p carlisle $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
05/03/2017 Kevin Barltrop $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/03/2017 Roland Juppe €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/03/2017 James Sanderson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
05/03/2017 Roland Juppe $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
05/03/2017 David Keenum $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/03/2017 Fernando Ramírez Martínez $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/03/2017 Patty Hardy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/03/2017 Paul Ensor $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
05/03/2017 Valeri Naydenov $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/03/2017 Daniel Alverth $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/03/2017 julian Gamisch €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/03/2017 Norman Bruderhofer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
05/03/2017 Joshua Strobl €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
05/03/2017 Fred Kracke $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
05/03/2017 beniamino militerrno $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/03/2017 donald s forbes $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/03/2017 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/03/2017 George Miscally $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
04/03/2017 Lisa Jewell £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/03/2017 vicente niclos $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/03/2017 Chris Pecci $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
04/03/2017 Sönke Pahl $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
04/03/2017 Venkateswaran Jaganathan $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
04/03/2017 Dietmar Bott $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
04/03/2017 Rainer Langbein $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/03/2017 Manuel Keller $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/03/2017 Karolis Domarkas $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
04/03/2017 JCDSavings $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
04/03/2017 Michael McHugh $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/03/2017 Ingo Thomas $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/03/2017 EBE EDV-Ingenieurbüro $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/03/2017 Susan Hester $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/03/2017 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/03/2017 NEWTON GAMA JUNIOR $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
03/03/2017 Chris Klompen $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/03/2017 Mariateresa Bruno €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/03/2017 Bedrich Kosata $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
03/03/2017 J W F van de Pieterman $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
02/03/2017 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/03/2017 John Bertram $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/03/2017 George Griffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
02/03/2017 Reynaldo Canama $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 armhf-rootfs Download Tip
02/03/2017 Gilles Brodeur $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/03/2017 David Taylor $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/03/2017 Ville Tolvanen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
02/03/2017 Christopher Quinn $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/03/2017 Diomedes A. Gil $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/03/2017 Simon Hawke £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/03/2017 Stewart Bone $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/03/2017 GUY BELVIRE €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/03/2017 Eetu Manninen $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
01/03/2017 marko willnecker $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/03/2017 alexis varnier $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
01/03/2017 Daniel Larsson $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/03/2017 Michael Ballantine $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
01/03/2017 Andre Bindon $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/03/2017 Wynand Gouws $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
01/03/2017 Peter Rowland £4.00 £3.59 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
01/03/2017 Steve Miller $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip

Thank you to all 298 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $1552.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $1404.01, of which $1109.29 was received as Download Tips and $140.7 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €549.58 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €523.19, of which €15.5 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £35.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £32.02, of which £13.54 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.02686323 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at April 01, 2017 01:00 PM

March 23, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 17.04 Beta 2

We're absolutely chuffed to bits to announce, what is quite possibly, the best Ubuntu MATE beta we've ever released. We didn't participate in the Beta 1 so we have quite the change log from Alpha 2 that was released in January. We still have some fixes to land for the themes but overall this release is shaping up to be really great.

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) for distribution on April 13th, 2017 With this Beta pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE 17.04 Beta 2

What works?

People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 17.04 Alpha 2 release?

Here is a run down of what has been changed, updated or added.

  • Upgraded to MATE Desktop 1.18.0, you can read the MATE 1.18 release announcement for the full details.
    • The entire MATE Desktop suite of applications and components is now GTK3+ only!
    • Added full support for libinput, a modern library to handle input devices such as mice, trackpads and touch screens for Wayland and X11.
    • Separate settings for handedness (left/right-handed) and motion acceleration/threshold.
    • Much improved accessibility support (particularly for visually impaired users), many thanks to our friends at for their contribution!
    • Lots of deprecated GTK+ methods have been replaced and many bugs have been fixed.
    • Lock screen will load the users selected background instead of the system defined default.
    • Translations are updated. Thank you to our team of translators!
    • Notifications now implement action icons support, for example playback control icons used by media players.
    • Reworked the font viewer to add font browsing mode, support for TTC fonts and the Font Viewer is now exposed in the menus.
    • A number of memory leaks have been plugged.
  • Caja adds several new features including:
    • Added a copy queue and copy pausing.
    • Support for back/forward mouse buttons for directory navigation.
    • Notification when ejected drives are safe to unplug.
  • MATE Panel gets several improvements, including:
    • Added desktop actions support for additional launch options.
    • Added StatusNotifier support.
    • Added support for Menulibre menu editor, if installed it is preferred over Mozo.
  • Engrampa, the archive manager, includes a number of improvements:
    • Added ear and war to the supported types list.
    • Check the rar/unrar version to the correct date is shown.
    • Fixed compressing rar and 7z when split into volumes.
  • MATE Terminal includes a couple of new features:
    • Attempting to close a terminal that has an active process will request confirmation before proceeding.
    • Terminal tabs can be closed with a middle mouse button click.
  • Atril, the document viewer, has much improved page load times and adds support for unarchiver used by some comics.
  • The Eye of MATE and Pluma plugin systems have been refactored:
    • All the Eye of MATE and Pluma plugins are back as a result of all C and Python plugins having been ported to libpeas.
  • Upgraded to Brisk Menu 0.3.0
    • Brisk is a new efficient menu for the MATE Desktop developed by the Solus Project.
    • Integrated in the new Pantheon layout available via MATE Tweak.
    • The Brisk Menu default hotkey is currently Ctrl+F10
  • Upgraded to Ubuntu MATE Artwork 17.04.7
    • Scrollbars have been simplified, offer improved compatibility and compliment the updated icon theme we added earlier in the year.
    • Notebooks (tabs to you and me) have had a complete redesign.
    • Headerbars (as used by some GNOME3 applications) are now fully supported in all Ubuntu MATE themes.
    • Added a new fully dark theme, called Ubuntu MATE Dark - Many thanks to the YouTuber Linux & Other Stuff for the contribution!
    • When navigating via keyboard, using tab and cursors, active items now provide a visual hint.
    • Brisk Menu is fully styled to match the look and feel of the Ubuntu MATE themes.
    • Many fixes and improvements, big and small, throughout.
  • Upgraded to Ubuntu MATE Settings 17.04.5
    • Added theme integration for kdenlive.
    • Added a new panel layout called Pantheon.
    • Integrated Qt4 and Qt5 theming with GTK+
  • Upgraded to Ubuntu MATE Welcome 17.04.8
    • Updated several applications and added, the much requested, kdenline.
    • Enabled the Bulk Queue by default, the Software Boutique can now add multiple applications to the install/remove queue and process them via a single operation.
  • Upgraded to MATE Tweak 17.04.2
    • Added support for the new Pantheon layout that uses Brisk Menu.
  • Upgraded to MATE Menu 17.04.2
    • Added support for Menulibre menu editor, if installed it is preferred over Mozo.
  • Upgraded to MATE Dock Applet 0.76
    • Added support for startup notification when launching apps.
    • The applet gets a new look - a new type of indicator and a new type of active icon background have been added.
  • Dropped 32-bit PowerPC support, completely!
  • A-n-d most exciting of all... MATE Calculator is back, ported to GTK3+ and replaces Galculator :-D

Download Ubuntu MATE 17.04

Join the fun and experience a retrospective future.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of significant bugs that affect all flavours.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at March 23, 2017 09:30 PM

March 13, 2017


MATE 1.18 released

After 6 months of development the MATE Desktop team are proud to announce the release of MATE Desktop 1.18. We'd like to thank every MATE contributor for their help making this release possible.


What's new in MATE 1.18

The release is focused on completing the migration to GTK3+ and adopting new technologies to replace some of deprecated components MATE Desktop 1.16 still relied on.

The headline changes in MATE Desktop 1.18 are:

  • The entire MATE Desktop suite of applications and components is now GTK3+ only!
    • Requires GTK+ >= 3.14.
    • All GTK2+ code has been dropped including the --with-gtk build option.
  • Completed the migration to GtkApplication from libunique.
  • Added libinput support for mouse and touchpad.
    • Separate settings for handedness (left/right-handed) and motion acceleration/threshold.
  • Much improved accessibility support (particularly for visually impaired users).
    • Many thanks to our friends at for their contribution!
  • Caja adds several new features including:
    • Added a copy queue and copy pausing.
    • Asking confirmation before moving files to the Trash.
    • Support for back/forward mouse buttons for directory navigation.
    • Notification when ejected drives are safe to unplug.
  • Lock screen will load the users selected background instead of the system defined default.
  • MATE Panel gets several improvements, including:
    • Added desktop actions support for additional launch options.
    • Added StatusNotifier support.
    • Added support for Menulibre menu editor, if installed it is preferred over Mozo.
  • Engrampa, the archive manager, includes a number of improvements:
    • Added ear and war to the supported types list.
    • Check the rar/unrar version if the correct date is shown.
    • Fixed compress rar and 7z split into volumes.
  • Notifications now implement action icons support, for example playback control icons used by media players.
  • Reworked the font viewer to add font browsing mode, support for TTC fonts and expose it in the menus by default.
  • Replaced deprecated upower suspend/hibernate functions with ConsoleKit2 equivalents.
  • MATE Terminal adds the ability to close tabs with middle mouse button.
  • Atril, the document viewer, has much improved page load times and adds support for unarchiver used by some comics.
  • Lots of deprecated GTK+ methods have been replaced and many bugs have been fixed.
  • The plugin systems, and all C and Python plugins, in Eye of MATE and Pluma have been ported to libpeas.
  • Translations are updated. Thank you to our team of translators!
  • A number of memory leaks have been plugged.
  • A-n-d most exciting of all... MATE Calculator is back and has been ported to GTK3+ :-D

The various components of MATE Desktop 1.18 are available for download here:


Here is a more detailed break down of what changed.

mate-common 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier

mate-desktop 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Drop mpaste tool (won't work without the website anyway)
  • Background: fix crossfade issues with recent GTK+ versions
  • Background: fix more graphics issues to allow Caja to use background for directory windows
  • Background: fix memleaks and other misc issues
  • Color select: fix some GTK+ deprecations
  • Schemas: some fixes and cleanups
  • mate-about: update copyright year
  • mate-about: fix URL centering
  • Translations update

mate-user-guide 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Translations update

libmatekbd 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Translations update

libmatemixer 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Translations update

libmateweather 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Drop Python bindings and --enable-python build option (won't work with GTK+3)
  • Locations: add Dunedin, New Zealand
  • Locations: add Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Locations: move Indonesia under Asia region
  • Locations: correct coordinates for Pune, India
  • Translations update

mate-icon-theme 1.18.0

  • Translations update

caja 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmate-desktop >= 1.17.3
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Port from libunique to GtkApplication
  • Implement copy queue and pausing
  • Add option for asking confirmation before moving files to trash
  • Add support for back/forward mouse buttons for directory navigation
  • Add notification when ejected drives are safe to unplug (and require libnotify at build time)
  • Add --force-desktop command line option to make Caja always manage the desktop
  • Add ability to get feedback from Orca when additional icons are selected/deselected
  • Drop metadata converting tool
  • Fix crossfade issues with recent GTK+ versions
  • Fix more graphics issues to allow Caja to use background for directory windows
  • Fix some more GTK+ deprecations and runtime warnings
  • Schema: some fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-polkit 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Fix some GTK+ deprecations
  • Translations update

marco 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Theme viewer: fix build for GTK+3 and fix some GTK+ deprecations
  • Add ability to disable showing preselected window border on alt-tab
  • Add ability to ignore applications when show-desktop is triggered
  • Schema: make compositing on by default
  • Workspaces: switch wrapping behavior for 'classic' and 'toroidal' modes (it was reversed somehow)
  • Translations update

mate-settings-daemon 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require XInput unconditionally
  • Build: require libmatemixer >= 1.10, libxklavier >= 5.2, dconf >= 0.13
  • Build: require libmatekbd and libmate-desktop >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Add libinput support for mouse and touchpad
  • Touchpad: add separate settings for handedness (left/right-handed) and motion acceleration/threshold
  • Background: restore option to let Caja draw background with GTK+ 3.22
  • Some fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-session-manager 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Replace deprecated upower suspend/hibernate functions with ConsoleKit2 equivalents (and drop --enable-upower build option)
  • Translations update

mate-menus 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Translations update

mate-panel 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmate-menu >= 1.10 and dconf >= 0.13.4
  • Build: require libmateweather and libmate-desktop >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Launchers: add desktop actions support for additional launch options
  • Menu applets: add support for Menulibre menu editor, and prefer it to Mozo if both are installed
  • Notification area: add StatusNotifier support
  • Fix lots of GTK+ deprecations and runtime warnings
  • Don't spam accessible name changes when it is translated
  • Some code cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-backgrounds 1.18.0

  • Translations update

mate-notification-daemon 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Implement action icons support (e.g. playback control icons used by media players)
  • Themes: fix some pie countdown issues
  • Translations update

mate-control-center 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmatekbd, libmate-desktop, marco, m-s-d >= 1.17
  • Build: require XCursor and XInput unconditionally
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Port from libunique to GtkApplication
  • Rework font-viewer: add font browsing mode, support for TTC fonts, and make it appear in the menus
  • Add libinput support for mouse and touchpad
  • Mouse: add separate touchpad motion settings on touchpad tab
  • Mouse: change tab label from General to Mouse
  • Mouse: change natural scroll mnemonic from 'a' to 'n'
  • Fix lots of GTK+ deprecations
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-screensaver 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmate-menu >= 1.10
  • Build: require libmatekbd and libmate-desktop >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Lock screen: load user's background instead of system one
  • Preferences: fix some GTK+ deprecations
  • Translations update

mate-media 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmatemixer >= 1.10 and libmate-desktop >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Port from libunique to GApplication and GtkApplication
  • Some cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-power-manager 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require xproto >= 7.0.15
  • Build: require mate-panel >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Replace deprecated upower suspend/hibernate functions with ConsoleKit2 equivalents
  • Use manpages as is instead of generating them from sgml (and don't require docbook2man for build anymore)
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-system-monitor 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Add pkexec support for using kill and renice on other users' processes and try using it before trying gksu
  • Fix some GTK+ deprecations
  • Translations update

atril 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require caja >= 1.17.1
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • [comics] add support for unarchiver (unar and lsar)
  • [libview] increase page cache size to reduce number of page reloads
  • Remove metadata migration code
  • Force X11 backend
  • Fix lots of GTK+ deprecations
  • Fix some a11y issues
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update

caja-dropbox 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libcaja-extension 1.17.1 and GLib 2.36

caja-extensions 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require caja >= 1.17.1 and libmate-desktop >= 1.17.0
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Add xattr-tags extension to show xattr tags in a new column
  • Translations update

engrampa 1.18.0

  • check the rar/unrar version to work the new date style with all versions
  • Fix: rar file listing now shows correct date with recent binary
  • Fix: open the 7z first split volume after compress
  • Fix typo in NEWS: engrampa instead engramp
  • Fix: compress rar split into volumes
  • Fix: compress 7z split into volumes
  • build: remove option that disables deprecated stuff
  • zip: added ear and war to the supported types list
  • Update engrampa NEWS to use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting.
  • Build: require Caja >= 1.17.1 to build against GTK+3 version of libcaja-extension
  • tar: add support for pixz for .tar.xz files
  • tar: add support for lbzip2 on .tar.bz2 files
  • lha: add support for Amiga files
  • Some corrections in GSettings schema
  • Translations update

eom 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmate-desktop >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Drop Python bindings and --enable-python build option
  • Port plugin system and plugins to libpeas
  • Some code and docs cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-applets 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require libmateweather and mate-panel >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Weather: fix temperature label placement
  • Weather: show proper help section for each tab of prefs dialog
  • Fix some GTK+ deprecations and runtime warnings
  • Some code cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-calc 1.18.0

  • Add AppData.

mate-icon-theme-faenza 1.18.0

  • Bump version

mate-indicator-applet 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: show new style indicator support status in summary
  • Build: require mate-panel >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Translations update

mate-netbook 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require mate-panel >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Translations update

mate-sensors-applet 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require mate-panel >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Fix some GTK+ deprecations
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update

mate-terminal 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Add ability to close tabs with middle mouse button
  • Translations update

mate-user-share 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require caja >= 1.17.1
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option

mate-utils 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Build: require mate-panel >= 1.17
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Fix occasional distcheck breakage
  • Some code cleanups
  • Translations update

mozo 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Translations update

pluma 1.18.0

  • NEWS: use consistent, project wide, markdown-like formatting to make generating release announcements easier
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Build: actually build GObject introspection data
  • Build: remove --enable-deprecations option - it actually disabled all deprecated stuff
  • Add ability to search/replace text using regular expressions
  • Drop Python bindings and --enable-python build option
  • Port plugin system and both C and Python plugins to libpeas
  • Snippets plugin: stop exposing functions on Pluma message bus (doesn't work with GObject introspection)
  • Snippets plugin: fix snippet parts staying after Ctrl-Z
  • Fix unexpected closing of the first tab with middle-click under the line numbers column
  • Fix some runtime warnings in plugins
  • Some more fixes and cleanups in code and docs
  • Translations update

python-caja 1.18.0

  • Translations update
  • support GTK+3 only: require Caja 1.17.1 and pygobject-3.0
  • drop ancient check for Python 2.5, not needed these days

by Martin Wimpress at March 13, 2017 11:30 PM

March 11, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE February 2017 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project. As usual we've been able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE Content Delivery Network, Web Application Firewall and email charges for February 2017.
  • Paid €850.00 (taking into account currency variations) to Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to Open Source projects and developers to approximately $18289.22 (taking into account currency variations).

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop. Bytemark are providing hosting and covering all server/bandwidth costs for both projects. This sponsorship means nearly all of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month Ubuntu MATE has surplus funds we will make contributions to Open Source projects, or developers working on projects, that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

This month Ubuntu MATE has paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

  • Mike Gabriel from Debian - €100 - For packaging Brisk Menu and sponsoring the upload to Debian.
  • Pablo Barciela González from Debian - €100.00 - For maintaining/fixing Engrampa from July 2016 to Januray 2017.
  • Wolfgang Ulbrich from Fedora - €150 - For working on MATE Desktop 1.17 and providing theme fixes for Ubuntu MATE.
  • Vlad Orlov from Linux Mint - €500 - For refining, fixing and maintaining MATE Desktop from July 2016 to January 2017.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1892.51 this month.

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
XLTech 2016-11-04 01:04:07
Tikato 2017-01-11 14:12:02
Jared Sloane 2016-08-17 10:01:05
VJ 2016-09-14 00:21:07
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Scott Thompson 2016-07-08 19:29:37
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Andrew Khazanovsky 2016-07-17 19:33:11
Brian Hetrick 2016-10-14 21:58:08
Benjamin James 2017-01-03 03:19:08
Michael Vanier 2016-09-21 20:01:01
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Paul Demers 2015-09-21 03:23:21
Daniel Neilson 2015-05-15 16:23:47
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
N. Alexander Tessner 2016-08-08 03:20:45
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Michael Mykolyshyn 2016-04-23 03:07:46
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Larry Hale 2016-04-10 15:58:00
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07
Andriy Tymchenko 2016-07-14 11:54:43
Andras Nemeshanyi 2016-08-19 11:01:55
J. Hu 2016-09-11 21:49:07
Markus Dewerny 2016-10-26 11:46:49
Jesse Raines 2016-10-17 18:52:52
Glen Blake 2016-10-13 13:50:32
Devaraj de Condappa 2016-10-19 14:13:04
Aleksandar Markovic 2016-11-20 08:56:11
Ángel González 2016-12-09 23:28:29
Tony Jewett 2017-01-30 05:00:36
AMZShark 2017-01-04 09:34:21
Christoph Augustin 2017-01-08 22:03:32

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Blake Jones, Jack Blakely, Graham, Jupiter Broadcasting, Scott Brown, Sergio Rivera, Silas Wulff, Trooper_Ish, Adrian Evans, Antoine Mate Messiah, david van Dyk, Mark Boadey, Ricardo Gerena, Peter Mergaerts, Atreju, Zora Saad, Gheorghe Kobori, John Jeffers P.Eng., Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, Dirk Eisenacher, B Kirsch, Johnathon Tinsley, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, Dow Hurst, Sam McGlynn, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Szabolcs, Phil Clifford, Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Alexander Browne, Josh Thacker, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, David J Gwiazda, Philip Espi, Daniel Vieira, Michael Braem, Scott Cowan, Matt, Pablo, Evan Gass, Nathan Lee, The Atomic Ass, Ben Whitley, Jim Maguire, Johan Westin, Ron Ridley, Joe Roberts, David Potter, Jeff Rollin, Jason Monroe, Ewan Carr, Michael Jean, dastrike, Christopher atkins, darkinmyeyes, Geoff Grogan, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, Peter Pfeiffer, M Hoppes, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, taksuyu, Specops872, Krishna, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, Lukasz, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Anthony Bosio, Daron Dierkes, Eduardo Sanchez, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Andre Kretzschmar, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter (h82or8), Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, Donald Baun, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Paul Keeton, Tyler Dickieson, Carlo Vitolo, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Richard Underwood, Vladimir Alexandroff, NuclearBandAid, Chris Monachino, Sebastiaan Samyn, Momo Salo, Chris Giltnane, Dario Cangialosi, Jakub Knytl, Dominique Pizzie, Tobias Lekare, Michael Short, Jay Dobson, Ryan Grange, chuck, Enthernal, Tim Howes, Richard Andersson, Bart Nijs, Jeff Stoner, Michael Burchfield, Harry Myhre, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Christian Knuchel, lephio, Thomas Waters, David Lachut, Nikos Neosvoskos, john, Graham Moss, David Southard, Patrick L Archibald, Mandy Tonks, Robert Winkler, Vitor, Yonatan Fogel, David Marcel BAUM, tuxayo, Tekmad, BobAllen55, Andrew Aadland, Jeremy Conley,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Date Name Invested After fees Description
20/02/2017 Earnest Rice $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/02/2017 Leonard VanDommelen $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
20/02/2017 Edward H Matthews $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/02/2017 James Bishop £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/02/2017 Philip Roche €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/02/2017 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/02/2017 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/02/2017 Martin Achermann $25.00 $23.52 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
19/02/2017 Henri Sivonen $50.00 $47.80 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 i386 Download Tip
19/02/2017 Ralf Nelles $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
19/02/2017 Chuan Ji $50.00 $47.50 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
19/02/2017 Anton Petryakov $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/02/2017 samuel herzog $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/02/2017 David Rothrock $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/02/2017 matt montgomery $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
19/02/2017 James Pocalyko $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
18/02/2017 Kevin Weißkopf €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/02/2017 Duane Loftus $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
18/02/2017 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/02/2017 Mads Meisner $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
18/02/2017 Richard Soans $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
18/02/2017 Christian Gurholt $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
18/02/2017 Steven Mackenzie £12.34 £11.50 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/02/2017 Peter Kiss $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/02/2017 Jordan Brown $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/02/2017 Zixing Liu $5.00 $4.48 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
17/02/2017 Michael Schinabeck $25.00 $23.72 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 amd64 Download Tip
17/02/2017 Alexandru Nedel $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/02/2017 Bruce McCready $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/02/2017 Yves Dextraze $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
16/02/2017 Joachim Waszilewitz $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/02/2017 Terence Victor Robinson $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/02/2017 Jean claude Delifer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
16/02/2017 Steve Teal $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/02/2017 George Brown $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
15/02/2017 Fausto Soto Jaramillo $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/02/2017 Matthias Naglschmid $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/02/2017 DMYTRO SHAFRANSKYI $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/02/2017 Ralph Renes $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
15/02/2017 Heinz Strohmaier $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
15/02/2017 Brian O'Brien $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/02/2017 Paul Wade $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/02/2017 Robert Stickland $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
15/02/2017 Tas Diamond $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/02/2017 LARRY GECKLE $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/02/2017 Christer Henriksson $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/02/2017 David Vantongerloo €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
14/02/2017 Brian Biggs $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/02/2017 Peter Schmiedel $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/02/2017 Jim Stewart $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/02/2017 J. James Burke Enterprise $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/02/2017 Koby McDaniel $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/02/2017 Tomasz Podstepski $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/02/2017 david simmons $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/02/2017 David Garth-Owen $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
13/02/2017 Nicholas Faulkner $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/02/2017 Benjamin Nassler $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/02/2017 Pataki David $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/02/2017 Christian Walder $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
13/02/2017 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/02/2017 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/02/2017 Simon Biles £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/02/2017 Sewerewes Enterprises $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/02/2017 Vitor Aragao €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/02/2017 Mark Crutch $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/02/2017 Juan Martinez $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/02/2017 N Kassam $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/02/2017 Simon Feichtinger $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
13/02/2017 William Moran €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/02/2017 Christopher Hussey $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
13/02/2017 Karsten Groth $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/02/2017 John Colburn $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/02/2017 Darryl Allardice $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/02/2017 victor alger $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/02/2017 Thomas Sparrow $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/02/2017 Charles Copley $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
12/02/2017 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/02/2017 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/02/2017 meshari alnaim $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/02/2017 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/02/2017 Michael Copley $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/02/2017 Brussig Rene $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/02/2017 Josef Donnerer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/02/2017 Daniel Heiskell $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/02/2017 Simon Trottet $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
12/02/2017 Hagen Glötter $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
12/02/2017 Peter Vierheilig $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/02/2017 Chris Freeman $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
12/02/2017 Jonathan Barrios $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 armhf-rootfs Download Tip
12/02/2017 Lukasz Bubak $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/02/2017 GEORGE CARLIN $4.00 $3.52 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
12/02/2017 Rodney Wirtz $50.00 $47.50 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/02/2017 JEFFREY BERRY $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/02/2017 Ara Alep Oghelian $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/02/2017 Carl Barimore $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
11/02/2017 Robert Whiteley $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
11/02/2017 James Witters $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/02/2017 J Matthew Peters $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
11/02/2017 SETH NORMAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/02/2017 Carlo Tödtemann $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/02/2017 José SIERRA €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
11/02/2017 $1.00 $0.65 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
11/02/2017 Larry Mynk $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
11/02/2017 Tremiño Garcia Jose Angel $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/02/2017 Pietro Bodo $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/02/2017 Evan Mangelsdorf $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/02/2017 JOHNNY ESPERAT $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/02/2017 Cole Trusty $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/02/2017 Christopher Wininger $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/02/2017 Isaac Patton $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
10/02/2017 Jose Luis Ferrer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/02/2017 Alexander Schmidt $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/02/2017 Timothy Mears $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
10/02/2017 Barry R. Valentino $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/02/2017 Florian Benedict $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/02/2017 Maximilian Denger $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/02/2017 ajeesh nair $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/02/2017 James Francom $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/02/2017 Eagle Computer Consultants $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/02/2017 Herman Coetsee $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/02/2017 Kevin Meagher $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/02/2017 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/02/2017 John Neal $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/02/2017 Dan Surdu $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
09/02/2017 Sergio Molanes $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
09/02/2017 Ulrich Rave $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/02/2017 Arve Moen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/02/2017 David Mackie $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/02/2017 michael grickshc $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/02/2017 Andrea Caporilli €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/02/2017 Robert Iancu $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/02/2017 Antonio Sevilla López €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
09/02/2017 Peter Markus $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
09/02/2017 Lyn James $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/02/2017 Rajesh Acharya $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/02/2017 Norbert Aubrunner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/02/2017 Palle Hansen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
09/02/2017 charles Ingram £2.00 £1.71 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/02/2017 Jeff Jelen $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/02/2017 Robert Brady $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/02/2017 Franciscus Cornelis Jozef Boukens $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
08/02/2017 Vincent Jones $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/02/2017 richard dadds $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/02/2017 Vanja Blazinic €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/02/2017 Gordon Lang $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/02/2017 ITOU KENKICHI $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
08/02/2017 Greg Stupp $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
07/02/2017 TOMMASO ANTONUCCI $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/02/2017 Thomas Riches $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/02/2017 Chris Hirst $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/02/2017 Bernhard Mächtel $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
07/02/2017 Aleksandar Barisic €5.00 €4.41 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/02/2017 Sara Raggi $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/02/2017 Alessio Calzetta $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/02/2017 Kikia Carter $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/02/2017 Enso Van Poucke $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
06/02/2017 John Kerr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/02/2017 Matteo Condelli $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/02/2017 Thomas Holtgrefe $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/02/2017 Lev Shenderovich $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
06/02/2017 Tobias Mühlberger $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/02/2017 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/02/2017 Dennis Riis $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/02/2017 Jens Heinrich Hölscher $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
06/02/2017 Walter Buschmann $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/02/2017 Fernando NIno $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/02/2017 David Heath $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/02/2017 hugh hutcheson $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
05/02/2017 Patty Hardy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/02/2017 KARL Aderer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/02/2017 Allen H. Smith $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/02/2017 Michael Dunn $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
05/02/2017 Kenneth Banks $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/02/2017 Matthew Bradcovich $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/02/2017 Scott Stamm $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/02/2017 derek gillott $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/02/2017 Lisa Jewell £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/02/2017 $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
04/02/2017 TSITZILONIS IOANNIS $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/02/2017 Raymond Dubler $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/02/2017 Ijeoma Ekeh $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
04/02/2017 Zsolt Gyarmati $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/02/2017 Dave Perry $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/02/2017 Nicholas Nolin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/02/2017 Frank Ranken $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
03/02/2017 Andreas Ehmer €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/02/2017 Stephen Ptaszek $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/02/2017 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/02/2017 Hugo Guillen Rodriguez $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/02/2017 Bob Smith $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/02/2017 Jeffrey Webber $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/02/2017 Marius Mayer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
03/02/2017 marcel hofwegen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/02/2017 Wolter de Vries $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/02/2017 jean ranyell $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
03/02/2017 Robert Anderson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
02/02/2017 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/02/2017 John Bertram $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/02/2017 $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
02/02/2017 ADEA srl €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/02/2017 Dairai Nyabando $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/02/2017 Dimitrios Theodorakos $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/02/2017 Kapustin Nikolay $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
02/02/2017 JEAN BELDA $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
02/02/2017 Raymond Mccarthy $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/02/2017 Eric Robertson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
02/02/2017 Kenneth Gray $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/02/2017 Rocco Riccardi $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/02/2017 Richard Lamb $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/02/2017 Frits de Vries $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/02/2017 Amiad Nesher-Grandt $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
01/02/2017 David Long $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/02/2017 Rafael Vázquez García $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/02/2017 Blake Billmaier $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/02/2017 Oshimi Akira $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/02/2017 PEDRO MARVEZ $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/02/2017 art crooke $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
01/02/2017 William O'Brien $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip

Thank you to all 218 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $1340.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $1223.36, of which $920.15 was received as Download Tips and $93.12 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €142.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €132.68, of which €19.98 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £26.34 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £24.2, of which £6.36 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.00523 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at March 11, 2017 06:00 PM

February 10, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE January 2017 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project. As usual we've been able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE Content Delivery Network, Web Application Firewall and email charges for January 2017.
  • Paid £81.80 for domain name renewals.
  • Paid €2426.12 (taking into account currency variations) to Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to Open Source projects and developers to approximately $17380.48 (taking into account currency variations).

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop. Bytemark are providing hosting and covering all server/bandwidth costs for both projects. This sponsorship means nearly all of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month Ubuntu MATE has surplus funds we will make contributions to Open Source projects, or developers working on projects, that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

This month Ubuntu MATE has paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1565.51 this month.

Patreon Perks

These Patron have opted for some perks.

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
XLTech 2016-11-04 01:04:07
Jared Sloane 2016-08-17 10:01:05
VJ 2016-09-14 00:21:07
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Manuel Carrizo 2015-11-13 01:17:34
Scott Thompson 2016-07-08 19:29:37
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Andrew Khazanovsky 2016-07-17 19:33:11
Brian Hetrick 2016-10-14 21:58:08
Michael Vanier 2016-09-21 20:01:01
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Paul Demers 2015-09-21 03:23:21
Daniel Neilson 2015-05-15 16:23:47
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
N. Alexander Tessner 2016-08-08 03:20:45
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Michael Mykolyshyn 2016-04-23 03:07:46
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Larry Hale 2016-04-10 15:58:00
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07
Andriy Tymchenko 2016-07-14 11:54:43
Andras Nemeshanyi 2016-08-19 11:01:55
J. Hu 2016-09-11 21:49:07
Markus Dewerny 2016-10-26 11:46:49
Jesse Raines 2016-10-17 18:52:52
Glen Blake 2016-10-13 13:50:32
Devaraj de Condappa 2016-10-19 14:13:04
Aleksandar Markovic 2016-11-20 08:56:11
Ángel González 2016-12-09 23:28:29

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Jack Blakely, Graham, Jupiter Broadcasting, Ivan Pejić, Sergio Rivera, Silas Wulff, Trooper_Ish, Adrian Evans, Antoine Mate Messiah, david van Dyk, Mark Boadey, Ricardo Gerena, Peter Mergaerts, Atreju, Zora Saad, Gheorghe Kobori, John Jeffers P.Eng., Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, Dirk Eisenacher, B Kirsch, Johnathon Tinsley, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, Dow Hurst, Sam McGlynn, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Szabolcs, Phil Clifford, Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Alexander Browne, Josh Thacker, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, David J Gwiazda, Philip Espi, Michael Braem, Scott Cowan, Matt, Pablo, Evan Gass, Nathan Lee, The Atomic Ass, Jim Maguire, Ben Whitley, Johan Westin, Ron Ridley, dastrike, Christopher atkins, darkinmyeyes, Geoff Grogan, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, Peter Pfeiffer, Scott Brown, M Hoppes, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, taksuyu, Specops872, Krishna, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, Lukasz, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Anthony Bosio, Daron Dierkes, Jared Prins, Eduardo Sanchez, Daniel Vieira, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Andre Kretzschmar, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter, Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Luis Joaquim, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, Donald Baun, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Paul Keeton, Tyler Dickieson, Carlo Vitolo, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Earl J Violet, Richard Underwood, Vladimir Alexandroff, NuclearBandAid, Chris Monachino, Sebastiaan Samyn, Kathja Salo, Chris Giltnane, Iain Forbes, Dario Cangialosi, Jeff Stoner, Michael Burchfield, Harry Myhre, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Christian Knuchel, lephio, Thomas Waters, john, Graham Moss, David Southard, Patrick L Archibald, Robert Winkler, Vitor, Yonatan Fogel, David Marcel BAUM, David Lachut, tuxayo, BobAllen55,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Monthly supporter

Become a monthly supporter at Patreon. Patrons get exclusive project updates, invites to live video conferences with the Ubuntu MATE developers and discounts on some Ubuntu MATE merchandise.

Become a Patron
Date Name Invested After fees Description
31/01/2017 Justin Rowlands $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/01/2017 Mark Deason $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 i386 Download Tip
31/01/2017 ROBERT CZWARNOG $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
31/01/2017 Fabian Utesch $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
31/01/2017 Brian Guerrero $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/01/2017 William Gunderson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
30/01/2017 Agostina Palmigiano $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
30/01/2017 Glenn Faulkner $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/01/2017 Thomas Taylor $50.00 $47.50 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
30/01/2017 Jean-Marie Cador $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/01/2017 Peter Rowland £4.00 £3.59 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
30/01/2017 Patrianca Viorel $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/01/2017 John Patrick $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/01/2017 Hoogendam Enterprises $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/01/2017 Antonio de Bari $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
30/01/2017 John Ramsden $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/01/2017 Walter Thomi $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/01/2017 Grant MacDonald $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/01/2017 Benoit Charles $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/01/2017 JIBIAO YE $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/01/2017 Michael Neumann $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/01/2017 Xiao Lei $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/01/2017 Kelly VanBuskirk $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/01/2017 Jan van Emous $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/01/2017 aldo marsico €3.00 €2.55 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/01/2017 Matthew Hamm $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/01/2017 Thomas Briant $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/01/2017 Andreas Günter Walter $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/01/2017 Hugo Fernández Barciela $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/01/2017 Tom Sweet $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/01/2017 Carlo Stanghellini €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/01/2017 Fabio Bortolamai $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/01/2017 Antonio de Bari $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
29/01/2017 Martin Groves $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
29/01/2017 Dennis Rieger $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/01/2017 Kristof Kinget $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/01/2017 Fernando Alberto Ramirez Luna $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/01/2017 Bruno Dantas $20.00 $18.82 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
28/01/2017 Harold Lacadie $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
28/01/2017 Stefan Einarsson $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 17.04 amd64 Download Tip
28/01/2017 Michael Shantzis $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/01/2017 Pierre LABASTIRE $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
28/01/2017 david penland $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/01/2017 Nikolaus Auerboeck $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/01/2017 Wynand Gouws $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
28/01/2017 Michael Thaldorf €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/01/2017 Lyle Bartlett $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
28/01/2017 Jonathan Ehlman $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
27/01/2017 Stephen Goss $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/01/2017 William Bryant $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
27/01/2017 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
27/01/2017 Ibrahim Özdem $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/01/2017 Michael Wirsig $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
27/01/2017 Simon Beaumont $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
27/01/2017 Claudio Luci $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/01/2017 le rubinare sas di mischi andrea & c. $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
26/01/2017 Peter Clarke $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
26/01/2017 Michael Laue $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
26/01/2017 MARK ARTMAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
26/01/2017 Paul Ingram £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/01/2017 Kyle Mohney $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/01/2017 Ibrahim Alkhazi $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/01/2017 ivan monterosso $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/01/2017 Charles Hollingsworth $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
26/01/2017 Craig Goodspeed $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/01/2017 Wyrdsmith $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
26/01/2017 Wolfgang Pribitzer €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/01/2017 david taylor $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
26/01/2017 Appunni Muralidharan $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/01/2017 Karl Grom $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/01/2017 Joel Keene $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/01/2017 Tyler Lillo $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/01/2017 Osiris Weiland $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/01/2017 Lucas Boumans $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/01/2017 Maximilian Weißl $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/01/2017 Bruce Footracer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
25/01/2017 Alex Luetchford $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
25/01/2017 Arturs Kaufmanis $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/01/2017 Jeff Devine $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/01/2017 Michael Piko $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
25/01/2017 Sergio Eslava $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/01/2017 David Conner $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
25/01/2017 Marcos Vista Carrera $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/01/2017 José Angel Leyva Portilla $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/01/2017 Donald Ross $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/01/2017 Low Energy Designs $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/01/2017 Bienvenido Guzman £25.00 £23.70 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/01/2017 CHRISTIAN STERN $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/01/2017 Martin Hovland $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/01/2017 thinlay wangchuk $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
24/01/2017 Chris Were Digital $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/01/2017 Volker-Ekkehart Koch $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
23/01/2017 Louis Seibert $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
23/01/2017 Daniel Thomaszewicz $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/01/2017 William Boyle $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/01/2017 Sina Maghami Nick $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/01/2017 Daniel Rose $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/01/2017 Ben Strydom $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
23/01/2017 Jan Dieleman $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/01/2017 Elizabeth Jansen van Vuuren $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/01/2017 Moon Chun $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/01/2017 John Snipes $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/01/2017 Thomas Hill $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/01/2017 Matthew Strawn $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/01/2017 Marek Michalik $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
22/01/2017 Slama noctombule $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/01/2017 Thomas Kent $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/01/2017 Pierre LABASTIRE $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
22/01/2017 Andreas Koslowski $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/01/2017 Richard Patenaude $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/01/2017 Lilija Braun $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/01/2017 BRICOMATICA SPAIN, S.L. $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/01/2017 Toni Haapakoski $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
22/01/2017 James Taylor $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/01/2017 Courtney Bostel $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Nicholas Halase $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Andy Holtkämper $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Che Dean $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Winsett Rentals $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Rob Hall $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Pierre LABASTIRE £5.00 £4.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/01/2017 Pierre LABASTIRE $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Mario Pinho $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/01/2017 DAMIAN GONZALO GUIRAO $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Henning Rudolph $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Colleen Thomas $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Sebastián Sierra $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Simon Siepmann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Frank Dietrich $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Wolfgang Koenigstedt $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Keedharuth Ramlogun $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
21/01/2017 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/01/2017 Ricky Lee $15.00 $14.04 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/01/2017 Mendon Photography $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/01/2017 DIDIER MIRAULT $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
20/01/2017 Bengt Nilsson $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
20/01/2017 Josh Thacker $5.00 $4.48 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
20/01/2017 Krystio Petrov $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/01/2017 Herbert Todd $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
20/01/2017 Martin Cassel £10.00 £9.46 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
20/01/2017 Richard Burch II $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/01/2017 Stefan Meyer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/01/2017 Alan Cocks £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/01/2017 Guido LOTTI $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
20/01/2017 Gerald Schuller $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/01/2017 OaxRom Mobile Computing $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/01/2017 John Rocha $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/01/2017 Gary Anderson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
19/01/2017 Samantha Riegelsberger $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/01/2017 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/01/2017 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/01/2017 Kenneth Currence $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/01/2017 Timothy Sanders $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
19/01/2017 Csaba-Zsolt Juhos $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/01/2017 Iván Martinez Castro $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/01/2017 Sébastien FOISSIER $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/01/2017 Duane Wright $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/01/2017 Chad Gaglioti $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/01/2017 Mark Johnston $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/01/2017 elias frei $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/01/2017 Edward Humphrey $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
18/01/2017 Paul Wade $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/01/2017 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/01/2017 Michael Nagano $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/01/2017 Alexander Browne £20.00 £18.92 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/01/2017 Alex Stahl $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/01/2017 Javier Caballero Honorato €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/01/2017 Philipp Mueller $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/01/2017 Richard Wixson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/01/2017 Markus Kamp $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/01/2017 Dimitri Saarloos $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/01/2017 Fernando Castro Nuñez $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
17/01/2017 Johan Wildeboer $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
17/01/2017 Edgar Thorvaldsen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
17/01/2017 James M Novak $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
17/01/2017 David Beaudette $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/01/2017 Harris Hariadi $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
16/01/2017 Joel Stein $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/01/2017 Christoph Korus €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
16/01/2017 Mike Haines $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/01/2017 Peter Taeleman $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
16/01/2017 Peter Fuchs $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/01/2017 Thomas Keinath $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/01/2017 Emil Geiger $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
16/01/2017 Simon Reap $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
16/01/2017 EMILIO CARMONA MUÑOZ $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/01/2017 Ishikawa souichirou $10.00 $9.18 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
16/01/2017 jose orozco bojorquez $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/01/2017 eric vogel $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/01/2017 john krug $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/01/2017 Emmanuel ARRAS $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/01/2017 Pierre LABASTIRE $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/01/2017 Antonino Scarano $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
15/01/2017 Cody Schindler $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/01/2017 Pantelis Kaloyannis $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
14/01/2017 Jason Ueckert $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/01/2017 Danilo A Salcedo $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/01/2017 Philip Jones $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/01/2017 paul cantie $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/01/2017 Victor E. Iacovoni, MD $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/01/2017 Lars Gustafsson $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/01/2017 Juergen Nickenig $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
14/01/2017 Daniel Bornt $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/01/2017 Christopher Smith $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/01/2017 Athanasios Sidiropoulos $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/01/2017 David Wardle $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/01/2017 Roland Bradley $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/01/2017 Ekkehart Kurth $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/01/2017 Levi Olmstead $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/01/2017 Jay Eichelberger $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/01/2017 Aldo Baston $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/01/2017 diego ivan villanueva marcial $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/01/2017 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/01/2017 Holger Sturk $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/01/2017 Luis Jiménez Sanz $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
13/01/2017 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/01/2017 Simon Biles £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/01/2017 Rolf Schoenemann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
13/01/2017 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/01/2017 Howard Dickins $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/01/2017 A RODRIGUEZ REY $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/01/2017 Tobias Starborg $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/01/2017 Francisco José Tornay Mejías $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/01/2017 Nelly Kroonenberg $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/01/2017 elad benitah $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
13/01/2017 Jeremy Wages $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/01/2017 John Dollhausen $35.00 $33.16 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
12/01/2017 Wilton Sturges $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for PowerPC Download Tip
12/01/2017 Michael Farley $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/01/2017 Christian Schüll $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/01/2017 ProvideYourOwn $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/01/2017 Irimescu Stefan €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/01/2017 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/01/2017 meshari alnaim $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/01/2017 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/01/2017 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/01/2017 Valeri Naydenov $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
12/01/2017 John Gilliom $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/01/2017 Flavio Saute $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/01/2017 Paul Dolan $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
12/01/2017 Espen Stromsnes $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
11/01/2017 Roger Gaudreault $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/01/2017 Roy Bøhmer $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/01/2017 Ruy Tadeu H Vargas $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
11/01/2017 Everett Hatch $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
11/01/2017 Bastian Spielmann €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/01/2017 $1.00 $0.65 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
11/01/2017 José SIERRA €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
11/01/2017 Detlef Boddin $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
11/01/2017 Irimescu Stefan $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/01/2017 Kevin Johnson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/01/2017 Daniel Pinedo $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
11/01/2017 James Taylor $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/01/2017 Franz Winter $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/01/2017 John Caltry $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/01/2017 peter stent $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
10/01/2017 Ron Weaver $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/01/2017 Jaakko Niemelä $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/01/2017 David Ruggiero $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
10/01/2017 Fernando Cossio $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/01/2017 Carlos Miranda-ENI $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/01/2017 Nigel P Lawrence $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for PowerPC Download Tip
10/01/2017 Andrew Staggs $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
09/01/2017 JAIME A ROLDAN $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
09/01/2017 Hamba Travel LLC $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/01/2017 Przemysaw Pycko $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/01/2017 Raghuram Thiagarajan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/01/2017 Nico Guerrera $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/01/2017 Antonio Sevilla López €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
09/01/2017 Mathias Bartz $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/01/2017 David Kinser $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/01/2017 Nanokong System Consultant $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/01/2017 Günter Wesker $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/01/2017 yann sergent $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
09/01/2017 A J I . I O $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/01/2017 Nathan Blair $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/01/2017 John White $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
08/01/2017 Sam Joyce $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/01/2017 Gumersindo Monteagudo Dominguez $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/01/2017 Thomas Kilmon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
08/01/2017 Timo Helkiö $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/01/2017 Tomasz Wojcik $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/01/2017 alessandro calabro $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
08/01/2017 Adrian Greaves $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/01/2017 moran Shechter $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
08/01/2017 Devlyn Kozol $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/01/2017 Guillaume ZITTA $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
08/01/2017 Daniele Quasimodo €1.00 €0.62 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/01/2017 Level 4 Design $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/01/2017 michael pfeil €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/01/2017 Ladislav Kotek $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/01/2017 Paul Spalek $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
08/01/2017 Daniel Sørensen $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/01/2017 Jeremy Elrick $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/01/2017 Adam Cerutti $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/01/2017 Matthew Woop $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/01/2017 Brian Palmer $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
07/01/2017 DaT Systems $100.00 $95.30 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/01/2017 bryan miles $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/01/2017 Gregory Charles $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
07/01/2017 Charles Foerster $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/01/2017 William Burlew $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/01/2017 Bradley Kulkin $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/01/2017 Foxnet Limited $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/01/2017 Brian Balding $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/01/2017 Douglas C Denham $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/01/2017 Gregory Poythress $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/01/2017 Martin Alich $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
06/01/2017 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/01/2017 Giovanni Ferretti $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/01/2017 Pierre LABASTIRE $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/01/2017 Mike Christmas $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/01/2017 Paul Czioska $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
06/01/2017 Joachim Dressler $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/01/2017 Frank Knies $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
06/01/2017 SUTO TAKAYUKI $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/01/2017 Phillip Meakins $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
06/01/2017 J DAVID EISENBERG $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/01/2017 Matt Mayfield Music LLC $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
06/01/2017 CODE4SALE, LLC £100.00 £100.00
06/01/2017 $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/01/2017 Andriy Dovzhenko $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/01/2017 Jón Óskar Jónsson Wheat $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/01/2017 Eberhard von Berg $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/01/2017 Patty Hardy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/01/2017 Andrew Kingdom $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
05/01/2017 Jack Shankle $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/01/2017 jim pippas $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/01/2017 daniel brennan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/01/2017 John Webster $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
04/01/2017 Daniel Wallace $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
04/01/2017 Mark Lindsay £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/01/2017 Lisa Jewell £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/01/2017 PEDRO CARLOS CASANELLA MOZZI $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/01/2017 Willem Bedet $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/01/2017 pedro maria zalacain corta $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/01/2017 Brian McKillop £40.00 £38.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/01/2017 Winter Riko $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/01/2017 oscar guevara $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/01/2017 pererik ekeberg $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/01/2017 Ivan Aksenov €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/01/2017 Ivan Aksenov $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/01/2017 Mark Ziemann $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
04/01/2017 Myron Weber $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/01/2017 Jack Crombie $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/01/2017 Sean Farrell $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/01/2017 Richard Tayrien $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/01/2017 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/01/2017 Jack Jefferies $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/01/2017 N6HTV $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
03/01/2017 Peter Leenaars €15.00 €14.14 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/01/2017 YANAGISAWA ISAO $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/01/2017 moboy2016 $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
03/01/2017 Samuel Carrazco $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
03/01/2017 Manoj Mathew $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
03/01/2017 Ismael González Castrillo $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/01/2017 Ole Madsen $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/01/2017 Haozheng Zheng $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/01/2017 Robert Whitmer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
03/01/2017 $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/01/2017 UJB Worldwide Enterprises L.L.C. £10.00 £9.36 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/01/2017 Martin Wessels $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
02/01/2017 martin liska $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/01/2017 Christopher Bryant $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
02/01/2017 John Bertram $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/01/2017 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/01/2017 Philip Morris $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/01/2017 Joseph Phillips $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
02/01/2017 Avv. Umberto Chialastri €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/01/2017 Natalia Abel Fernández García $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/01/2017 Lee Matthias £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/01/2017 Leah Hendrickson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
02/01/2017 David O Lovins $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/01/2017 Peter Haneklou $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/01/2017 Matt Nixt $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
01/01/2017 nono winarno £25.00 £23.50 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
01/01/2017 Patrik Franzén $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/01/2017 Vahur Krouverk $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
01/01/2017 Jakob Ehmann Jakob Ehmann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/01/2017 David Williams $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/01/2017 Bernhardt Mattes $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
01/01/2017 Steven Munoz $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/01/2017 Truffula Networks $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/01/2017 Dennis Tokarski $200.00 $190.90 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
01/01/2017 Bernard Quinn $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
01/01/2017 Robert Parks $25.00 $23.60 MATE Desktop One-time Donation

Thank you to all 386 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $2290.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $2085.74, of which $1448.86 was received as Download Tips and $111.67 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €136.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €125.91, of which €15.5 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £286.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £275.77, of which £9.95 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.12205115 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at February 10, 2017 06:00 PM

January 27, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 17.04 Alpha 2

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) for distribution on April 13th, 2017 With this Alpha pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE 17.04 Alpha 2

What works?

People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.

Ubuntu MATE Alpha Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Alpha Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 16.10 final release?

This is what have been updated or added.

  • Upgraded to MATE Desktop 1.17.2
    • The MATE Desktop 1.17 development snapshots are what will become the next stable release of MATE Desktop.
    • Caja and Eye of MATE are both still 1.16 in Alpha 2, newer versions should land via updates soon.
    • All the legacy GTK2+ code has been completely removed from the entire project.
    • Features full support for libinput, a modern library to handle input devices such as mice, trackpads and touch screens for Wayland and X11.
    • mate-panel now supports desktop actions.
    • Eye of MATE and Pluma have been ported to libpeas, which means all the plugins are back!
    • Many, many, bug fixes.
    • Translation updates.
  • Upgraded to Ubuntu MATE Artwork 17.04.1
  • Upgraded to Ubuntu MATE Welcome 17.04.1
    • Updated the Software Boutique for 17.04
    • Update the DVD playbackback install to support DVD and Blu-ray.
    • dconf-editor is no longer pre-installed but has been added to the Software Boutique.
    • Updated translations.
  • Dropped PowerPC
  • The .iso images are approximately 200MB smaller.

Download Ubuntu MATE 17.04

Join the fun and experience a retrospective future.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affect all flavours.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at January 27, 2017 08:30 PM

January 14, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

MATE Desktop 1.16 for Ubuntu MATE 16.04

The Ubuntu MATE Patrons have already received this information, but here's an update for everyone.

A popular question in the Ubuntu MATE community among the 16.04 users is:

When can I get MATE Desktop 1.16 for Ubuntu MATE 16.04?

The answer is, now. Right now.

About MATE Desktop 1.16

We've published a PPA containing MATE 1.16 that is designed to work with Ubuntu MATE 16.04. You can find out what changed in MATE Desktop 1.16 from the upstream release announcement.

You might be wondering why it has taken several months to release this PPA? Here's why; they've been well tested.

The packages in this PPA are derived from the MATE Desktop 1.16 packages that have been prepared for the upcoming Debian 9 (Stretch) release. Issues encountered in Debian have been fixed and we also waited for the all the MATE Desktop bugfix releases, so what you are getting today is actually MATE Desktop 1.16.1.

Upgrade to MATE Desktop 1.16.x

To upgrade Ubuntu MATE 16.04 to MATE Desktop 1.16.x do the following:

Open a terminal using CRTL + ALT + t.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/xenial-mate
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade

Now restart your computer and you're running MATE Desktop 1.16.x :-)


Upgrading to MATE Desktop 1.16 will remove the mate-netspeed packages, but don't be alarmed, the NetSpeed applet is now included in the mate-applets package. You won't loose any functionality.

If you see the following prompt during the upgrade, then press Enter to accept [default=N]:

Configuration file '/etc/xdg/autostart/mate-volume-control-applet.desktop'
 ==> Deleted (by you or by a script) since installation.
 ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.
   What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:
    Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version
    N or O  : keep your currently-installed version
      D     : show the differences between the versions
      Z     : start a shell to examine the situation
 The default action is to keep your current version.
*** mate-volume-control-applet.desktop (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?

The version of MATE Desktop 1.16 in this PPA is mostly built against GTK2+ to ensure compatibility with Ubuntu MATE 16.04 and all the 3rd party MATE applets, plugins and extensions.

That said some applications have been transitioned to GTK3+ such as:

  • Engrampa
  • MATE Notification Daemon
  • MATE PolKit
  • MATE Session Manager
  • MATE Terminal

We hope you enjoy using MATE Desktop 1.16 on Ubuntu MATE 16.04!

by Martin Wimpress at January 14, 2017 09:00 AM

January 04, 2017

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE December 2016 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project. As usual we've been able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE Content Delivery Network, Web Application Firewall and email charges for December 2016.
  • Paid €1455 (taking into account currency variations) to Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding of Open Source projects and developers to approximately $13773.23 (taking into account currency variations).

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop. Bytemark are providing hosting and covering all server/bandwidth costs for both projects. This sponsorship means nearly all of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month Ubuntu MATE has surplus funds we will make contributions to Open Source projects, or developers working on projects, that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

This month Ubuntu MATE has paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

Unfortunately one of the MATE Developers is having difficulty with their bank and has been unable to receive sponsorship payments since July 2016 and they have also completed a MATE Desktop development project that has a $1000 bounty. We have €1600 set aside for when we are able to make a successful transfer.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1570.51 this month.

Patreon Perks

These Patron have opted for some perks.

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
XLTech 2016-11-04 01:04:07
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
VJ 2016-09-14 00:21:07
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Manuel Carrizo 2015-11-13 01:17:34
Scott Thompson 2016-07-08 19:29:37
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Andrew Khazanovsky 2016-07-17 19:33:11
Brian Hetrick 2016-10-14 21:58:08
Michael Vanier 2016-09-21 20:01:01
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Paul Demers 2015-09-21 03:23:21
Daniel Neilson 2015-05-15 16:23:47
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
N. Alexander Tessner 2016-08-08 03:20:45
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Michael Mykolyshyn 2016-04-23 03:07:46
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Graham 2016-05-18 11:14:23
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07
Andriy Tymchenko 2016-07-14 11:54:43
Matthew Cooper 2016-07-09 17:10:27
Andreas Kauffmann 2016-08-27 07:18:44
Andras Nemeshanyi 2016-08-19 11:01:55
J. Hu 2016-09-11 21:49:07
Nick Halase 2016-10-27 01:21:36
Markus Dewerny 2016-10-26 11:46:49
Jesse Raines 2016-10-17 18:52:52
Glen Blake 2016-10-13 13:50:32
Devaraj de Condappa 2016-10-19 14:13:04
Aleksandar Markovic 2016-11-20 08:56:11

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Jack Blakely, Jupiter Broadcasting, Ivan Pejić, Sergio Rivera, Silas Wulff, Trooper_Ish, Adrian Evans, Antoine Mate Messiah, david van Dyk, Mark Boadey, Ricardo Gerena, Peter Mergaerts, Atreju, Michael White, Zora Saad, Gheorghe Kobori, John Jeffers P.Eng., Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, Dirk Eisenacher, B Kirsch, Johnathon Tinsley, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, Dow Hurst, Sam McGlynn, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Szabolcs, Phil Clifford, Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Alexander Browne, Josh Thacker, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, David J Gwiazda, Jared Prins, Philip Espi, Michael Braem, Scott Cowan, Matt, Pablo, Evan Gass, Nathan Lee, The Atomic Ass, Vladimir Alexandroff, Jim Maguire, Ben Whitley, dastrike, Christopher atkins, darkinmyeyes, sfarber5300, Geoff Grogan, Jeff Stoner, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, Peter Pfeiffer, Scott Brown, M Hoppes, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, '@PendragonUK, taksuyu, Specops872, Krishna, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, Jason, Lukasz, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Anthony Bosio, Daron Dierkes, Eduardo Sanchez, Daniel Vieira, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Andre Kretzschmar, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter, Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Luis Joaquim, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, Donald Baun, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Paul Keeton, Carlo Vitolo, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Earl J Violet, Richard Underwood, NuclearBandAid, Chris Monachino, Sebastiaan Samyn, Kathja Salo, Chris Giltnane, Iain Forbes, Lafleur Family, Boyko, David Farrell, Roger Harkavy, Michael Burchfield, Harry Myhre, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Christian Knuchel, lephio, john, Graham Moss, Jason P. Stanford, David Southard, Patrick L Archibald, Robert Winkler, Vitor, Yonatan Fogel, David Marcel BAUM, David Lachut, tuxayo,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Monthly supporter

Become a monthly supporter at Patreon. Patrons get exclusive project updates, invites to live video conferences with the Ubuntu MATE developers and discounts on some Ubuntu MATE merchandise.

Become a Patron
Date Name Invested After fees Description
31/12/2016 Sondra Cleaver $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
31/12/2016 Doyle Wadhams $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/12/2016 Jean Charles GIROD $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
31/12/2016 Edwin Vehmaanperä $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
31/12/2016 Jerome Grossman $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
31/12/2016 Martin Rogalla $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
31/12/2016 Denis Bonfield €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
31/12/2016 James McCord £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
31/12/2016 Jim Bullard $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/12/2016 Martin Dorfner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/12/2016 Christopher Dexholm $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
31/12/2016 Ross Durie $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
31/12/2016 Andrew McDonald $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/12/2016 Alejandro Pardo $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/12/2016 David Vaca $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/12/2016 Gary Warren $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/12/2016 Helmut Ordner $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/12/2016 Tim Kirkpatrick $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
30/12/2016 Stefan Kiehne $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/12/2016 Vladimír Rudolf $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
30/12/2016 Peter Rowland £4.00 £3.59 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
30/12/2016 Alex Bachmann €25.00 €23.47 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/12/2016 Frank Hagemann €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/12/2016 Rafael Tarrida $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
30/12/2016 Kai Litschen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
30/12/2016 daniele belardi $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/12/2016 Daniel Smith $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
30/12/2016 Kim Briggs $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
30/12/2016 Alexandre Jardim Lacerda $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/12/2016 Antonio Corvese €3.00 €2.55 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/12/2016 TOMMASO ANTONUCCI $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/12/2016 Brett Harmon $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/12/2016 Juergen Allgeier €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/12/2016 Richard Schwartz £10.00 £9.36 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/12/2016 Keith Bellows $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
29/12/2016 Joseph Castle $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/12/2016 Alexander Haydn $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
29/12/2016 Bruno Dantas $25.00 $23.60 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
29/12/2016 Herbert Maier $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
29/12/2016 Wilhelm Ogrisek $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/12/2016 john kliesch $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/12/2016 Jan Zuchhold €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/12/2016 Stanley Sykes $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/12/2016 frans skarman $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/12/2016 William Marcy $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/12/2016 Marko Cosic-Peranovic $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/12/2016 Scott Marti $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
28/12/2016 Wynand Gouws $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
28/12/2016 Brian Gerfort $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/12/2016 GLycerine Systems $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/12/2016 Fredrik Schäfer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/12/2016 Christoph Noll $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/12/2016 Erich Göhl €3.00 €2.55 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/12/2016 David Winkler $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/12/2016 Jason Costello $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/12/2016 John Grieve $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
28/12/2016 r shultz $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/12/2016 $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/12/2016 William Marcy $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/12/2016 Helge Nilssen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/12/2016 Daren Wicks $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/12/2016 Jay Barker $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/12/2016 Stephen Mitchell $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
27/12/2016 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
27/12/2016 Therese Formenton $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/12/2016 Werner Hunger $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
27/12/2016 Andrew Smaller $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
27/12/2016 edward shelley $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
27/12/2016 Andrés Usma Villada $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/12/2016 Kevin Seifert $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/12/2016 Andrew Derbyshire $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
27/12/2016 Robert Sassenscheid $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/12/2016 Robert K Rouse $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/12/2016 MARK ARTMAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
26/12/2016 Simon Wood $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
26/12/2016 Julien Clergue $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/12/2016 Bernard BERUFF $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/12/2016 Gerard McAllister $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/12/2016 Carsten Sarfelt $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/12/2016 William MacKinnon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/12/2016 Matthew Rockwell $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/12/2016 Ho Benjamin $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/12/2016 Byron Edgar $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/12/2016 Markus Gasplmayr $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/12/2016 Edward McCurdy $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
25/12/2016 robert kristensson $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/12/2016 Brad Robinson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
25/12/2016 Joel Eisner $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/12/2016 lorenzo maccone €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/12/2016 Alejandro Moreno Navarro $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
25/12/2016 Reck Thomas $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/12/2016 Cesar Moreno $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/12/2016 jose miguel reyes nevado €50.00 €47.95 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/12/2016 Evan Wills $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/12/2016 John Jennings $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/12/2016 scott noller $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
24/12/2016 MF_Colon/RF3 $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/12/2016 Siemen Gerrit Talman $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/12/2016 Martin Wapenhensch $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/12/2016 David Pfost $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/12/2016 Thierry JACQUELINE $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/12/2016 Daniel Dillbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/12/2016 Des Dugan $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
23/12/2016 Rodney Porter $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/12/2016 Anthony Smith $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/12/2016 Remus Florian Boara $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/12/2016 Willy Ottinger $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/12/2016 WERNER ATLE VESTERÅS $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/12/2016 Nigel P Lawrence $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/12/2016 marie barton $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
23/12/2016 Gusev Alexandr $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/12/2016 Lewis Charitable Foundation $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/12/2016 Xiao Lei $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/12/2016 Kevin Keene $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
22/12/2016 James Morris £10.00 £9.36 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/12/2016 Chad Gaglioti $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/12/2016 James Morris $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/12/2016 Paul Dalton $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
22/12/2016 Marek Michalik $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
22/12/2016 Gustavo Serrano $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
22/12/2016 Michael Laramie $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/12/2016 Martin Linklater $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
22/12/2016 Robin Hueskes $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/12/2016 Michael Webster $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/12/2016 Claudio Ferrante $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/12/2016 Claudio Ferrante $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/12/2016 Claudio Ferrante $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/12/2016 Art Hixson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
21/12/2016 Joachim Jänner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
21/12/2016 Keith Davey $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
21/12/2016 Maik Klein $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/12/2016 David Grinter $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
21/12/2016 Petr Skulinek $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/12/2016 Francois Bornes $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/12/2016 Andrey Li $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
21/12/2016 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/12/2016 Jérôme Lebreton $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/12/2016 Julien Daniel $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
20/12/2016 Joshua Baz $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/12/2016 Mark Williams £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/12/2016 Geoffrey D Kitt $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/12/2016 Albert Bagué Salcedo $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/12/2016 Josh Thacker $5.00 $4.48 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
20/12/2016 Robert Gabriel $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/12/2016 Rene Jochum $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/12/2016 Dean Ford $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/12/2016 Jan Hruby $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/12/2016 sonmez sahutoglu $5.00 $4.48 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
19/12/2016 Julian Hawkins $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/12/2016 Julian Cooper $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
19/12/2016 Mikael Rey $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/12/2016 Mark Stroud $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/12/2016 Urs Gasser €30.00 €28.24 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/12/2016 David Hall $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
19/12/2016 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/12/2016 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/12/2016 Lewis Smith $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/12/2016 Glenn Boyden $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/12/2016 Jan Megert $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/12/2016 Richard Lynn $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/12/2016 Richard Lynn $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
18/12/2016 Jack Ridehalgh $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/12/2016 Mad Scientist Studios $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
18/12/2016 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/12/2016 Jeffrey Rollin £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/12/2016 christopher sidders $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
18/12/2016 Stefan Ammon $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/12/2016 Ken Daniel $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
17/12/2016 Sergio Peralta $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/12/2016 Tony Rein $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
17/12/2016 Alessandro Levati €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
17/12/2016 Carmen Gray $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
17/12/2016 Matthew Tortorelli $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/12/2016 Sergey Pak $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/12/2016 Oleksandr Semenko $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/12/2016 Roland Ebner $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
17/12/2016 r a ventosinos infante $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/12/2016 KAARE GÄRTNER £10.00 £9.42 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/12/2016 Karel De Smet $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
17/12/2016 Peter Fischer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/12/2016 Manfred Michel $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
17/12/2016 aRGy Petropoulos $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
17/12/2016 Alastair Grant $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/12/2016 Ben Hoynes $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/12/2016 Leslie Meszaros $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/12/2016 Rodolfo Roque Garcia $4.00 $3.49 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/12/2016 Michael Andrews $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/12/2016 Robert McAfee $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/12/2016 Walter Hernandez $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/12/2016 Carlos Eduardo Bezerra $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
16/12/2016 Patrick Wai $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
16/12/2016 Nelson L Renninger $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/12/2016 Privat $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/12/2016 Vaclav Spicka $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/12/2016 Tenacious $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
16/12/2016 Max Callaghan $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/12/2016 Klaus Wilczek $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
16/12/2016 Jonas Häll $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/12/2016 Ron Lawrence $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/12/2016 Geoff MacKenzie $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
16/12/2016 Princeton Strong $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
15/12/2016 Dominik Sommer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/12/2016 Oliver Heilmann $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
15/12/2016 Felipe Macias $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
15/12/2016 ROSE MARIE TISLE $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/12/2016 Pat Crawford £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/12/2016 Helge Kristensen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/12/2016 Guenther Wendl $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/12/2016 Golden Age Radios $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/12/2016 John Gibson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/12/2016 Antonio J Bassini Jr $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/12/2016 Gregor Undorf $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/12/2016 William Dowling $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/12/2016 Phil young $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/12/2016 Dave Rand $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/12/2016 Jill Edler $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/12/2016 Martin Stige $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/12/2016 Christian Reinwand €15.00 €14.14 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
13/12/2016 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/12/2016 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/12/2016 Simon Biles £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/12/2016 ARMANDO PECORARE JR $25.00 $23.40 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/12/2016 Petr Misák $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/12/2016 Lewis Torrington $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/12/2016 Raphael Intrieri $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/12/2016 Loo George $100.00 $94.50 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/12/2016 Massimo Cregut $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/12/2016 Jons-Philipp Siedel $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/12/2016 Richard Wilson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
12/12/2016 Helge Kristensen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/12/2016 Ctibor Skuta $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/12/2016 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/12/2016 Matthew Holt £1.00 £0.77 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/12/2016 meshari alnaim $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/12/2016 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/12/2016 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/12/2016 Temba Dhobha $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
12/12/2016 Alejandro Clopés Vivancos $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/12/2016 Gabotronics $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/12/2016 Brenton McVicar $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
11/12/2016 Troy McCoy $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
11/12/2016 José SIERRA €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
11/12/2016 Julia Sonnenfeld $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/12/2016 Julia Sonnenfeld $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/12/2016 Roman Kartunov $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
11/12/2016 john macut $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/12/2016 Hanulak Peter $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/12/2016 Mikael Walther $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/12/2016 $1.00 $0.65 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
11/12/2016 Fred Shaffer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/12/2016 Bill C Pitman $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/12/2016 Walter Mathews $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/12/2016 Zoltán Sánta $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/12/2016 David Allen $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/12/2016 Carl thoemmes $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/12/2016 Mark von Zastrow $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
10/12/2016 Steven J Lightfoot $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
10/12/2016 Nikolaos Tampakis $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for PowerPC Download Tip
10/12/2016 Chris Mandeville $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/12/2016 HOUSTON FARROW $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/12/2016 George Banks $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
10/12/2016 Dieter Münscher €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/12/2016 Axel Stolzenwaldt $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/12/2016 Jerry Edwin A Escobia $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/12/2016 Randy Brown $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/12/2016 Zonastral S. A. $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/12/2016 Dwight Smith $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/12/2016 Richard BUTLER $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
09/12/2016 Karen Nakata $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
09/12/2016 Brian Brock $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/12/2016 fabrizio oldrini $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 for PowerPC Download Tip
09/12/2016 Ryan McQuen $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
09/12/2016 Antonio Sevilla López €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
09/12/2016 Pascal Lussier $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/12/2016 Tomasz Zieba $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/12/2016 Randy Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/12/2016 Charles Lourtie $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/12/2016 Otto Waelchli $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/12/2016 Stephan Pfaff $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/12/2016 Ajax $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/12/2016 Ron Connal $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/12/2016 robert thomas $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/12/2016 Ari Lassila $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/12/2016 William Burton $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/12/2016 Ivan Krsti $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/12/2016 Oliver Werner $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/12/2016 Bill Lennon $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
06/12/2016 James Paton $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
06/12/2016 sara thomas $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
06/12/2016 Shane Chemello $25.00 $23.40 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/12/2016 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/12/2016 Tobias Splith $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/12/2016 Neil Baker $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/12/2016 Harry Elstob $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/12/2016 Kenneth Aar $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
06/12/2016 Francois Coulombe $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/12/2016 Robert Sassenscheid $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
05/12/2016 Michael Ballew $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/12/2016 SENTHIL VADAMADURAI $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/12/2016 Richard H Busby $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/12/2016 Patty Hardy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/12/2016 F L Syratt $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
05/12/2016 Craig Fisk $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/12/2016 Howard Stern $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/12/2016 Dan Keegan $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
04/12/2016 Erika Bruckner $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/12/2016 Lisa Jewell £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/12/2016 ED HERRERA $13.00 $12.13 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/12/2016 Henning Nordholz $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
04/12/2016 Peep Otstavel $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
04/12/2016 Luis Garcia Gonzalez $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/12/2016 Robert van Berge Henegouwen $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/12/2016 Joseph Muscato $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/12/2016 Alain Sanguinetti $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/12/2016 Brent Lanson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/12/2016 john nutter $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/12/2016 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/12/2016 William Buco $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/12/2016 Timo Viertel $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/12/2016 Peter Kovacs $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/12/2016 Lars-Göran Frisell $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/12/2016 Victor Elsberry $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/12/2016 Ian Izett $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/12/2016 Mads Horn $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/12/2016 Lynn McMahon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/12/2016 philippe rouquet $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/12/2016 Marc Schwandtner €15.00 €14.14 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/12/2016 Joseph Gonzales $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/12/2016 Graham W Martens $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
03/12/2016 Joao Morais $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/12/2016 Bokhara Bun $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/12/2016 John Gajewski $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/12/2016 John Bertram $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/12/2016 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/12/2016 Joachim Strohschein $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
02/12/2016 Martin Read $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
02/12/2016 Alexander McClure $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/12/2016 Mario Zevenhoven $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/12/2016 Robert Libby $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/12/2016 Andreas van Waveren $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/12/2016 Walter Schindler $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/12/2016 Wispir Studios, LLC $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/12/2016 Scandic Kajakk $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/12/2016 Andreas Richter $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/12/2016 Wayne Root $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/12/2016 Pat Sperry $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/12/2016 Péter Török $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
01/12/2016 scott roberts $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/12/2016 Greg Brooks $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
01/12/2016 Leonardo Rico Guevara $3.00 $2.54 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/12/2016 Vlad Masek $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/12/2016 art crooke $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/12/2016 Christophe Trumelet $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
01/12/2016 Rolf Benders €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/12/2016 Robert Ward $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip

Thank you to all 355 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $2000.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $1815.33, of which $1367.4 was received as Download Tips and $111.67 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €278.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €261.66, of which €15.5 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £72.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £67.04, of which £10.72 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.04014505 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at January 04, 2017 02:30 PM

December 22, 2016


Server Outage

The server that runs this website went offline without notice yesterday. We don't know why and we've had no contact from our server host. We do have complete backups, no data has been lost. We've started to restore services and the outstanding service will be reinstated as time permits over the holiday period.

We will update this page as services come back online.

What is the impact?

This services are currently down, listed in order of restore priority

  • - The mailing lists, which are rarely used.
  • - The forums, which we started shutting down earlier in the year and are locked.

What has been restored?


21st December

  • Bytemark offer to sponsor MATE Desktop hosting to help us overcome the server outage with our previous provider.
  • Restored and

22nd December

  • Restored
  • Restored

23nd December

  • Restored

2nd January

  • Restored

We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

by Martin Wimpress at December 22, 2016 01:00 AM

December 02, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE November 2016 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project. As usual we've be able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE Content Delivery Network, Web Application Firewall and email charges for November 2016.
  • Paid €100 to UbuCon Europe to cover attendance for Martin Wimpress.
  • Paid £33.01 to transfer ownership of to Martin Wimpress.
  • Paid £178.68 to renew the domains for mate-desktop.{com,net,org,info}
  • Paid €909.89 (taking into account currency variations) to Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to Open Source projects and developers to approximately $12255.23 (taking into account currency variations).

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and covering all our hosting and server costs yet again! This sponsorship means most of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month Ubuntu MATE has surplus funds we will make contributions to Open Source projects, or developers working on projects, that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

This month Ubuntu MATE has paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

  • Wolfgang Ulbrich (Fedora) - €200 For bug fixing MATE Desktop 1.16 and working on the MATE spin of Fedora 25.
  • Luke Horwell (Ubuntu MATE) £600 - For working on Ubuntu MATE Welcome and Boutique full-time for one week.

Unfortunately one of the MATE Developers is having difficulty with their bank and has been unable to received their July, August, September, October or November sponsorship from Ubuntu MATE. We have €600 set aside for when we are able to make a successful transfer.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1409.51 this month.

Patreon Perks

These Patron have opted for some perks.

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
Jared Sloane 2016-08-17 10:01:05
VJ 2016-09-14 00:21:07
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Manuel Carrizo 2015-11-13 01:17:34
Scott Thompson 2016-07-08 19:29:37
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Scott Brown 2016-03-17 13:04:00
Kévin Marilleau 2016-05-30 14:21:12
Andrew Khazanovsky 2016-07-17 19:33:11
Brian Hetrick 2016-10-14 21:58:08
Michael Vanier 2016-09-21 20:01:01
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Paul Demers 2015-09-21 03:23:21
Ron Goodman 2015-11-20 13:38:02
Daniel Neilson 2015-05-15 16:23:47
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
N. Alexander Tessner 2016-08-08 03:20:45
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Michael Mykolyshyn 2016-04-23 03:07:46
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Ivan Tomica 2016-10-13 16:29:33
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Graham 2016-05-18 11:14:23
Martin Stickley 2016-06-07 21:00:37
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07
Andriy Tymchenko 2016-07-14 11:54:43
Matthew Cooper 2016-07-09 17:10:27
ekrem 2016-06-27 08:52:54
Andreas Kauffmann 2016-08-27 07:18:44
Andras Nemeshanyi 2016-08-19 11:01:55
J. Hu 2016-09-11 21:49:07
Nick Halase 2016-10-27 01:21:36
Markus Dewerny 2016-10-26 11:46:49
Jesse Raines 2016-10-17 18:52:52
Glen Blake 2016-10-13 13:50:32
Devaraj de Condappa 2016-10-19 14:13:04

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Jupiter Broadcasting, Ivan Pejić, Dirk-Jan van der Hoorn, Sergio Rivera, Silas Wulff, Trooper_Ish, Adrian Evans, Jack Blakely, Antoine Mate Messiah, david van Dyk, Mark Boadey, Ricardo Gerena, Peter Mergaerts, Atreju, Michael White, Zora Saad, Gheorghe Kobori, John Jeffers P.Eng., Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, Dirk Eisenacher, B Kirsch, Johnathon Tinsley, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, Dow Hurst, Sam McGlynn, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Szabolcs, Phil Clifford, Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Josh Thacker, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, Julian, Jared Prins, Philip Espi, Michael Braem, Scott Cowan, Matt, Pablo, Evan Gass, Nathan Lee, The Atomic Ass, Vladimir Alexandroff, dastrike, Christopher atkins, darkinmyeyes, sfarber5300, Geoff Grogan, Jeff Stoner, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, Peter Pfeiffer, M Hoppes, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, '@PendragonUK, taksuyu, Specops872, Krishna, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, Jason, Lukasz, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Ed, Anthony Bosio, Daron Dierkes, Eduardo Sanchez, Daniel Vieira, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Andre Kretzschmar, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter, Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Luis Joaquim, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Donald Baun, Paul Keeton, Carlo Vitolo, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Earl J Violet, Richard Underwood, NuclearBandAid, Chris Monachino, Sebastiaan Samyn, Kathja Salo, Chris Giltnane, Iain Forbes, Lafleur Family, Boyko, David Farrell, Michael Burchfield, Harry Myhre, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Christian Knuchel, john, Graham Moss, Jason P. Stanford, David Southard, Patrick L Archibald, Robert Winkler, Vitor, Yonatan Fogel,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Monthly supporter

Become a monthly supporter at Patreon. Patrons get exclusive project updates, invites to live video conferences with the Ubuntu MATE developers and discounts on some Ubuntu MATE merchandise.

Become a Patron
Date Name Invested After fees Description
30/11/2016 Todd Zimmerman $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/11/2016 Pauli Kettunen $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/11/2016 marcos dias junior $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/11/2016 Armands Ancans $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
30/11/2016 Peter Rowland £4.00 £3.59 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
30/11/2016 Joachim Geisselhart $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
30/11/2016 Alexander Rothe $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
30/11/2016 Kuno Germann $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
30/11/2016 Marinus Oosthuizen $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/11/2016 Eric Adcock $120.00 $114.42 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/11/2016 Ace Parking $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/11/2016 Joshua Doyne $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/11/2016 Jari-Jukka Haavisto $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
29/11/2016 Francisco Gómez López $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
29/11/2016 Peter Hoyer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/11/2016 Christoph Priebe $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/11/2016 Jerry Fat $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/11/2016 zero mansion $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/11/2016 Cassandra Edwards $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
29/11/2016 Christopher Liggett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/11/2016 stephane bounet $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/11/2016 Douglas Kanora $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
28/11/2016 CARL SANDSTEDT $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/11/2016 David Parker $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/11/2016 Guido Antonioli $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
28/11/2016 Wynand Gouws $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
28/11/2016 John Harrison $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
28/11/2016 HADA AKIRA $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/11/2016 Ali Fada $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/11/2016 Francisco Manuel Gutierrez Rocarols $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/11/2016 Apps-R-Us Breeze Payments $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/11/2016 Ilya Mezhirov $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
27/11/2016 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
27/11/2016 Darren Nevares $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/11/2016 Michael Sliwowski $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
26/11/2016 Douglas Shaw $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/11/2016 Claudia Brambilla $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/11/2016 Braden Batch $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/11/2016 Fabian Horst $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/11/2016 MARK ARTMAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
26/11/2016 Grant Moser $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/11/2016 Mikko Härmä $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/11/2016 Edward Connolly $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/11/2016 Chong Jin Yi $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/11/2016 Gregor Kostevc $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/11/2016 Donald McArthur $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
26/11/2016 Bjarne Schmidt $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
26/11/2016 Peter Kirkham $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/11/2016 Hemant Desai $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/11/2016 Freddy Tiefenbacher $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
26/11/2016 PHILIP VAN SCHALKWYK $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/11/2016 David Power $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/11/2016 jon smith $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
25/11/2016 Svenja Kraus $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/11/2016 Karen Atkisson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/11/2016 Kelley Perry $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/11/2016 Alfred Kuntschke $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
25/11/2016 Frank Mulholland $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
25/11/2016 Luc van Boxel $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/11/2016 Hans Forsberg $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/11/2016 Santiago Sanchez $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
25/11/2016 John Sargent $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/11/2016 Mike Wedderburn $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/11/2016 Jennifer Driscoll $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
25/11/2016 Mike Vinzenz $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/11/2016 matthew kuhl $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/11/2016 shannon cobb $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
24/11/2016 Dr David Robson $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
24/11/2016 James Sander $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/11/2016 Bernhard Jestrzemski $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/11/2016 Terry O'Neill $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
24/11/2016 Albert van Hofwegen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/11/2016 Fariel Enterprises $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/11/2016 Bartosz Rostkowski $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/11/2016 Wilhelm Heckel $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/11/2016 Martin Jansta $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/11/2016 Uros Bernik $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/11/2016 Thomas Spring $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
23/11/2016 Ludolf Kolligs $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
23/11/2016 Anthony Craig $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/11/2016 David Smith $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
23/11/2016 Andrew Genova $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/11/2016 Heinz Kannengiesser $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/11/2016 Michael Krüger $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/11/2016 Jörg Ohlendorf $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/11/2016 $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
22/11/2016 Reto Rosenberg $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/11/2016 Stefan Keller $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/11/2016 Jack Rappaport $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/11/2016 Thomas Hirschfeld $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/11/2016 Dale Mitchell $25.00 $23.40 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/11/2016 Brian Simper $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
21/11/2016 Aram Simsar $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
21/11/2016 Ulrich Czerwatzky $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/11/2016 LUIS TAPIA $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/11/2016 Jochen winkler $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
21/11/2016 Iina Jokinen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
21/11/2016 Alberto Rossin $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/11/2016 WisdomNet $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
21/11/2016 Claudio Ortega $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Jason Suptic $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Mark Webster $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Lee Birkett $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Jonathan Farmer $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Josh Thacker $5.00 $4.48 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
20/11/2016 EDWARD SMITH $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Paolo COLONI $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/11/2016 wunderlich thomas $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Wolfgang Borchers $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Jan Lolling $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Kenno Vanommeslaeghe $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Gregory Chinn $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/11/2016 lex biesenbeek $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
20/11/2016 William Whisnant $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Quint Boney $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Peter Jones $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Ben Tiangco $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/11/2016 Bruce Harvey $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/11/2016 Lena Savelyeva $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/11/2016 jean-marc PAOLI $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
19/11/2016 ARJ Wyllie $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/11/2016 Volodymyr Koziy $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/11/2016 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/11/2016 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/11/2016 Klas Karlsson $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
19/11/2016 SEUNGHOON SON $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/11/2016 Waldemar Nalazek $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/11/2016 Jerald Gainer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/11/2016 Lawrence M. Geier $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
19/11/2016 Gary Lee $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
19/11/2016 Mr. Random $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
19/11/2016 Michael Moore $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
18/11/2016 Roman Abubov $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
18/11/2016 Robert Astin $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
18/11/2016 Nicolas LACOMBE $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/11/2016 Sam Callahan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
18/11/2016 Giovanni Civardi $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
18/11/2016 F CABALLERIA $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/11/2016 Andrew Precht $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
18/11/2016 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/11/2016 Henrik Wist $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
18/11/2016 Antonio Marin Sanchez €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/11/2016 Justin Brakebill $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/11/2016 Garth Schneider $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/11/2016 Fredrik Teschke $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
17/11/2016 Aric Ousley $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/11/2016 Michael Chase Jr $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/11/2016 ProCreative Pty Ltd $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/11/2016 Nathan Sprouse $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/11/2016 Edgar Aranda $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/11/2016 gary lebow $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
16/11/2016 richard seifert $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/11/2016 Arndt Fricke $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
16/11/2016 David Angel $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/11/2016 B-ACCO S.R.L. €350.00 €337.75 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
16/11/2016 Daniel Würzer $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
15/11/2016 Kai Dahnert $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/11/2016 Thomas blüthner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/11/2016 Piotr Foit $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/11/2016 Ernest McKay $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
15/11/2016 Rick den Broeder $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/11/2016 Ivo Straka €5.00 €4.48 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
15/11/2016 Derrick McKoy, Attorney-at-Law $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/11/2016 James Grimaldi $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/11/2016 Jonas Olafsson $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
14/11/2016 Joop Rijneke $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/11/2016 anomaly atom $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/11/2016 Antonio Namnum $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/11/2016 James Clay $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/11/2016 Johann Pröckl $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/11/2016 Abdo Choueiri $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/11/2016 Mitja Neufeld $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/11/2016 Paul Cerce $10.00 $9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
13/11/2016 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/11/2016 Evan Loftus $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/11/2016 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/11/2016 Simon Biles £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/11/2016 ROMAIN MAURICE $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/11/2016 Felipe P. Bezerra $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/11/2016 Zulmar Castro $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/11/2016 Victor Iuras $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
13/11/2016 Prianka Ball $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/11/2016 Stephane Blais £40.00 £38.04 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/11/2016 Robert Ward $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/11/2016 George Oatis $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/11/2016 James Fawcus-Robinson $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
12/11/2016 Emile ELIE €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/11/2016 Javier Romero $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/11/2016 Marius Oancea $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/11/2016 Felix Buckmann $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/11/2016 Gaston Belanger $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
12/11/2016 Daniel Bensimon $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for PowerPC Download Tip
12/11/2016 meshari alnaim $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/11/2016 Matthew Holt £1.00 £0.77 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/11/2016 Marcus Schmid $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/11/2016 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/11/2016 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/11/2016 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/11/2016 Andrew ryan $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/11/2016 IES Communications Ltd. $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/11/2016 Vassilis Papanikolaou $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
12/11/2016 robert brenner $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
12/11/2016 JOHN DANDOULAKIS $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/11/2016 James Sobel $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/11/2016 Roland Kruse $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
11/11/2016 X-Tech Products $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
11/11/2016 Roger Bricker $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/11/2016 Roland Reynaud €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/11/2016 Sean Madawala $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/11/2016 Wm Adam Bauer III $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/11/2016 José SIERRA €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
11/11/2016 Peter van Rossum $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/11/2016 James Francom $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/11/2016 Jürgen Bauer $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/11/2016 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/11/2016 Peter Coeshott $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/11/2016 Harald Netz $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/11/2016 Christian Schumacher $2.00 $1.62 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/11/2016 Stefan Franke $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/11/2016 Oliver Bayer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
10/11/2016 Fernando Inacio €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/11/2016 Robert W March $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
09/11/2016 brian goudy $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
09/11/2016 Joachim Loeschen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/11/2016 Jim Mesterhazy $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
09/11/2016 Sebastian Ziemann €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/11/2016 Peter Koevoets $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/11/2016 Lionel Brianto $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
09/11/2016 Krishna Yadla $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/11/2016 Antonio Sevilla López €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
08/11/2016 Michael Jennings $100.00 $95.30 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/11/2016 Alexey Bekin $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/11/2016 Alexander Oehler $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/11/2016 Robin Boardman $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/11/2016 Alfred Heuer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/11/2016 ThePythonGamer $1.00 $0.66 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
08/11/2016 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 armhf-rootfs Download Tip
07/11/2016 Trevor West $9.07 $8.37 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/11/2016 Thomas Gentry $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
07/11/2016 Jonathan Hirdes $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
07/11/2016 hartmut lorenz $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
07/11/2016 MIGUEL VILAR €25.00 €23.47 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
07/11/2016 Leif Oftedal $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
07/11/2016 Laurent THIBAUDET $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/11/2016 David LaButte $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/11/2016 JOHN McMahon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
06/11/2016 G E Tomlinson $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/11/2016 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/11/2016 Peter Frohberg €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/11/2016 Nicholas Halase $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
06/11/2016 Christopher Ashinhurst $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/11/2016 Pekka Saarinen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/11/2016 Edward Jenner $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
06/11/2016 Helmut Dahm $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
06/11/2016 Ondrej Hynek $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/11/2016 Jens Hupfeld $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/11/2016 Fred Buske $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/11/2016 Jay Eichelberger $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/11/2016 Gregory Boyk $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
05/11/2016 Thomas Knauss $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
05/11/2016 Rhonda Cozad $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/11/2016 Terry Friedmann $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/11/2016 Horst Knöppel $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/11/2016 Primal Web Support $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/11/2016 shy tzedaka $1.00 $0.65 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
05/11/2016 Frigerator Perry $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/11/2016 Manuel Montañés Pérez $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/11/2016 Patty Hardy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/11/2016 Pascal Steinberg $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
05/11/2016 Christian Hauck $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/11/2016 Samuel Longiaru $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/11/2016 Lisa Jewell £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/11/2016 Jeroen Sieburgh $20.00 $18.76 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
04/11/2016 Wolfgang Kimm €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/11/2016 Francisco Javier López de la calle $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/11/2016 Bruno Nilsson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
04/11/2016 Alexander McPhedran $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/11/2016 Peter Valdemar Morch $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/11/2016 Rene Mages €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/11/2016 Stefan Beke $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
04/11/2016 Seth Morris $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/11/2016 Herman Felderhof $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
04/11/2016 Herbert Todd $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/11/2016 Persival Prado $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
03/11/2016 Thomas Townsend $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/11/2016 Andrew Stannard $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/11/2016 Andreas Bergvall $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
03/11/2016 Oscar Lopez $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/11/2016 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/11/2016 George Migliarini $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/11/2016 shy tzedaka $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/11/2016 Adrian Lundhe $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/11/2016 Patricio Perkins $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/11/2016 John Hartley $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/11/2016 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/11/2016 David Maner $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
02/11/2016 Bob Derham $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/11/2016 Abner Pineda $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/11/2016 Hans Hoffmann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/11/2016 Shamoa Krasieski $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/11/2016 Roland Jentsch €50.00 €47.95 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
01/11/2016 Patti Miller $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
01/11/2016 David POP €4.00 €3.51 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/11/2016 Juan Pedro Sanchez $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/11/2016 Zdenek Toman $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/11/2016 Benjamin Thatcher $25.00 $23.40 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/11/2016 Arnau Dunjó Rios $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/11/2016 Akos Varga $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/11/2016 Noah Saso $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/11/2016 John Yates $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/11/2016 Stefano Ghignone $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip

Thank you to all 311 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $1850.57 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $1683.48, of which $1182.12 was received as Download Tips and $102.08 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €531.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €507.14, of which €15.5 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £52.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £48.76, of which £10.72 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.04359915 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at December 02, 2016 12:30 PM

November 02, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE October 2016 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project. As usual we've be able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE CDN, WAF and email charges for October 2016.
  • Paid €659.25 (taking into account currency variations) to Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to Open Source projects and developers to approximately $11286.87 (taking into account currency variations).
  • We're also going to experiment with Bounty Source for MATE Desktop and Ubuntu MATE to see if this is a suitable platform for rewarding contributors.
    • Some funds have been allocated to support this initiative.

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and covering all our hosting and server costs yet again! This sponsorship means most of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month Ubuntu MATE has surplus funds we will make contributions to Open Source projects, or developers working on projects, that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

This month Ubuntu MATE has paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

Unfortunately one of the MATE Developers is having difficulty with their bank and has been unable to received their July, August, September or October sponsorship from Ubuntu MATE. We have €500 set aside for when we are able to make a successful transfer.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1409.51 this month.

Patreon Perks

These Patron have opted for some perks.

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
Daniel LaSalle 2016-04-02 02:28:21
Jared Sloane 2016-08-17 10:01:05
VJ 2016-09-14 00:21:07
Etienne Papegnies 2016-05-09 23:49:53
Manuel Carrizo 2015-11-13 01:17:34
Scott Thompson 2016-07-08 19:29:37
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Scott Brown 2016-03-17 13:04:00
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Kévin Marilleau 2016-05-30 22:40:00
Andrew Khazanovsky 2016-08-03 16:50:44
Michael Vanier 2016-09-21 20:01:01
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2015-12-03 08:04:27
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Paul Demers 2015-10-18 04:46:00 2015-10-02 13:01:39
Ron Goodman 2015-11-20 13:38:02
Daniel Neilson 2016-07-03 23:35:36
Ryan Carter 2016-02-03 00:08:54
James McPhail 2015-12-28 12:33:25
N. Alexander Tessner 2016-08-08 03:20:45
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Trooper_Ish 2016-09-17 17:16:37
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Michael Mykolyshyn 2016-04-23 03:07:46
Larry Hale 2016-04-10 15:58:00
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Graham 2016-05-18 11:14:23
Martin Stickley 2016-06-07 21:00:37
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07
Andriy Tymchenko 2016-07-14 11:54:43
Matthew Cooper 2016-07-09 17:10:27
ekrem 2016-09-28 10:28:42
Andreas Kauffmann 2016-08-27 07:18:44
Andras Nemeshanyi 2016-08-19 11:01:55
J. Hu 2016-09-11 21:49:07

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Jupiter Broadcasting, Ivan Pejić, Dirk-Jan van der Hoorn, Sergio Rivera, Silas Wulff, Adrian Evans, Jack Blakely, Matt Hartley, Antoine Mate Messiah, david van Dyk, Mark Boadey, Ricardo Gerena, Peter Mergaerts, Atreju, Michael White, Zora Saad, Gheorghe Kobori, John Jeffers P.Eng., Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Dan Hively, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, Dirk Eisenacher, B Kirsch, '@PendragonUK, Johnathon Tinsley, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, Dow Hurst, Sam McGlynn, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Alexander Browne, Szabolcs, Phil Clifford, Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Josh Thacker, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, Julian, Jared Prins, Philip Espi, Michael Braem, Scott Cowan, Matt, Pablo, dastrike, Christopher atkins, Jason Hyder, sfarber5300, Geoff Grogan, Jeff Stoner, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, Peter Pfeiffer, M Hoppes, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, taksuyu, Specops872, Krishna, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, Jason, Lukasz, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Ed, Anthony Bosio, Daron Dierkes, Eduardo Sanchez, Daniel Vieira, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Andre Kretzschmar, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter, Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Lu Goon, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Luis Joaquim, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Mike Keen, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Donald Baun, Paul Keeton, Carlo Vitolo, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Nate Chambers, Earl J Violet, Richard Underwood, NuclearBandAid, Chris Monachino, Sebastiaan Samyn, Kathja Salo, Chris Giltnane, Iain Forbes, Lafleur Family, Cody Sisson, Michael Burchfield, Harry Myhre, Guillaume Politis Chalm, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Christian Knuchel, Gaius, john, Graham Moss, Jason P. Stanford, David Southard, Patrick L Archibald, Robert Winkler,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Monthly supporter

Become a monthly supporter at Patreon. Patrons get exclusive project updates, invites to live video conferences with the Ubuntu MATE developers and discounts on some Ubuntu MATE merchandise.

Become a Patron
Date Name Invested After fees Description
31/10/2016 Jon Abaunza Robles $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
31/10/2016 Thomas Pichler $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/10/2016 Pierre Marcotte $18.00 $16.91 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
31/10/2016 Pascal Panneels $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
31/10/2016 Osvaldo Victor Correa Sanchez $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
31/10/2016 Andrew Grillet $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
31/10/2016 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
31/10/2016 Takshi Oikawa $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/10/2016 Senthilvel Ratnasabapathy $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/10/2016 Lee Rosselli $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
30/10/2016 Rebecca Gregory £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/10/2016 Peter Hendrik Smids $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/10/2016 JODY GRADY $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/10/2016 claude jouan $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/10/2016 Robert Adrianowski $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/10/2016 Peter Rowland £4.00 £3.59 MATE Desktop Monthly Supporter
30/10/2016 Gianluca Cataldo $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/10/2016 Iacob-Adrian Ratiu $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/10/2016 Amedeo Pagliuso $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/10/2016 stéphane armenise $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
30/10/2016 Joachim Tidow $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/10/2016 Joachim Wähner $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/10/2016 Alexander Gitis $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/10/2016 Santiago Recalde $25.00 $23.40 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/10/2016 Robert York $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
29/10/2016 Raul L Cotto-Serrano $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
29/10/2016 Nic Gibson $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/10/2016 Bas Blanken $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/10/2016 Leo Noordhuizen $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
29/10/2016 DESHAIES Vivien $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/10/2016 Puamelia Photo $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/10/2016 daniel dyer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/10/2016 Jesse Scott $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
28/10/2016 Chris Davis $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/10/2016 Matthew Bellew $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/10/2016 Erika Romero $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/10/2016 Corneliu Eva $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/10/2016 Bruno Dantas $25.00 $23.60 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
28/10/2016 Peter Oertel $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/10/2016 Greger Isaksson $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
28/10/2016 Jonathan Haynes $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
28/10/2016 Wynand Gouws $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
28/10/2016 Lindsay Weekes $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/10/2016 Mel Clark $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/10/2016 Peter Deutsch $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/10/2016 NITIN AHER $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
27/10/2016 Thomas Van $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/10/2016 Thomas Van $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/10/2016 David Gargan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/10/2016 f g oakes $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/10/2016 Jií Zíka $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
27/10/2016 Thomas Drephal $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
27/10/2016 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
27/10/2016 sinan kapcak $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/10/2016 Ricardo Galvão $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/10/2016 Jostein Haugen $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
27/10/2016 Peter Wilkes $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/10/2016 Alessandro Battisti $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/10/2016 David Snyder $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/10/2016 Gary Barnett $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
27/10/2016 Paul Russo $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/10/2016 Kenneth Blackwell $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/10/2016 MARK ARTMAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
26/10/2016 Jose Alberto Vazquez Garcia $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
26/10/2016 Michael Patterson $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/10/2016 Iain Simpson $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/10/2016 Yosef ben Yaacov $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/10/2016 B2B World Solutions LLC. $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/10/2016 Nick Pillitteri $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
26/10/2016 Stewart Bone $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/10/2016 Phil Sidebottom $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/10/2016 Gaston Belanger $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/10/2016 Roch Séguin $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/10/2016 Liam dvo $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
25/10/2016 Bill C Pitman $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/10/2016 Jochen Antesberger $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/10/2016 Fancher Controls LLC $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
25/10/2016 CARLES XIRGU PUIGMULÉ $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
25/10/2016 Derek Smith $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/10/2016 Jan Dieleman $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
25/10/2016 allan karstens $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
24/10/2016 Sven Jacobsen €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/10/2016 Sven Jacobsen €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/10/2016 Susan Hester $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/10/2016 Nadine Frommann $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
24/10/2016 Roman Loemaa $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/10/2016 Laurie Muscat $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
24/10/2016 Gordon Taylor $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/10/2016 Felippe H D De Castro $3.00 $2.54 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
23/10/2016 John Rigol $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/10/2016 Shap Woolfolk $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
23/10/2016 David Kuehn $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Jan Relster $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Fahd ALRBIAH $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Orlin Yanakiev $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Martin Obrist $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Anton Lenarcic $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Heinz Lottes $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Pablo Torregrosa Páez $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Fabio Vivoli $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/10/2016 uno fritsby $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Jarrod Chesney $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
23/10/2016 $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Bernd Schuetzel $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Michael Yaroslavtsev $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Sebastian Geithner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/10/2016 KRISHNA TIRUPPATTUR $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Matthew Jackson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Greg Aldrich $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Steven Slizewski $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Kevin Uhl $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/10/2016 Manfred Buck $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Cristian Toraci $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
22/10/2016 NEWTON GAMA JUNIOR $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Thomas Futch $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Vania Silverio $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Aleksei Petrenko $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Vitor Lamas Gatti $1.00 $0.65 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
22/10/2016 Li Dongjing $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Jeffrey Keller $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Paul Burden $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Pierre-Elie Normand $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Pier Luca Chionetti €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/10/2016 Michael Saule $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Michael Kirschbaum €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/10/2016 Frederic SALLES $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Georgi Toshev $0.08 $0.00 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/10/2016 Georgi Toshev $0.10 $0.00 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/10/2016 Georgi Toshev $1.10 $0.75 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/10/2016 George Meyer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Jordan Brown $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Miika Renner $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Shap Woolfolk $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
22/10/2016 Dow Hurst $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/10/2016 Massimo Capra $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/10/2016 David Churfürst $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/10/2016 Lance Linimon $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/10/2016 Elias Livaditis $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/10/2016 Lonnie Carruthers $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
21/10/2016 CHARLES BERGER $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/10/2016 Eldrun $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
21/10/2016 Dominik Kampling €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/10/2016 Sergiy Ponomarov $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/10/2016 Manuel G Fraga Castro $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/10/2016 Allan Gargol $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/10/2016 Bruno Rene Santos $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/10/2016 Lukas Bähler $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/10/2016 yves barbin $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/10/2016 Steve Scott $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/10/2016 Andras Papai $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/10/2016 Lorenzo Neri $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/10/2016 Ricardo Carvalho $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/10/2016 Graham Rippon £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/10/2016 brian goudy $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/10/2016 George Botros $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/10/2016 Tarak Thakore $4.71 $4.20 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/10/2016 Ignacy Sawa $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/10/2016 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/10/2016 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/10/2016 Raymond Rogers $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
19/10/2016 JESUS VIDAL $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
19/10/2016 Mike Sensney $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/10/2016 shy tzedaka $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/10/2016 Mike Sensney $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
19/10/2016 Laurent Demers $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/10/2016 William Hoag $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/10/2016 Basam Alhasawi $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/10/2016 CanguloStudios $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/10/2016 Jose Luis Pratginestos $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
18/10/2016 Andreas Biermann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/10/2016 Bruce Winterburn $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
18/10/2016 Vincent Perrot $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/10/2016 Dat Nguyen $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
18/10/2016 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/10/2016 Nick Woolford $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
18/10/2016 Goran Jordanov $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
18/10/2016 Rodney Cole $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
18/10/2016 Ross Buell $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/10/2016 Andrew O'Neil $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/10/2016 JULIEN TIJUS $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/10/2016 Andy Piper $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/10/2016 $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/10/2016 Carlo Fattorini €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/10/2016 Dusko Djordjevic $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/10/2016 Patrick Schulz $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/10/2016 Michael Hardt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/10/2016 Jeffrey Norden $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/10/2016 Jerry Kosiba $35.00 $33.16 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
17/10/2016 Frode Byrkjeland $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/10/2016 Fabio Pieralice $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/10/2016 Michael Silva $8.02 $7.37 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
16/10/2016 Jackson Tay Bosley $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
16/10/2016 Michael Lipani $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/10/2016 David Macdonald $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
16/10/2016 Michael Miedler $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
16/10/2016 Jeremy Parsons $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
16/10/2016 Mathew Chinn $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
16/10/2016 Jean-Marc Reymond $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/10/2016 Jon Boroughs $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
16/10/2016 M H G VAN LEEUWEN $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
16/10/2016 fabrice jacquot €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
16/10/2016 Aakash Pradeep $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
16/10/2016 paul vaillancourt $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/10/2016 Jordan Awan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
15/10/2016 James Bishop £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/10/2016 Hugh Nelson $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Heiko Schmidt $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Christopher Brown $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Michael Barnett $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Benjamin Anderson $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Sabine Süske $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Normand Leclair $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Danny Düde $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Mihai Radu Sterie €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/10/2016 David Oakley $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Tobias Helmut Dilling $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Colin Mills £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/10/2016 Edward Feder $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Josef Huber €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/10/2016 Simo Grönlund $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Bryant Belarmino $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Paul Scott $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/10/2016 Suzuki Masaki $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Wayne Pozzi $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Jesus Rivero $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
14/10/2016 David Embry $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Lloyd Raymond $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Vincent Groenewold $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Ulf Leichsenring $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Melvin Rock $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Richard Lowe $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/10/2016 Jason Finestone $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Elaine Wix $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Donald McArthur $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Andreas Ruhs $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/10/2016 bourgoin gilles €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/10/2016 Markus Salewski $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/10/2016 colin mullett $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Troy Forbes $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
14/10/2016 justin sheppherd $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Paul Hughes $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Julio Rubio Pineda $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/10/2016 Jonathan Carthel $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/10/2016 Laurence Watson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
13/10/2016 Richard Hall $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/10/2016 Joanfra Varga Aguilà $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/10/2016 Simon Biles £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/10/2016 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/10/2016 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/10/2016 LIANG SHUO CHEN $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/10/2016 Tom Rogie $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/10/2016 lawrence floyd $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/10/2016 Alan Cassels $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/10/2016 Fabian Giertz $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/10/2016 ALEJANDRO MEZO ARANCIBIA $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/10/2016 François Desy $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/10/2016 Thomas Holst $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
12/10/2016 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/10/2016 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/10/2016 meshari alnaim $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/10/2016 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/10/2016 Matthew Holt £1.00 £0.77 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/10/2016 Burt Philp $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/10/2016 Moshe Shiran $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/10/2016 Johannes Huning $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/10/2016 Paul Mailly $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/10/2016 Stephen Brinson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/10/2016 Ted Riel $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/10/2016 José SIERRA €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
11/10/2016 Torsten Suhrke $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
11/10/2016 Laon Escad $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/10/2016 Roberto Contardi $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/10/2016 Mario Saguchi $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/10/2016 Hilmar Schepp $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
11/10/2016 IKER TOME $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/10/2016 Robert Ward $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
10/10/2016 Christopher Burton $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
10/10/2016 jose armijo cuadra $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 for PowerPC Download Tip
10/10/2016 Jürgen Elsen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/10/2016 Dominik Wiedemuth $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
10/10/2016 Simon Peters $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/10/2016 Paolo Bravi $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/10/2016 Christopher Neto $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/10/2016 Kobus Bosman $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/10/2016 Bryan McElhenney $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
10/10/2016 Graham Lockie $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
10/10/2016 Joe Brown $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/10/2016 Northbay Taxi $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/10/2016 The University of Toledo Pulse Driven Systems Team $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/10/2016 Nasko Zagorchev €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/10/2016 Adrian Ashford $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/10/2016 Sebastian Müller $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/10/2016 Christopher Welsh $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
09/10/2016 Victor Mueller $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/10/2016 Andries Buys $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/10/2016 Therese Knisely $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/10/2016 Jeffrey Henry $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/10/2016 Gaston Belanger $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/10/2016 Petri J H Siilasvuo $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
08/10/2016 Mark Henry $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/10/2016 Petr Fiala $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/10/2016 Maratee Zittlau $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
08/10/2016 Louis C Rogers Jr $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/10/2016 Peter Germann $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/10/2016 Craig Carmichael $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/10/2016 Christiaan Buijsers $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/10/2016 Willem Houtzaager $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/10/2016 Ahmed I $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/10/2016 Larry Howell $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/10/2016 Carl Wilson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
07/10/2016 niels holm frederiksen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/10/2016 CompuDoc $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/10/2016 rachel helmreich $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/10/2016 Brian Coakley $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/10/2016 Charles Leach $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/10/2016 Michael Ryan $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/10/2016 Keith Martin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/10/2016 Alchemy Computing $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/10/2016 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/10/2016 Musin Timur $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/10/2016 Pedro Cuevas $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/10/2016 Frederik van Dasselaar €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/10/2016 SuHo Park $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/10/2016 Jose Ramón Bachiller $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/10/2016 Raymond Mccarthy $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
06/10/2016 jason helms $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/10/2016 Wireless Mapping Inc $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/10/2016 jesus membrila $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
06/10/2016 Jonathan Probber $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/10/2016 William Boyle $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
06/10/2016 PONS Philippe $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/10/2016 elickson arias $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/10/2016 Hatakeyama Yoichi $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/10/2016 Onno Giesmann €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/10/2016 John Lopez $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/10/2016 Reinhard Weber $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/10/2016 Phil Hanson $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/10/2016 Patty Hardy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
05/10/2016 Kasper van Hoek $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/10/2016 Matthias Shen $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/10/2016 John O'Rourke $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/10/2016 Eric Eddy $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
04/10/2016 Carl Matson $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/10/2016 Peter Teuber $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
04/10/2016 Ovidiu Ghinet $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
04/10/2016 Alan Cruz $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/10/2016 Chase Conner $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/10/2016 Lisa Jewell £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/10/2016 Gigs Taggart $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/10/2016 MIGUEL ESPARZA $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/10/2016 LIBIN HUANG $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/10/2016 Marc Ogez $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/10/2016 Thomas Matthias $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/10/2016 Brian Klotz $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/10/2016 Mike Allen $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/10/2016 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/10/2016 Dong Ho Kang $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/10/2016 Vincent Modéré €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/10/2016 Jürgen Dietl $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/10/2016 Fidel Bor $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for PowerPC Download Tip
03/10/2016 Sylvain Cloutier $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/10/2016 Alexander Schatteiner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/10/2016 Jaimeson Zobel $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/10/2016 stephane bary $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/10/2016 $1.00 $0.65 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
02/10/2016 Imposing Solutions $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/10/2016 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/10/2016 alexandre carles $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/10/2016 Mike Wedderburn $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/10/2016 Paul Roberts $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/10/2016 Carlos Antonio Oca Masanet $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
02/10/2016 Paul Hutcheon $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/10/2016 Craig Martin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/10/2016 JAYME EDUARDO ROSA $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/10/2016 Braxton VanGundy $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/10/2016 Achim Saemann $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/10/2016 william williston $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
01/10/2016 Michael Barnhart $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/10/2016 $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/10/2016 Dan Post $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/10/2016 Robin Ball $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/10/2016 Jean Charles GIROD $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/10/2016 Anthony Masters $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
01/10/2016 Bernd Klasen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/10/2016 B & B Aviation Co., LLC $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip

Thank you to all 385 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $2247.01 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $2040.93, of which $1650.47 was received as Download Tips and $130.76 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €162.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €151.02, of which €11.02 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £42.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £38.9, of which £10.72 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.20965499 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at November 02, 2016 06:15 PM

October 13, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 16.10

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Final
As is now customary, our release artwork was made by Ghost Sixtyseven.

It's GTK3+ baby, all of it!

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 is, more or less, a re-working of Ubuntu MATE from scratch, not just to accomodate GTK3+ but to also make most of the packages shipped by default with Ubuntu MATE "Recommended". This means most default applications can now be uninstalled without issue.

The work to port MATE Desktop to GTK3+ has been ongoing for a couple of years and Ubuntu MATE is the first major distribution to ship a full GTK3+ implementation of the MATE Desktop. And the absolute latest release too, MATE Desktop 1.16! Firefox and LibreOffice are also GTK3+ only in Yakkety.

This has been no small undertaking, we've changed toolkits twice this cycle. First from GTK 2.24.x to GTK 3.18, and then again to GTK 3.20. The themes required two significant upgrades during this process. We've also upgraded through three MATE Desktop versions this cycle, starting from 1.12 to 1.14, to 1.15 and finally to 1.16.

We originally planned to complete the migration to GTK3+ for the Ubuntu MATE 17.04 release, but thanks to those of you who have generously supported the Ubuntu MATE crowd-funding we've achieved that objective well ahead of schedule!

Ubuntu MATE have paid €5653 to Open Source developers working on MATE Desktop and Ubuntu MATE projects during the six months of the Ubuntu MATE 16.10 development cycle. You, the Ubuntu MATE community, have made it possible to complete the migration to GTK3+ half a year early!

Thank you all for your continued support!

Martin Wimpress, Ubuntu MATE Project Leader.

Download Ubuntu MATE 16.10

Join the fun and experience a retrospective future.


What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Beta 2 release?

This is what has been added, updated or removed.

  • Upgraded to MATE Desktop 1.16.0
    • The entire MATE Desktop suite has been upgraded to MATE Desktop 1.16.0
    • Many, many, bug fixes.
    • Translation updates.
  • Upgraded Ubuntu MATE Artwork 16.10.9
    • Fix Firefox download progress bars. (LP: #1630224)
    • Fix Unlock button for Time and Date Settings. (LP: #1630910)
    • Fix Back/Forward navigation buttons in Yelp. (LP: #1624574)
    • Fix Firefox Search/Location entry box borders. (LP: #1624738)
    • Fix Firefox menu items.
    • Fix Advanced Menu themes to use flat elements. (LP: #1630366, #1624755)
    • Fix OSD colors. (LP: #1630538)
    • Fix LibreOffice toolbars and theme. (LP: #1624571, #1550990)
    • Fix symbolic icons for GtkExpander.
    • Fix Transmission progress bars. (LP: #1624565)
    • Fix Indicator Applet on transparent panels. (LP: #1598159)
  • Upgraded to Ubuntu MATE Welcome 16.10.10
    • Correct description for Adobe Flash. (LP: #1630266)
    • Add keyboard navigation support. (LP: #1616203)
    • Fix Getting Started sections not re-closing. (LP: #1626909)
    • Fix broken images in bulk queue. (LP: #1626896)
    • Fix notifications for bulk queue operations. (LP: #1626899)
    • Fix "Upgrade Installed Packages" button. (LP: #1626907)
    • Fix inoperable introduction links.
    • Fix Getting Started hints not appearing.
    • Hide "open at login" checkbox for live and guest sessions.
    • Remove ocenaudio. (LP: #1613410)
    • Remove duplicate navigation buttons.
    • Many other minor fixes and refinements.
  • Upgraded to MATE Dock Applet 0.75
    • Application actions now have their own popup window, which can be disabled if required.
    • Window list now appears in response to a click on an application icon when it has more than one window open.
    • Action lists and window list colours now match the panel.
    • Optional Compiz integration, to provide previews of an applications open windows.
    • Bug fixes.
  • Many other bug fixes including:
    • Fixed booting PowerPC iso on PowerMac G5 7,3. (LP: #1626332)
    • Fixed LightDM Guest Session warning dialog. (LP: #1627395)
    • Fixed Display Preferences not working. (LP: #1628209)
    • Fixed changing the size of the MATE Terminal. (LP: #1615443)
    • Removed colour customisations (not supported in GTK3+) from Appearence Preferences. (LP: #1626960)
    • Removed background support (not supported in GTK3+) from Caja. (LP: #1628180)

Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE issues

  • It is not possible to enable 'Hide proprietary applications' or 'Enable Bulk Queue' in Ubuntu MATE Welcome. (LP: #1632680)
    • A fix has been published and will be available via updates a few days after release.
    • You can also subscribe Software Boutique to updates (in the lower left of the Software Boutique window) and get the fix now!
  • MATE Optimus crashes on start-up if you have a nvidia hybrid graphics and the nvidia proprietary drivers installed. (LP: #1632685)
    • A fix has been published and will be available via updates a few days after release.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affect all flavours.

  • Booting the image on UEFI hardware may fail to complete, only showing a blank screen.

    • This is caused by an issue with the UEFI Shim and has been reported to fail on ThinkPad laptops as well as in QEMU virtual machines. Other devices may also be affected. This issue is expected to be resolved for the final release.
    • (LP: #1624096)
  • Choosing an Entire Disk install on PowerPC will result in an unbootable system.

    • The work around is to manually partition your hard disk and create a 1GB ext2 /boot partition.
    • (LP: #1606089), (LP: #1607128)
  • Ubiquity installer Slideshows and Ubuntu MATE Welcome display a blank window on PowerPC.

  • R300 GPU accelerated graphics do not work on PowerPC

  • Running Linux on PowerPC can require some tinkering and the following are useful references.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at October 13, 2016 02:15 PM

October 05, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE September 2016 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project. As usual we've be able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE CDN, WAF and email charges for September 2016.
  • Paid €880 (taking into account currency variations) to Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to Open Source projects and developers to approximately $10555.33 (taking into account currency variations).

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and covering all our hosting and server costs for September 2016. This sponsorship means most of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month Ubuntu MATE has surplus funds we will make contributions to Open Source projects, or developers working on projects, that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

This month Ubuntu MATE has paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

  • Wolfgang Ulbrich (Fedora) - €350 For improving Ubuntu MATE themes integration with GTK 3.20
  • Luke Horwell (Ubuntu MATE) £200 - For developing and fixing bugs in Ubuntu MATE Welcome.
  • Mike Gabriel (Debian) - €300 For reviewing and sponsoring uploads of MATE 1.16 to Debian.

Unfortunately one of the MATE Developers is having difficulty with their bank and has been unable to received their July, August or September sponsorship from Ubuntu MATE. We have €300 set aside for when we are able to make a successful transfer.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1281.01 this month.

Patreon Perks

These Patron have opted for some perks.

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
Daniel LaSalle 2016-04-02 02:28:21
Jared Sloane 2016-08-17 10:01:05
Etienne Papegnies 2016-05-09 23:49:53
Manuel Carrizo 2015-11-13 01:17:34
Scott Thompson 2016-07-08 19:29:37
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Scott Brown 2016-03-17 13:04:00
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Kévin Marilleau 2016-05-30 22:40:00
Andrew Khazanovsky 2016-08-03 16:50:44
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2015-12-03 08:04:27
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Paul Demers 2015-10-18 04:46:00 2015-10-02 13:01:39
Ron Goodman 2015-11-20 13:38:02
Daniel Neilson 2016-07-03 23:35:36
Ryan Carter 2016-02-03 00:08:54
James McPhail 2015-12-28 12:33:25
N. Alexander Tessner 2016-08-08 03:20:45
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Michael Mykolyshyn 2016-04-23 03:07:46
Larry Hale 2016-04-10 15:58:00
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Graham 2016-05-18 11:14:23
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Martin Stickley 2016-06-07 21:00:37
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07
Andriy Tymchenko 2016-07-14 11:54:43
Matthew Cooper 2016-07-09 17:10:27
Andreas Kauffmann 2016-08-27 07:18:44
Andras Nemeshanyi 2016-08-19 11:01:55

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Jupiter Broadcasting, Ivan Pejić, Dirk-Jan van der Hoorn, Sergio Rivera, Silas Wulff, Adrian Evans, Jack Blakely, Matt Hartley, Scott Petty, Antoine Mate Messiah, david van Dyk, Mark Boadey, Ricardo Gerena, Trooper_Ish, Peter Mergaerts, Atreju, Michael White, Zora Saad, Gheorghe Kobori, John Jeffers P.Eng., Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Dan Hively, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, Dirk Eisenacher, B Kirsch, Stephen Morrish (PendragonUK), Johnathon Tinsley, Enjayembee, Nathan Tehrani, Nigel Green, Dow Hurst, Sam McGlynn, David J Gwiazda, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Alexander Browne, Susan, Szabolcs, Johannes, Phil Clifford, Winfried Plappert, David Laczko, Josh Thacker, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, Julian, Jared Prins, ekrem, Philip Espi, Chris Wharton, Scott Cowan, Matt, dastrike, Christopher atkins, Stephen Donovan, Jason Hyder, sfarber5300, Geoff Grogan, Jeff Stoner, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, M Hoppes, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, taksuyu, Specops872, Krishna, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, Jason, Lukasz, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Ed, Mike Brannon, Anthony Bosio, Daron Dierkes, Daniel Vieira, Jim Kopps, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Andre Kretzschmar, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter, Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Lu Goon, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Luis Joaquim, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Mike Keen, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Donald Baun, Paul Keeton, Carlo Vitolo, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Michael Braem, Nate Chambers, Richard Underwood, Earl J Violet, NuclearBandAid, Chris Monachino, Sebastiaan Samyn, Marcus Mundy, Kathja Salo, Michael Burchfield, Harry Myhre, Guillaume Politis Chalm, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Christian Knuchel, Gaius, john, Graham Moss, Jason P. Stanford, David Southard, Patrick L Archibald,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Monthly supporter

Become a monthly supporter at Patreon. Patrons get exclusive project updates, invites to live video conferences with the Ubuntu MATE developers and discounts on some Ubuntu MATE merchandise.

Become a Patron
Date Name Invested After fees Description
30/09/2016 Bryan Hord $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/09/2016 Kevin Riggs Photography $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/09/2016 Kenneth Akers $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/09/2016 Fernando Santamaria Belon $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
30/09/2016 Richard Soans $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/09/2016 André Bjärby $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/09/2016 Shannon Stuckey $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/09/2016 Matthew Tucci $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/09/2016 Bruce Semple $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/09/2016 James Knopick $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
29/09/2016 Negasi Gerima $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/09/2016 Yash Khemani $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/09/2016 Bruno Dantas $25.00 $23.60 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
29/09/2016 MN Shereef £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/09/2016 Otto Waelchli $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/09/2016 Band-IT Services $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/09/2016 Dennis Jacobus van Vliet $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/09/2016 Helge Münnich $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/09/2016 Christopher Lewis Solano $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/09/2016 Isaac Muñoz $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/09/2016 Errol Nicholson $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
29/09/2016 Obi Symons $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/09/2016 Brian Nelson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/09/2016 Yoram Levy $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/09/2016 Pradeep Sagam $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/09/2016 Alex Steuer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/09/2016 Constantin BRECHET $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/09/2016 Luke Ingerson $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
28/09/2016 Ronald Bloor $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/09/2016 Sverrir Steindorsson $5.00 $4.51 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
28/09/2016 Carlo Frey $100.00 $95.00 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/09/2016 Wynand Gouws $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
28/09/2016 nick benavides $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/09/2016 Philipp Reinfeld $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
28/09/2016 Michael Hohlt $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/09/2016 Howard Butterfield $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/09/2016 Sabine Hauzenberger $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/09/2016 Bernhard Winter $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
27/09/2016 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
27/09/2016 Maddox Philip $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/09/2016 Le site de Serge Muscat $1.00 $0.66 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
27/09/2016 Nathan Sakal $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/09/2016 Laura Bécognée $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/09/2016 Thany Sounthala $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
27/09/2016 $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/09/2016 matthew kuhl $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
27/09/2016 Robert Centers $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/09/2016 Jan Umbhau $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/09/2016 D A Holland $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/09/2016 Reinhard Frick $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/09/2016 Invivo-Design Studio $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
26/09/2016 Joaquim Miralles Navasquillo $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/09/2016 Emilio Ramos Garcia $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/09/2016 Michael Berner £20.00 £19.02 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/09/2016 Wilson Fleming $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/09/2016 Derek Nunley $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/09/2016 Vincent Di Nenna $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/09/2016 Marko Potrata $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/09/2016 Örn Friðriksson £10.00 £9.42 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/09/2016 Eero Takkinen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/09/2016 George C. Williams Jr. $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/09/2016 Marco Harpenschläger $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/09/2016 George C. Williams Jr. $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/09/2016 Laurence Salmon $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/09/2016 P e t e r Jahn $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/09/2016 Patrick Limacher $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/09/2016 John van Gaalen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
25/09/2016 Kent Crispin $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/09/2016 Luigi Voramwald €25.00 €23.47 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/09/2016 Tom Johnson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/09/2016 Robert Jacobs $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/09/2016 David Gale $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/09/2016 Rémy Chauvin €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
24/09/2016 Pat Counts $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/09/2016 lionel cros $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
24/09/2016 Vladimír Burian €20.00 €18.97 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
24/09/2016 Eleanor Lim $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/09/2016 Ivan Santana $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/09/2016 Micha Bokiniec $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/09/2016 Karel Janssens $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/09/2016 Christian Riessland €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/09/2016 Simon Bolton $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/09/2016 Oren Stewart $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/09/2016 Matthias Mrosk $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/09/2016 Michael Millar $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/09/2016 Shaun Washington $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/09/2016 Wolfgang Lochbihler $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/09/2016 Patrick Archibald $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/09/2016 Bo Jorgensen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/09/2016 Manuel Mayer €5.00 €4.48 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
22/09/2016 Religious Life Project $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/09/2016 denis ullett $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/09/2016 Laurie Miller $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/09/2016 Vakhtang Tartarashvili $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
22/09/2016 Matteo Balzaretti $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/09/2016 Precision Pros LLC $10.00 $9.26 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
22/09/2016 jay medina $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/09/2016 david faro chaparro $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/09/2016 Rocco Riccardi $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
21/09/2016 Philip Reitz $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/09/2016 Eric Shaw $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/09/2016 George C. Williams Jr. $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/09/2016 Justin Burrows $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/09/2016 Sigve Ravndal $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/09/2016 David Symonds $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
21/09/2016 Dmytro Liakh $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/09/2016 ONO KAZUKI $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/09/2016 Bruce McCready $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/09/2016 Marcello DiStasio $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
21/09/2016 Thomas Pfister $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/09/2016 Kelly Holstrom $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/09/2016 Tony Bowers $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
21/09/2016 James Spencer $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/09/2016 Erika Romero €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/09/2016 Robert Lorentzen $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/09/2016 Larry Stehr $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/09/2016 Javier Anselmo Gonzalez Puras $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/09/2016 Markku Ormanto $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/09/2016 Stefan Ziegler $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/09/2016 Mia Henriquez $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/09/2016 Mathias Horsch $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
20/09/2016 Lance Kasari $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/09/2016 Michael Whitehill $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/09/2016 Roger Wibrew $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/09/2016 B&B nonna vincenza €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/09/2016 Jack Wilson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/09/2016 Martin Käser $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/09/2016 Sebastian Schwarz $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/09/2016 Bruno Hotz $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
19/09/2016 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/09/2016 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/09/2016 William Kane $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/09/2016 Guy Raybaud $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
19/09/2016 Carlos Roberto Lara Meza $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/09/2016 Harri Lind $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/09/2016 WireSpeed Networks Inc. $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/09/2016 Jennifer Janesko $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
19/09/2016 Kjetil Aamot Kristiansen $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/09/2016 SiLok Chao $15.00 $14.04 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
19/09/2016 Jon Carson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/09/2016 Jeff Watson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
18/09/2016 Brent Woodward $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
18/09/2016 Adam Bergstein $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
18/09/2016 Shawn Leveridge $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/09/2016 Harvey Livschitz $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/09/2016 Joerg Schiebener $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/09/2016 GeekwithBadge Design $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/09/2016 Kauko Virtanen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/09/2016 Klaus Rüther $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
18/09/2016 Leonid Shalupov £25.00 £23.82 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
18/09/2016 Manfred Hamann $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/09/2016 Stephan Klier $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/09/2016 Dan Strom $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/09/2016 Gregory Boyk $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/09/2016 Francisco Carriedo $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/09/2016 Clifford Williams $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/09/2016 Philip Riddle $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/09/2016 Larry Allen $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
17/09/2016 Larry Allen $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
17/09/2016 Christian Aubry $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/09/2016 David Plassmann $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
17/09/2016 sergej lawrenjuk $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/09/2016 nathan hudson £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/09/2016 nathan hudson $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/09/2016 Kathleen Roxby $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/09/2016 David MacMillan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/09/2016 Andre van Rooyen $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/09/2016 Federico Salas $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/09/2016 Jerry Kosiba $35.00 $33.16 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
17/09/2016 BRENO T L DE SOUZA $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
16/09/2016 Vladimir Kocan $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/09/2016 Miguel Ovelar $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
16/09/2016 Colin Asplin $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/09/2016 Kenneth Östberg $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/09/2016 Jane Marconi $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/09/2016 Michael Fulbright $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/09/2016 Travis Cowart $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
15/09/2016 Henry Hogue $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
15/09/2016 john avak $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
15/09/2016 Rainer Leopold $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/09/2016 Fernando inacio $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/09/2016 $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/09/2016 George Dundon $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
15/09/2016 Isaiah Davis $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/09/2016 MICHAEL DUTTON $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/09/2016 Frank McPherson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/09/2016 Howard Cochran $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/09/2016 Mikael Sollgard $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/09/2016 James Compton $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/09/2016 Philipp Commans $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/09/2016 Gordon Olwell $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/09/2016 Stephen Tidmarsh $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/09/2016 James Francom $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/09/2016 nono winarno £10.00 £9.28 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
14/09/2016 Michael Waldestran $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/09/2016 Christian Dahlstrom $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/09/2016 russell c k Buker Adams $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/09/2016 Andreas Gosch $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/09/2016 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/09/2016 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/09/2016 John Looney $20.00 $18.76 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/09/2016 Simon Biles £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/09/2016 massimo rubagotti $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/09/2016 Neil Greenaway $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
13/09/2016 Marek Dobias $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/09/2016 David Reeves $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/09/2016 Adriano De Negri $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/09/2016 NGAN TSANG KWONG $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/09/2016 John Freel $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/09/2016 Michael Chladek $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/09/2016 Mercedes García Vela €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/09/2016 James Herring $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
12/09/2016 meshari alnaim $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/09/2016 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/09/2016 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/09/2016 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/09/2016 Robert Hesketh £25.00 £23.95 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/09/2016 Matthew Holt £1.00 £0.77 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/09/2016 Matthew Holt $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/09/2016 William Callahan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/09/2016 John Breza $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/09/2016 Martin Heyman $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/09/2016 Steven Rude $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/09/2016 Jeff Brown $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
11/09/2016 Robert Boudreau $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/09/2016 john maher $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/09/2016 Martin Rogalla $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/09/2016 Dominic Bremer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/09/2016 Christoph Rössig $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/09/2016 Heino Müller $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/09/2016 Marco Devoti $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/09/2016 rob masaitis $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/09/2016 marlin lorenzi $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/09/2016 Lamont Lucas $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/09/2016 Michael Dahlke $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/09/2016 Marty Puckett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/09/2016 Andrew Youngwerth $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/09/2016 Michael Roth $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/09/2016 Ernesto Hernandez $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/09/2016 Vincent Harkiewicz $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/09/2016 Darren Lee $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
10/09/2016 Sebastian Juarez $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/09/2016 Daniel Salle $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for PowerPC Download Tip
10/09/2016 Jonas Shawanesse $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/09/2016 Ty Chea $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/09/2016 Calum Scouller $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/09/2016 Christoph Hahne $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
09/09/2016 Frederick Alexander $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/09/2016 Jay Eichelberger $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
09/09/2016 Martin Crump $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/09/2016 SURESH BV $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/09/2016 Peter Emile Nieborg €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/09/2016 Michael Näffgen-Bell $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/09/2016 mario valencia $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/09/2016 Robert Merritt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/09/2016 james ho $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
08/09/2016 Scott Miller $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/09/2016 Barret McNab $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/09/2016 Clyde Bollinger $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/09/2016 Germain Roy $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/09/2016 Anatoliy Miroshnychenko $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/09/2016 Scott Fortney $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/09/2016 Devon Brewer $10.00 $9.26
08/09/2016 Harmiyono Utomo $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/09/2016 Markos Gounelas $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/09/2016 Emil Sandholm $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/09/2016 Warren Emms $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
08/09/2016 Gregory Boyk $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
08/09/2016 Lukas Schwörer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/09/2016 rod west $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/09/2016 Greg Shores $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/09/2016 Martin Lee £5.00 £4.58 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/09/2016 Andrew Derbyshire $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/09/2016 ROBERT WEBER $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/09/2016 David Trifonoff $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/09/2016 FABRICIO PEREIRA $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/09/2016 Santerre Santerre $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/09/2016 erwan le gal $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/09/2016 Gabriel Araujo $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/09/2016 Damien Mathé $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/09/2016 Eric Davison $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/09/2016 KO Development $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/09/2016 Philip Mallon $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/09/2016 Steve Kim $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/09/2016 hector supanovich $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/09/2016 Patricio Gibaut $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/09/2016 One On One Consulting $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/09/2016 JOHN FUTCHER $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
06/09/2016 Gary Jensen $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/09/2016 John King $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/09/2016 Filippo Sidoti $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/09/2016 Biscayne Information Technology, Inc. $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
06/09/2016 titus tscharntke $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/09/2016 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/09/2016 scott cowley $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
06/09/2016 Marco Melo $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/09/2016 Maxime Hardy $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
06/09/2016 eugene white $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/09/2016 Mark Everett $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
05/09/2016 Sean Fairbanks $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/09/2016 Chuck Harrison $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/09/2016 Scott Flowers $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
05/09/2016 Keith Grant $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/09/2016 Brian Manlove $50.00 $47.50 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/09/2016 zenon ayala $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
04/09/2016 Sarah Assamagan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/09/2016 Riccardo_ibba $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/09/2016 Miguel Eduardo Jimenez $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/09/2016 Lisa Jewell £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/09/2016 nick reifferscheid $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/09/2016 john maher $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/09/2016 Robert Malarky $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/09/2016 Robert Cook $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/09/2016 Simon Thaller $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/09/2016 Bernard Kung $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
04/09/2016 Marcel Molendijk $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/09/2016 Tom Schmidt $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/09/2016 ruben henares $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/09/2016 Aaron Weller $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/09/2016 Marcelino Mata $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/09/2016 Ryan Kuhn $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/09/2016 Jerzy Lewandowski $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
03/09/2016 Lori Fenstermacher $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/09/2016 Hugh McKay $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/09/2016 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/09/2016 James Garner $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/09/2016 jake maguire $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/09/2016 Congruity Service LLC $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/09/2016 Juan Manuel Sanchez Sanchez $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/09/2016 Sivakumar Sivashanmugam $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/09/2016 Ingrid Eubank $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Martin King $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Ronald Rice $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Thibaut Dubois $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Ali Elsharayri $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Patricio Rodriguez $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/09/2016 Darrell Burk $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Alexander Chalupka $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Tim Schwecke $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Gunnar Reed $10.00 $9.26 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
02/09/2016 Joseph LeBlanc $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Waldemar Pietruszewski $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/09/2016 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Alfredo Ferrarotti $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Sheldon Webb $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Jerry Hill $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/09/2016 David Knoernschild $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/09/2016 william fontaine $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/09/2016 Morgan Mitchell $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/09/2016 Ludwig Buchner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/09/2016 Laszlo Benedek $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/09/2016 Graham Hall $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/09/2016 Christian Brunkau $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/09/2016 Lucas Fadersen $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
01/09/2016 Hairbank of Killeen $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/09/2016 Tom Wilmoth $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip

Thank you to all 357 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $2007.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $1819.38, of which $1331.51 was received as Download Tips and $112.54 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €147.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €138.3, of which €6.54 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £118.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £111.29, of which £7.13 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.05148348 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at October 05, 2016 03:00 PM

September 28, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Beta 2

We are totally over excited (like we've been eating candy floss and toffee apples all night) about this final beta release of Ubuntu MATE 16.10, that now features MATE Desktop 1.15.1 :-D

From this point forward we'll be focusing on fixing as many issues as we can on the lead up to the final release of Ubuntu MATE 16.10. The 16.10 development cycle has been all about the migration to GTK3+ and creating the new foundations upon which to build our "retrospective future".

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) for distribution on October 13th, 2016 With this Final Beta pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Beta 2
As is now customary, our release artwork was made by Ghost Sixtyseven.

What works?

People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Beta 1 release?

This is what has been added, updated or removed.

  • Upgraded to MATE Desktop 1.15.1
    • The entire MATE Desktop suite has been upgraded to MATE Desktop 1.15.x
    • These are the final development snapshots and bring many bug fixes and GTK3+ compatibility improvements.
    • MATE Desktop 1.16 will be available via updates soon!
  • Updated Ubuntu MATE themes which significantly improves GTK 3.20 compatibility.
  • An update for Ubuntu MATE Welcome 16.10.9 is available for install now.
    • Auto-focus the search box.
    • Refine Getting Started.
    • Refine header/footer shadows and footer icons.
    • Reduce flickering under non Ambiant-MATE themes.
    • Fixed installs for Audio Recorder, Gajim, InSync, KDE Connect Indicator, Kodi, Hedgewars, HipChat, MakeMKV, OBS Studio, Play on Linux, Ubuntu SDK, Ubuntu Software, Veracrypt and Wine Devel.
    • Added Deja-Dup, Brasero, gElemental, GNS3, Thunderbird and Skype for Linux Alpha.
    • Many bug fixes.
  • Fixed MATE Tweak segfault when switching to Compiz due to a gsettings schema change in Metacity.
  • Fixed Weather reports and forecasts.

Download Ubuntu MATE 16.10

Join the fun and experience a retrospective future.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE issues

  • Nothing significant.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affect all flavours.

  • Booting the live image on UEFI hardware may fail to complete, only showing a blank screen.

    • This is caused by an issue with the UEFI Shim and has been reported to fail on Thinkpad laptops as well as in QEMU virtual machines. Other devices may also be affected.
    • #1624096
  • LibreOffice 5.2.1 has bugs in it's GTK3+ implementation that results white borders being shown around the toolbars in dark themes.

  • Choosing an Entire Disk install on PowerPC may result in an unbootable system.

    • The work around is to manually partition your hard disk and create an ext2 boot partition.
    • #1606089, #1607128
  • PowerPC iso fails to boot with linux-image-4.8.0-11-generic on PowerMac G5 7,3

    • It does work on PowerBook G4 5,6 and 5,8.
    • #1626332
  • Ubiquity installer Slideshows and Ubuntu MATE Welcome display a blank window on PowerPC.

  • R300 GPU accelerated graphics do not work on PowerPC

  • Running Linux on PowerPC can require some tinkering and the following are useful references.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at September 28, 2016 06:30 AM

September 21, 2016


MATE 1.16 released

After 6 months of development the MATE Desktop team are proud to announce the release of MATE Desktop 1.16. We'd like to thank every MATE contributor for their help making this release possible.


What's new in MATE 1.16

The release is focused on improving GTK3+ compatibility, migrating components to newer libraries, fixing bugs and code hygiene. The headline changes in MATE Desktop 1.16 are:

  • Improved GTK+3 support across the entire MATE Desktop.
  • Application and theme support for GTK+ 3.22.
  • More applications build against GTK+3 only:
    • Engrampa
    • MATE Notification Daemon
    • MATE PolKit
    • MATE Session Manager
    • MATE Terminal
  • Some applications have been decoupled from libmate-desktop:
    • Engrampa
    • MATE Applets
    • MATE Netbook
    • MATE Power Manager
    • MATE Terminal
    • Pluma
  • Work has started to port applications to GApplication or GtkApplication:
    • Engrampa
    • MATE Applets
    • MATE Netbook
    • MATE User Share
  • Many bugs and deprecations are fixed.
  • Translations are updated. Thank you to our team of translators!

The various components of MATE Desktop 1.16 are available for download here:


Here is a more detailed break down of what has changed.


  • Check only for autoreconf in mate-autogen as autoconf, automake, libtool, gettext are already checked by autoreconf


  • mate-bg: remove unneeded ignore-pending-change property (not needed anymore since font color fix in Caja 1.14)
  • GTK+3: fix various deprecations
  • distcheck: explicitly use currently selected GTK+ version
  • Some minor cleanups
  • Translations update


  • Require libxklavier 5.2 and use its introspection
  • GTK+3: fix some deprecations
  • distcheck: explicitly use currently selected GTK+ version
  • Translations update


  • Translations update


  • Locations: update ICAO code for Quito, Ecuador
  • Locations: correct coordinates for Minsk airport (code UMMS)
  • Translations update


  • Translations update


  • Use GtkAboutDialog() instead of MateAboutDialog()
  • Pathbar: always show right arrow button
  • Fix changing taskbar icon when switching between tabs with different icons
  • Fix lots of warnings when building docs for libcaja-extension
  • GTK+3: add style classes for elements of pathbar
  • GTK+3: fix drawing and changing of desktop background with >= 3.21
  • GTK+3: fix a large amount of deprecations
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update


  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Translations update


  • Translations update
  • Make distcheck use currently selected GTK+ version


  • Change default hinting style to 'hintslight'
  • Use 'rgba' (LCD subpixel) antialiasing by default
  • GTK+3: add css theming for OSD (MsdOsdWindow) instead of using hardcoded colors
  • GTK+3: fix drawing and changing of desktop background with >= 3.21
  • GTK+3: fix several deprecations
  • Fix some build warnings
  • Translations update


  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Translations update


  • Translations update


  • Use GtkAboutDialog() instead of MateAboutDialog()
  • GTK+3: use GtkColorButton/GtkColorChooser in properties dialog
  • GTK+3: fix a lot of deprecations
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update


  • Translations update


  • Comprehensive support for GTK+ 3.20 and 3.22.


  • Build: use m4 dir instead of macros for m4 macros, like in other projects.
  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Add support for GNotification
  • Fix escaping of special characters
  • Fix various GTK+ deprecations
  • Translations update


  • Build: drop dconf 0.10 compatibility
  • Appearance: change default hinting style to slight and render antialiasing samples using that style
  • Appearance: render hinting samples using RGBA antialiasing
  • Appearance: place theme name below theme preview in GTK+3 build to match GTK+2 one
  • Appearance: center theme name in GTK+3 build to match GTK+2 one
  • Appearance: hide Colors tab in Customize Theme dialog in GTK+3 build as changing theme colors won't work in GTK+3
  • GTK+3: fix build with appindicator support enabled
  • GTK+3: fix showing monitors in display properties with glib 2.49.6
  • GTK+3: fix various deprecations
  • Some code cleanups
  • Translations update


  • Fix locking when screensaver is already active
  • GTK+3: fix background and locking in multi-monitor setup
  • GTK+3: fix several deprecations
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update
  • Make distcheck use currently selected GTK+ version


  • Translations update


  • Use GtkAboutDialog() instead of MateAboutDialog()
  • Drop dependency on libmate-desktop
  • Show the primary device time remaining as the first entry in the context menu
  • Do not issue a console warning when laptop batteries are empty
  • GTK+3: port from libunique to GtkApplication
  • GTK+3: add css theming for OSD (MsdOsdWindow)
  • GTK+3: fix empty space in tray when system has no battery
  • GTK+3: fix lots of deprecations
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update
  • Make distcheck use currently selected GTK+ version


  • Translations update


  • Build: require poppler 0.18.0
  • Use GtkAboutDialog() instead of MateAboutDialog()
  • Drop dependency on libmate-desktop and --without-matedesktop build option
  • Update toolbar-editor from libegg
  • Update synctex to 1.18
  • Split dual mode option into dual mode with odd and even pages on the left
  • Add Ctrl+Up/Down keybindings for previous/next search result
  • Add caja-sendto support for sending current document by email, to removable device, etc.
  • Improve named destinations support with --named-dest command line argument and dbus support
  • [dvi] Use t1 font mapping files
  • GTK+3: add style class for view
  • GTK+3: fix possible crash when building with introspection enabled
  • GTK+3: fix lots of deprecations
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update


  • open-terminal:
    • Fix opening terminal in remote folders with single or double quote in their names
    • Some code cleanups
  • Translations update


  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Port to GtkApplication
  • Use natural sort order when sorting by filename
  • Use app chooser dialog from GTK+ for "Open With" command instead of custom code
  • Make "encrypt header" option insensitive if no password is specified
  • Give unrar priority over p7zip when processing RAR archives
  • 7z: add support for p7zip-rar >= 15.14
  • 7z: fix issues with files prefixed with '@'
  • Fix some GTK+ deprecations
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update

Eye of MATE

  • Use GtkAboutDialog() instead of MateAboutDialog()
  • Fix possible out-of-bounds write in error message area
  • Some cleanups
  • Translations update


  • Build: require polkit 0.97
  • Use GtkAboutDialog() instead of MateAboutDialog()
  • Netspeed: use GtkColorButton/GtkColorChooser
  • Drop dependency on libmate-desktop
  • GTK+3: fix various deprecations
  • Some code cleanups
  • Translations update


  • Build: fix check for new style indicators support
  • Translations update


  • Window Picker Applet: use GtkAboutDialog() instead of MateAboutDialog()
  • Window Picker Applet: prevent possible crash
  • mate-maximus: port from libunique to GApplication
  • Drop dependencies on libmate-desktop
  • Translations update


  • Make distcheck use currently selected GTK+ version
  • Translations update


  • Move to GTK+3, require GTK+ 3.14 and VTE 0.38 (API 2.91)
  • Drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Use GtkAboutDialog() instead of MateAboutDialog()
  • Copy dconf and gsettings helpers from libmate-desktop and drop dependency on libmate-desktop
  • React on WM change only on X11
  • Fix lots of GTK+ deprecations
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update


  • Build: use 'm4' dir for m4 macros, like in other projects
  • GTK+3: port from libunique to GtkApplication
  • Make distcheck use currently selected GTK+ version
  • Translations update


  • Move to GTK+3 (require GTK+ >= 3.14), drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Translations update


  • Add --version command line option to mate-screenshot
  • GTK+3: fix mate-dictionary segfault with >= 3.21
  • GTK+3: fix lots of deprecations in all apps
  • Translations update


  • Add Properties and Delete buttons
  • Fix several drag-and-drop issues
  • Fix crash when .desktop file has slash in the name
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update


  • Use GtkAboutDialog() instead of MateAboutDialog()
  • Drop dependency on libmate-desktop and --without-matedesktop build option
  • GTK+3: fix lots of deprecations
  • Some more fixes and cleanups
  • Translations update


  • Some code cleanups


  • Examples: fix Caja crash on loading background-image extension
  • Examples: various fixes
  • Translations update

by Martin Wimpress at September 21, 2016 09:00 PM

September 05, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE August 2016 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project and the community site. In fact, this month we are able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE CDN, WAF and email charges for August 2016.
  • Paid €739 (taking into account currency variations) to 4 Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to other Open Source projects and developers to approximately $9569.14 (taking into account currency variations).

Thank you!

Project Sponsorship

A huge thank you to everyone at Bytemark for sponsoring Ubuntu MATE and covering all our hosting and server costs for August 2016. This sponsorship means most of the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding can be directed towards funding development projects. :-D


Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month that Ubuntu MATE has a surplus of funds we will make a contribution to an Open Source project or developer that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

For August 2016 Ubuntu MATE have paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

  • Wolfgang Ulbrich (Fedora) - €350 For migrating Ubuntu MATE themes to GTK 3.20
  • Luke Horwell (Ubuntu MATE) £100 - For developing Ubuntu MATE Welcome.
  • Mike Gabriel (Debian) - €150 For reviewing and sponsoring uploads of MATE 1.14 to Debian.
  • Robin Thompson (Ubuntu MATE) £100 - For developing MATE Dock Applet.

Unfortunately one of the MATE Developer is having difficulty with their bank and has been unable to received their July or August sponsorship from Ubuntu MATE. We have €200 set aside for when we are able to make a successful transfer.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1210.51 this month.

Jason Cox

Jason Cox has opted in to our Level 42 Patreon package and therefore knows the meaning of life, the universe and everything!

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
Daniel LaSalle 2016-04-02 02:28:21
Etienne Papegnies 2016-05-09 23:49:53
Manuel Carrizo 2015-11-13 01:17:34
Scott Thompson 2016-07-08 19:29:37
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Davide Monge 2015-07-31 22:30:26
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Scott Brown 2016-03-17 13:04:00
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Kévin Marilleau 2016-05-30 22:40:00
Andrew Khazanovsky 2016-08-03 16:50:44
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2015-12-03 08:04:27
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Brian 2015-07-07 23:35:19
Paul Demers 2015-10-18 04:46:00 2015-10-02 13:01:39
Ron Goodman 2015-11-20 13:38:02
Daniel Neilson 2016-07-03 23:35:36
Ryan Carter 2016-02-03 00:08:54
James McPhail 2015-12-28 12:33:25
N. Alexander Tessner 2016-08-08 03:20:45
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Ivan Tomica 2016-04-15 18:54:56
Michael Mykolyshyn 2016-04-23 03:07:46
Larry Hale 2016-04-10 15:58:00
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Jason 2016-04-01 13:40:44
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Graham 2016-05-18 11:14:23
Martin Stickley 2016-06-07 21:00:37
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07
Andriy Tymchenko 2016-07-14 11:54:43
Matthew Cooper 2016-07-09 17:10:27

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Jupiter Broadcasting, Ivan Pejić, Dirk-Jan van der Hoorn, Sergio Rivera, Silas Wulff, Adrian Evans, Jack Blakely, Matt Hartley, Scott Petty, Antoine Mate Messiah, david van Dyk, Mark Boadey, Ricardo Gerena, Trooper_Ish, Peter Mergaerts, Atreju, Michael White, Zora Saad, Gheorghe Kobori, John Jeffers P.Eng., Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Dan Hively, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, Dirk Eisenacher, B Kirsch, Stephen Morrish (PendragonUK), Johnathon Tinsley, Nigel Green, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, Sam McGlynn, David J Gwiazda, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Alexander Browne, Szabolcs, Phil Clifford, Jimy Hendrickx, Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Josh Thacker, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, Julian, Michael S., Jared Prins, ekrem, Philip Espi, Chris Wharton, Scott Cowan, dastrike, Christopher atkins, Stephen Donovan, Jason Hyder, sfarber5300, Geoff Grogan, Jeff Stoner, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, M Hoppes, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, taksuyu, Specops872, Krishna, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, Lukasz, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Dow Hurst, Ed, Mike Brannon, Anthony Bosio, Daron Dierkes, Eduardo Sanchez, Daniel Vieira, Jim Kopps, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Andre Kretzschmar, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter, Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Lu Goon, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Luis Joaquim, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Mike Keen, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Donald Baun, Paul Keeton, Carlo Vitolo, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Michael Braem, Nate Chambers, Earl J Violet, Richard Underwood, NuclearBandAid, Chris Monachino, Sebastiaan Samyn, Michael Burchfield, Jed Reynolds, Harry Myhre, Guillaume Politis Chalm, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Christian Knuchel, Gaius, john, Graham Moss, Jason P. Stanford, David Southard, Patrick L Archibald,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Monthly supporter

Become a monthly supporter at Patreon. Patrons get exclusive project updates, invites to live video conferences with the Ubuntu MATE developers and discounts on some Ubuntu MATE merchandise.

Become a Patron
Date Name Invested After fees Description
31/08/2016 Ollie Lowson $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/08/2016 Ben Bucksch $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
31/08/2016 joseph gass $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/08/2016 Christian Zinke $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/08/2016 Lucas Eisenzimmer $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
31/08/2016 José Fernando Gállego Martínez $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
31/08/2016 Gregory Boyk $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
31/08/2016 Matt Kinder $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/08/2016 Jason Arnette $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/08/2016 Chris Norman $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/08/2016 ASHLEY SANDS $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/08/2016 Uwe Kliemann $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/08/2016 Gary Adelson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/08/2016 Nicolas KAROLAK $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/08/2016 Rudolf Waltenberger €50.00 €47.95 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
30/08/2016 Raoul Koeune $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/08/2016 Raymond Eckard $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
30/08/2016 James McBride $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/08/2016 TATSUO KAWANAKA $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/08/2016 jozef rogier $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/08/2016 GEORGES GALINIER $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/08/2016 Eduardo Guimarães Tourinho $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/08/2016 Daniel Meyer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
29/08/2016 Bruno Van Rossum $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/08/2016 Bruno Dantas $25.00 $23.60 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
29/08/2016 daniel robert €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/08/2016 Yan Huang $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
28/08/2016 Scott F. Enders $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/08/2016 YVES DE TROEYER €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/08/2016 Neil Greenaway $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/08/2016 Henry Nichols $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/08/2016 brian joyce $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
28/08/2016 Norman Reitzel $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/08/2016 Jose Montilla $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/08/2016 James Sanderson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/08/2016 Roger Barrus $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/08/2016 Gerald Mathias $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 for PowerPC Download Tip
27/08/2016 Anthony Magliari $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
27/08/2016 Peter Norman Thompson £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/08/2016 Paulo Parent $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/08/2016 Dick Leeuwenkamp $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/08/2016 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
27/08/2016 Raymond Rogers $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/08/2016 Manfred Stein $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/08/2016 Brodie Fairhall $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/08/2016 Rizwaan Deen $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
27/08/2016 Oliver Reiher $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
27/08/2016 Andrew Turner £15.00 £14.29 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/08/2016 Matthew Larsen $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/08/2016 Wiesaw Mynarski €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/08/2016 Richard Lodge $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/08/2016 Chris Cockrum $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/08/2016 Nick Hadad $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/08/2016 Howard Sindell $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
26/08/2016 Beatriz Elvira Danza Lopez €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/08/2016 Ekkehard Schulze $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/08/2016 John Walker $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
26/08/2016 Christopher Dart $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/08/2016 Christoph Werner $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/08/2016 Hermann Tietz $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/08/2016 stephen smith $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
26/08/2016 ATR $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/08/2016 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/08/2016 David Estigarribia $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
26/08/2016 Timothy Bertani $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/08/2016 Jeff Martin $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/08/2016 Callum MacGregor $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/08/2016 Michael Brannon $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
25/08/2016 William Boyle $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/08/2016 Simon Milton-Jones $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/08/2016 Chris Wright $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/08/2016 PEDRO CARLOS CASANELLA MOZZI $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/08/2016 Robert Hartlieb $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
25/08/2016 Thomas Weigand $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
24/08/2016 HAKAN HULTBERG $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/08/2016 Marco Marazzo £10.00 £9.41 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/08/2016 Gabriel Perkins $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/08/2016 Akos Varga $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/08/2016 Greg Russell $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/08/2016 Andrew Cimino $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/08/2016 jimmy Machares $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/08/2016 Peter Kiesel $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/08/2016 Vesa Valkonen $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/08/2016 Ondrej Gottwald $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/08/2016 Charles Patton-Robson $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for PowerPC Download Tip
24/08/2016 Maja Viereck $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
24/08/2016 Doug Braybrook $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/08/2016 Ng Jason $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/08/2016 Maury Cureton $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/08/2016 William Osipoff $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/08/2016 Manuel Rivas $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/08/2016 Joshua Robles $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/08/2016 Padrick Mulligan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/08/2016 Daniel Alfonsi Acosta £0.50 £0.27 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/08/2016 Mario Witt $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/08/2016 David Allen $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/08/2016 Francis Kaempf $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/08/2016 Tom Humbert $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/08/2016 Lari Lehtomäki $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/08/2016 James Wilson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/08/2016 John Tysz $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/08/2016 William O'Brien $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/08/2016 MACO IT SOLUTIONS LLC $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/08/2016 phil clarke £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/08/2016 Marc Van Dyke $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/08/2016 Daniel Ferro $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/08/2016 Sungkeun Cho $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/08/2016 Keith Friedman $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/08/2016 Colin Mills £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/08/2016 Antonino Ruggiero $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
22/08/2016 rachel helmreich $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/08/2016 $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/08/2016 Richard Seabrook $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/08/2016 alfredo iglesias $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
21/08/2016 Felippe Henrique Diniz de Castro $5.00 $4.44 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
21/08/2016 Victor Shtoltser $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/08/2016 minqi hao $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/08/2016 Edwin Leng $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
20/08/2016 Al Gunning $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/08/2016 steven menius $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
20/08/2016 Paul Larham $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
20/08/2016 RICHARD COOPER $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/08/2016 Jonas Hendrikson $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/08/2016 Andreas PETER $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
20/08/2016 Franco Tommasetti $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/08/2016 Rainer Kliese $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/08/2016 M Luz Congosto $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
20/08/2016 Adam Hunter $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/08/2016 Fred Kracke $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/08/2016 momchil uzunov $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
20/08/2016 john bennett £10.00 £9.36 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/08/2016 Karl Palm $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/08/2016 Danny Gouveia $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/08/2016 Norman Woods $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/08/2016 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/08/2016 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/08/2016 Troy Sampson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/08/2016 Klaus-Rüdiger Bärwald $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/08/2016 Andrew Ulyatt $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/08/2016 Paul Braatelien $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/08/2016 Leighton Shapley $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/08/2016 Leonardo Pestana $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/08/2016 Armando Grandinetti $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
19/08/2016 Conrad J Robinson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
18/08/2016 Mike Dowling $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
18/08/2016 €1.00 €0.60 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
18/08/2016 Herr Schüßler €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/08/2016 Raymond Hodge $50.00 $47.50 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/08/2016 ROBIN HOOD FILMS S.L. €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/08/2016 Jaroslav Hušbauer €5.00 €4.48 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
18/08/2016 Jaroslav Hušbauer €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/08/2016 Jeffrey Elkner $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
18/08/2016 Martin Maidana $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
18/08/2016 Leon Adams £50.00 £48.10 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/08/2016 Wayne D Steffen $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/08/2016 Jimmy Rayburn $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/08/2016 Douglas Hatfield $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
17/08/2016 Gabriel Alvarez Carrillo $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/08/2016 Ed Janiszewski $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/08/2016 $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/08/2016 Gabriel Alvarez Carrillo $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/08/2016 JASON GELDARD £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/08/2016 Nazim Kenan $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/08/2016 Chris Aird £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/08/2016 Manfred Tillmanns $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
17/08/2016 Murata Yasuhiro $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/08/2016 Aavo Nilbe $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
17/08/2016 STEPHAN RENOTH $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
17/08/2016 Eivind Nystrøm $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/08/2016 Anton Herzog $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/08/2016 Yves Gauvreau $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/08/2016 Christopher Behr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
16/08/2016 Hugo-Dario Bertinat-Almeida $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for PowerPC Download Tip
16/08/2016 P Jason Thomson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/08/2016 Lennart Jakob $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/08/2016 Leonardo Situmorang $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/08/2016 François COLLEAU $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
16/08/2016 Dennis Murrell $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
16/08/2016 Kyle Schreiber $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
15/08/2016 Francisco Venegas Lopez $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/08/2016 Berry Nieskens $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/08/2016 Rene Dix $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
15/08/2016 Le site de Serge Muscat $0.50 $0.18 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
15/08/2016 Joseph LeBlanc $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/08/2016 Florian Seidl-Schulz $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
15/08/2016 Lawrence Mitchell $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/08/2016 Wolfgang Schmidt $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/08/2016 Adam Bayard $25.00 $23.40 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/08/2016 Ramisetty Sandeep $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/08/2016 Cem Eroncel $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
15/08/2016 larry ramos $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/08/2016 Ideja marketing $10.00 $9.23 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
14/08/2016 John Pimlott $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
14/08/2016 Kristin Schönbach $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
14/08/2016 Andreas Limberger $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/08/2016 shy tzedaka $1.63 $1.25 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/08/2016 Ján Melkus $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
14/08/2016 Michel Weynants €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/08/2016 Thomas E Renaghan $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
14/08/2016 Mark Redd $3.00 $2.57 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/08/2016 Sara Rutkowski $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/08/2016 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/08/2016 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/08/2016 Daniel Anderson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/08/2016 Harmon Spann $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/08/2016 Jan Visser $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/08/2016 Thorsten Eube €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/08/2016 jean-charles baudry $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/08/2016 C A McCaughey $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/08/2016 $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
13/08/2016 Darryl Kushneryk $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/08/2016 William N Gregory $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
13/08/2016 Stephen Brandt €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/08/2016 Javier Simarro Olivares $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/08/2016 Loïc Payol $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/08/2016 Scott Russell $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/08/2016 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/08/2016 meshari alnaim $1.00 $0.65 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/08/2016 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/08/2016 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/08/2016 Mark's Handyman Service $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/08/2016 Micah Turner $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/08/2016 Ryan Temple-Trujillo $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/08/2016 Karlo Kopper $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
12/08/2016 Wade Lum $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
12/08/2016 Davy Fraser $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/08/2016 Steven Hatcher $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/08/2016 Corey Spencer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/08/2016 Joseph Hunt $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
11/08/2016 Alvah Whealton $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/08/2016 Kyle Bradshaw $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/08/2016 Ueli Schällebaum $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/08/2016 Fredi Niklaus $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/08/2016 Riccardo Cigola $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/08/2016 Peter Wilson $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/08/2016 Henri Sivonen $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/08/2016 Robin Wilson $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/08/2016 Giovanni Coppa $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/08/2016 Dario Durando $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
11/08/2016 daniel gutierrez $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/08/2016 Sönke Pahl €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/08/2016 Libereco Systems $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/08/2016 jeff clark $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/08/2016 Charles Jordan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/08/2016 Vitali Masiukevich $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/08/2016 Lynn Smith $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
10/08/2016 daniel maccarrone $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/08/2016 Ron Cloninger $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/08/2016 Ren Couper $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/08/2016 Andreas Toll $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/08/2016 Elo Olesen $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
10/08/2016 Cody Traudt $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/08/2016 Sam Kohan $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/08/2016 Kristen Bunyard $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/08/2016 Douglas Payne $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
10/08/2016 Kim Briggs $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/08/2016 Mads Sandvei $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/08/2016 James Berry Johnston $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/08/2016 Thomas R Schink $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/08/2016 Karen Jackson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/08/2016 christopher atkins $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/08/2016 Marc Thompson $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
09/08/2016 Hartmut Wegmann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/08/2016 Gary Drake $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/08/2016 Rui Pinheiro $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/08/2016 Vladimír Rudolf $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/08/2016 John Kennedy $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
09/08/2016 michel maafi $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/08/2016 manu Hidalgo Exposito $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
08/08/2016 Canada Global Path Ltd. $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
08/08/2016 CFI $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/08/2016 Mark Peterson $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/08/2016 James Alexander $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/08/2016 Robert Goates $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/08/2016 Richard BUTLER $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/08/2016 David Weiss $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
08/08/2016 arnulfo gutierrez $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/08/2016 Santosh Sarwate $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/08/2016 Kenneth Dennis $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
08/08/2016 Nick Carlson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/08/2016 Malcolm Crawford $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
07/08/2016 Alex Sidorov $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/08/2016 Michael Butler $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/08/2016 Olaf Mueller $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
07/08/2016 Brenton McVicar $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
07/08/2016 Bosko Grove $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
07/08/2016 Mário Jorge de Pinho Oliveira €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/08/2016 Phil Warburton $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/08/2016 Davide Bonapersona $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/08/2016 Paul Balaam $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
07/08/2016 anthony wilson £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/08/2016 David Judy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/08/2016 John Tysz $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/08/2016 juan martinez $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
06/08/2016 Karl Andersen $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/08/2016 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/08/2016 Samnang Lay $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/08/2016 Chris Galle $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/08/2016 Kendal Chandler $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
06/08/2016 scott lemieux $1.00 $0.66
06/08/2016 William Trelawny $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
06/08/2016 Arno van Dijk $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/08/2016 Bryan Daniels $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/08/2016 Marcelino Mata $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
06/08/2016 Chim Krishnan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/08/2016 James Cadwell $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
05/08/2016 Ben Gonzales $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
05/08/2016 J E ST LAURENT $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/08/2016 Peter Ohle $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
05/08/2016 Cynthia Chevrier $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/08/2016 Trading as NP $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/08/2016 Michael Schwenzner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/08/2016 Kai Schuchmann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/08/2016 Design Peak $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
05/08/2016 Bill Smillie $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/08/2016 Lisa Jewell £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/08/2016 Kenneth Kraft $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/08/2016 Jens Runge €5.50 €4.96 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/08/2016 Kenneth Hopper $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/08/2016 Maxime Dubosson $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/08/2016 Birger Blixt $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/08/2016 Tanlarp Kim $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/08/2016 Tanlarp Kim $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
04/08/2016 Steven walker $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/08/2016 Allen Miller $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
04/08/2016 Brian Hodgkinson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
04/08/2016 Jack Gallimore $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/08/2016 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/08/2016 Scot Gordon $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
03/08/2016 Stefano Billiani $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
03/08/2016 Bob Sincick $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
03/08/2016 Dominik Ozog $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/08/2016 David Lester £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/08/2016 Alain Furlan $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
03/08/2016 Shane Meyer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
03/08/2016 Marc Massar $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/08/2016 Rodney Wirtz $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/08/2016 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/08/2016 Joel Gordon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/08/2016 Mark Webster $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/08/2016 Edo de Roo €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/08/2016 Keith Birdwell $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/08/2016 Michael Sarr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/08/2016 Laurence Brown $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
02/08/2016 Viktor Dimitorv $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/08/2016 Arthur Klisiewicz $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/08/2016 John Gilmer $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
02/08/2016 NG CHUN YUEN $5.00 $4.44 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
01/08/2016 Philip Walsh $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/08/2016 Tobias Förtsch $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/08/2016 Ramona Kuhr $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/08/2016 Karsten Cornelius $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/08/2016 POISSONNIER Rémi $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/08/2016 Klas Karlsson $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/08/2016 Chunguang Tang $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/08/2016 Peter Kolodziej $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/08/2016 Zhongyuan Liu $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/08/2016 Stevie Card $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/08/2016 michael silva $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
01/08/2016 scott lemieux $20.00 $18.82

Thank you to all 360 of you who invested in Ubuntu MATE via PayPal this month!

  • A total of $1889.13 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $1708.72, of which $1324.91 was received as Download Tips and $89.78 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of €191.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €178.31, of which €11.02 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of £157.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £149.38, of which £1.73 was received from recurring payments.
  • A total of 0.05942235 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at September 05, 2016 11:00 AM

August 25, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Beta 1

We are underwhelmed to announce, quite possibly, our most uninteresting beta release E-V-E-R! ;-) This beta release is all about the plumbing that transitions Ubuntu MATE to GTK 3.20. It really isn't very interesting from an end-users perspective.

From this point forward we'll be focusing on fixing as many issues as we can on the lead up to Beta 2 and the final release of Ubuntu MATE 16.10. The 16.10 development cycle was all about the migration to GTK3+ and creating the new foundations upon which to build our "retrospective future".

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) for distribution on October 13th, 2016 With this Beta pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Beta 1
As is now customary, our release artwork was made by Ghost Sixtyseven.

What works?

People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Beta Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 2 release?

This is what has been added, updated or removed.

  • Migrated to GTK 3.20
    • This has been a huge undertaking and was only made possible thanks to the Ubuntu MATE crowd funding which has funded the updating of the Ubuntu MATE themes and some upstream GTK3+ porting.
  • Updated to MATE Dock Applet 0.74
    • Which didn't make the iso image, but will be immediately available as an update.
  • Updated many MATE packages for improved GTK 3.20 support
    • caja 1.14.2
    • mate-settings-daemon 1.14.1
    • mate-session-manager 1.14.1
    • mate-panel 1.14.2
    • mate-control-center 1.14.1
    • mate-media 1.14.1
    • mate-system-monitor 1.14.1
    • atril 1.14.2
    • caja-extensions 1.14.1
    • eom 1.14.2
    • mate-applets 1.14.1
    • mate-terminal 1.14.1
    • mate-utils 1.14.1
    • pluma 1.14.1
  • Rebuilt a few MATE package for improved GTK 3.20 support
    • mate-notification-daemon
    • mate-screen-saver
    • mate-power-manager
  • Removed MATE Heads-Up Display (HUD)
    • Testing during Alpha 2 revealed some show stopping issues. We will revisit this feature in 17.04.
    • If you installed Ubuntu MATE 16.10 prior to Beta 1 then please sudo apt purge mate-hud.

Download Ubuntu MATE 16.10

Join the fun and experience a retrospective future.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu MATE issues

  • MATE Tweak will segfault when switching to Compiz due to a gsettings schema change in Metacity.
    • A fix has already been commited and an updated package will land soon after Beta 1.
  • Weather reports in the Clock and Weather applets are currently unavailable.

    • A fix has already been commited and an updated package will land soon after Beta 1.
  • The Mutiny theme can be unstable, updates to fix this will land soon after Beta 1.

    • Updates for topmenu-gtk 0.3 package which now has GTK3+ support for MATE Desktop.
  • Some GTK3+ theming is incorrect.
    • The remaining theming issues will be addressed over on the lead up to Beta 2.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affect all flavours.

  • Choosing an Entire Disk install on PowerPC may result in an unbootable system.

  • R300 GPU accelerated graphics do not work on PowerPC

  • Ubiquity installer Slideshows and Ubuntu MATE Welcome display a blank window on PowerPC. This is due to a bug in WebKit 2.

  • Running Linux on PowerPC can require some tinkering and the following are useful references.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at August 25, 2016 10:00 PM

August 24, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Bytemark sponsor Ubuntu MATE

A couple of weeks ago the Bytemark Managing Director, Matthew Bloch, contacted the Ubuntu MATE team to offer free hosting for the project. As of August 18th 2016 all the Ubuntu MATE infrastucture is hosted on Bytemark Cloud Servers.


Bytemark are generously sponsoring Ubuntu MATE.

Why did Bytemark make such a generous offer?

Well, it turns out they're a bunch of good eggs who've been sponsoring free software projects and free culture podcasts since Bytemark was formed. Other projects currently being suported by Bytemark include Debian, LibreOffice, Kodi, Open Street Map, My Society and Code Club.

Matthew Bloch had this to say:

I'm happy to announce that Bytemark is supporting the Ubuntu MATE operating system project, which is based on a traditional computer desktop. We're providing hosting for its community forums & wiki and bandwidth for its very popular Raspberry Pi distribution.

The MATE project's admirable goal is "to add support for new technologies while preserving a classic desktop experience". Ubuntu MATE combines this desktop with the well-tested OS base of Ubuntu (which itself builds on our first love Debian. All of that ensures that anyone who wants a simple computer desktop can get one, on any computer, free of charge.

Personally speaking, Ubuntu MATE feels like a great model for a free software community. They run a crowd-funding campaign and write a monthly report on exactly how those funds are spent. After paying direct costs, they pay contributors to work on much-needed features, and also to developers of other projects that they depend on. While the amounts might be small, this is uncommon ambition, and a sign of a well-managed and motivated community.

Matthew Bloch, Bytemark Managing Director.


More information about Bytemark is available from

Visit Bytemark

And Martin Wimpress had this to say:

I am absolutely delighted that Bytemark reached out to Ubuntu MATE and generously offered to cover all our hosting and bandwidth requirements. We now have a resilient pair of geographically separated Cloud Servers powering the Ubuntu MATE websites, community forums and Raspberry Pi image downloads. This will enable Ubuntu MATE to channel far more of the money raised via our crowd-funding into sponsored development of Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop related projects. In Bytemark we have found a company whose commitment and beliefs towards free software are aligned with our own. On behalf of the Ubuntu MATE community I extend my sincere thanks to everyone at Bytemark for their support.

Martin Wimpress, Ubuntu MATE Project Leader.

About Bytemark

Bytemark was founded with a simple mission: reliable, UK hosting. Co-founders Matthew Bloch & Peter Taphouse, both engineers by nature built the business from the ground up.

Today, they lead a team of 29 staff who operate Bytemark’s own data centre in York, monitor its 10Gbps national network and deliver 24/7 support to clients of all sizes. Brands hosted on Bytemark’s network include the Royal College of Art, and DVLA Auctions.

More information about Bytemark is available online at

by Martin Wimpress at August 24, 2016 12:00 PM

August 02, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE July 2016 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project and the community site. In fact, this month we are able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE hosting and server costs for July 2016.
  • All the Ubuntu MATE CDN, bandwidth and email charges for July 2016.
  • Paid €586.56 (taking into account currency variations) to 5 Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to other Open Source projects and developers to approximately $8744.65 (taking into account currency variations).
  • We will be reviewing how we can put the surplus funds from previous months to good use and expand our contributor rewards to finance some additional development activities.

Although Ubuntu MATE is an official member of the Ubuntu family, and new Ubuntu MATE releases are now distributed via the Canonical mirror network, we are serving ~2000 downloads per day for Ubuntu MATE for the Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 and another ~95 downloads per day for Ubuntu MATE 14.04.

Thank you!

Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month that Ubuntu MATE has a surplus of funds we will make a contribution to an Open Source project or developer that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

For July 2016 Ubuntu MATE have paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1159.01 this month.

Jason Cox

Jason Cox has opted in to our Level 42 Patreon package and therefore knows the meaning of life, the universe and everything!

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Manuel Carrizo 2015-11-13 01:17:34
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Davide Monge 2015-03-11 22:57:13
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Scott Brown 2016-03-17 13:04:00
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Kévin Marilleau 2016-05-30 14:21:12
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Brian 2015-07-07 23:35:19
Michael Vanier 2015-07-06 06:31:31
Paul Demers 2015-09-21 03:23:21 2015-10-02 13:01:39
Ron Goodman 2015-11-20 13:38:02
Steven Drinnan 2015-11-11 16:27:18
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
Daniel Neilson 2015-05-15 16:23:47
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Ivan Tomica 2016-03-02 23:23:28
Michael Mykolyshyn 2016-04-23 03:07:46
Larry Hale 2016-04-10 15:58:00
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Jason 2016-04-01 13:40:44
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Graham 2016-05-18 11:14:23
Martin Stickley 2016-06-07 21:00:37
Richard Thornton 2016-06-05 14:22:07

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Jupiter Broadcasting, Ivan Pejić, Dirk-Jan van der Hoorn, Sergio Rivera, Silas Wulff, Jack Blakely, Adrian Evans, Matt Hartley, Antoine Mate Messiah, Scott Petty, Mark Boadey, Ricardo Gerena, Trooper_Ish, Peter Mergaerts, Michael White, Atreju, Zora Saad, Gheorghe Kobori, John Jeffers P.Eng., Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Dan Hively, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, Dirk Eisenacher, B Kirsch, Stephen Morrish (PendragonUK), Johnathon Tinsley, Geoff Grogan, Nigel Green, S.M. Oliva, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, David J Gwiazda, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Cenk Tekin, Sam McGlynn, Szabolcs, Tyler Dickieson, Phil Clifford, Jimy Hendrickx, Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Josh Thacker, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, Julian, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Jared Prins, ekrem, Philip Espi, Chris Wharton, dastrike, Christopher atkins, Stephen Donovan, Jason Hyder, sfarber5300, Mikael Karlsson, Jeff Stoner, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, john, M Hoppes, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, taksuyu, Specops872, Krishna, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, Lukasz, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Dow Hurst, Ed, Mike Brannon, Anthony Bosio, Daron Dierkes, Jim Kopps, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Daniel Vieira, Mario Juric, Andre Kretzschmar, Eduardo Sanchez, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter, Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Lu Goon, Luis Joaquim, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Mike Keen, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Oliver Kletzmayr, Donald Baun, Paul Keeton, Carlo Vitolo, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Michael Braem, Nate Chambers, Thibault, Earl J Violet, Richard Underwood, Michael Burchfield, Jed Reynolds, Harry Myhre, Guillaume Politis Chalm, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Christian Knuchel, Gaius, Graham Moss, Jason P. Stanford, David Southard,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Monthly supporter

Become a monthly supporter at Patreon. Patrons get exclusive project updates, invites to live video conferences with the Ubuntu MATE developers and discounts on some Ubuntu MATE merchandise.

Become a Patron
Date Name Invested After fees Description
30/07/2016 wc katz $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/07/2016 David Miller $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/07/2016 Darren Holt $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
30/07/2016 Markus Heinisch $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
30/07/2016 Joel Stein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/07/2016 Fancheng Zou $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/07/2016 Daniel Caetano da Silva $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/07/2016 Jørn Brink $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/07/2016 Bertrand Chauvin $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/07/2016 Matthew Bradcovich $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
30/07/2016 Patrick Jung $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/07/2016 Terry Sullivan £5.00 £4.58 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/07/2016 Terry Sullivan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/07/2016 Jason Marley $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
29/07/2016 Debra Vitali $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
29/07/2016 Paul Killick $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
29/07/2016 Naomi Moon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
29/07/2016 Daniel Wutke $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/07/2016 James Kee $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/07/2016 Bruno Dantas $25.00 $23.60 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
29/07/2016 Marcus Tesch $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
29/07/2016 George Arden $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/07/2016 Robert Bartha $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/07/2016 Valeri Peussa $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
29/07/2016 Viachaslau Bernat $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
29/07/2016 w13rdo collective $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/07/2016 Hugh Welles $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/07/2016 John McBain $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/07/2016 tristan villers £10.00 £9.41 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/07/2016 rafael richards $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/07/2016 Thomas Reinhart $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/07/2016 Nitin Sharma $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/07/2016 Rodney Wirtz $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
28/07/2016 Alfred Holmes $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
28/07/2016 Markus Tuominen $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
28/07/2016 Slumbering Turtle $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/07/2016 Robert Shahan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
28/07/2016 Joseph M Gruce III $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/07/2016 Urs Gasser €30.00 €28.24 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/07/2016 Richard O Weiss $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/07/2016 Michael Bopf $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/07/2016 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
27/07/2016 Leonard Storch $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/07/2016 Matthew Grigg $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/07/2016 Evert de Boer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/07/2016 Matthias Muchaier $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/07/2016 Roberto Venco $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/07/2016 Pascal Gauthier $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
27/07/2016 Benoit Malette $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
27/07/2016 David Landenberger $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
27/07/2016 Appunni Muralidharan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/07/2016 Laminar Systems Ltd $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/07/2016 Le site de Serge Muscat $1.00 $0.66 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
26/07/2016 Judy Enos $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/07/2016 David Maner $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/07/2016 Lorenzo Fernandez Maimo $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/07/2016 Daniel Bacellar $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/07/2016 Isaac F. Watson $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
26/07/2016 Alex Milar $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Kirill Aganisianets $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Mr R Shepherd $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Nate's Computer Repair $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Brandon Wanamaker $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Stuart Hertzog $7.50 $6.87 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/07/2016 tom carter $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Charco High Tech Inc. $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/07/2016 $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Xin Zheng $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Micha Bokiniec $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Bryan Wise $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Antoine d'Otreppe de Bouvette $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Ewan McDowall $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Timothy Hoy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Warren Pummill $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/07/2016 Scott Linovitz $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
24/07/2016 Neil Edwards $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/07/2016 LJ Fuller Technology Services $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/07/2016 nigel pendry $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/07/2016 Patrick Lachance $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/07/2016 Evin Revello $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/07/2016 Alexandre Pereira Brzoskowski $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/07/2016 Charles Ludinsky $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/07/2016 Lee Moffitt $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/07/2016 Le site de Serge Muscat $1.00 $0.66 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
24/07/2016 Karl Brabson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/07/2016 Stefano Zaglio $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/07/2016 Nicolaas Nieuwoudt $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
24/07/2016 Kenneth Dennis $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/07/2016 Andrew Toth $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/07/2016 David Jorgensen $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
24/07/2016 Robert Rimmer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/07/2016 Ivar Christopher $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
23/07/2016 Scott Jackson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/07/2016 James Tarchinski $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/07/2016 Mike McKaigg $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/07/2016 Erik Zieger $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/07/2016 Ron Collins $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/07/2016 Jean Doucet $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/07/2016 Heinz Guba $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/07/2016 William Boyle $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/07/2016 Guy Hesse $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/07/2016 Lewis Guerin $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/07/2016 Johan Cos $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/07/2016 Diogo Santos €100.00 €96.25 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/07/2016 Chad Palmer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/07/2016 B A Hope $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/07/2016 Hemant Mithbaokar $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
23/07/2016 M Stuart $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
23/07/2016 Walter Ho $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
23/07/2016 Ron McCurry $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
22/07/2016 Robert Enderby $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/07/2016 Ulrich Lutz $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/07/2016 Jerry Shoemaker $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 i386 Download Tip
22/07/2016 Christoffer Lund $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/07/2016 FryeComp $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 i386 Download Tip
22/07/2016 giacomo montanari $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
22/07/2016 Roland Baeuerle $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 for PowerPC Download Tip
22/07/2016 ROHAN HAWTHORNE $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/07/2016 $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/07/2016 Zachary Quint $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 amd64 Download Tip
21/07/2016 Philipus Tan $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/07/2016 Ronny Nitschke $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/07/2016 Christopher Sullivan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/07/2016 Yousef Hassani $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/07/2016 M.R.IT $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/07/2016 Kevin Seifert $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/07/2016 James Jones $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/07/2016 Chris Allison $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/07/2016 Anthony Pace $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/07/2016 Miguel Guerrero $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/07/2016 Andries van Wyk $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
20/07/2016 Andre Cunha Faria $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/07/2016 Rafael Martins $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/07/2016 Waltraud Sichart $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/07/2016 Tommy Sandstrom €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/07/2016 Mark Hudak $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/07/2016 Dave Cummings $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/07/2016 Anthoney Roof $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/07/2016 John Bedford €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/07/2016 JAMES PAGE $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/07/2016 FREUDIAN/SLIT $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
19/07/2016 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/07/2016 Philip Reitz $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
19/07/2016 Paolo Finetti €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/07/2016 Carl Wagner $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/07/2016 George von Fuchs $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/07/2016 Anthony Hilton $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
19/07/2016 Michael McGuffey $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/07/2016 Mark Lewis $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
18/07/2016 Luis Fernando Banares Duarte $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/07/2016 ROBIN HOOD FILMS S.L. €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/07/2016 Jaan Sass $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
17/07/2016 Douglas Andrews $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/07/2016 Collin McCabe $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/07/2016 Mike Richards $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/07/2016 Rajmond Eckenberger $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/07/2016 Michele Massoni $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/07/2016 Stella McCormick $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/07/2016 Impulse Gaming $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/07/2016 Christopher Behr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
16/07/2016 Dean Ford $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/07/2016 Andrea Zorzet $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/07/2016 Ronald Rice $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/07/2016 Ping Splat Web Solutions $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/07/2016 steffen thier $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/07/2016 Akamido Serviços Online Ltda. $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/07/2016 Yuri Laguardia de Oliveira Lopes $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/07/2016 Phue Vanchiasong $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/07/2016 Gerald Brenner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/07/2016 Lazell Consulting, LLC $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/07/2016 Daniel Romano $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/07/2016 Chris Roberts $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/07/2016 Dan Cox $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/07/2016 David Bell $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/07/2016 Michael Horgan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/07/2016 Simon Bush $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/07/2016 Russell Ingram $50.00 $47.50 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/07/2016 Daniel Storkel $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/07/2016 Kai Germershausen €10.00 €9.31 MATE Desktop One-time Donation
15/07/2016 Michael Swierczek $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/07/2016 Josef Schaefer Transport GmbH $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
15/07/2016 Rainer Bartolome €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/07/2016 Frank smith $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
15/07/2016 Abdulai Bah $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/07/2016 Uwe Sengteller $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/07/2016 Richard White $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
15/07/2016 Ganesh Sivalingam $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/07/2016 Paul Remitz $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/07/2016 John Chu $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/07/2016 Guenther Fesenmaier $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/07/2016 Anton Neu $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/07/2016 Jürgen Maurer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
14/07/2016 Graeme Carter $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
14/07/2016 Richard Comito $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/07/2016 Craig Cott $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/07/2016 Jerry McGuire $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/07/2016 Alberto Pajuelo Montes €1.00 €0.62 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/07/2016 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/07/2016 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/07/2016 Petr ernošek $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
13/07/2016 Johannes Rohr $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/07/2016 samuel guzman $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
13/07/2016 Donna Adolfo $2.00 $1.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/07/2016 Seiran Petikian $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/07/2016 Donald Otrin $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
12/07/2016 Audra Scearce $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/07/2016 Simon Gotter $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/07/2016 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/07/2016 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/07/2016 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/07/2016 Conor Damery £10.00 £9.28 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/07/2016 $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
12/07/2016 Paul-Andre CLAUX £5.00 £4.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/07/2016 Myron Jones $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/07/2016 Denis Allen $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/07/2016 ricki evans $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/07/2016 Miles Strässle $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/07/2016 DK Media $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
11/07/2016 James Pendergrass $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/07/2016 Tobias Schwarz $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
11/07/2016 Vincent Danilov $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/07/2016 R R Davies £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/07/2016 Chris Wilson $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
11/07/2016 Mihaela Marcu $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/07/2016 Thomas Knodt $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/07/2016 Jessie Spencer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/07/2016 Simon Dames €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/07/2016 Ricardo Garza Laguera $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
10/07/2016 Marco Ciarambino $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/07/2016 Iacob-Adrian Ratiu $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/07/2016 Jaroslav Brzak $2.00 $1.61 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/07/2016 David Garth-Owen $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
10/07/2016 Rob Marston £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/07/2016 Randy Bain $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/07/2016 Greg Jimenez $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/07/2016 Jesse Aleman $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/07/2016 Gary Rosonina $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/07/2016 Franz Gillinger $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
09/07/2016 Gary Johnson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/07/2016 Nikolai Iler $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/07/2016 Nicola Lucatello $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
09/07/2016 Raymond B. Brown $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/07/2016 John Haws $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
09/07/2016 Javier Fonseca $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/07/2016 Trygve Schefte $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
09/07/2016 Paul Harvey £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/07/2016 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/07/2016 Daniel Liess $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/07/2016 Piotr Szczepaniak €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/07/2016 Todor Nikolov $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
09/07/2016 P Berumen $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
09/07/2016 Jason Bagley $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/07/2016 john m daly $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/07/2016 Michael Rericha $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/07/2016 Jannik Trolle $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/07/2016 PCsupport4you $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
08/07/2016 Michael Reed $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/07/2016 Sascha Lang $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/07/2016 Damiano Grassi $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/07/2016 Davide Ratti $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
08/07/2016 Svetozar Andic $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/07/2016 JOHN HODSON $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/07/2016 Pulsefusion Pte Ltd $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/07/2016 Jeff Davey $50.00 $47.50 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/07/2016 David Traynor $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/07/2016 Christopher Alan Fields $2.44 $2.03 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/07/2016 David Burleigh $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/07/2016 Glenn Kvelland $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/07/2016 George Vernon $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
07/07/2016 TakeLAN $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/07/2016 Palle Mikkelsen $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/07/2016 Linus Metzler $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
07/07/2016 Durward Colquitt $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/07/2016 Bradley Kulkin $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/07/2016 Jason Nagler $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/07/2016 Andrew Dittes $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/07/2016 Apollo Data Ltd $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/07/2016 Brooks Casel $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/07/2016 michael bradford $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/07/2016 Samnang Lay $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/07/2016 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/07/2016 Svend Olaf Weinig €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/07/2016 Casey Moore $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/07/2016 sato takashi $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/07/2016 Michael Eade $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/07/2016 Robert Heusser $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
06/07/2016 René Markvard $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/07/2016 Nigel Symes $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/07/2016 scott chaples $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/07/2016 Hannes Boran $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/07/2016 Loren Skinner $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
05/07/2016 Antonio Pombeiro $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/07/2016 Wanda Warren $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
05/07/2016 Stefan J. Schill $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
05/07/2016 Etzer Delva $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/07/2016 Gary Deken $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
05/07/2016 Noe Lugo $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/07/2016 David W McCarroll $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/07/2016 Karl Dalskog $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/07/2016 Charlie Brown $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/07/2016 Mark Metzker $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/07/2016 Kenneth Kraft $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/07/2016 Oliver Reiher $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/07/2016 John Gilles $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
04/07/2016 Robert Bunn $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/07/2016 Lawrence Alsop $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/07/2016 Seamchecker Enterprises $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
04/07/2016 Carl Meece III $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/07/2016 Carlton Potter $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/07/2016 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/07/2016 Donnie Lowe $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/07/2016 Clive Rogers $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
03/07/2016 Stefan Germers $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/07/2016 Colby Johnson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/07/2016 Milton Gottschall $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/07/2016 Otto Waelchli $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/07/2016 Dominique TURBAN €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/07/2016 Christopher Sarauer $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/07/2016 Michael Plank $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/07/2016 Thomas J Trotter $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/07/2016 Rolf Schaffner $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/07/2016 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/07/2016 lê chng $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
02/07/2016 Kristian Attfield $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/07/2016 Carl Barimore $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
02/07/2016 Edward J Clark $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/07/2016 Karsten Sorensen $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
02/07/2016 Sander De Jonge $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/07/2016 Jan Kräck $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
02/07/2016 Arash Eftekhari $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
02/07/2016 Charles Hunt $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/07/2016 Milton César $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for PowerPC Download Tip
01/07/2016 Michael Scott $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/07/2016 Patrick Hinzke $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
01/07/2016 Tony Zen $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/07/2016 Andrew Salmons $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/07/2016 Andrew Jeffery $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/07/2016 Jan-Oliver Hamann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
01/07/2016 Robert Wyatt $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for PowerPC Download Tip
01/07/2016 TAN YEW FUI $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
01/07/2016 Thompson Freeman $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/07/2016 Yury Sokolov $25.00 $23.40 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/07/2016 MCTS of PR $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
01/07/2016 Kirkland Vallance $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
  • A total of $1902.94 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $1723.81, of which $1375.04 was received as Download Tips.
  • A total of €243.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €229.93.
  • A total of £55.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £51.42.
  • A total of 0.04165 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at August 02, 2016 12:00 PM

July 28, 2016


MATE Desktop discussion forums are closing

It is with regret that we are informing you all that the MATE Desktop forums are closing with immediate effect.

For sometime now the forum moderators have struggled to keep up with the pace of discussion, combatting spam and new registrations. The original forum administrators are no longer actively participating in the MATE Desktop forums either. It is therefore unfortunate that we have decided to close the MATE Desktop forums and we encourage anyone seeking MATE support to head to one of the following distribution specific forums:

MATE Desktop also has official threads in various distribution forums:

MATE Desktop discussion can also be found on Twitter.

We'd like to thank the MATE Desktop forum moderators, past and present, for all the time and effort they've invested into the forums over the years and hope to see them find moderator roles in some of the discussion forums we've highlighted above.

Should anyone want to take on the administration and moderation of the MATE Desktop forums then please come and chat with the MATE Desktop team in the #mate-dev IRC and Matrix channel on Libera Chat. We can potentially reactivate the forums.

by Webmaster at July 28, 2016 01:00 PM

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 2

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) for distribution on October 13th, 2016 With this Alpha pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 2
As is now customary, our release artwork was made by Ghost Sixtyseven.

What works?

People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.

Ubuntu MATE Alpha Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Alpha Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 1 release?

First of all, Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 2 owes a debt of gratitude to:

This is what have been updated or added.

  • Added MATE Heads-Up Display (HUD)
    • Runs menubar commands, much like the Unity 7 HUD. Disabled by default, but can be enabled via MATE Tweak.
    • Once activated the HUD can be invoked via CTRL + ALT + Space.
  • Upgraded to MATE Tweak 16.10.4
    • Improved Indicator support with the introduction of the Message Menu.
    • Added option to enable the MATE Heads-Up Display (HUD)
  • Upgraded to MATE Dock Applet 0.73
    • Drag and drop rearranging of dock icons.
    • Redesigned the window list which appears when the mouse is hovered over a dock icon.
    • Window titles are ellipsized if they are too long.
    • Additional actions that the application supports are now shown at the top of the window list.
    • Pinning and Unpinning is now always shown at the bottom of the window list.
  • Upgraded to Ubuntu MATE Welcome 16.10.7
    • Auto focus the search text entry.
    • Updated translations.
  • Firefox now has a customised Ubuntu MATE Start Page.
  • Cheese has been re-instated as a default application.
  • Indicator Session has been re-instated in Ubiquity while installing Ubuntu MATE.
  • The .iso image is approximately 150MB smaller.

Download Ubuntu MATE 16.10

Join the fun and experience a retrospective future.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affect all flavours.

  • Choosing an Entire Disk install on PowerPC may result in an unbootable system.

  • R300 GPU accelerated graphics do not work on PowerPC

  • Ubiquity installer Slideshows and Ubuntu MATE Welcome display a blank window on PowerPC. This is due to a bug in WebKit 2.

  • Running Linux on PowerPC can require some tinkering and the following are useful references.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at July 28, 2016 11:45 AM

July 21, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 LTS

Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 LTS Final Release

Download Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1

Join the other 400,000 people who downloaded Ubuntu MATE 16.04 between April 21st 2016 and July 21st 2016 and experience a retrospective future.


What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 16.04 release?

Here are the changes specific to Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1:

  • Ubuntu MATE Welcome fixes.
    • Fix Raspberry Pi partition resizer.
    • Remove obsolete linux-firmware-nonfree from the install options.
    • Correct some strings so translations are exposed.
  • Ubuntu MATE Artwork fixes.
    • Fix Calendar styling.
    • Fix progress bars so they are one colour.
    • Make GTK2 and GTK3 scrollbars consistent.
  • Ubuntu MATE Settings fixes.
    • Fix switching keyboard layouts using Alt + Shift.
  • Ubiquity fixes.
    • Now prompts to join available WiFi networks during the install.
  • Fixed shutdown/restart of the live session in Virtualbox and VMWare guests.

Here are the general Ubuntu family changes since 16.04


MATE Desktop 1.14

We've published a PPA containing MATE 1.14 that is designed to work with Ubuntu MATE 16.04. You can find out what changed in MATE Desktop 1.14 from the upstream release announcement.

MATE Desktop 1.14 for Ubuntu MATE 16.04

If you want the latest MATE Desktop for Ubuntu MATE 16.04 than add our PPA and upgrade.

Get MATE Desktop 1.14

Known Issues

Here are the known issues.


  • No slides are displayed in Ubiquity Slideshow while installing Ubuntu MATE on PowerPC.
  • Running Linux on PowerPC can require some tinkering and the following are useful references.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at July 21, 2016 06:04 AM

July 01, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE June 2016 supporters

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project and the community site. In fact, this month we are able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE hosting and server costs for June 2016.
  • All the Ubuntu MATE CDN, bandwidth and email charges for June 2016.
  • Paid €781 (taking into account currency variations) to 5 Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to other Open Source projects and developers to approximately $8158.09 (taking into account currency variations).
  • We will be reviewing how we can put the surplus funds from previous months to good use and expand our contributor rewards to finance some additional development activities.

Although Ubuntu MATE is an official member of the Ubuntu family, and new Ubuntu MATE releases are now distributed via the Canonical mirror network, we are serving ~2000 downloads per day for Ubuntu MATE for the Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 and another ~95 downloads per day for Ubuntu MATE 14.04.

Thank you!

Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month that Ubuntu MATE has a surplus of funds we will make a contribution to an Open Source project or developer that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

For June 2016 Ubuntu MATE have paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

  • Luke Horwell (Ubuntu MATE) £150 - For development of Ubuntu MATE Welcome and Software Boutique.
  • Wolfgang Ulbrich (Fedora) €350 - For migrating Ubuntu MATE themes to MATE 1.14 built against GTK 3.18
  • Pablo Barciela González (Debian) €50 - For fixing and maintaining Engrampa, the MATE archive manager.
  • Vangelis Mouhtsis (Debian) €50 - For packaging MATE in Debian.
  • Vlad Orlov (Linux Mint) - €150 - For migrating MATE components to GTK3 and fixing Indicator support in MATE 1.14.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1156.51 this month.

Jason Cox

Jason Cox has opted in to our Level 42 Patreon package and therefore knows the meaning of life, the universe and everything!

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Manuel Carrizo 2015-11-13 01:17:34
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Davide Monge 2015-03-11 22:57:13
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Scott Brown 2016-03-17 13:04:00
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Kévin Marilleau 2016-05-30 14:21:12
Steve J. Radonich IV 2014-11-09 10:44:55
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Brian 2015-07-07 23:35:19
Michael Vanier 2015-07-06 06:31:31
Paul Demers 2015-09-21 03:23:21 2015-10-02 13:01:39
Ron Goodman 2015-11-20 13:38:02
Steven Drinnan 2015-11-11 16:27:18
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
N. Alexander Tessner 2016-01-29 23:07:49
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Harry Henry Gebel 2016-02-21 22:45:51
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Ivan Tomica 2016-03-02 23:23:28
Michael Mykolyshyn 2016-04-23 03:07:46
Larry Hale 2016-04-10 15:58:00
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Jason 2016-04-01 13:40:44
Marc Pearce 2016-05-08 21:13:44
Daiya Seimitsu 2016-05-04 14:26:40
Graham 2016-05-18 11:14:23

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Jupiter Broadcasting, Ivan Pejić, Dirk-Jan van der Hoorn, Sergio Rivera, Silas Wulff, Jack Blakely, Adrian Evans, Matt Hartley, Antoine Mate Messiah, Daniel Neilson, Scott Petty, Mark Boadey, Ricardo Gerena, Trooper_Ish, Peter Mergaerts, Michael White, Atreju, Zora Saad, Gheorghe Kobori, John Jeffers P.Eng., Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Dan Hively, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, Dirk Eisenacher, B Kirsch, Stephen Morrish (PendragonUK), Johnathon Tinsley, Geoff Grogan, Nigel Green, S.M. Oliva, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, David J Gwiazda, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Cenk Tekin, Sam McGlynn, Alexander Browne, Szabolcs, Tyler Dickieson, Phil Clifford, Jimy Hendrickx, Michael S., Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Josh Thacker, Kingsley Foo, Colin Taylor, Julian, Jim and Rachel Trigg, Remy van Elst, Jared Prins, dastrike, Christopher atkins, Stephen Donovan, Jason Hyder, sfarber5300, Mikael Karlsson, Jeff Stoner, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, john, M Hoppes, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, taksuyu, Specops872, Krishna, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, Eric, Lukasz, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Dow Hurst, Ed, Mike Brannon, Anthony Bosio, Daron Dierkes, Jim Kopps, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Daniel Vieira, Mario Juric, Andre Kretzschmar, Eduardo Sanchez, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter, Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Lu Goon, Luis Joaquim, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Mike Keen, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Oliver Kletzmayr, Donald Baun, Paul Keeton, Carlo Vitolo, Jacob, Bill Thornton, Michael Braem, Michael Burchfield, Jed Reynolds, Harry Myhre, Guillaume Politis Chalm, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Christian Knuchel, Gaius, Graham Moss, Jason P. Stanford, David Southard,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Monthly supporter

Become a monthly supporter at Patreon. Patrons get exclusive project updates, invites to live video conferences with the Ubuntu MATE developers and discounts on some Ubuntu MATE merchandise.

Become a Patron
Date Name Invested After fees Description
30/06/2016 BORIS DJURKAN $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.10 amd64 Download Tip
30/06/2016 Peter Eckhoff $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/06/2016 Claudio Carati $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/06/2016 Michael Torge $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/06/2016 Dirk Hackenberg $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/06/2016 MARANGONIJUNIOR $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/06/2016 Wolfgang Preissegger $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/06/2016 hugo adrian dezeo $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/06/2016 Josh Ermentrout $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/06/2016 Alfred Heuer $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/06/2016 Dennis Gaskill $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
30/06/2016 Tim Donovan $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/06/2016 Adam Anderson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/06/2016 Annette Duelli $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/06/2016 Dennis Saeva $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/06/2016 Le Roy Caudell $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
29/06/2016 Nalton Jannise $50.00 $47.50 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/06/2016 Vahur Krouverk $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
29/06/2016 ROBERT NICHOLSON $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/06/2016 Uwe Brück $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/06/2016 John Phee $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/06/2016 Hai Nguyen $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
29/06/2016 heath williams $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/06/2016 KAARE GÄRTNER £10.00 £9.42 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/06/2016 Jerry Howard $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/06/2016 Ian Morris $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
28/06/2016 Erik Rolink $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/06/2016 Matt Smith $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
28/06/2016 Ricardo Pereira $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
28/06/2016 Timothy Lombard $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/06/2016 Pasi Juvonen €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/06/2016 Greg S Mickle $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
28/06/2016 Anthony McKay $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/06/2016 Ryan Burgett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
27/06/2016 Wolfgang Sprick €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/06/2016 Peter Appelman $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
27/06/2016 David Burris $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
27/06/2016 Bernhard Schwarz $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/06/2016 Jeff Patchett $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/06/2016 Ralph Leue $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/06/2016 Seth Hopkinson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
26/06/2016 Casada Molding $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/06/2016 Jürgen Bieck $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/06/2016 ANDRZEJ LECH €50.00 €47.05 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/06/2016 Mauro Pitetta Torrelli $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/06/2016 Kevin Sayler $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
26/06/2016 Jose Antonio Garcia Anquela $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
26/06/2016 Eric Saarni $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/06/2016 Michael Stebnisky $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/06/2016 Salvador Rivera $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/06/2016 Timothy Hoy $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/06/2016 Lavorv Vitaly $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/06/2016 Carl Tuttle $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/06/2016 Nikki Prodromos $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
25/06/2016 Larry Becker $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/06/2016 Michael Zemb $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/06/2016 Juan Manuel Olivero Spony $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
25/06/2016 Paul Allen $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
25/06/2016 eric molinie $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/06/2016 Reiner Weiß €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/06/2016 Jonas $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/06/2016 Jonas $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/06/2016 Richard E Cole $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/06/2016 Reginald Rea $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/06/2016 John Turi $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/06/2016 Jon Sampson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/06/2016 Brian Hodgkinson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/06/2016 Joseph Gardina $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/06/2016 Filip Vozár $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/06/2016 Stefan Koch $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/06/2016 Krzysztof Urbanski $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/06/2016 Onno Giesmann €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/06/2016 Gary Cornely $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
24/06/2016 Javier Corrales Garcia $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
24/06/2016 Tobias Zengerle $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/06/2016 James Matarrese $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/06/2016 Scott Thompson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/06/2016 Carpenter Systems LLC $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
23/06/2016 Christopher Bray $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
23/06/2016 Jaie Lawrie $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/06/2016 North Country Computer Mobile Service $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
23/06/2016 Charles Baird $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
23/06/2016 Marius Alfred Dahl $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/06/2016 Yoel Lev Ari $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/06/2016 James Carpenter $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/06/2016 Ian Raffle $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
23/06/2016 Tobiason Real Estate Services $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
23/06/2016 Salome Scott $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/06/2016 Robert Hernandez $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/06/2016 John Hodson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/06/2016 Robin Thompson £25.00 £23.95 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/06/2016 John Colburn $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/06/2016 Sebastian Hess €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/06/2016 richard rodman $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/06/2016 carlos gonzalez $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/06/2016 Cyberweb Solutions, LLC $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/06/2016 carlos gonzalez $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/06/2016 allan karstens $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
22/06/2016 Marcu Capota $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
22/06/2016 francesco falcone $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/06/2016 Ian Mossop $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
22/06/2016 George Stevenson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/06/2016 Youssif's Apps $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/06/2016 Balder Schilt €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/06/2016 David Kent £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/06/2016 Matthew Harvey £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/06/2016 David Stone $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/06/2016 Kevin Waddle $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/06/2016 Tilo Wiklund $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
21/06/2016 Robert Panasewicz $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/06/2016 Iosu Beobide Aizpuru €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/06/2016 Regan Walsh $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/06/2016 L.J Farbotko £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/06/2016 Enrique Cárdenas Hernández €2.00 €1.58 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/06/2016 Gregor Muši $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
21/06/2016 Al MacKinnon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/06/2016 Michael Flower $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/06/2016 Daren Wicks $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
20/06/2016 Andrew Latham $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
20/06/2016 Jean-Pierre Marty €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/06/2016 Steffen Winkelbauer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/06/2016 CEES DE GROOT $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/06/2016 michael smith $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
20/06/2016 Anthony Taylor $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/06/2016 Michael Dooley $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
20/06/2016 Robert Friel $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
20/06/2016 Igor Gallegos Perez $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
19/06/2016 Dennis Shimer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/06/2016 gary kempe $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/06/2016 Andrej Illenseer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/06/2016 Peter Jacobs $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
19/06/2016 Gary Klebanoff $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/06/2016 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/06/2016 denis ullett $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/06/2016 SUZUKI YUSUKE $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/06/2016 Barrie Hopkinson $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/06/2016 Adler Marchi $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/06/2016 Stefan Oexle-Ewert $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/06/2016 $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
19/06/2016 Walid Halik $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/06/2016 Terrence Hillcoat $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/06/2016 Acme Wong $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
19/06/2016 Rick Miller $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/06/2016 Brian Battle $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/06/2016 Steven Green $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/06/2016 Dennis Van Eecke $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/06/2016 Tony Largan $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
18/06/2016 steve meacham $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
18/06/2016 ROBIN HOOD FILMS S.L. €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/06/2016 Jaan Sass $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/06/2016 Shelly Adkins $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
18/06/2016 Andy Coulson $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/06/2016 max LATAPIE $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/06/2016 JESUS DOMINGUEZ SANCHEZ $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/06/2016 David Gonzalez $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
18/06/2016 Kevin Beenken $15.00 $14.04 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/06/2016 Larry DeCamp $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/06/2016 Eirikur Poulsen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/06/2016 René Hutter $20.00 $18.76 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/06/2016 James Villela $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/06/2016 Tobias Jandt $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/06/2016 Jörg Juchems $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/06/2016 Richard D. Mallery $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/06/2016 Emmett Meehan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/06/2016 Joachim Müller $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/06/2016 Josue Barocio $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
17/06/2016 Siniša Majstorovi $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/06/2016 Stephen Gardiner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/06/2016 Nicholas Stuart $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/06/2016 Jonathan Armendariz $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/06/2016 Christopher Behr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
16/06/2016 Nakata Yosuke $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/06/2016 Steven Spencer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
16/06/2016 Steven Spencer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
16/06/2016 M Tonks $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/06/2016 Aaron Brancheau $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/06/2016 Peter Markus $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/06/2016 John Stewart $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/06/2016 Andriy Dudnyk $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/06/2016 Joe Barron $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/06/2016 Jií Zápotocký $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/06/2016 Gregory Westburg $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/06/2016 Shrivatsan Rajagopalan $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/06/2016 cesar velez andrade $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Carlos Mª Serrallach $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Kai Vogl $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Jacob Tyler $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/06/2016 F Javier Bermejo $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for PowerPC Download Tip
14/06/2016 Johan Sandegren $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Ashby Solutions $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Duncan MacGregor $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Martin Obrist $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Michael Presley £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/06/2016 Frank Mulholland $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Mujtaba Talebi $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Jesus Zamora $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Paul Mowers $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Alan Lazarus $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Robert Buonfiglio $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Jeff Barth $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/06/2016 Chris Hayes $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/06/2016 artificiality $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/06/2016 David Hall $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/06/2016 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/06/2016 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/06/2016 Jerry Chitty $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/06/2016 Antonio Aguilar $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/06/2016 Tobias Mühlberger $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/06/2016 Mark Walsh $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/06/2016 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/06/2016 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/06/2016 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/06/2016 John Chase $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/06/2016 Jose Gonzalez $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
12/06/2016 Alasdair Mac Arthur $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/06/2016 Michael Cameron $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/06/2016 Karsten Sorensen $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/06/2016 Robert K Gwin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/06/2016 enzo giacopuzzi $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/06/2016 Rose-Anna Bleasdale $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/06/2016 Svein Jørgensen $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
11/06/2016 Carlos Mª Serrallach $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/06/2016 Ralf Endress $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/06/2016 Pete Collins $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/06/2016 Félix Queiruga Balado $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/06/2016 Steve M Wilson $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
11/06/2016 Garry Hasler $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
11/06/2016 John Lord $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/06/2016 Mike Wedderburn $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/06/2016 J D Figueroa-Barrientos $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
10/06/2016 James Brown $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
10/06/2016 James Brown $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
10/06/2016 Oskar Taubert $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/06/2016 Matthew Mansfield $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/06/2016 Helmut Lohkamp $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
10/06/2016 Jon Loveless $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/06/2016 Helena Buchtová $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
10/06/2016 Francisco José Tornay Mejías $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/06/2016 Thomas Fischer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/06/2016 Julian Gurnell $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/06/2016 Federico Salas $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for PowerPC Download Tip
09/06/2016 $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/06/2016 Juan Alejandro Cuevas Pareja $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
09/06/2016 Plummer Health & Wellness $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/06/2016 john horsfield $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
09/06/2016 Thomas Rudert-Overkämping $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/06/2016 Andy Parbs $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/06/2016 Paul Phillips $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/06/2016 Kevin Harris $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/06/2016 Meskauskas Audrius $200.00 $190.30 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/06/2016 Maroc Bien Etre $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/06/2016 jan holmen $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/06/2016 James Long $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/06/2016 Manish Shukla $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/06/2016 Bert Wesarg $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/06/2016 Stefan Gerbig $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/06/2016 Ashford Solutions LLC $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/06/2016 Larry DeCamp $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/06/2016 Ratchaphat Saengchatkaew $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/06/2016 Harvey Summers $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/06/2016 Bart van Dijk $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/06/2016 Roman Venko $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/06/2016 Arwed Meyer $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
07/06/2016 mikael schmidt $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/06/2016 Kenneth Lewis $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/06/2016 Blake Rain $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/06/2016 Bradley Padriga $15.00 $14.04 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/06/2016 Inkeri Aula $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/06/2016 Otto Waelchli $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
07/06/2016 Shai Segal $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/06/2016 Manfred Twrznik $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/06/2016 Elusive Mixture $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/06/2016 David Goodwin $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/06/2016 David Dawson $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/06/2016 Samnang Lay $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/06/2016 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/06/2016 Robert Schwaerzle $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/06/2016 Jack Slocum $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/06/2016 Klaus Mohr $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/06/2016 Andreas Gramm €30.00 €28.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/06/2016 Lehoczki István $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/06/2016 Francesco Fessia $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/06/2016 Dean Ruckle $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/06/2016 Robert Rojas $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/06/2016 Rodney Wirtz $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
06/06/2016 Cetin Mericli $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/06/2016 Michael Millican $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/06/2016 Daniel Wiley $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/06/2016 David Thompson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/06/2016 Tom Ziller $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/06/2016 Martin Hansen $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/06/2016 Jorge Gamez $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
05/06/2016 Eugene Roberts $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
05/06/2016 Oscar Sanchez $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/06/2016 michel vilain $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/06/2016 MARCO CALVANI $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 i386 Download Tip
05/06/2016 Frank Benike $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/06/2016 Joshua Phillips $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/06/2016 Jim Bachesta $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/06/2016 Bruce Nulty $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/06/2016 M Sridhar $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Thomas Fuchs $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Jonathan Streete $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Ronald Eike $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Benjamin Wells $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2016 IES Communications Ltd. $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Plessl + Burkhardt GmbH $20.00 $18.76 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Alan Reiner $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Lars Stephan €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/06/2016 Oliver Gallus $20.00 $18.76 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for PowerPC Download Tip
04/06/2016 Mark McGillivray $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Kenneth Kraft $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/06/2016 Caleb Fultz $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Gary Holcombe $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Gary Holcombe $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Jack Makinson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Richard Peach $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Chris Roberts $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/06/2016 Emilio Pea $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/06/2016 David Comerford $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Andree Müller $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Michael Sampson $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
04/06/2016 George von Fuchs $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Wendell Brown $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/06/2016 Henk Eeltink $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/06/2016 Jons-Philipp Siedel €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/06/2016 David Rademacher $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/06/2016 Lawrence Drew $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/06/2016 Ruud Vander Velpen €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/06/2016 Mike Barnett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
03/06/2016 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/06/2016 Matteo Massenzio $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/06/2016 Hendrikus Megens $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/06/2016 massimiliano de luca $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/06/2016 James Villela $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
03/06/2016 Jason Rosson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/06/2016 GHEIST Systems, LLC $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/06/2016 James Bentley $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/06/2016 tom carter $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
02/06/2016 Kyle Osborne $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
02/06/2016 Tadeusz Barczyk $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/06/2016 Religious Life Project $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
02/06/2016 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/06/2016 $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
02/06/2016 Simon Peltola $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/06/2016 Oscar Garin $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/06/2016 Todd Michaud $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/06/2016 $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/06/2016 Mikkel Ellertson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
02/06/2016 David W McCarroll $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
02/06/2016 Dj Pony $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
01/06/2016 Richard Ames $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/06/2016 John Dixon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/06/2016 Italo Bastianelli $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/06/2016 paul henderson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
01/06/2016 Noah Rohrlich $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/06/2016 Randy Turner $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/06/2016 Hendrik Poggendorf $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/06/2016 Richard Scrase $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/06/2016 Atenojenes Castro $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
01/06/2016 stefan fischer $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/06/2016 Nicholas Browning $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/06/2016 Mathias Dörnbrack $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/06/2016 simone pippi $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/06/2016 John Izzo $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
01/06/2016 Brij Charan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/06/2016 Jerome Grossman $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
01/06/2016 Lee Cox $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/06/2016 $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
  • A total of $2244.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $2042.59, of which $1557.67 was received as Download Tips.
  • A total of €234.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €220.02.
  • A total of £67.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £63.48.
  • A total of 0.03776723 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at July 01, 2016 05:35 PM

June 30, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 1

Beaut, beauty! We're stoked to announce Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 1, the first distro to ship a fair dinkum MATE Desktop implementation built entirely against GTK3+. Some thought we'd let the kangaroos loose in the top paddock by being the first distro to switch to GTK3+ and it would all come a gutser. But we put in big mobs of effort to ensure it's not complete ball dust. Give it a burl!

The above statement is for the benefit of our friends at #systemau who lament the predictable and often dreary wording used in Linux distro release announcements. We hope we've helped restore balance to the force ;-)

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 1

We are preparing Ubuntu MATE 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) for distribution on October 13th, 2016 With this Alpha pre-release, you can see what we are trying out in preparation for our next (stable) version.

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 1
As is now customary, our release artwork was made by Ghost Sixtyseven.

What works?

People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.

Ubuntu MATE Alpha Releases are NOT recommended for:

  • Regular users who are not aware of pre-release issues
  • Anyone who needs a stable system
  • Anyone uncomfortable running a possibly frequently broken system
  • Anyone in a production environment with data or workflows that need to be reliable

Ubuntu MATE Alpha Releases are recommended for:

  • Regular users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs
  • Ubuntu MATE, MATE, and GTK+ developers

What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 16.04 release?

First of all, Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 1 owes a debt of gratitude to:

  • Luke Horwell for developing Ubuntu MATE Welcome and Software Boutique.
  • Robin Thompson for migrating MATE Dock Applet to GTK3+
  • Alexei Sorokin for migrating MATE Menu to GTK3+
  • Wolfgang Ulbrich for adding GTK 3.18 theme support to Ambiant MATE and Radiant MATE.
  • Mike Gabriel for reviewing and sponsoring uploads of MATE 1.14 to Debian.
  • Vlad Orlov for migrating MATE components to GTK3+ and fixing Indicator support in MATE Desktop 1.14.

What changed since Ubuntu MATE 16.04 was released?

Before we list what's been added and updated, lets go over what has been dropped (for good) and what is temporarily missing.

  • GNOME Main Menu (as used in the openSUSE layout) has been dropped.    * No one in the MATE team believes this applet is good enough to port to GTK3+. As it is GTK2+ only and has nobody to port or maintain it, this applet will be dropped for good.
  • The openSUSE layout is currently missing, but will be re-instated in MATE Desktop 1.16.    * This will feature a different menu applet.
  • The Mutiny layout is currently missing but will be re-instated when the topmenu-gtk MATE applet has been rebuilt for GTK3+
  • Pidgin will no longer be installed by default
    • Pidgin is now available in the Software Boutique.
  • Cheese is not currently installed by default but will be re-instated as a default application when merge proposal 298171 is merged and released.
    • Cheese is available in the Software Boutique.
  • Indicator Session is not currently available in Ubiquity while installing Ubuntu MATE but will be re-instated when merge proposal 297183 is merged and released.

This is what have been updated or added.

  • All the Ubuntu MATE seeds and meta-packages have been completely overhauled**.
    • Basically we've started over, and completely rebuilt Ubuntu MATE 16.10 from the ground up.
    • It is now possible to safely uninstall all the default applications without the ubuntu-mate-desktop package also being removed.
    • Memory consumption of Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 1 is lower than that of Ubuntu MATE 16.04.
  • New community contributed wallpapers from:
  • Upgraded to MATE Desktop 1.14, which is now built entirely against GTK 3.18.
    • Indicator support for MATE Desktop, when built against GTK3+, has been significantly improved.
    • Ambiant-MATE and Radiant-MATE themes have been completely reworked to support GTK 3.18.
    • We have initial HiDPI support (almost) working. Don't get too excited, this is an all or nothing implementation. When enabled all GTK3+ applications (not just MATE) will be rendered using high quality pixel doubling. If you have a 2160p display, it looks ace :-D
    • You can find out what changed in MATE Desktop 1.14 from the upstream release announcement.
  • Upgraded Ubuntu MATE Welcome to 16.10.4
    • Ported to WebKit2 4.0. The transitions and animations are now hardware accelerated (where supported) and it looks very smooth indeed.
    • Sports a new look and many visual and usability enhancements.
    • Getting Started section offers much more assistance for a post install setup and configuration. (Some elements back ported to 16.04)
    • Adds driver installer for Logitech's Unifying Receiver peripherals.
    • New builds are automatically tested.
    • Testers can check out this daily PPA, including packages for Xenial users wanting to test new versions of Welcome.
    • Detailed system specifications can now be copied to the clipboard.
    • Assorted performance optimisations.
  • Upgraded Software Boutique.
    • Adds News to inform you of additions/removals to the Software Boutique. (Back ported to 16.04)
    • Adds Search facility so you can quickly find software by name, keyword and description. (Back ported to 16.04)
    • Adds Bulk queue installs so you can queue up multiple applications to install at once.
    • Adds a responsive design** so you can see more software listings when resizing or maximising the Software Boutique window.
    • Software Boutique now stocks ~160 applications. (Back ported to 16.04)
    • Introduces a new feature to display a complete list of all applications and the repositories they are sourced from.
    • Support added for installing software for arm64 and ppc64el architectures.
    • Software install and removal notifications now use the associated application icon.
  • Upgraded MATE Tweak
    • Splits up the UI and introduces a new Panel section.
    • Can now change icon sizes and menu item icon sizes in the panel, exposing a new MATE Desktop 1.14 capability. This has two benefits, bigger icons for high resolution displays and, if you are so inclined, large panels suitable for touch input but without changing the desktop metaphor.
    • Supports enabling new style GTK3+ indicators.
    • Supports xcompmgr compositor, the preferred compositor to use along side the Raspberry Pi hardware accelerated VC4 drivers.
    • Tilda is no longer enabled by default. Tilda is still installed by default, but can now be optionally enabled via MATE Tweak.
  • Upgraded MATE Dock Applet which now supports GTK3+
  • Upgraded MATE Menu which now support GTK3+

Download Ubuntu MATE 16.10

Join the fun and experience a retrospective future.


Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affect all flavours.

  • After complete an OEM install running "Prepare for shipping to end user" causes systemctl to segfault.
  • Creating a btrfs or xfs partition fails during install.


These issues are specific to PowerPC architectures.

  • R300 GPU accelerated graphics do not work on PowerPC
  • Ubiquity installer Slideshows and Ubuntu MATE Welcome display a blank window on PowerPC. This is due to a bug in WebKit 2.
  • Running Linux on PowerPC can require some tinkering and the following are useful references.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at June 30, 2016 07:35 PM

June 10, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

MATE Desktop GTK2 vs GTK3 memory consumption

The number two question in the Ubuntu MATE community right now is:

Does MATE Desktop built against GTK3 require more memory than MATE Desktop built against GTK2?

The answer is Yes, but No. Read on for a full explanation.

Computer RAM

Let's also take this opportunity to deal with another claim that cropped up recently, that MATE Desktop 1.14.1 on Ubuntu MATE 16.04 uses significantly more memory that MATE Desktop 1.12.1 on Ubuntu MATE 16.04.

Test conditions

  • MATE Desktop 1.12.1 and MATE Desktop 1.14.1 for Ubuntu MATE 16.04 are both built against GTK2 only.
  • These RAM comparisons were generated using ps_mem, because this is the correct tool for accurately measuring memory consumption, one does not simply measure RAM consumption using System Monitor.

If you want to tinker with ps_mem yourself it can be installed as follows:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python-pip
sudo pip install ps_mem

Method for 16.04

Ubuntu MATE 16.04 was installed in a VM and fully upgraded and Ubuntu MATE Welcome autostart was disabled, but all other defaults were used in all tests. Upon login, CRTL + ALT + t was pressed to start a terminal and the following script was run:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


if [ $(id -u) != 0 ]; then
    echo "You're not root you peasant!"
    exit 0

VER=$(mate-about -v | sed 's/ /_/g')
echo "Profiling ${VER}"
echo "Sleeping for ${SLEEP} secs"
sleep ${SLEEP}
ps_mem | tee -a ${VER}.txt
echo "Done"

After the results were collected for Ubuntu MATE 16.04 running MATE Desktop 1.12.1 the system was upgraded to MATE Desktop 1.14.1 and rebooted twice. Upon login the same script was executed in the same way.

Method for 16.10

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 daily was installed in a VM and fully upgraded and Ubuntu MATE Welcome autostart was disabled, but all other defaults were used in all tests. Upon login, CRTL + ALT + t was pressed to start a terminal and the same script, as described above, was run.


Here are the results:

OS Desktop Tool Kit RAM (MiB)
Ubuntu MATE 16.04 MATE Desktop 1.12.1 GTK2 353.0
Ubuntu MATE 16.04 MATE Desktop 1.14.1 GTK2 358.4
Ubuntu MATE 16.10 (pre-alpha) MATE Desktop 1.14.1 *GTK3* 351.7


Here are some quick conclusions:

  • MATE Desktop 1.14.1 does not use significantly more RAM that MATE Desktop 1.12.1, when both are built again GTK2.
  • Ubuntu MATE 16.10 (pre-alpha) using MATE Desktop 1.14.1 built against GTK3 uses less RAM than either Ubuntu MATE 16.04 configuration using GTK2.

That second point needs some explaination because the detailed ps_mem output included at the end of this blog post clearly shows that all MATE applications built against GTK3 use more RAM than their GTK2 counterparts.

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 (pre-alpha) is using less RAM than Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for the following reasons:

  • Tilda is no longer executed by default in Ubuntu MATE 16.10, it is now an option in MATE Tweak.
  • Network Manager uses systemd-resolved via libnss-resolve for DNS lookups in 16.10 as opposed to dnsmasq in 16.04. This makes Network Manager ever so slightly less resource intensive in Ubuntu 16.10.
  • All the default applications and components started in the default Ubuntu MATE 16.10 configuration use GTK3 only, none use GTK2. So only one toolkit is resident in memory, not two as in Ubuntu MATE 16.04.

Full ps_mem output

For completeness here is the ps_mem output for each test.

Ubuntu MATE 16.04 with MATE Desktop 1.12.1 built against GTK2.

 Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used   Program

156.0 KiB +  43.0 KiB = 199.0 KiB   tee
160.0 KiB +  40.5 KiB = 200.5 KiB   gnome-pty-helper
152.0 KiB +  49.0 KiB = 201.0 KiB   avahi-dnsconfd
224.0 KiB +  32.0 KiB = 256.0 KiB   acpid
276.0 KiB +  46.5 KiB = 322.5 KiB   agetty
320.0 KiB +  51.5 KiB = 371.5 KiB   irqbalance
328.0 KiB +  88.5 KiB = 416.5 KiB   cron
400.0 KiB +  93.0 KiB = 493.0 KiB   rtkit-daemon
464.0 KiB +  95.5 KiB = 559.5 KiB   dbus-launch
564.0 KiB +  21.5 KiB = 585.5 KiB   ssh-agent
624.0 KiB + 108.0 KiB = 732.0 KiB   dconf-service
648.0 KiB + 149.5 KiB = 797.5 KiB   gvfs-mtp-volume-monitor
756.0 KiB + 127.0 KiB = 883.0 KiB   gvfs-goa-volume-monitor
776.0 KiB + 198.0 KiB = 974.0 KiB   at-spi2-registryd
836.0 KiB + 141.0 KiB = 977.0 KiB   dnsmasq
932.0 KiB +  72.5 KiB =   1.0 MiB   systemd-logind
784.0 KiB + 243.0 KiB =   1.0 MiB   gvfsd
396.0 KiB + 637.0 KiB =   1.0 MiB   avahi-daemon (2)
900.0 KiB + 187.0 KiB =   1.1 MiB   accounts-daemon
896.0 KiB + 199.0 KiB =   1.1 MiB   gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor
988.0 KiB + 153.0 KiB =   1.1 MiB   gvfsd-fuse
924.0 KiB + 296.0 KiB =   1.2 MiB   gvfsd-dnssd
992.0 KiB + 281.0 KiB =   1.2 MiB   gvfsd-trash
  1.0 MiB + 293.5 KiB =   1.3 MiB   gvfsd-network
  1.1 MiB + 248.0 KiB =   1.3 MiB   sudo
  1.4 MiB +  76.5 KiB =   1.5 MiB   rsyslogd
  1.3 MiB + 260.0 KiB =   1.6 MiB   deja-dup-monitor
  1.3 MiB + 320.5 KiB =   1.6 MiB   ntpd
  1.5 MiB +  71.5 KiB =   1.6 MiB   systemd-journald
  1.2 MiB + 472.0 KiB =   1.6 MiB   gvfs-afc-volume-monitor
  1.2 MiB + 546.0 KiB =   1.8 MiB   (sd-pam)
  2.0 MiB +  41.0 KiB =   2.0 MiB   dhclient
  1.6 MiB + 461.5 KiB =   2.0 MiB   cupsd
  1.6 MiB + 432.0 KiB =   2.1 MiB   gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor
  1.9 MiB + 199.0 KiB =   2.1 MiB   gnome-keyring-daemon
  1.6 MiB + 547.5 KiB =   2.1 MiB   upowerd
  1.5 MiB + 768.0 KiB =   2.2 MiB   cups-browsed
  1.6 MiB + 753.0 KiB =   2.3 MiB   dbus (2)
  1.7 MiB + 724.0 KiB =   2.4 MiB   lightdm (2)
  2.4 MiB + 136.0 KiB =   2.5 MiB   systemd-udevd
  2.6 MiB + 194.0 KiB =   2.8 MiB   at-spi-bus-launcher
  2.1 MiB + 805.0 KiB =   2.9 MiB   polkit-mate-authentication-agent-1
  2.4 MiB + 841.5 KiB =   3.2 MiB   mate-session
  2.1 MiB +   1.2 MiB =   3.3 MiB   whoopsie
  2.8 MiB + 645.0 KiB =   3.4 MiB   dbus-daemon (3)
  2.5 MiB + 930.0 KiB =   3.4 MiB   mate-power-manager
  2.9 MiB + 935.0 KiB =   3.8 MiB   mate-maximus
  3.5 MiB + 362.0 KiB =   3.8 MiB   ModemManager
  3.3 MiB + 898.5 KiB =   4.2 MiB   notification-area-applet
  2.1 MiB +   2.2 MiB =   4.3 MiB   systemd (2)
  3.7 MiB + 633.0 KiB =   4.3 MiB   obexd
  4.4 MiB + 216.0 KiB =   4.6 MiB   polkitd
  3.5 MiB +   1.2 MiB =   4.7 MiB   bash (3)
  4.8 MiB + 377.0 KiB =   5.1 MiB   udisksd
  3.9 MiB +   1.2 MiB =   5.2 MiB   trashapplet
  5.2 MiB + 612.0 KiB =   5.8 MiB   pulseaudio
  4.7 MiB +   1.1 MiB =   5.9 MiB   marco
  4.7 MiB +   1.4 MiB =   6.1 MiB   clock-applet
  4.4 MiB +   2.0 MiB =   6.4 MiB   mate-volume-control-applet
  6.1 MiB + 824.5 KiB =   6.9 MiB   NetworkManager
  5.2 MiB +   1.8 MiB =   7.0 MiB   wnck-applet
  6.9 MiB +   1.7 MiB =   8.6 MiB   mate-settings-daemon
  6.8 MiB +   2.2 MiB =   9.0 MiB   mate-terminal
  8.1 MiB + 921.5 KiB =   9.0 MiB   gvfsd-smb-browse
  8.3 MiB + 923.5 KiB =   9.2 MiB   mate-screensaver
  8.7 MiB +   1.9 MiB =  10.6 MiB   mate-panel
  8.8 MiB +   7.6 MiB =  16.4 MiB   update-notifier
 10.9 MiB +   8.1 MiB =  18.9 MiB   nm-applet
 16.9 MiB +   2.9 MiB =  19.8 MiB
 14.2 MiB +   8.1 MiB =  22.3 MiB   tilda
 21.7 MiB +   3.1 MiB =  24.8 MiB   caja
 21.9 MiB +   5.8 MiB =  27.8 MiB   blueman-applet
 25.2 MiB +   5.9 MiB =  31.1 MiB   Xorg
                        353.0 MiB

Ubuntu MATE 16.04 with MATE Desktop 1.14.1 built against GTK2.

 Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used   Program

152.0 KiB +  48.0 KiB = 200.0 KiB   avahi-dnsconfd
156.0 KiB +  45.0 KiB = 201.0 KiB   tee
164.0 KiB +  43.5 KiB = 207.5 KiB   gnome-pty-helper
224.0 KiB +  33.0 KiB = 257.0 KiB   acpid
292.0 KiB +  46.5 KiB = 338.5 KiB   agetty
324.0 KiB +  49.5 KiB = 373.5 KiB   irqbalance
324.0 KiB +  85.5 KiB = 409.5 KiB   cron
396.0 KiB +  87.0 KiB = 483.0 KiB   rtkit-daemon
460.0 KiB +  94.5 KiB = 554.5 KiB   dbus-launch
584.0 KiB +  21.5 KiB = 605.5 KiB   ssh-agent
628.0 KiB + 112.0 KiB = 740.0 KiB   dconf-service
652.0 KiB + 150.5 KiB = 802.5 KiB   gvfs-mtp-volume-monitor
672.0 KiB + 191.0 KiB = 863.0 KiB   at-spi-bus-launcher
824.0 KiB + 131.0 KiB = 955.0 KiB   gvfs-goa-volume-monitor
780.0 KiB + 195.0 KiB = 975.0 KiB   at-spi2-registryd
844.0 KiB + 138.0 KiB = 982.0 KiB   dnsmasq
912.0 KiB +  75.5 KiB = 987.5 KiB   systemd-logind
400.0 KiB + 635.0 KiB =   1.0 MiB   avahi-daemon (2)
884.0 KiB + 198.0 KiB =   1.1 MiB   gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor
908.0 KiB + 178.0 KiB =   1.1 MiB   accounts-daemon
  1.0 MiB + 150.0 KiB =   1.1 MiB   gvfsd-fuse
956.0 KiB + 298.0 KiB =   1.2 MiB   gvfsd-dnssd
  1.0 MiB + 276.0 KiB =   1.3 MiB   gvfsd-trash
  1.0 MiB + 291.5 KiB =   1.3 MiB   gvfsd-network
  1.1 MiB + 244.0 KiB =   1.3 MiB   sudo
  1.4 MiB +  80.5 KiB =   1.5 MiB   rsyslogd
  1.3 MiB + 262.0 KiB =   1.6 MiB   deja-dup-monitor
  1.3 MiB + 323.5 KiB =   1.6 MiB   ntpd
  1.2 MiB + 451.0 KiB =   1.6 MiB   gvfs-afc-volume-monitor
  1.6 MiB +  70.5 KiB =   1.6 MiB   systemd-journald
  1.4 MiB + 588.0 KiB =   1.9 MiB   (sd-pam)
  1.6 MiB + 383.5 KiB =   2.0 MiB   cupsd
  1.9 MiB +  40.0 KiB =   2.0 MiB   dhclient
  1.8 MiB + 203.0 KiB =   2.0 MiB   gnome-keyring-daemon
  1.6 MiB + 416.0 KiB =   2.0 MiB   gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor
  1.4 MiB + 756.0 KiB =   2.2 MiB   cups-browsed
  2.1 MiB + 135.0 KiB =   2.2 MiB   systemd-udevd
  1.7 MiB + 721.0 KiB =   2.4 MiB   lightdm (2)
  2.4 MiB + 230.0 KiB =   2.6 MiB   polkitd
  2.1 MiB + 767.0 KiB =   2.9 MiB   polkit-mate-authentication-agent-1
  2.8 MiB + 243.0 KiB =   3.0 MiB   gvfsd
  2.8 MiB + 373.0 KiB =   3.1 MiB   udisksd
  2.1 MiB +   1.2 MiB =   3.2 MiB   whoopsie
  2.4 MiB + 836.5 KiB =   3.2 MiB   mate-session
  2.8 MiB + 650.0 KiB =   3.4 MiB   dbus-daemon (3)
  2.6 MiB + 926.0 KiB =   3.5 MiB   mate-power-manager
  2.9 MiB + 917.0 KiB =   3.8 MiB   mate-maximus
  3.5 MiB + 374.0 KiB =   3.9 MiB   ModemManager
  3.6 MiB + 525.5 KiB =   4.1 MiB   upowerd
  3.3 MiB + 888.5 KiB =   4.1 MiB   notification-area-applet
  3.7 MiB + 612.0 KiB =   4.3 MiB   obexd
  2.2 MiB +   2.2 MiB =   4.4 MiB   systemd (2)
  3.1 MiB +   1.3 MiB =   4.4 MiB   dbus (4)
  3.6 MiB +   1.2 MiB =   4.7 MiB   bash (3)
  3.9 MiB +   1.2 MiB =   5.1 MiB   trashapplet
  4.3 MiB + 921.5 KiB =   5.2 MiB   mate-screensaver
  5.1 MiB + 662.0 KiB =   5.7 MiB   pulseaudio
  4.7 MiB +   1.1 MiB =   5.8 MiB   marco
  4.4 MiB +   2.0 MiB =   6.3 MiB   mate-volume-control-applet
  5.0 MiB +   1.6 MiB =   6.5 MiB   wnck-applet
  6.3 MiB + 791.5 KiB =   7.1 MiB   NetworkManager
  6.7 MiB +   1.5 MiB =   8.1 MiB   clock-applet
  6.9 MiB +   1.8 MiB =   8.7 MiB   mate-settings-daemon
  8.0 MiB + 896.5 KiB =   8.9 MiB   gvfsd-smb-browse
  6.7 MiB +   2.2 MiB =   8.9 MiB   mate-terminal
 10.6 MiB +   1.9 MiB =  12.4 MiB   mate-panel
 10.5 MiB +   7.4 MiB =  17.9 MiB   update-notifier
 11.5 MiB +   7.8 MiB =  19.3 MiB   nm-applet
 16.6 MiB +   2.9 MiB =  19.5 MiB
 15.4 MiB +   7.5 MiB =  22.8 MiB   tilda
 21.9 MiB +   3.2 MiB =  25.1 MiB   caja
 24.0 MiB +   5.9 MiB =  29.9 MiB   blueman-applet
 27.1 MiB +   5.6 MiB =  32.7 MiB   Xorg
                        358.4 MiB

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 with MATE Desktop 1.14.1 built against GTK3.

 Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used   Program

152.0 KiB +  53.0 KiB = 205.0 KiB   avahi-dnsconfd
156.0 KiB +  52.0 KiB = 208.0 KiB   tee
236.0 KiB +  34.0 KiB = 270.0 KiB   acpid
320.0 KiB +  51.5 KiB = 371.5 KiB   irqbalance
324.0 KiB +  50.5 KiB = 374.5 KiB   agetty
324.0 KiB +  91.5 KiB = 415.5 KiB   cron
408.0 KiB +  96.0 KiB = 504.0 KiB   rtkit-daemon
572.0 KiB +  19.5 KiB = 591.5 KiB   ssh-agent
616.0 KiB + 118.0 KiB = 734.0 KiB   dconf-service
676.0 KiB + 161.5 KiB = 837.5 KiB   gvfs-mtp-volume-monitor
768.0 KiB + 141.0 KiB = 909.0 KiB   gvfs-goa-volume-monitor
780.0 KiB + 208.0 KiB = 988.0 KiB   at-spi2-registryd
928.0 KiB +  75.5 KiB =   1.0 MiB   systemd-logind
932.0 KiB +  84.0 KiB =   1.0 MiB   systemd-resolved
388.0 KiB + 659.0 KiB =   1.0 MiB   avahi-daemon (2)
776.0 KiB + 309.0 KiB =   1.1 MiB   gvfsd
896.0 KiB + 211.0 KiB =   1.1 MiB   gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor
892.0 KiB + 218.0 KiB =   1.1 MiB   dbus-launch (2)
  1.1 MiB + 275.5 KiB =   1.4 MiB   accounts-daemon
  1.1 MiB + 260.0 KiB =   1.4 MiB   sudo
  1.2 MiB + 212.5 KiB =   1.4 MiB   gvfsd-fuse
  1.4 MiB +  79.5 KiB =   1.5 MiB   rsyslogd
  1.2 MiB + 419.5 KiB =   1.6 MiB   gvfsd-trash
  1.4 MiB + 296.5 KiB =   1.7 MiB   deja-dup-monitor
  1.2 MiB + 535.5 KiB =   1.7 MiB   gvfs-afc-volume-monitor
  1.6 MiB +  79.5 KiB =   1.7 MiB   systemd-journald
  1.4 MiB + 462.0 KiB =   1.9 MiB   ntpd
  2.0 MiB +  44.0 KiB =   2.0 MiB   dhclient
  1.5 MiB + 560.5 KiB =   2.1 MiB   cupsd
  1.6 MiB + 588.0 KiB =   2.2 MiB   upowerd
  1.8 MiB + 483.5 KiB =   2.3 MiB   gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor
  1.5 MiB + 984.0 KiB =   2.5 MiB   cups-browsed
  2.1 MiB + 756.0 KiB =   2.8 MiB   lightdm (2)
  2.7 MiB + 131.0 KiB =   2.8 MiB   systemd-udevd
  2.1 MiB + 988.5 KiB =   3.1 MiB   bash (2)
  2.2 MiB + 950.0 KiB =   3.1 MiB   (sd-pam) (2)
  2.2 MiB + 952.0 KiB =   3.2 MiB   gnome-keyring-daemon (2)
  2.9 MiB + 281.0 KiB =   3.2 MiB   at-spi-bus-launcher
  2.9 MiB + 355.0 KiB =   3.2 MiB   polkitd
  2.9 MiB + 451.5 KiB =   3.4 MiB   udisksd
  2.1 MiB +   1.4 MiB =   3.5 MiB   whoopsie
  3.1 MiB + 798.5 KiB =   3.9 MiB   dbus-daemon (4)
  3.9 MiB + 578.0 KiB =   4.5 MiB   obexd
  3.6 MiB + 948.0 KiB =   4.5 MiB   polkit-mate-authentication-agent-1
  2.7 MiB +   2.4 MiB =   5.0 MiB   systemd (3)
  4.0 MiB +   1.1 MiB =   5.2 MiB   notification-area-applet
  4.4 MiB +   1.1 MiB =   5.5 MiB   mate-maximus
  4.4 MiB +   1.3 MiB =   5.7 MiB   mate-power-manager
  4.6 MiB +   1.1 MiB =   5.7 MiB   mate-session
  5.2 MiB + 595.0 KiB =   5.8 MiB   pulseaudio
  5.5 MiB + 357.0 KiB =   5.8 MiB   ModemManager
  4.7 MiB +   1.5 MiB =   6.3 MiB   update-notifier
  4.9 MiB +   1.6 MiB =   6.4 MiB   trashapplet
  5.8 MiB +   1.1 MiB =   6.9 MiB   mate-screensaver
  5.0 MiB +   2.0 MiB =   7.1 MiB   mate-volume-control-applet
  6.5 MiB + 926.5 KiB =   7.4 MiB   NetworkManager
  5.7 MiB +   1.7 MiB =   7.4 MiB   wnck-applet
  5.9 MiB +   1.8 MiB =   7.7 MiB   clock-applet
  6.5 MiB +   1.4 MiB =   7.9 MiB   marco
  7.0 MiB +   2.1 MiB =   9.1 MiB   nm-applet
  9.1 MiB +   2.2 MiB =  11.4 MiB   mate-settings-daemon
  9.9 MiB +   2.1 MiB =  11.9 MiB   mate-panel
 11.0 MiB +   2.4 MiB =  13.4 MiB   mate-terminal
 17.0 MiB +   3.2 MiB =  20.1 MiB
 21.2 MiB +   4.8 MiB =  26.0 MiB   blueman-applet
 23.3 MiB +   5.1 MiB =  28.4 MiB   caja
 54.0 MiB +   2.8 MiB =  56.8 MiB   Xorg
                        351.7 MiB

by Martin Wimpress at June 10, 2016 01:01 PM

June 08, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

MATE Desktop 1.14 for Ubuntu MATE 16.04

The Ubuntu MATE Patrons have already received this information, but here's an update for everyone.

The number one question in the Ubuntu MATE community right now is:

When can I get MATE Desktop 1.14 for Ubuntu MATE 16.04?

The answer is, now. Right now.

About MATE Desktop 1.14

We've published a PPA containing MATE 1.14 that is designed to work with Ubuntu MATE 16.04. You can find out what changed in MATE Desktop 1.14 from the upstream release announcement.

You might be wondering why it has taken 2 months to release this PPA? Here's why; they've been well tested.

The packages in this PPA are derived from the MATE Desktop 1.14 packages that were recently uploaded to Debian unstable. The upgrade issues encountered in Debian unstable have been fixed and all the packages have transitioned to Debian testing. All the upgrade fixes are included in this PPA to ensure a smooth transition. We also waited for the first MATE Desktop bugfix release, so what you are getting today is actually MATE Desktop 1.14.1.

Upgrade to MATE Desktop 1.14.x

To upgrade Ubuntu MATE 16.04 to MATE Desktop 1.14.x do the following:

Open a terminal using CRTL + ALT + t.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/xenial-mate
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade

Now restart your computer and you're running MATE Desktop 1.14.x :-)


Upgrading to MATE Desktop 1.14 will remove the mate-netspeed packages, but don't be alarmed, the NetSpeed applet is now included in the mate-applets package. You won't loose any functionality.

If you see the following prompt during the upgrade, then press Enter to accept [default=N]:

Configuration file '/etc/xdg/autostart/mate-volume-control-applet.desktop'
 ==> Deleted (by you or by a script) since installation.
 ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.
   What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:
    Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version
    N or O  : keep your currently-installed version
      D     : show the differences between the versions
      Z     : start a shell to examine the situation
 The default action is to keep your current version.
*** mate-volume-control-applet.desktop (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?

The version of MATE Desktop 1.14 in this PPA is built against GTK2+ to ensure compatibility with Ubuntu MATE 16.04 and all the 3rd party MATE applets, plugins and extensions.

We hope you enjoy using MATE Desktop 1.14 on Ubuntu MATE 16.04!

by Martin Wimpress at June 08, 2016 01:01 PM

June 06, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE May 2016 supporters

We are completely overwhelmed with the generostiy you've shown the Ubuntu MATE project following the 16.04 LTS release. It is humbling indeed!

Many thanks to everyone who invested in the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project and the community site. In fact, this month we are able to fund some developers to work on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.

Thank you!

How will this months crowd funding be spent?

This months crowd funding will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE hosting and server costs for May 2016.
  • All the Ubuntu MATE CDN, bandwidth and email charges for May 2016.
  • Paid €1977 (taking into account currency variations) to 7 Open Source developers for working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total funding to other Open Source projects and developers to approximately $7287.90 (taking into account currency variations).
  • We will be reviewing how we can put the surplus funds from May to good use and expand our contributor rewards to finance some additional development activities.

Although Ubuntu MATE 15.04 onward is an official member of the Ubuntu family, and new Ubuntu MATE releases are now distributed via the Canonical mirror network, we are serving ~2000 downloads per day for Ubuntu MATE for the Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 and another ~95 downloads per day for Ubuntu MATE 14.04.

Thank you!

Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month that Ubuntu MATE has a surplus of funds we will make a contribution to an Open Source project or developer that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

For May 2016 Ubuntu MATE have paid several Open Source developers to work on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

  • Luke Horwell (Ubuntu MATE) £250 - For development of Ubuntu MATE Welcome and Software Boutique.
  • Wolfgang Ulbrich (Fedora) €350 - For migrating Ubuntu MATE themes to MATE 1.14 built against GTK 3.18
  • Mike Gabriel (Debian) €500 - For reviewing and sponsoring uploads of MATE 1.14 to Debian.
  • Pablo Barciela González (Debian) €50 - For fixing and maintaining Engrampa, the MATE archive manager.
  • Vangelis Mouhtsis (Debian) €50 - For packaging MATE in Debian.
  • Vlad Orlov (Linux Mint) - €350 - For migrating MATE components to GTK3 and fixing Indicator support in MATE 1.14.
  • Alexei Sorokin (openSUSE) €350 - For porting MATE Menu to GTK3.

Thank you to everyone who has invested in Ubuntu MATE, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Invest

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively invested $1101.15 this month.

Jason Cox

Jason Cox has opted in to our Level 42 Patreon package and therefore knows the meaning of life, the universe and everything!

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Manuel Carrizo 2015-11-13 01:17:34
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Davide Monge 2015-03-11 22:57:13
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Scott Brown 2016-03-17 13:04:00
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Tim Apple 2016-05-09 13:35:47
Steve J. Radonich IV 2014-11-09 10:44:55
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Brian 2015-07-07 23:35:19
Michael Vanier 2015-07-06 06:31:31
Paul Demers 2015-09-21 03:23:21 2015-10-02 13:01:39
Ron Goodman 2015-11-20 13:38:02
Steven Drinnan 2015-11-11 16:27:18
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
N. Alexander Tessner 2016-01-29 23:07:49
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Harry Henry Gebel 2016-02-21 22:45:51
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Ivan Tomica 2016-03-02 23:23:28
Michael Mykolyshyn 2016-04-23 03:07:46
Larry Hale 2016-04-10 15:58:00
Michael Villaverde 2016-04-09 10:47:01
Christopher Hodson 2016-04-08 20:59:01
Jason 2016-04-01 13:40:44

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Jupiter Broadcasting, Ivan Pejić, Dirk-Jan van der Hoorn, Sergio Rivera, Silas Wulff, DoctorKraz, Jack Blakely, Adrian Evans, Matt Hartley, Antoine Mate Messiah, Daniel Neilson, Scott Petty, david van Dyk, Mark Boadey, Ricardo Gerena, Trooper_Ish, Peter Mergaerts, Michael White, Atreju, Zora Saad, Gheorghe Kobori, John Jeffers P.Eng., Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Dan Hively, Randall Lewis, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, Dirk Eisenacher, B Kirsch, Stephen Morrish (PendragonUK), Johnathon Tinsley, Geoff Grogan, Nigel Green, S.M. Oliva, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, David J Gwiazda, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Cenk Tekin, Sam McGlynn, Alexander Browne, Szabolcs, Tyler Dickieson, Phil Clifford, Jimy Hendrickx, Michael S., Johannes, David Laczko, Susan, Winfried Plappert, Obi-Tom Kenobi, dastrike, Christopher atkins, Stephen Donovan, Jason Hyder, sfarber5300, Mikael Karlsson, Jeff Stoner, Tapio Hansson, Reid Best, john, M Hoppes, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, taksuyu, Specops872, Krishna, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, Eric, Lukasz, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Dow Hurst, Ed, Mike Brannon, Anthony Bosio, Daron Dierkes, Jim Kopps, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Daniel Vieira, Mario Juric, Andre Kretzschmar, Eduardo Sanchez, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Kai Charlton, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter, Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Lu Goon, Luis Joaquim, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Mike Keen, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, John Colagioia, Beau Breon, Oliver Kletzmayr, Donald Baun, Paul Keeton, Michael Burchfield, Jed Reynolds, Harry Myhre, Guillaume Politis Chalm, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Christian Knuchel, Gaius, Graham Moss, David Southard,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Monthly supporter

Become a monthly supporter at Patreon. Patrons get exclusive project updates, invites to live video conferences with the Ubuntu MATE developers and discounts on some Ubuntu MATE merchandise.

Become a Patron
Date Name Invested After fees Description
31/05/2016 Leo Golding $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Eugene Anikin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/05/2016 luigi bono $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Jose Augusto Solfa Campos Oliveira $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Lorenzo DE ROSSI $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/05/2016 R Lebar $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Cynthia Chevrier $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 i386 Download Tip
31/05/2016 R Lebar $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Jonathan Dukes $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Lee Witek $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Craig Thomas $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Brian Ahrendt $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Ponseca Dennis Michael F $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Richard Thornton $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Osana Yasunori $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Paul Kaskampas $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Mateusz Koren $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
31/05/2016 John Turi $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Vishal Shanbhag $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
31/05/2016 B&B nonna vincenza $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
31/05/2016 Nick Watts $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/05/2016 Sascha Vasarhelyi €2.00 €1.58 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/05/2016 Michal Cieraszynski $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/05/2016 Ted Campbell $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/05/2016 Rishi Pal $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 i386 Download Tip
30/05/2016 Rob Vandeweyer $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/05/2016 Danijel Petrovic €3.00 €2.55 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/05/2016 marco cinato $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
30/05/2016 Florian Küng $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/05/2016 Pierre Ekholm $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/05/2016 Ivana Trcak $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
30/05/2016 Using PayPal $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/05/2016 john levett $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 i386 Download Tip
30/05/2016 Kévin Marilleau €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
30/05/2016 Matthew Jelliman £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/05/2016 TANAKA HIDEAKI $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
30/05/2016 Bradley Kulkin $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/05/2016 Robert Thomas $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Oliver Hedderich €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/05/2016 fabian faßnacht $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Kevin Loeffler $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Gregory Telson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Sebastian Mauerkirchner $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Manuel Ferrara $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Aiman Aldwyhes $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Michael Cornelison $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Davidson Analytical Services Ltd $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Roney Marques Dornelas $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/05/2016 Valentin Blanaru $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Dennis Clement-Socchia $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Ulrich Schuster $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Vincent Abbosh $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Gregory Boyk $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 i386 Download Tip
29/05/2016 Justin Werner $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/05/2016 Charles Woods $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
28/05/2016 Rob Cutmore $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
28/05/2016 yoni nissan $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/05/2016 Juho Härme $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
28/05/2016 Steven Douglas $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
28/05/2016 Richard CROSBY $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
27/05/2016 Jesse Barbour $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/05/2016 Terry Meier $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/05/2016 onkar sangha $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/05/2016 Wolfgang rENK $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/05/2016 Erwin Delano $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/05/2016 Victor Neumann $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/05/2016 Karsten Blasek $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/05/2016 Franz Koester $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
27/05/2016 Thomas Martin Tallosy $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
27/05/2016 David Aultman $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
27/05/2016 Island Ceramic Grinding, Inc. $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/05/2016 Lucas Junqueira Ponce $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Dominik Rubo €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/05/2016 Michael Sampson $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Dean Beaty $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/05/2016 franck HEBERT $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Michael Beck $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Wouter Schuit $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Claudiu Sirbu $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Lawrence Lyjak $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Colin Mills $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Conor Keoghan $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Hao Trinh $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/05/2016 George Gatewood $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Stanley Sykes $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Terry Fullerton $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Chris Dennis £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/05/2016 Hao Trinh $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Ingo Bieneck $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
26/05/2016 AUBREY JAFFER $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
26/05/2016 Ron Outous $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/05/2016 Scott Howard $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/05/2016 Claude Hamel $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
25/05/2016 Mirko Nikolai $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/05/2016 Dan Bergsten $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/05/2016 Krzysztof Ryzenweber $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
25/05/2016 Theodore Sarbin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/05/2016 Raymond Larabee $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/05/2016 Mike Richards $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
25/05/2016 Richard Stobart $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/05/2016 Gerry Cheramie $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/05/2016 TULIO J SILVA $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/05/2016 Rossen Nedkov $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/05/2016 Christopher Hetherington $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
25/05/2016 Jacob Beard $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/05/2016 David York $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/05/2016 Derek Lillard $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
24/05/2016 Florian Kollmannsberger $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
24/05/2016 Christopher Añorve $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/05/2016 Donald Hayford $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/05/2016 Martha Inga $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/05/2016 David Bley $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/05/2016 Joel Parker $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/05/2016 Christian Lerch $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/05/2016 David O'Neal $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
24/05/2016 Karma Where? $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/05/2016 Kristian Müllenholz $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/05/2016 Ravi Gogoi $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/05/2016 Enric Verdaguer Godoy $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
24/05/2016 Angelo Meneghini $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
24/05/2016 Matthew Howard $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/05/2016 Lawrence Alsop $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/05/2016 Boris Tomi $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/05/2016 Greg Arndt $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
23/05/2016 Fred Kehler $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/05/2016 Brent Kinser $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/05/2016 Martin Stubbs $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/05/2016 Ellen Nacik $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/05/2016 Matthew Densley $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
23/05/2016 Peter O'Brien $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
23/05/2016 Stellarts $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/05/2016 James Watts $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
23/05/2016 Gary Peters $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
23/05/2016 Brian Strong $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/05/2016 Stephen Hassel $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/05/2016 TechniComm Marketing Services $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/05/2016 Jon Cunnane $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 i386 Download Tip
22/05/2016 Peter Miczek $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/05/2016 Arvid Jedlicka $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/05/2016 Gerald Gaiser $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/05/2016 Joachim Larisch $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/05/2016 Volker Tiemann $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
22/05/2016 Gernot Eyssler $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/05/2016 Malcolm McKnight $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/05/2016 Richard Garbary $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/05/2016 Sudarshan Kondgekar $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/05/2016 Martin Cournoyer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/05/2016 Kenneth Lewis $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/05/2016 Svein Erik Kristiansen $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
22/05/2016 Everett Parson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/05/2016 Brandon Owings $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/05/2016 Walter Meinero $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/05/2016 Tomas Brandt $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/05/2016 Igor Božovi $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/05/2016 Norbert Angelstorf $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/05/2016 Trimeta software GmbH $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/05/2016 paul anderson $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
21/05/2016 Alain Schwab $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/05/2016 Tom O'Brien $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/05/2016 Jennifer Lee $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/05/2016 Michael Clayberg $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/05/2016 Nigel Lee $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
21/05/2016 Christopher Milne $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Reuben Dascalescu $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Joseph Barbera $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Patrick Amlung $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/05/2016 James Brewer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/05/2016 Rowan Carter £20.00 £19.12 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/05/2016 Gianmarco Schiaffonati $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Scott Paulson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Stephen Grover $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Josep Güell $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Juan Ruiz $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Harry Schreiber $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Eric Erkens $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Scott Pritchett $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Kuprienko Andrey $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Greg Ernest $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/05/2016 Robert H Nunnally Jr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Rick Burr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/05/2016 michael norris $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Rocco Riccardi $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Brett Ullman $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Herman Felderhof $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
20/05/2016 Joel McMahon $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
19/05/2016 Jason Owens $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/05/2016 Trevor E Dipper $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
19/05/2016 Yuriy Burda $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/05/2016 joshua Jacobs $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
19/05/2016 Mohammed Aljumaili $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/05/2016 Carlos Mª Serrallach $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/05/2016 Derek Doggett $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/05/2016 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/05/2016 Matthew Duffin $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/05/2016 Ilona und Jörg Winkel $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
19/05/2016 John McMurran $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/05/2016 Steven Davies-Morris $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/05/2016 Jeremy Ratcliffe $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
19/05/2016 peter Hart $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/05/2016 Ryan Name $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Mark Turner $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Edward Dart $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Bernardus Joseph van Zoen $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Hendrikus Hoogendijk $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Colin J. Vozeh $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Nikolai Schlegel $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2016 William Whitledge $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Florin Mazilu €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/05/2016 Brian Palmer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Holistic Rainbow $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Manfred Usyk $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2016 ROBIN HOOD FILMS S.L. €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/05/2016 JORGE MIRANDA $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Jaan Sass $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/05/2016 Five Heads Marketing Group, LLC. $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Beat Brüngger $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Snell Matthew $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/05/2016 Derek Doggett $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2016 W D Hard $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/05/2016 caner SAHIN $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Vicentiu Maxim $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Nigel Musson $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
18/05/2016 L.J Farbotko $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Fungusware $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Michael Affleck $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/05/2016 Apris Kiswandi $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Jay Eichelberger $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Julian Kelsall-Joel £2.00 £1.73 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/05/2016 Ivar Christopher $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Dawit Assefa $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Philip Jones $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Tullo Lolli $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Axel Dolcemascolo $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Helge Voss $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Hiton Services $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Gisela von Schenck $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Kevin Dysart $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Duck-Hyun Jeon $50.00 $47.10 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/05/2016 Matej Godal €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
17/05/2016 JÖRGEN SCHMIDT $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Victor Pietries $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Todd Meade $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Robert Panasewicz $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
17/05/2016 Tom Hayward $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
17/05/2016 yves GUILLON $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Eitan Fenson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Peter Selley $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Peter Ernst $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Gerhard Netzer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Vitali Druzhinin $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2016 John McCaul $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Derek Doggett $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Tilo Wiklund $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2016 $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Christopher Behr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
16/05/2016 Benjamin Vinson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Sten Götte $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Nathan Candiano $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Marvin Malinowski $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Niklas Schuschel $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Erich Jost $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
16/05/2016 EVGENI PAVLOV $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Jon Carson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
16/05/2016 William Ulrich $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Dominik Klüter $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Maik Gasterstaedt $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Colin Chargy $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Fred Brand $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
16/05/2016 Alison Link $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/05/2016 John May $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
16/05/2016 Ian Morris £10.00 £9.28 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/05/2016 Francis Boyle $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/05/2016 David Shelstad $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Kaspar Moser $50.00 $47.35 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/05/2016 Lee Moffitt $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Jocelyn Bernier $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Thomas Gilliard $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/05/2016 David Staley $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Cord Krüger $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Calum Johnson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/05/2016 martin reinhard $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Juris Dilba $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Matthias Keith $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Ralph Leue $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Frank Dietrich $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/05/2016 David Díaz Arellano $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Michael Phillips $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Tan Lye Soon $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Norman Hall Sr $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Roger Frech $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Gary Smith $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Agatha Siegel $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/05/2016 Dominique Pizzie $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/05/2016 E4E $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/05/2016 Alan Duval $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
14/05/2016 PHILIP-ROBERTO NOBELIS $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/05/2016 Jeffery Hill $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/05/2016 Santiago Lacasta Martín €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/05/2016 Guillaume POIDEVIN $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/05/2016 Kirsty Kitto $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/05/2016 Pawel Krawczyk $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/05/2016 Pawe Tarasiuk $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/05/2016 Jan Berg Michelsen €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
14/05/2016 Santiago Lacasta Martín $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/05/2016 Wayne Pozzi $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/05/2016 Eric Parenteau $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
14/05/2016 L Pretorius $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/05/2016 John Schrader $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
14/05/2016 Jeferson Ferreira $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Jeff Fuller $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Cosmin Ionica $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Rhys Davies $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Lester C Wetherell II $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/05/2016 andreas klöckl $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
13/05/2016 $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Henry Marshall $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Christopher Swope $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/05/2016 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/05/2016 Michael Owens $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Aysa Mandzhieva $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Taylor Moran $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Fabi Thomczyk $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/05/2016 P J Wheeler $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Sander Zijlstra $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Nicholas Armendarez $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Sami Onur Zaim $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Kyle Morse $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Tim Lumsden $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Mark Tomlinson $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/05/2016 Keven Fox $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
13/05/2016 William Fischer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/05/2016 Martin Hagenau $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/05/2016 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/05/2016 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/05/2016 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/05/2016 Jérémy Lloubes $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/05/2016 Jacques-Michel Dieudonne $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/05/2016 Peter Hoyer $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/05/2016 Martin Horner €25.00 €23.47 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
12/05/2016 Donald Faulkner $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/05/2016 stephen schilg $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
12/05/2016 rachel helmreich $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 John Rodger $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 John Carter $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Craig Moran $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Michael Moon $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/05/2016 Alessandro D'Angelo $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/05/2016 GUILLERMO GOÑALONS COLL $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Darren Bown $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Célestin Taramarcaz $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Jeremy Genovese $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Jochen Müller $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Information Technology Works $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Simon Peltola €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/05/2016 Ivo van der Vegt $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/05/2016 H. Wayne Owens $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/05/2016 Michael Schopf $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Sammy Lebaili $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Karl Kelso $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
11/05/2016 William Christie $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Artur Tsallaev $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Richard Lawson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Jake Strichek $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
11/05/2016 Robin McLennan $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Timothy Toy $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Matthew Woods $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Marko Mäkinen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Lynne Lawrence $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/05/2016 Zachariah Smith $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/05/2016 Peter Jahn $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Francesco Finelli $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Aleksi Pihkanen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Dymytriy Panchenko $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2016 AMS Resin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Christina Michler €15.00 €14.14 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/05/2016 Kenneth Lewis $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2016 René VERARDO $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
10/05/2016 David Draycott $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Christian Brunkau $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Tan Jee Boon $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/05/2016 John Keen $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Justin West $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Bill Neville $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Brian O'Connor $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Kimball Springall $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Matthew Grogan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Marc Artmann $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Elizabeth Reisz $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Sean Carrigan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Roberto Neves Salles $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
10/05/2016 Michael Moon $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/05/2016 Benet Hitchcock $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/05/2016 scott lemieux $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/05/2016 Suresh Kothari $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/05/2016 Bastian Rütten €15.00 €14.14 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/05/2016 emeka b emenike $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/05/2016 Dilip Shinde $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/05/2016 Matthew J Prator $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/05/2016 Matthew Rozema $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/05/2016 Michael Farmer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/05/2016 Jan Supczewski $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/05/2016 John Logan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/05/2016 Jesper Niclasen €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
09/05/2016 SHAO TIAN CHAN $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/05/2016 Hilbert Space Technnical Arts, LLC $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
09/05/2016 art crooke $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/05/2016 Ronald Burek $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/05/2016 tristan villers $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/05/2016 Dmitri Volper $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/05/2016 David Bono $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/05/2016 Carlos Torres $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/05/2016 Gerd Alsenz $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/05/2016 Travis Neiheisel $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/05/2016 John Phee $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/05/2016 Kirk Teetzel $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/05/2016 Tab Gilbert $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/05/2016 GEORGIOS TSIALOS $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
08/05/2016 Martin Lahr €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/05/2016 Richard Colquhoun $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/05/2016 Kuno Germann $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/05/2016 Bengt Littorin $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/05/2016 Mr Rex Phillips $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/05/2016 $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/05/2016 Rob Hall $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
08/05/2016 Richard Edwards $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
08/05/2016 Ivo van der Vegt $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Magnus Umminger $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Richard D. Mallery $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2016 William Edwards $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Daniel Wappler $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Rohit Joshi $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
07/05/2016 michael goodman $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Kevin Orbaker $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Danny Wong $50.00 $47.50 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/05/2016 Michael Lillie $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Robert Hamblen $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Ronnie Clark $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Michael Gstettenbauer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Michael Garner $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Stan Trevena $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Richard Brooks $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Dennis Pandy $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Matthias Allinger €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
07/05/2016 Robert Meagher $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2016 David Kent $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Vyacheslav Fedorchuk $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Anthony Reynolds $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
07/05/2016 anthony manfredi $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Alejandro Alvarado Reynoso $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/05/2016 James Bruce $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
07/05/2016 Bruce Jones $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/05/2016 jason denne $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
06/05/2016 JEFFREY WONG $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
06/05/2016 Charles Morrow $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Daniel Manseau $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Tyge Goodfellow $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Kit Barnes $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/05/2016 Werner Leutenegger $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Claus Jürgen Weiß €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/05/2016 Richard Smith £25.00 £23.95 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/05/2016 Methlal Pallewatta $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Nicolai Wöller $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Alexandre Fortier $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/05/2016 monfy-mate €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/05/2016 Alan Clements $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 i386 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Robert Pinard $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Udo Gersbach $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/05/2016 glen vanroelen $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Andrea Nisticò $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Tobias Kortner €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/05/2016 San Bon No Eda Corp. $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 i386 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Walter Luffman $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Mike Collins $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
06/05/2016 Jamie Johnson $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Michel DECHAMPS $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Jose Antº Trasmontan $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
05/05/2016 viachaslau valyntsau $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Marcelo Rodriguez Loustau $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Lucia Zamuner $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Shawn Orr $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Alfred Giuliani $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Connie Houk $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Zygmunt Tomaszewicz $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Pierre CHANTE $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Hans Pleyer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Ditmar Rose €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/05/2016 Jonathan Stodden $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/05/2016 David Warrington $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 amd64 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Shaun Le Conte $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/05/2016 James Taylor $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Carlos Eugenio Rodriguez $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
05/05/2016 Paul Sun $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/05/2016 Alexander Browne £10.00 £9.36 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/05/2016 jose miguel reyes nevado €50.00 €47.95 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/05/2016 Madjid Nacer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/05/2016 Kenneth Kraft $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/05/2016 Heiko Bühler $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/05/2016 Lev Dragilev $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/05/2016 David Da Silva Mateus $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
04/05/2016 Dominik Stauch $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/05/2016 £10.00 £9.28 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/05/2016 Mike Richards $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/05/2016 Charles Rodgers $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/05/2016 Jesus Maria Montañes Salas $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/05/2016 Zbynek Tluchor $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/05/2016 pierre matarasso $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
04/05/2016 JEFFREY WONG $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/05/2016 Rudi Schoebel $40.00 $37.62 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/05/2016 henrik jensen josephsen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/05/2016 Lawrence Barnes $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/05/2016 Ronald Eichler $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
04/05/2016 Nick Konijn $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/05/2016 Bengt Viklund $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/05/2016 Dustin Beltramo $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
03/05/2016 Maksym Smyrnyi $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/05/2016 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/05/2016 Brandon Szerlag $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
03/05/2016 Magnus Kindström $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/05/2016 Luciano ventura Alves $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/05/2016 Frank Sperber $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 i386 Download Tip
03/05/2016 Sebastian Gulmann $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/05/2016 Rafael Gonzalez Nosti $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 amd64 Download Tip
03/05/2016 Andrew Howlett $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/05/2016 Michael Hengherr $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/05/2016 Daeman Shin $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/05/2016 Bart de Boer $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
03/05/2016 Pascal Graveline $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
03/05/2016 Edgar Guerrero $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/05/2016 Arthur Borshenko $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/05/2016 Sven Jakob €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/05/2016 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/05/2016 Edmond Rosen $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/05/2016 Aliaksei Karpovich $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
02/05/2016 Eldine Kirby $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
02/05/2016 Jakub Kaiser $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
02/05/2016 paul king $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
02/05/2016 Jose Deras $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/05/2016 Flying Mustang Productions $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
02/05/2016 Ted Campbell $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
01/05/2016 Peter Mescalchin £10.00 £9.28 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/05/2016 Jason Graf $20.00 $18.76 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
01/05/2016 Nathan Cox $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
01/05/2016 Mario Menezes $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/05/2016 Kenneth S Reid $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/05/2016 Ian Cartwright $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/05/2016 Sean Hickin $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
01/05/2016 Roman Venko $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/05/2016 Anthony Mayabb $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
01/05/2016 roberto mendoza $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
01/05/2016 Ken Kauffman $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/05/2016 Douglas Service $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
  • A total of $3144.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $2850.9, of which $2165.69 was received as Download Tips.
  • A total of €297.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €278.65.
  • A total of £97.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £91.26.
  • A total of 0.10691545 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at June 06, 2016 01:39 PM

May 25, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 progress update

The Ubuntu MATE Patrons have already received some updates explaining most of this, but here's an update for everyone.

With a solid 16.04 release behind us it is time to focus on our "retrospective future" and not just languish as a retrospective only project. Ubuntu MATE 16.10 is the experimental playground to adopt, and experiment with, new technologies so that our traditional desktop environment can continue to flourish and remain relevant.

TL;DR Ubuntu MATE 16.10 is switching to GTK3+, Ubuntu MATE Welcome and Software Boutique are improving all the time, MATE Tweak has been tweaked and Ubuntu MATE is involved in the early prototyping of using Snap packages to package the MATE Desktop.

Read on to find out what that all means.


Snap is a new package format that was introduced to desktop Ubuntu, and flavours, in 16.04. Naturally Ubuntu MATE 16.04 has built-in snapd support. The general idea of a Snappy system is that all snaps are self contained, protected and isolated pieces of code that perform a well defined set of functions.

The Ubuntu MATE team are being supported by Ubuntu developers to create Snaps of various MATE desktop components in order to discover what works and what doesn't. This is an iterative process to improve the snap platform and package more MATE components until running a full desktop environment on a Snappy system is possible.

We're delighted to be involved with Snappy and are looking forward to the road ahead and the role Snaps will play in Ubuntu MATE's "retrospective future".

What! You're dropping .deb? R-A-G-E!  Q-U-I-T! Alt+F4

We are not dropping the classic Debian package based distribution model.

We want to make this point as clear as we can. The classic Debian based package distribution model is not being dropped.


OK, got that? .deb packages are not being dropped. Good :-)

Snap progress

Right now we've got one snap package for Galculator, which is part of the MATE Desktop suite of applications, and our first attempt looked liked this:

Snappy Galculator

Oh dear! As you can see it's very early days ;-) Fortunately, after some advice from Ubuntu developers, it now looks like this:

Snappy Galculator Day 2

Better! On the second day of experimenting with Snappy things improved. There is still an issue with rendering some images, the .png images that surround the buttons in this case, but fonts and themes are working.

Work has now started on Snapping more complex MATE applications such as Pluma (the text editor) and Caja (the filemanager).

Why are Snaps important to me?

Insightful question ;-)

The number one question in the Ubuntu MATE community right now is:

When can I get MATE 1.14 for Ubuntu MATE 16.04?

Snaps will make that problem a snap to solve.


Ubuntu MATE 16.10 will be a GTK3+ build only. This is both good and bad, here's why.

Ubuntu MATE 16.10 (dev build) running MATE 1.14 built against GTK 3.18

The screenshot above shows an early development build of Ubuntu MATE 16.10 running MATE 1.14 built against GTK 3.18. Many improvements have been made since that screenshot was taken.

The Good

  • The MATE 1.14 package transition to GTK3+ was committed to Debian git a month ago
  • A PPA has been created for Ubuntu MATE 16.10 to test MATE 1.14 built against GTK3+
  • Ubuntu MATE themes have been adapted to work with GTK3+
  • Debian developers are currently reviewing and sponsoring the uploads MATE 1.14 into Debian unstable
  • We will be doing the work to support GTK 3.20 and upstream MATE are already working on GTK 3.21/3.22 support
  • MATE 1.14 built against GTK3+ works
  • Ubuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 1 will feature MATE 1.14 built against GTK3+
  • During May 2016 Ubuntu MATE has transfered €1997 to 7 independant Open Source developers to accelerate the completion of the GTK3+ migration
    • Full details will be published in the Ubuntu MATE May 2016 financial summary that is due in the second week of June 2016.

MATE 1.14 also introduces the facility to change the size of Panel menu icons (the menus for Applications, Places, System) and Panel icons (anything in a panel), the supported resolutions are 16px to 48px. This will soon be exposed via MATE Tweak and has a few benefits:

  • Bigger icons for high resolution displays
  • Big icons for the visually impaired
  • And if you are so inclined, large panels suitable for touch input but without changing the desktop metaphor

The Bad

  • MATE Menu (the Advanced Menu option in MATE Tweak) is not compatible with GTK3+. However the porting project has started and is well advanced.
  • MATE Indicator Applet is a bit broken under GTK3+ but investigations are underway.
  • MATE Dock Applet is not compatible with GTK3+, the porting project has not yet started.
  • Topmenu Applet is not compatible with GTK3+, the porting project has not yet started.

The Ugly

  • GNOME Main Menu (the menu in the openSUSE panel layout) is GTK2+ only and unmaintained. None of the MATE developers are interested in migrating it to GTK3+. GNOME Main Menu will be dropped from the Debian and Ubuntu archives.

Why is GTK3+ important to me?

Good question, glad you asked ;-)

Some of the old libraries that MATE GTK2+ depends on are unmaintained, deprecated and being removed from many distributions. In order for MATE to remain relevant, the move the GTK3+ is essential.

HiDPI, is going to be a thing. Really, it is. With MATE 1.14 built against GTK3+ we have initial HiDPI support working. Don't get too excited, this is an all or nothing implementation. It can be enabled via an environment variable and a session restart, but once done, all GTK3 applications (not just MATE) will be rendered using high quality pixel doubling. If you have a 4K display, it looks ace :-D

MATE Tweak

In other developments Tilda is no longer auto-started by default, it is now an option in MATE Tweak. MATE Tweak has a slight UI re-organise and now supports Xcompmgr as one of the compositor options. Xcompmgr support has been added because it is the preferred compositor to use on the Raspberry Pi. MATE Tweak has also separated the Interface section into Interface and Panels.

Welcome and Software Boutique

Ubuntu MATE Welcome has been ported to WebKit2 4.0, the animations and transitions are now much more fluid. Welcome has also been given a slight design refresh.

Boutique News

The Software Boutique now features News, to inform you of package additions, modifications and removals.

Boutique News

Boutique Search

A search facility has also been added and the Ubuntu MATE community has contributed some new applications, including Atom, Clementine and Lutris.

Boutique Search

What of Ubuntu MATE 16.04?

The Boutique News, Boutique Search and new Boutique software listings have already been back ported to Ubuntu MATE Welcome in 16.04. Subscribe Welcome to updates and you can have them today!

Some of the theme updates to support MATE built against GTK3+ have highlighted some bugs and those fixes will be back ported to 16.04 as well. This is in addition to a number of other Ubuntu MATE bug fixes that have already landed in 16.04.

What else?

Well, that's all for now. But we have some other goals planned for 16.10 and if we're able to deliver on them we'll let you know here.

by Martin Wimpress at May 25, 2016 01:45 PM

May 04, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Running Steam on Ubuntu MATE

A couple of weeks ago Phoronix published an article comparing the Steam performance on various flavours of Ubuntu 16.04. This article made me very sad because, using the default settings, Ubuntu MATE didn't appear to fair that well. I was also somewhat surprised, what with Ubuntu MATE sharing a good deal in common with the other flavours and being a fairly light-weight operating system. While I'm not a big gamer, I've always been very satisfied with Steam performance on Ubuntu MATE.

What we need here is a gamer. A gaming enthusiast who knows how to run a benchmark. A Linux gamer. Enter Pedro Mateus from Linux Game Cast.

Steam on Ubuntu MATE

Pedro ran the benchmarks he is most familar with on his Steam Box by simply replacing the SSD with one that had Ubuntu MATE 16.04 installed. Pedro also tested all the available compositor options available in Ubuntu MATE, afterall, we've included a number of compositor options to suit different use cases. This is the hardware, software and configuration used:

All benchmarks were run at 1920x1080. The table below shows the average frames per second for each benchmark. The colouring of the average frames per second denotes how much, if any, screen tearing was visible.

  • Bad tearing

  • Noticeable tearing

  • No noticeable tearing

Benchmark No compositor Software compositor Compton Compiz
Unigine HeavenExtreme 25.5 25.1 25.0 24.9
Unigine HeavenBasic 88.1 84.6 84.4 84.0
The Talos PrincipleOpenGL 70.4 68.5 70.3 69.8
The Talos PrincipleVulkan 97.1 89.9 96.9 95.1


So what do we learn from the benchmarks above?

  • The Ubuntu MATE default Window Manager is Marco (Software compositor). This explains why the Phoronix benchmarks didn't show Ubuntu MATE in the best light, since it can be the lowest performing option for gaming.
    • Perhaps Marco needs some logic to Unredirect Fullscreen Windows.
  • Using Compton or Compiz provides tear free gaming.
  • Compton (slightly) out performs Compiz.
  • Perdro tells me that when running Ubuntu MATE with Compton the average frames per second is about 2 FPS lower than SteamOS on the same hardware.
    • This seems reasonable given that Ubuntu MATE is a general purpose desktop operating system and SteamOS is purpose built for gaming.
  • Vulkan is the cat's pyjamas!

From the benchmarks Pedro Mateus conducted we can recommend that to get the optimum gaming experience on Ubuntu MATE you should use Compton, which can be enable via MATE Tweak, and that Ubuntu MATE gaming performance is just about on par with SteamOS.

by Martin Wimpress at May 04, 2016 07:00 AM

May 03, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE April 2016 supporters

We are completely overwhelmed with the generostiy you've shown the Ubuntu MATE project following the 16.04 LTS release. It is humbling indeed!

Many thanks to everyone who donated to the Ubuntu MATE project this month. You have been generous as always and ensured that we can meet all the costs associated with running the Ubuntu MATE project and the community site. In fact, this month we are able to reward some developers for working on Ubuntu MATE projects.

Thank you!

How will these donations be spent?

These donations will be used to pay for:

  • All Ubuntu MATE hosting and server costs for April 2016.
  • All the Ubuntu MATE CDN, bandwidth and email charges for April 2016.
  • Spent £62.90 on 2x Raspberry Pi 3 Mobel B for development and testing.
  • Spent £52.00 on 20x 4GB USB 2.0 memory sticks and 10x 2GB USB 2.0 memory sticks
    • These were flashed with Ubuntu MATE 16.04 (amd64 and i386) and handed out to visitors to the 11th Egham Raspberry Jam.
  • Donated €690 (taking into account currency variations) to 4 Open Source developers working on Ubuntu MATE and MATE Desktop projects.
  • This brings Ubuntu MATEs total donations to other Open Source projects and developers to approximately $5310.90 (taking into account currency variations).
  • We will be reviewing how we can put the surplus of donations from April to good use and expand our contributor rewards to fund some additional development activities.

Although Ubuntu MATE 15.04 onward is an official member of the Ubuntu family, and new Ubuntu MATE releases are now distributed via the Canonical mirror network, we are serving ~2000 downloads per day for Ubuntu MATE for the Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3 and another ~170 downloads per day for Ubuntu MATE 14.04.

Thank you!

Supporting Open Source

Ubuntu MATE is comprised of many Open Source projects, we recognise that. Each month that Ubuntu MATE has a surplus of funds we will make a contribution to an Open Source project or developer that Ubuntu MATE directly benefits from.

For April 2016 Ubuntu MATE have donated to several Open Source developers who've worked on Ubuntu MATE or MATE Desktop projects.

  • Luke Horwell (Ubuntu MATE) - £150 for developing Ubuntu MATE Welcome and updating the Ubuntu MATE website.
  • Wolfgang Ulbrich (Fedora) - €150 for porting MATE Desktop to GTK3 and preparing MATE 1.14 for release.
  • Vlad Orlov (Linux Mint) - €150 for porting MATE Desktop to GTK3 and preparing MATE 1.14 for release.
  • Vangelis Mouhtsis (Debian) €150 for packaging MATE Desktop in Debian.
  • Mike Gabriel (Debian) - €100 for packaging for packaging MATE Desktop in Debian.

Thank you to everyone who has donated, you are really making a difference to the development of Ubuntu MATE and the MATE Desktop.

Please Donate

We have setup a number of payment options that should hopefully suit everyone. If you haven't already, be brilliant, help grow our community.

Grow your community

Become a full Ubuntu MATE community member by helping to grow and sustain it. Warm and fuzzy sensations guaranteed.



Many thanks to the following people for becoming Ubuntu MATE patrons who collectively donated $947.5 this month.

Jason Cox

Jason Cox has opted in to our Level 42 Patreon package and therefore knows the meaning of life, the universe and everything!

The following Patrons contribute $10, or more, every month.

Patrons Joined
Daniel LaSalle 2015-12-14 14:44:10
Etienne Papegnies 2016-02-19 18:21:37
Manuel Carrizo 2015-11-13 01:17:34
Poul LeBlanc 2015-01-17 19:21:40
Entroware 2015-03-07 03:44:29
Davide Monge 2015-03-11 22:57:13
Eric Nantz 2015-12-10 01:06:34
Toxen 2016-03-01 19:16:01
Scott Brown 2016-03-17 13:04:00
Nik Brauer 2016-03-10 01:35:52
Steve J. Radonich IV 2014-11-09 10:44:55
SpazzyC 2014-11-10 20:32:27
Dave Hills 2015-05-14 18:12:54
Robert Meineke 2014-11-28 12:57:15
Mike Kelley 2015-06-20 14:08:38
Brian 2015-07-07 23:35:19
Michael Vanier 2015-07-06 06:31:31
Paul Demers 2015-09-21 03:23:21 2015-10-02 13:01:39
Ron Goodman 2015-11-20 13:38:02
Steven Drinnan 2015-11-11 16:27:18
James McPhail 2015-12-18 01:29:54
Ryan Carter 2015-10-24 03:36:57
Tabor Kelly 2016-02-01 06:19:25
N. Alexander Tessner 2016-01-29 23:07:49
Charles Snipes 2016-01-24 11:23:44
Bob Sincick 2016-01-05 00:18:28
Harry Henry Gebel 2016-02-21 22:45:51
Georg Bøe 2016-03-19 23:34:45
David Owen 2016-03-02 09:17:36
Ivan Tomica 2016-03-02 23:23:28

The following Patrons also contribute every month.

David Hollings, Tech Talk Today, Ivan Pejić, Dirk-Jan van der Hoorn, Sergio Rivera, Silas Wulff, DoctorKraz, Jack Blakely, Adrian Evans, Matt Hartley, Antoine Mate Messiah, Daniel Neilson, Scott Petty, david van Dyk, Mark Boadey, Ricardo Gerena, Trooper_Ish, Peter Mergaerts, Michael White, Atreju, Zora Saad, Gheorghe Kobori, John Jeffers P.Eng., Jarrod Ryan Worlitz, Brent Kincer, Dan Hively, Randall Lewis, Ed Tiller, veritanuda, Dirk Eisenacher, B Kirsch, Stephen, Johnathon Tinsley, Geoff Grogan, Nigel Green, S.M. Oliva, Nathan Tehrani, Enjayembee, David J Gwiazda, Michael Forcier, Stephen Kucksdorf, Cenk Tekin, Christopher atkins, Stephen Donovan, Jason Hyder, sfarber5300, Mikael Karlsson, Jeff Stoner, Tapio Hansson, pattypatreon, M Hoppes, Patrik Nilsson, Cato Gaustad, taksuyu, Specops872, Krishna, Paul Howarth, Jordan Hopkins, Eric, Russell Pate, Lukasz, gnusd, Darren Hammond, Bevan Thomas, Dow Hurst, Ed, Mike Brannon, Anthony Bosio, Daron Dierkes, Jim Kopps, Steve E., Martin S, Joshua, Bård Aase, Daniel Vieira, Mario Juric, Andre Kretzschmar, Eduardo Sanchez, Tyler, Thomas Kyanko, Sam McGlynn, Kai Charlton, Andrew Heath, Spencer Carter, Joao Atienza, Douglas Hitchcock, Lu Goon, Luis Joaquim, Yevgeniy Kuksenko, Mike, Gal Buki, Will Binns-Smith, Sergey Amitonov, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, Michael Burchfield, Jed Reynolds, Harry Myhre, Guillaume Politis Chalm, Max Kristen, Cory Wright, Christian Knuchel, Gaius, Graham Moss, Nathan Vain, David Southard, Dom Corriveau,

The Unlucky Patron!

Darrell Vermilion is a good sport! They have chosen to be the Ubuntu MATE unlucky Patron, just so they can see their name in flashing lights.

Darrell Vermilion

Monthly supporter

Become a monthly supporter at Patreon. Patrons get exclusive project updates, invites to live video conferences with the Ubuntu MATE developers and discounts on some Ubuntu MATE merchandise.

Become a Patron
Date Name Donated After fees Description
30/04/2016 Albert Oller Sánchez $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Gregory McGonagle $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
30/04/2016 KESHAV AMBURAY $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Justinas Gasinas $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Glen de Vries $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/04/2016 James Cardona $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/04/2016 Denton Larson $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/04/2016 David Sessoms $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
30/04/2016 foldup c.i.c. $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Ioannis Chalkiadakis $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Ven Shneyderman $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Dave McKergan $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Kim Toft Jørgensen $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Stephen Round $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Harry Rose $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
30/04/2016 K F Schoelpple $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/04/2016 John Walsh $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/04/2016 John Schuhr $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Ralph Fröhlich $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Boris Ivandic $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Matthew Boone $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/04/2016 Lyman Phillips $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
30/04/2016 jerrin francis $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Richard Barnich $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Viktor Listvan $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
30/04/2016 Alex Kalliris $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/04/2016 Michael Feinberg $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Varghese Mathew $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Michael Lennon $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Jasem Mutlaq $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Modesto Palma Vargas $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Joseph Lees $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Joe Collins $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/04/2016 Steve H-Waite $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Samuel Langevin $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Thomas Schulmerich $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Pedro Rosario $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Raimo Urpalainen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Troy Leber $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Holger Techtmeier $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Joachim Wanninger €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/04/2016 William Coetzee $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Jan-Oliver Hamann €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/04/2016 Sunny Transitions LLC $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/04/2016 $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Jose Darryl Alano $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
29/04/2016 Nickolas Avram $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Edwad Cupstid $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Edward Crosby $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
29/04/2016 Mark Schaedel $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Janick Tremblay $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Philipp Trulson €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/04/2016 Ronald Klein $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Robert Dehart $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Doug Leach $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 MATTHEW HOLBROOK $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/04/2016 Sean Colgan $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/04/2016 James Gauthier $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Robin Boardman $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Daniel Rangel $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/04/2016 aslan christian $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Clevester Jones $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Wiktor Wajsberg $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Markus Dießenbacher €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
28/04/2016 Peter Bradley $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 PHILIP VAN SCHALKWYK $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Marc Truscelli $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Hans-Helge Fischer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 John Barnett $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Mike Tomlinson $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Volker-Ekkehart Koch $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Aleksandar Josifoski $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Roger Canchola $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 Carmen Gray $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
28/04/2016 James Horn $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Justin Brakebill $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
27/04/2016 JEFFREY WONG $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Gerardo Fontes $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Gerardo Fontes $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Michael Caro $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/04/2016 Vagner Januario de Souza $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Adam Hawton $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Donnie Luschen $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Jason Doran $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Urs Herrmann €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/04/2016 Christopher Dexholm $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/04/2016 r hancock $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Rafael Ramos $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
27/04/2016 Hartmut Hoffnung $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Christian Knuchel $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Johannes Schröder $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Ingo Dippold $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/04/2016 eric Desré $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Andrew Riddett $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Stuart Rackham $25.00 $23.40 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
27/04/2016 Remi Gauvin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Michael Bahamonde $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
27/04/2016 Samuel Crawford III $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
26/04/2016 scott lemieux $27.50 $25.99
26/04/2016 Téssio Fechine $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
26/04/2016 David McDaniel $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Pedro Camacho £5.00 £4.58 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/04/2016 Giovanni Minervini $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2016 thomas kulpinski $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Patrick Goetz $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Ivan Costa Do Nascimento Filho $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
26/04/2016 ruedi stauffer $20.00 $18.76 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Raul Llera $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Terry Walton $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
26/04/2016 James Flanagan $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
26/04/2016 David Schmarder $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Rolston Holas $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Peter Holák $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2016 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Michal Sulkiewicz $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Johan Rosell $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Maarten van der Glas $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Albert Wilson $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Dean C Blower $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Daniel Lehmann €5.00 €4.41 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
26/04/2016 Julien Folly $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Robert McGwier $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
26/04/2016 Gary Barnett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
26/04/2016 David Macdonald $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Kevin Williams $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Gerhard Schonk $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Rick Conard $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Bennison Holdings LTD $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Lee Santon $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Amalia Ploszanski $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Jason Campanella $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/04/2016 Hesham Marei $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Kamil Kamola $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Cliff Stockton, Consultant $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Myron Smith $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Ryan Clarke $10.57 $9.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/04/2016 Steve Truyens $25.00 $23.72 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/04/2016 Howard Everhart $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Stephen Clark $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Donald Emery $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
25/04/2016 Gary Quinn $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Brian Faubert $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Gabriel Schrecker $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Hans Svensson $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 michael Faulkner $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Sten Evensen $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Marco Fotino $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 M Tonks $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 László Hegyi $20.00 $18.76 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Jan Eisen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Gerald Kalliwoda $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Pang King Man $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 dewitt dennison $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Adam Kerstetter $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Bruce Dunham $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Max Perez $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Keith R Bark $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
25/04/2016 Urszula Ciolek $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/04/2016 Julio Bello Zaiantchick $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Peter Bakker $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Juan Carlos del Caño Sánchez $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
24/04/2016 JERRY CURTIS $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Joseph Baiardo $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Ana Luiza Barchinski $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Daniel Westerdale $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Olivier LEGAY $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Cesar Javier Iglesias $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 James Nys $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Ulrich Krohn $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Rudolf Schade $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Marcello Pierini $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Pieter Willeboordse $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Yvan TVRDISA $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 campbell waterman $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Ewan Carr £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/04/2016 Matthew Fendley $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Surlex Limited $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Vimalkumar Velayudhan $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Riley Schuit $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Robert Barsotti $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Julian Wyngaard $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 James Taylor $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Bob Niemann $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Steve Mueller $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
24/04/2016 steffen karmann $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Leo Petipas $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
24/04/2016 jason mcalpine $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
24/04/2016 Martin Houle £10.00 £9.36 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
24/04/2016 Daniel Barriault $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/04/2016 Studio Cameleon $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Bernie Meyer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Donna Flint $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Matthias Janssen $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Alfred Chetham $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Kenneth Baker $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Sam Slater $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Keith Morton $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Dieter Kremer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Daniel Lee $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
23/04/2016 Vestvagoy Kulturskole $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Miguel García Pardillos $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Saeid Sadegh $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Alexandru Badita $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Sascha Kapraun $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Alessio Cerasuolo €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/04/2016 Rodney Grad $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Trenton Polack $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Laurence Jones $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/04/2016 Wayne Stewart $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Jamie Pipe $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Petrus Nolens $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Jonathan Stroud Jr $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 David Fowler $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Stanimir Komitov $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Dennis Coomans $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Simon Lee $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Jörg Pfeiffer €50.00 €47.95 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/04/2016 Niel Skousen $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2016 David Payne $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Roland Pullinger $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Peter Ulfheden $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Peter Dürmüller €10.00 €9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/04/2016 Adrian Flanagan $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Lauro Sartori $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Bad Sector Security $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Andrew Corr $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Gianni Golla $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Stephen Hilton $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Gavin Cameron $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Robert Palmer $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Balder Schilt €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
23/04/2016 Sergii Zolotarov $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
23/04/2016 Jan Štoura $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Dietmar Dettenborn $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 David Spagnolo $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Ng Chak Ngee $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Armand Gambera $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Glenn skitch $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Kenneth Kensington $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Lawrence Alexander $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 victor ortega $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Ivan Lima $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
23/04/2016 Nick Pillitteri $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Ian Northey $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 David Kent £10.00 £9.46 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/04/2016 $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Paul Baker $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Ola Persson $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Daniel Fröding $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Andre Boily $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Kin Chang Au $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Stephen Kaluzny $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 iBuyer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 UJB Worldwide Enterprises L.L.C. $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Alain Chamoux $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
22/04/2016 michael bennett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 jeffrey fyffe $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Evgeny Permyakov $10.00 $9.26
22/04/2016 DENIS LEVKOVICH $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Fred Haney $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/04/2016 Rebecca Davis $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Gary Lawrence $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Maxime Caignart $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Thomas Lysdal $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Thomas Swarovsky $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Alexander Rose-Dell $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Eric Borger $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 L Rhodes $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Angel del Barrio Gomez $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Mark Tomlinson $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Ondrej Bradacek $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 DJRThemes / RU Web Technology $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Duane Omeir $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Guyonnet Mathieu $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Michael Schinabeck $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Stephen Laffey $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Patrick Lange $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Carlos Rocha $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Herbert Finck $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Vladimír Burian €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/04/2016 Evgeny Subotin $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 MRS A G MOHAMED $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 CODE4SALE, LLC $14.58 $13.64 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/04/2016 Stefan Norberg $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Ryan Murthick $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/04/2016 Gino Paolini $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Dominik Steckermeier €2.00 €1.58 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/04/2016 Robert Premuž €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/04/2016 Paulo Fernandes $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Werner Hunger $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Enrico Bertoli $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Dariusz Hapo $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Jon Bradbury $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Yoav Ben-Yosef $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 p s hardie $20.00 $18.66 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Marin Maši $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Kenneth Dixon $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Joseph Fallon €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/04/2016 Jan Juras €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/04/2016 Jaime F Zarama $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Alex Fridman $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Richard Swahnberg $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Jason Jimenez $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Keele's Books $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Alan Kennedy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/04/2016 Van Souza $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/04/2016 Chadwick Schwartz $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Robert Reuwer $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Roberto Dicesare €20.00 €18.97 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
22/04/2016 Osvaldo Solis $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Rex Chan $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 John Kennedy $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 david magot $20.00 $18.92 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Gary Foard $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Brent Kinser $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 hector supanovich $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Coryell Clayworks $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
22/04/2016 Jacob Levernier $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Nicholas Steurer $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Nicholas Faulkner $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Donald Altman $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/04/2016 SCSClark Networks, LLC $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Raymond Stanley $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 George Miscally $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Zoe Owen £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/04/2016 Terry Kolody $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Bruno Rene Santos $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 ALLEN CAMPBELL $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Vidar Jon Bauge $20.00 $18.94 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 BRIOLA PIERRE $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Charles Knorr $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Joel Stein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Gregor Gramlich $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Jürgen Dotter €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/04/2016 Robert Bliem €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/04/2016 Klaus Scherer $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Steffen Eibicht $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 theodor Panagiotakopoulos $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Antonio Corvese €1.00 €0.62 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/04/2016 Oscar Argueta $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Malte Berneaud-Kötz $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 ryan mcdonald $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Vincenzo Ammattatelli $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Michael Hick $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Kevin O'Malley $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Mahmut Mücahit Senol €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/04/2016 Andreas Hermann $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Jairo Gonçalves Molina Junior $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Carletto Buracco $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Kieren Hinch $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Arkadiusz Tumas $5.00 $4.46 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Steven Replogle $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Hasbi Maulana $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
21/04/2016 Steve Ligett $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Johannes Bongartz $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Mathew Arentz $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Radovan Szep $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Philip Roche $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Clint Luckinbill $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Cosmin Stoica $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Quispiam Power Computing $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Tim Nolte $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Danyang Liu $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
21/04/2016 Laurie Muscat $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
20/04/2016 Daniel Steiner $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/04/2016 Jason Finestone £30.00 £28.78 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
20/04/2016 Delio Zinoni $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
20/04/2016 Howard Haradon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
20/04/2016 Alberto Spessotto $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/04/2016 Tahir Abbas $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/04/2016 JB BRYSON $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
20/04/2016 Kevin Lifont $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
20/04/2016 Invoco Ltd $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
20/04/2016 Barna Gheorghe Atila $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
20/04/2016 JOSEPH R DURAN $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/04/2016 William Leighton $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/04/2016 Habil BOZAL $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/04/2016 Dagmara Kwinta $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
19/04/2016 Mel Schehlein $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
19/04/2016 Cassandra Nicol $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
19/04/2016 Donald McArthur $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
19/04/2016 joel remaud $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
19/04/2016 gianluigi tardini $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
19/04/2016 Zachary garvelink $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/04/2016 Kostas Andreou $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
19/04/2016 Xiao Yu $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
19/04/2016 Mark Johnston $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
19/04/2016 Greg Frazier $15.00 $14.04 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/04/2016 Chris Mallam $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
18/04/2016 HOWARD STANLEY $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
18/04/2016 Lloyd Raymond $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
18/04/2016 Juergen Rost €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/04/2016 freddy lemmens $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/04/2016 Abhilash Chandran $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/04/2016 Jaan Sass $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
18/04/2016 Andre Richter $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
18/04/2016 Jonathan Pilate $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
18/04/2016 Herbert Langer $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
18/04/2016 Aaron Partridge $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/04/2016 Douglas Weber $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/04/2016 Paul Woodward $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/04/2016 Patrick Burri $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/04/2016 Apple Valley Inc $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/04/2016 Tamas Kiss $20.00 $18.76 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
17/04/2016 Pedro Laguna $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/04/2016 Alexandru Somesan $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/04/2016 Keedharuth Ramlogun $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
17/04/2016 sean crowe $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
17/04/2016 Adam Bagnall $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
17/04/2016 Samuel Winters $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
17/04/2016 Daniel Liebisch $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
17/04/2016 Kriston Rehberg $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/04/2016 Nicolas Grunbaum $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
17/04/2016 James Axelson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/04/2016 Shiv Haris $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/04/2016 James Axelson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/04/2016 Martin Savard $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
16/04/2016 John Carter $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/04/2016 Christopher Behr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
16/04/2016 Gunnar Reed $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/04/2016 GILLES BELLAVANCE $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
16/04/2016 TSUJI RYOSUKE $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
16/04/2016 justin sheppherd $20.00 $19.02 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/04/2016 Eduardo Armenio $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
16/04/2016 Luis Reis $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
16/04/2016 One On One Consulting $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
16/04/2016 Scot Longstaff $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
16/04/2016 Clifford Bailey $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/04/2016 Roger Lancefield $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
15/04/2016 Oswaldo Feliciano Feliciano $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/04/2016 Florian Fricke $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
15/04/2016 Vlastislav Krcmar $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/04/2016 Oscar Lerma Fernández $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/04/2016 Michael Huff $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
15/04/2016 Wolfgang Hirler $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
15/04/2016 JESUS DOMINGUEZ SANCHEZ $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
15/04/2016 clint pretorius $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/04/2016 Philip Gasparac $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/04/2016 Horst Schneider $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
15/04/2016 Vladimir Hraska $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/04/2016 Per Resell $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
15/04/2016 Arthur Klisiewicz $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
15/04/2016 Geoffrey Hooper $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
14/04/2016 JAHAN MOHAN KUPPUSWAMI $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/04/2016 Alexander Borsch $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/04/2016 John Joyce $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/04/2016 John Mason $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/04/2016 ARVUTIAIT $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
14/04/2016 Michael Berner $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/04/2016 Stefano Spalletta $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
14/04/2016 Reece Minerley $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/04/2016 Oleksandr Rudko $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
14/04/2016 Toodyay Bookeeping and Computers $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
14/04/2016 Robert Dunn $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/04/2016 Corey Koerner $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/04/2016 GJ Schreuder $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
13/04/2016 chaintide $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/04/2016 Juan Blea $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
13/04/2016 Craig Groves $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/04/2016 Brandon Bemister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
13/04/2016 Pawel Mosakowski $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/04/2016 Alexander Svensson $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/04/2016 Joerg Busse $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/04/2016 Kostikey Mustakas $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/04/2016 Roberto Nasi $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
13/04/2016 Robert Brooks $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
13/04/2016 Gato Verde Adventure Sailing School LLC $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
13/04/2016 Terry Fullerton $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/04/2016 James Bowles $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
13/04/2016 Calvin T Hughes Jr $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/04/2016 Mikhail Erementchouk $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
12/04/2016 James Rice $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
12/04/2016 Andreas Morgenstern $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
12/04/2016 Jonas Strassel €2.50 €2.06 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/04/2016 Vi Goffin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/04/2016 Gregory Tippitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
12/04/2016 Christian Gadanyi $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
12/04/2016 Georgios Kleisiaris $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
12/04/2016 Jeffrey Stone $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/04/2016 Alain DERACHE €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/04/2016 thomas bender €1.00 €0.62 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/04/2016 Gerson Rojas Soto $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/04/2016 Mark Tweedie $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
11/04/2016 Lance Vinsel $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
11/04/2016 Codey Development $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/04/2016 OMG Tech Solutions $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
11/04/2016 Matteo BUTTICE $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/04/2016 Peter De Jong €15.00 €14.14 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/04/2016 Thinh Nguyen $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/04/2016 alfonso calderon $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
11/04/2016 Stephen Pillsbury $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
11/04/2016 Russell Hoover $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
11/04/2016 Kamran Dada $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/04/2016 Kirill Aganisianets $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
11/04/2016 Eleazar Lopez $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
11/04/2016 Joern Bottenhorn $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/04/2016 Steven Nolan $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/04/2016 Mauricio Cunha $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/04/2016 Robert Dussault $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
10/04/2016 Kjartan B Michalsen $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/04/2016 Edward Vincx $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
10/04/2016 $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
10/04/2016 Zsolt Mehes $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/04/2016 JAMES REW £10.00 £9.41 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
10/04/2016 Steven Schwartz $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/04/2016 Craig Roberts $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/04/2016 Maximiliano Cuevas $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
10/04/2016 Mikel Ward $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
09/04/2016 robert holmes $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Jan Stöfer $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Chris McCutcheon $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 kyle gesswein $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Derek Hobbs $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
09/04/2016 ALVIN PEDRAYES $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Marco Johansson $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Mustafa Ascha $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Darren Hart $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 TULIO J SILVA $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Tomasz Krolikowski $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Kenneth Fairman $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Philipp Commans $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
09/04/2016 jagadeesh kumar sellappan $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Josey Simon $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Ben Gonzales $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Salvador Rodezno $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Richard Halsell $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
09/04/2016 Samir Bhagwat $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
08/04/2016 Robert Marsolais $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/04/2016 Bob Sully $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/04/2016 Andrew Findlay £5.00 £4.63 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/04/2016 slavisa lukic €10.00 €9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/04/2016 Stephan Wodkowski $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
08/04/2016 Golan Shsron $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/04/2016 Doug Bates $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/04/2016 Juha Nissinen €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
08/04/2016 Sean Brannon $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/04/2016 Dan Weiss $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/04/2016 mark de Rooij $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
08/04/2016 Elliott Yagod $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
07/04/2016 Gregory Chang $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
07/04/2016 IOANNIS BOURDAKIS $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
07/04/2016 Paul Tarran $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
07/04/2016 Markus Bauer $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
07/04/2016 Bevin Alexander $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/04/2016 derek henderson $10.00 $9.36 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/04/2016 Leonardo Bento $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
07/04/2016 Dean Murphy $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
07/04/2016 Zoltan Forgacs $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/04/2016 Lawrence Alsop $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/04/2016 Ian Drew $2.50 $2.11 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
06/04/2016 Helmut Pall $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
06/04/2016 Tyler Lesmeister $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/04/2016 Kent Crispin $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
06/04/2016 David Wolski €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
06/04/2016 Jean-Marc Castanier $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/04/2016 $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/04/2016 Walter STIELTJES $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/04/2016 Nagarajan Raman $5.00 $4.44 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/04/2016 Eckhard Hiekisch $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
06/04/2016 ANGHEL ELETTRONICA di Elena Cristina Anghel $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/04/2016 Damir Sacher $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/04/2016 Georg Pischel $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
06/04/2016 Eric Pina $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/04/2016 Rowan Self $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
05/04/2016 Lee Nelson $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/04/2016 John Bedford €25.00 €23.80 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/04/2016 Dennis Gaskill $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/04/2016 Lee Moffitt $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
05/04/2016 Anthony Goodwin $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/04/2016 Pankratov Lev $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
05/04/2016 Randy Wiser $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/04/2016 Guillaume Martins $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/04/2016 Gergely Balint $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
05/04/2016 Step Williamson $15.00 $14.04 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/04/2016 SoftRain Blobs Oy $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/04/2016 Nicolaas Linde $10.00 $9.18 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/04/2016 Brian Francis $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
05/04/2016 KALABIN EVGENY $10.00 $9.23 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
05/04/2016 Kushal Pandya $2.50 $2.07 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
05/04/2016 Jocelyne Lebon $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
05/04/2016 Alexandre Fortier $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
04/04/2016 Sreejan Janardhanan $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
04/04/2016 James Albrecht $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
04/04/2016 Krzysztof Maraszkiewicz $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
04/04/2016 Kenneth Kraft $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
04/04/2016 Ralph Geldmacher $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
04/04/2016 GLIHA MITJA €5.00 €4.48 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/04/2016 Jon Kristian Vassbo $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
04/04/2016 Larry Larsen $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
04/04/2016 James Larsen $25.00 $23.60 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
04/04/2016 nixon owaga $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
04/04/2016 Kevin Anderson $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/04/2016 Clyde Bolen $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
03/04/2016 Chris English $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/04/2016 NEIL P HEYES $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
03/04/2016 David Welch $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
03/04/2016 James Dorey $42.00 $39.85 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
03/04/2016 Gregory Abbas $50.00 $47.50 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
03/04/2016 Dominik Grah $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
03/04/2016 Otto Waelchli $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
03/04/2016 Jarosaw Ilgiewicz $2.50 $2.08 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 armhf-rootfs Download Tip
03/04/2016 eduard caraman $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
03/04/2016 Charles Lourtie $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/04/2016 Tobias Hölker $5.00 $4.50 Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download Tip
02/04/2016 Jonathan Probber $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
02/04/2016 Juergen Allgeier €15.00 €14.14 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/04/2016 Manfred Heyne €10.00 €9.31 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
02/04/2016 Robert Noory $20.00 $18.82 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
02/04/2016 Federico Barros $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 14.04 Download Tip
02/04/2016 Ole Riis $10.00 $9.32 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
02/04/2016 Justin Schwartzbeck $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE Monthly Supporter
02/04/2016 Raymond Stanley $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
02/04/2016 Pietro Acinapura $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
02/04/2016 Matti Lundgren $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
02/04/2016 Travis Chandler $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
02/04/2016 Mohammad Nilforooshan $5.00 $4.51 Ubuntu Pi Flavour Maker Download Tip
01/04/2016 Christopher Hunter $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/04/2016 Robert Marsolais $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/04/2016 Manikandan RAVICHANDIRAN $10.00 $9.31 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/04/2016 Ivan STOL €50.00 €47.95 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/04/2016 Emanuele Voltan $2.50 $2.10 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/04/2016 Thomas Liebert $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/04/2016 JUlian Phillips $5.00 $4.53 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/04/2016 Eric Robertson $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
01/04/2016 Stephens Dietz $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE One-time Donation
01/04/2016 Rene Hugentobler $2.50 $2.09 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 Download Tip
01/04/2016 Thomas Briant $5.00 $4.48 Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Download Tip
01/04/2016 Michael Blake $10.00 $9.26 Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Download Tip
  • A total of $3814.65 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to $3473.43, of which $2795.69 was received as Download Tips.
  • A total of €411.5 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to €385.63.
  • A total of £85.0 was donated via PayPal, which after processing fees amounted to £80.31.
  • A total of 0.110557349 BTC was donated.

by Martin Wimpress at May 03, 2016 01:39 PM

April 21, 2016

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS

Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS Final Release

Thank You!

Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS has not just been in development for 6 months. Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS has been in development for nearly 2 years. Since the project started in June 2014 this release, this our first official LTS, is what we've been working towards. This was the goal we had firmly in our sights every step of the way.

I extend my sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to Ubuntu MATE over the last 22 months. None of this would have been possible without the countless contributions from the amazing Ubuntu MATE community. I can't thank you all enough for what you've helped create. I only hope this release makes you all proud.

Martin Wimpress, Ubuntu MATE Project Leader.

Download Ubuntu MATE 16.04

Join the fun and experience a retrospective future.


What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Beta 2 release?

Here is what changed Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS Final Release since Beta 2:

  • Added ubuntu-snappy-cli to the default install.
  • Updated Ubuntu MATE Welcome to 16.04.9.
    • Updated translations and assorted bugs fixes. #1566837
    • Updated to install Telegram from a PPA maintained by Martin Wimpress that has fixes Indicator icons.
    • Updated Vivaldi to the stable release.
    • Improved partition resizing for the Raspberry Pi.
  • Update MATE Menu 5.7.1
    • Fixed the menu being offset from the panel when using Compiz. #1559371
    • Fixed configuring a custom heading colour. #1560332
    • Fixed displaying the Software Boutique as package manager if it is available. #1568170
    • Fixed drawing the menu over existing windows. #1569563
  • Updated MATE Tweak to 3.5.10
    • Fixed aggressive setting of the xcursor theme. #1563087
    • Fixed psutil.AccessDenied crash. #1562843
    • Fixed handling of "unknown" window managers. #1563037
    • Fixed ordering of notebook entries. #1564957
    • Fixed toggling of menu bar features. #1564959
    • Modified composited window managers to use a phase delayed startup. #1553070
  • Updated Caja Dropbox to 1.12.0-3
    • Fixed the missing tray icon by executing via dbus-launch to ensure. #1559249
  • Updated Blueman to 2.0.4-1ubuntu2
    • Fixed blueman-applet crashing on startup. #1533206
  • Updated Ubuntu MATE Artwork to 16.04.6
    • Assorted bug fixes and refinements 1563971 #1563971
  • Updated to Ubuntu MATE Settings 16.04.5
    • Modified composited window managers to use a phase delayed startup. #1553070
  • Updated MATE Control Center to 1.12.1.
    • Fixes configuration of all Windows focus modes. #1382992
  • Updated MATE Session Manager to 1.12.2.
    • Minor bugs fixes.
  • Prepared the Ubuntu MATE 16.04 image for the Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3.

Ubuntu MATE 16.04 summary of changes

If you're interested in a general overview of what change in Ubuntu MATE 16.04, take a look at our press kit.

Press Kit

Community contributors

Here are just a few of the people who contributed to Ubuntu MATE during the 16.04 development cycle that deserve a special mention:

A very special Thank you to Luke Horwell for taking Ubuntu MATE Welcome to the next level. Ubuntu MATE Welcome and the Software Boutique have become a central part of the Ubuntu MATE experience and it is Luke we need to thank for really making them standout features. Also thanks to Robin Thompson, author of MATE Dock Applet, who did the lions share of adding a translation framework to Ubuntu MATE Welcome which is now available in 20 languages.

Thanks to Mike Gabriel the Debian Developer heading up the Debian MATE Packaging team. The vast majority of Ubuntu MATE development actually happens in Debian and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to Mike for his tireless efforts.

Thanks to Joe Ressington, Isaac Carter and Albert Hickey, from The Pi Podcast, for testing Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for the Raspberry Pi 2 and Raspberry Pi 3. You really helped ironout some kinks and improved the release quality for everyone.

Thank you to Alexei Sorokin and Alberts Muktupāvels for their help improving MATE integration in Compiz.

Thanks Gunnar Hjalmarsson for his help making im-config and gnome-language-selector compatible with Ubuntu MATE and Rico Tzschichholz for his help completing MATE integration for Synapse and the new version of Plank.

Thank you to the following people for creating the new wallpaper backgrounds for Ubuntu MATE 16.04:

Finally, thanks to everyone who installed the alphas and betas, reported issues, provided feedback or donated to Ubuntu MATE. Your feedback has been vital to understanding what improvements people most want to see. We do listen, so keep the feedback coming.


In addition to the efforts of the Ubuntu MATE team and the Ubuntu MATE community, we are also extremely grateful for the help and support we've recieved from the following Canonical employees:

Known Issues

Here are the known issues.

Ubuntu family issues

This is our known list of bugs that affect all flavours.

  • Ubiquity does not prompt to join available WiFi networks.
  • Shutdown/Restart of the live session does not work in Virtualbox and VMWare guests.


  • No slides are displayed in Ubiquity Slideshow while installing Ubuntu MATE on PowerPC.
  • Running Linux on PowerPC can require some tinkering and the following are useful references.

You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.


Is there anything you can help with or want to be involved in? Maybe you just want to discuss your experiences or ask the maintainers some questions. Please come and talk to us.

by Martin Wimpress at April 21, 2016 04:25 PM

April 08, 2016


MATE 1.14 released

After 5 months of development the MATE Desktop team are proud to announce the release of MATE Desktop 1.14. We'd like to thank every MATE contributor and user.


What's new in MATE 1.14

The headline changes in MATE 1.14 are:

  • Improved GTK+3 support across the entire MATE Desktop.
  • Full GTK 3.20 support in all MATE themes.
  • Client Side Decorated applications render correctly in all themes.
  • Completely ported MATE System Monitor and Mozo to GTK+3 only.
  • Touchpad configuration now supports edge and two-finger scrolling independently.
  • Python extensions in Caja can now be managed separately.
  • All three window focus modes are selectable.
  • MATE Panel now has the ability to change icon sizes for menubar and menu items.
  • MATE NetSpeed Applet has been merged into the MATE Applets package.
  • MATE Terminal support VTE 2.91 API when built for GTK+3.
  • Volume and Brightness OSD can now be enabled/disabled.
  • Translations are updated. Thank you to our team of translators!

The various components of MATE 1.14 are available for download here:



Here is a more detailed break down of what has changed.


  • Remove references to obsolete MATE components


  • Drop MateConf migration script and ancient mate-conf-import tool
  • Fix deprecated usage of GtkHBox and GtkVBox in GTK+3 build


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • Reduce introspection build warnings
  • Fix some GTK+3 deprecations
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Require PulseAudio 2.0 or newer
  • Improve error checking in many places
  • Fix PulseAudio volume limits
  • Some other PulseAudio fixes
  • Some fixes and improvements in alsa and oss backends
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Drop obsolete build flags
  • Small fix in schema


  • Add system-config-keyboard icons


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • Allow closing tabs on middle-click
  • List Python extensions separately in extensions list
  • GTK+3: add several style classes to simplify theming
  • GTK+3: fix desktop flash issue
  • GTK+3: a lot of deprecation fixes
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • GTK+3: fix several deprecations


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • Fix visual glitches appearing after unmaximizing Chromium window
  • Correct description of compositing-fast-alt-tab GSettings key (mention that it disables thumbnails)
  • Bump libmarco-private's sover for GTK+3 build
  • GTK+3: re-add ability to show alt-tab thumbnails when compositor is enabled
  • GTK+3: fix several deprecations


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • media-keys: add setting to enable/disable OSD
  • touchpad: support edge and two-finger scrolling independently (use separate GSettings keys for them)
  • xsettings: add settings for cursor theme and size
  • GTK+3: several deprecation fixes
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • GTK+3: fix some deprecations
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Move out of mate-control-center.

This file can be packaged separately so users can decide whether they want categories in the preferences menu or not.


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • Add separate "Delete" button in reload applet dialog, and make "Don't Reload" button do what it says (it won't delete applet permanently now)
  • Make max number of bookmarks in menu (before submenu is created) configurable via GSettings key
  • Make icon size of menu items configurable via GSettings key
  • Change default menubar icon size to 22px
  • Drop "Ubuntu hacks" (--enable-ubuntu build option) as Ubuntu dropped that stuff long ago
  • GTK+3: add several style classes
  • GTK+3: add several css names for 3.20
  • GTK+3: fix rendering of custom backgrounds with 3.18 and newer
  • GTK+3: fix a lot of deprecations
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Full support for GTK 3.20.
  • Client Side Decorated applications render correctly in all themes.
  • Assorted improvements and refinements for all themes


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • GTK+3: explicitly wrap notification text at 50 characters
  • GTK+3: stop reversing fg/bg colors in slider theme (use colors from current GTK+ theme as is)
  • GTK+3: some more fixes for slider theme
  • GTK+3: some deprecation fixes


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • Drop "Ubuntu hacks" (--enable-ubuntu build option) as Ubuntu dropped that stuff long ago
  • Move to mate-menus
  • Touchpad settings: support edge and two-finger scrolling independently
  • Window properties: make all three window focus modes selectable
  • GTK+3: fix theme previews in mate-appearance-properties
  • GTK+3: fix several deprecations
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • GTK+3: fix several deprecations
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • GTK+3: add css name GvcMixerDialog for 3.20
  • GTK+3: fix several deprecations


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • Fix possible crash when an Xorg function call fails
  • GTK+3: fix deprecations in brightness applet
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Move to GTK+3, drop GTK+2 code and --with-gtk build option
  • Set minimum required GTK+ version to 3.14, drop some deprecated code
  • Run gksu binary instead of loading (which is GTK+2 only)
  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • Main window: save maximized state in gsettings on exit and load it on startup
  • Disks: add saving and loading width and visibility of columns
  • Process properties: show cgroups
  • Process properties: show N/A when cgroups or selinux isn't set
  • Process table: show running state when CPU time changes
  • Change graph grid line colors and pattern
  • Draw the background of graphs explicitly to avoid issues with GTK+ 3.20
  • Fix incorrect icons for some known apps like marco or vino
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • Update copyrights, mention MATE team in Caja extension
  • Use org.gnome.SessionManager DBus name to inhibit screensaver
  • GTK+3: add atril-window style class to top level
  • GTK+3: add css name EggToolbarEditor for 3.20
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Drop MateConf migration scripts
  • GTK+3: some deprecation fixes
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • Fix random crash in "open with" dialog
  • 7z: avoid problems with '?' char in filenames
  • 7z: correct checking for p7zip 15.09+
  • rar: avoid "No files to extract" message when disabling overwriting existing files
  • tar: allow changing contents of .txz files (like it's allowed for .tar.xz files)
  • unar: avoid problems with '?' char in filenames

Eye of MATE

  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • Use org.gnome.SessionManager DBus name to inhibit screensaver
  • Auto-reload unmodified images when their file is changed
  • GTK+3: add eom-window style class at top level
  • GTK+3: add css name EggToolbarEditor for 3.20
  • GTK+3: fix SVG rendering
  • GTK+3: fix several deprecations
  • Assorted more fixes and cleanups


  • Drop MateConf migration scripts
  • Drop null_applet which isn't even buildable these days
  • Re-license command and timer applets under GPL-2+
  • Merge netspeed applet from mate-netspeed project (and discontinue that project)
  • GTK+3: fix cpufreq applet rendering
  • GTK+3: fix setting fg/bg colors and font type in stickynotes applet
  • GTK+3: fix several deprecations
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • GTK+3: fix some deprecations
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Has been merged into the mate-applets package.


  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Support VTE 2.91 API in GTK+3 build
  • Compile dingu regexes with MULTILINE option
  • Fix incorrect ordering of COLS and ROWS in command-line option description and in the manpage
  • GTK+3: add style class mate-terminal
  • GTK+3: fix window sizes for 3.20
  • GTK+3: fix several deprecations
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • Don't translate Keywords field in .desktop files
  • GTK+3: fix some deprecations


  • Drop MateConf migration scripts
  • Disable effects and delay options in mate-screenshot UI when launched with -ai command line argument
  • Use hyphens instead of colons in screenshot filenames by default
  • GTK+3: fix a lot of deprecations and some UI issues
  • Don't use -Werror flag in build
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Ported to GTK+3 and GObject Introspection, dropped old PyGTK related code.


  • Drop MateConf migration script
  • Implement middle-click tab closing
  • Add a new Configure dialog for the Spell Check plugin
  • Make switch-c tool in external tools work
  • Fixed potential shell-code injection
  • GTK+3: add style classes pluma-window and pluma-print-preview
  • GTK+3: fix several deprecations
  • Assorted fixes and cleanups


  • Minor cleanups

by Martin Wimpress at April 08, 2016 03:00 PM